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Ahhh... that was a fucking disaster.

Below, the image.


temprarely removed to make small change

This is... what Elibe assassins wear...?

My thoughts on doing this in the spoiler...


I'm glad it's done, because it's actually the first picture I've ever done of a person that I finished (all other attempts have been long trashed, burned, and forgotten), but my god I think I could have made some better decisions, such as using an eraser that didn't smear so badly (thankfully not visible in the photo quite so much, but you can see some bad smear on the right cape thing around the gold design), or tracing the damn thing. I kinda also feel I'd have benefited from drawing Beruka's body frame first before any clothing, because she went from being pretty-much-a-boy to having at least some hip (it makes sense, Ursula sure doesn't skimp on showing off). It also hurts that I was trying to draw an outfit for someone who, quite frankly, does NOT have the same body proportions as the original source. I had to check Beruka even had a chest that'd fit in Ursula's freaking watermelon holders, and... well, I still made her flat with slight curves. I'm also not sure how the colored pencil worked out overall, because the colors are actually a bit brighter than they looked on paper.

I originally wanted Beruka to be holding an awesome thunder-based axe, but that's about when I ran into the hand issues from earlier. I couldn't quite get her hands to be as big as I wanted them to be, and then I couldn't draw her fingers... at all. By the time @Ice Dragon told me to trace my own hands, I'd have given up and went for the clenched fist and holding a tome in such a way that I didn't have to draw her fingers fully, and I still messed up the size of her left hand... The Tome, which is supposed to be Keen Blarwolf by the way, I actually kinda liked designing, even if it looks a little shoddy on reflection.

I find it funny, though, that @silverserpent mentioned drawing so the legs are cropped out, when I had already done just that, then covered most of what would have been the legs in the dress. Drawing glorious thighs to rival Ishtar will have to wait...

Ursula has a bracelet on her right arm that I completely forgot she had, and by the time I noticed I'd already applied ink to the outline. Though even as I look back at Ursula's outfit, I feel like something else is missing...

Well whatever. It's not the original image I had in mind, what with it missing an awesome thunder axe and all, but it's still better than how I remember most of my art going... which is to say, a disaster. Could I afford to be a little more positive about what I've done... maybe? This is just how I am though... that or I'm just not sure how I'm supposed to handle having actually arted a little.

I'm not sure which of the other 4 outfit swaps I wanna do next, if I even wanna do any of them now that I have a better idea of how my art will come out, though I'm thinking of rerolling so I have at least one dude other than Gordin...

Edited by Xenomata
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Damn, all this enthusiasm, and even I—who completely cannot draw (excuse me, my paws aren’t meant for that)—want to join on the bandwagon.
Alright, time to roll the dice.

1. Cecilia and Cherche;
2. Zephiel and Narcian;
3. Rody and Brave Ike;
4. Soleil and Amelia;
5. Hinata and Frederick.

Which one of these to choose?

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Screw the random castle units. I want to see Oliver in Nowi's clothes. Nowi's actual clothes. Not a XXXL size of her clothes.

That being said, I have absolutely zero artistic ability.

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54 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Ahhh... that was a fucking disaster.

Below, the image.

  Reveal hidden contents

temprarely removed to make small change

This is... what Elibe assassins wear...?

My thoughts on doing this in the spoiler...

  Reveal hidden contents

I'm glad it's done, because it's actually the first picture I've ever done of a person that I finished (all other attempts have been long trashed, burned, and forgotten), but my god I think I could have made some better decisions, such as using an eraser that didn't smear so badly (thankfully not visible in the photo quite so much, but you can see some bad smear on the right cape thing around the gold design), or tracing the damn thing. I kinda also feel I'd have benefited from drawing Beruka's body frame first before any clothing, because she went from being pretty-much-a-boy to having at least some hip (it makes sense, Ursula sure doesn't skimp on showing off). It also hurts that I was trying to draw an outfit for someone who, quite frankly, does NOT have the same body proportions as the original source. I had to check Beruka even had a chest that'd fit in Ursula's freaking watermelon holders, and... well, I still made her flat with slight curves. I'm also not sure how the colored pencil worked out overall, because the colors are actually a bit brighter than they looked on paper.

