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1 minute ago, Alkaid said:

It also helps that Hone Flier options aren't quite as limited as before. By having all of Hinoka, Nowi, Azura and now Camilla, that's 4 providers right there, so enough for multiple fully-capable flier buff teams in AA and such.

seriously. blade tome is just too good...

I still run blade tome horse emblem for cc. they are still unstoppable. 

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7 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

It also helps that Hone Flier options aren't quite as limited as before. By having all of Hinoka, Nowi, Azura and now Camilla, that's 4 providers right there, so enough for multiple fully-capable flier buff teams in AA and such.

Yeah, but only one of these isn’t time-limited. She is still plenty rarity-limited, though.

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Yeah, but only one of these isn’t time-limited. She is still plenty rarity-limited, though.

Very true, just it's still a bit better than it was at least. Now, without using any for SI, you can have 4 carriers of it for AA, which is pretty nice if you're heavy on using fliers.

They seriously need to give it to a 4* some time, though I doubt it'll be any time soon. I guess they still like making flier emblem more premium than horse emblem.

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43 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Why do blade tomes have to be so good? It feels boring to do so, but I couldn't help but slap it on my new summer fliers. Despite the power creep, my new Camilla and Tana would still be outperformed by Corrin and Nowi since I'd already given those two blade tomes.

Now all my mage fliers but Morgan have a blade tome, and it feels like putting the same weapon on all these units shouldn't be as effective as it is. Maybe I'm undervaluing some of the more unique effects, but even Nowi and Tana's movement tomes I haven't found to be very useful compared with just blowing things up.

While not having the newest Camilla, I left Tana her vanilla tome. Even with ATK bane she performs well enough once buffed. Together with Flier Formation seal, the possible beaming action is quite fun.

(Add Takumi with Desperation/Escape Route, Corrin with Desperation & Airzura with WoM and you get my beaming TTs team. :-) )

/Edit: Congrats to your new Tana btw. 

26 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

It also helps that Hone Flier options aren't quite as limited as before. By having all of Hinoka, Nowi, Azura and now Camilla, that's 4 providers right there, so enough for multiple fully-capable flier buff teams in AA and such.

Full buffs are possible also without Hone Fliers (on a mixed team though) with Tactic skills/seals. 

Edited by mampfoid
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4 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

You just crush the other team with mobility and the fact that, before +10, your units don't actually lose that much stats compared to armors because even on advanced it's your team with the merge advantage.

On advanced, your opponents will always have a pretty significant merge advantage. By at least 10 or more.

42 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Why do blade tomes have to be so good?

They are powerful but they don't have the same SP value of unique weapons or even merged weapons, and you have to run lower SP skills to use them effectively (Hone and Fortify skills are only 200 SP). Panic Ploy also completely shuts them down, and can cost you a match if it catches you at the right time. I personally refuse to use them. I only gave Summer Corrin a Blade tome and I hardly use her.

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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

While not having the newest Camilla, I left Tana her vanilla tome. Even with ATK bane she performs well enough once buffed. Together with Flier Formation seal, the possible beaming action is quite fun.

(Add Takumi with Desperation/Escape Route, Corrin with Desperation & Airzura with WoM and you get my beaming TTs team. :-) )

Full buffs are possible also without Hone Fliers (on a mixed team though) with Tactic skills/seals. 

Like I said, I think maybe I undervalue those movement memes too. I tried using Nowi for a while with her Grimoire but I didn't tend to make much use of it, so having her obliterate stuff with a blade tome ended up being more my style. Flier Formation sounds pretty neat on Tana, though. Perhaps I'll still try out some more tricky moves with a setup like that. :P

And yeah, I forgot about that. It's harder to remember the atk/spd tactics sometimes since I don't get to use them much myself. (why won't any Legaults show up on colorless for me)

2 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

They are powerful but they don't have the same SP value of unique weapons or even merged weapons, and you have to run lower SP skills to use them effectively (Hone and Fortify skills are only 200 SP). Panic Ploy also completely shuts them down, and can cost you a match if it catches you at the right time. I personally refuse to use them. I only gave Summer Corrin a Blade tome and I hardly use her.

I guess if you're trying to squeeze max score out of a mage that could be an issue, but that seems like a light knock if SP value is one of the worst downsides. I usually find Panic Ploy pretty easy too play around, and that goes double for fliers. At least cavalry can get stuck in the way more often by trees and such, I suppose.

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44 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Yeah, but only one of these isn’t time-limited. She is still plenty rarity-limited, though.

Well, you could always be like me and get pitybroken by Hinoka twice. I haven't actually decided who to inherit the skill to though.

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1 minute ago, Korath88 said:

Well, you could always be like me and get pitybroken by Hinoka twice. I haven't actually decided who to inherit the skill to though.

Or you can be like me and get broken by Abel and Lucina. Random gonna random.

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11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Despite being the main villain of FE7, with a good reputation for having an intimate struggle with the heroes of his game, he has been thrice ignored in favor of Four little Fangs. It would be a little irritating if they selected a one-time boss, who you might not fight until they've become a dead morph, over the creator of said morph. The only one who could keep Nergal from getting the next Blazing GHB would be Sonia thankfully, and maybe by the most remote of possibilities, Kishuna.

Despite being an antagonist, Sonia seems much more likely to be summonable rather than a GHB.

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

Despite being an antagonist, Sonia seems much more likely to be summonable rather than a GHB.