I originally wanted Beruka to be holding an awesome thunder-based axe, but that's about when I ran into the hand issues from earlier. I couldn't quite get her hands to be as big as I wanted them to be, and then I couldn't draw her fingers... at all. By the time @Ice Dragon told me to trace my own hands, I'd have given up and went for the clenched fist and holding a tome in such a way that I didn't have to draw her fingers fully, and I still messed up the size of her left hand... The Tome, which is supposed to be Keen Blarwolf by the way, I actually kinda liked designing, even if it looks a little shoddy on reflection.

I find it funny, though, that @silverserpent mentioned drawing so the legs are cropped out, when I had already done just that, then covered most of what would have been the legs in the dress. Drawing glorious thighs to rival Ishtar will have to wait...

Ursula has a bracelet on her right arm that I completely forgot she had, and by the time I noticed I'd already applied ink to the outline. Though even as I look back at Ursula's outfit, I feel like something else is missing...

Well whatever. It's not the original image I had in mind, what with it missing an awesome thunder axe and all, but it's still better than how I remember most of my art going... which is to say, a disaster. Could I afford to be a little more positive about what I've done... maybe? This is just how I am though... that or I'm just not sure how I'm supposed to handle having actually arted a little.

I'm not sure which of the other 4 outfit swaps I wanna do next, if I even wanna do any of them now that I have a better idea of how my art will come out, though I'm thinking of rerolling so I have at least one dude other than Gordin...

I remove the image for ONE MINUTE... ugh... here's the altered image, all that happened was that I removed a name I thought I didn't add in...




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It's not a failed work if you learned from creating it, and honestly, I think it turned out pretty well despite its flaws.

I'm no good at commenting on art (at least on art below a professional level), but at the very least, I can give some general pointers from my time learning:

  • As you mentioned, it's very helpful to sketch out a wire frame first before adding detail or clothing.
    • If you have spare time to do exercises, find a photo or drawing and trace it, but only drawing the wire frame. I have a bunch of these from back when I started drawing that I can still use as references for proportions or poses.
  • Along those lines, even before doing the wire frame, it's a good idea to start out with nothing but circles. You expressed concern over the fact that the hands ended up too small, and starting out with circles is a great way to get proportions figured out before details get added. Circles are easy to draw and easy to erase, and many body parts (head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands) can be roughly reduced to a series of circles or ovals.
  • I am heavily biased towards eyes, and I think every artist should put aside time to figure out how they want their eyes to look.
    • Eyes are actually the reason why my drawings turn out as large as they do. Any smaller, and the eyes start losing detail.


@Vaximillian Roll one more so you have six pairs, then roll an actual die.

@Hawk King I'm pretty sure none of Nowi's actual clothes would even fit on Oliver's arm.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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2 hours ago, Hawk King said:

Screw the random castle units. I want to see Oliver in Nowi's clothes. Nowi's actual clothes. Not a XXXL size of her clothes.

That being said, I have absolutely zero artistic ability.

I am not sure if it is possible unless the clothes are magical. When Robin wore it, it looks like his bulge is about to burst from the seams. Chrom seems like he needs two belts on top of his Falchion to keep it in.

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm pretty sure none of Nowi's actual clothes would even fit on Oliver's arm.

Maybe if we force fed Nowi, her clothes will magically expand with her girth. Worse case scenario is that the outfit disappears if she gets too large (and someone goes to prison), like how her outfit disappears when she transform into a big dragon.

Edited by XRay
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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm pretty sure none of Nowi's actual clothes would even fit on Oliver's arm.

3 minutes ago, XRay said:

I am not sure if it is possible unless the clothes are magical.

Obviously they would have to stretch a little bit and would most likely begin to tear apart, but Oliver's body is pretty "squishy" so I think he could squeeze in with enough effort.

I'm picturing a complete mess in my head. Belt buckles unable to fasten, belly hanging out, the top not even remotely able to cover the part of his um... "chest" it is supposed to cover, flabs of flesh sticking out pretty much everywhere because the clothes have started to rip.

Basically he would have permanent damaged art.


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@XenomataI ALWAYS draw the body form first and then layer the clothes over top of it. It can get...a little awkward if I draw in public since it's essentially a nude person, but the proportions are usually 100x better. Still, you nailed Beruka's expression perfectly.

Okay, since this meme is so much fun, I decided to do the home screen ten more times and see what crops up.

1. Julia in Matthew's

2. Draug in Mistsm's (this made me giggle)

3. Olivia in Jeorge's

4. Henry in F!Morgan's

5. Fae in Tailtiu's

6. Klein in Lyon's

7. Rebecca in Fae's

8. Canas in Eliwood's

9. Lukas in V!Eliwood's

10. Reinhardt in Oboro's (cue another giggle fit)

Thoughts on the next victim?

Edited by silverserpent
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2 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

I'm picturing a complete mess in my head. Belt buckles unable to fasten, belly hanging out, the top not even remotely able to cover the part of his um... "chest" it is supposed to cover, flabs of flesh sticking out pretty much everywhere because the clothes have started to rip.

Dear Naga! I was trying to hold in my laughter, but I snorted instead. Now my cubicle neighbors may think I am a weirdo (although I will not disagree with that conclusion) or something.

Your description kind of reminds me of those squishy mesh balls. I can imagine Nowi's clothes disappearing underneath all of that beautiful, delicious bacon.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

Dear Naga! I was trying to hold in my laughter, but I snorted instead. Now my cubicle neighbors may think I am a weirdo (although I will not disagree with that conclusion) or something.

Your description kind of reminds me of those squishy mesh balls. I can imagine Nowi's clothes disappearing underneath all of that beautiful, delicious bacon.

LOL, now we are on the same page!

I have been giggling about this image in my head for a while now.

This suggestion is purely for comedic reasons only. It would be very similar to Family Guy when Peter dresses in the daisy dukes and washes cars...

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12 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Literally the problem right there.

I could see colored staves work better then colored bows, just because of the wrath/dazzle combo giving you a free ranged firesweep magical (that can counter when being attacked)user that can be strong against one color, while still being able to safely debuff the color they are weak to.

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3 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

When does the legendary banner arrives? And when could we expect the trailer/banner leak? I want to know who is there before pulling in the summer banner

June 28th / next Thursday is when the banner launches.

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49 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

@XenomataI ALWAYS draw the body form first and then layer the clothes over top of it. It can get...a little awkward if I draw in public since it's essentially a nude person, but the proportions are usually 100x better. Still, you nailed Beruka's expression perfectly.

Okay, since this meme is so much fun, I decided to do the home screen ten more times and see what crops up.

1. Julia in Matthew's

2. Draug in Mistsm's (this made me giggle)

3. Olivia in Jeorge's

4. Henry in F!Morgan's

5. Fae in Tailtiu's

6. Klein in Lyon's

7. Rebecca in Fae's

8. Canas in Eliwood's

9. Lukas in V!Eliwood's

10. Reinhardt in Oboro's (cue another giggle fit)

Thoughts on the next victim?

Valentine’s Lukas would be too fabulous to pass up. XD Although Draug dressed as Mist certainly has a lot of potential.....

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12 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Valentine’s Lukas would be too fabulous to pass up. XD Although Draug dressed as Mist certainly has a lot of potential.....

Draw V!Lukas and send him to IS for next year's banner maybe? XD

And Draug in Mist's clothes...oh god...the mental image makes me wanna cackle.

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8 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

1. Cecilia and Cherche;
2. Zephiel and Narcian;
3. Rody and Brave Ike;
4. Soleil and Amelia;
5. Hinata and Frederick.

6. Lilina and Titania.


7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

@Vaximillian Roll one more so you have six pairs, then roll an actual die.

Should have been obvious, but apparently, not for me. Duh.

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Perhaps they'll update closer to the actual banner drop time today, I'd expect the update to be up already by now.

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Cordelia is the fastest horse alive with 38 spd

No event in the datamine we already didn't know about


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26 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:
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Cordelia is the fastest horse alive with 38 spd

No event in the datamine we already didn't know about


There is a thread for that.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

There is a thread for that.


I thought I should have mentioned Cordelia breaking the horse speed barrier here since breaking the ceiling for stats of a unit typing seems something that you'd put in general. If I wanted to talk about the entire banner then I'd have posted in the banner topic


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