I feel making her an overpowered summonable with her body on display plays into an irony when compared with FE7's plot. Wonder if IS will be self-aware about it.

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i mostly run bladetome emblem team with either fliers or cavs and never have any problem with panic ploy even once. brave lyn against my flier team is harder opponent , and i wish there  is a poleaxe bearer in the pool so i don' t have to fodder away my gerome. ( i keep him in case of f2p guides ) 

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I've given Bladetome to Tana, as I use her only to take it out enemies fast, and that plus damage from hone and fortify makes it much easier. For the  new Camilla, I'll probably keep her original weapon, as I want to play around with built-in desperation a bit. F!Morgan's Blárserpent proves to be useful paired with Iote's Shield and Distant Def 3, so I will keep using her as a ranged bait. I don't really use bladetomes all that much, I find owltomes and special weapons much more fun (like Lucina's blue egg), but I have some fodders ready in case I decide to use them.

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36 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Either Sonia or Limstella (OR BOTH) should get Fimbulvetr. I just love GBA Fimbulvetr’s animation, okay?

It was so good that when they got to making Tellius's Rexcalibur they just copied the animation and made it 3D, why the French translation even calls it Fimbulvetr. The only difference being Rexcalibur starts with the ice explosion and finishes with the heavy winds, while Fimbulvetr begins with the heavy winds and finishes with the ice explosion. Either way the animation is good to me.

Brunnya could get Fimbulvetr too, she is the only one in all of FE6 who has the tome in spite of it not being locked to her at all. 

But one of these three (or the Fluorspar) should get Bolting, at least an enemy in some GHB or TT. If it isn't made available to the player, then they're free to make it something like 1-4 range and immobilizing the user.

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5 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

I'm not gonna lie ... a backlash caused by not being able to waifu a fictional character because she already has a spouse and bashing said spouse as a jerk with no basis reeks of entitlement and quite possibly psychological problems I am in no way qualified to discuss or even hypothesize about.

On the one hand, it's fictional characters and it's dumb. On the other hand, pandering to this kind of attitude normalizes it and I'm concerned this kind of normalization makes certain types of people think it's okay to be an entitled shit in real life, too, because nothing matters other than looking out for number one. Not even other people's feelings.

different one. the one that caused backlash didnt get jerked because their pair is literally a player avatar. Whether this is worse or not depend on your perspective

the other one didn't cause any backlash, and the basis was from the known historical records/historic based fictional retelling of the figure..... which is always a hellhole of misinterpretation


For fuck sake we lived in the same world where Zhuge Liang is viewed as a great strategist.

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3 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

I don't expect Fimbulvetr to show up as a tome since I expect it to show up as a plot element by the end of Book 2. Don't want to cause confusion.

Uhhh, I'm pretty sure Book 2 is over.

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6 hours ago, Hawk King said:

On advanced, your opponents will always have a pretty significant merge advantage. By at least 10 or more.

I only played advanced on those games I played.


Note how I'm seeing +0 armors occasionally when Reinhardt is +6.

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5 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

Uhhh, I'm pretty sure Book 2 is over.

I wouldn’t bet on it. Veronica was defeated in Ch 9 of Book 1, yet it still dragged out until Ch 13 (and then ending abruptly without any resolution).

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4 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

I only played advanced on those games I played.


Note how I'm seeing +0 armors occasionally when Reinhardt is +6.

Oh, I guess when you run the lowest BST units with low scoring skills, the odd Armor team you run into will have to have low merges to make up for the difference in BST and skill cost.

At that point, what does it even matter if you aren't even trying to score high? You can run a Lv 1 dancer to get weaker opponents too. 

8 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I wouldn’t bet on it. Veronica was defeated in Ch 9 of Book 1, yet it still dragged out until Ch 13 (and then ending abruptly without any resolution).

Oh, I though a bunch of people expected that to be the end of Book 2. Honestly, the story is like the least compelling thing about this game. The way it trickles in so slowly makes me forget what is going on by the time it does end.

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1 minute ago, Hawk King said:

Oh, I guess when you run the lowest BST units with low scoring skills, the odd Armor team you run into will have to have low merges to make up for the difference in BST and skill cost.

At that point, what does it even matter if you aren't even trying to score high? You can run a Lv 1 dancer to get weaker opponents too. 

My damage dealers were running level 1 A-slots to compensate for their higher merges.


Me and Ice Dragon were discussing how hard armor teams are to face in arena, I said they're trivial because they have low mobility, Ice says armor march and ranged armors provides enough threat to give teams issues.


The discussion had nothing to do with arena point scoring, just unit performance.

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10 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

The way it trickles in so slowly makes me forget what is going on by the time it does end.

Yeah, it’s really bad. I wish they untied new chapters from new banners. They don’t need to advertise banners by including new units in chapter maps, the banners are plenty advertised on their own.

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7 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

different one. the one that caused backlash didnt get jerked because their pair is literally a player avatar. Whether this is worse or not depend on your perspective

the other one didn't cause any backlash, and the basis was from the known historical records/historic based fictional retelling of the figure..... which is always a hellhole of misinterpretation

Mmm, fair enough on that.

2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Yeah, it’s really bad. I wish they untied new chapters from new banners. They don’t need to advertise banners by including new units in chapter maps, the banners are plenty advertised on their own.

I'm not exactly sure if I'm playing for the story, but I'm certainly annoyed by how slow the main story chapters are coming in right now. Can we just call book 2 over and start book 3 and get a free Hrid like how Fjorm was free already

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