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31 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Then don’t use Corrin for buff hoarding?

I woudn't.


Has anybody played around with the Turn Order in the Mass Duel Simulator? Apparently certain Enemy Phase builds get more out of Enemy>Enemy than something like Enemy>Player("Challenger").

Edited by Oz ♠
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11 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

I don't expect Fimbulvetr to show up as a tome since I expect it to show up as a plot element by the end of Book 2. Don't want to cause confusion.

Except Fimbulvetr has already begun. That was Gunnthra's true name spoken only with greatest reserve and respect by her loved ones, her death welcomes in the storm that marks the coming of the end of the world. All the other siblings have similar names not to be uttered, each speaks of their role in the fate of the world.

*Sigh*, I loved Odin Sphere, nice touch of Norse mythos there (not to call the plot flawless). Shame to hear it isn't being used so well here.


11 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

For fuck sake we lived in the same world where Zhuge Liang is viewed as a great strategist.

I have neither read Rot3K nor the historical records of the period, but since I don't like him in Dynasty Warriors, preferring Zhou Yu, Jia Xu, and Sima Yi, I'm interested in hearing more.

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9 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

My damage dealers were running level 1 A-slots to compensate for their higher merges.


Me and Ice Dragon were discussing how hard armor teams are to face in arena, I said they're trivial because they have low mobility, Ice says armor march and ranged armors provides enough threat to give teams issues.


The discussion had nothing to do with arena point scoring, just unit performance.

It all depends on the situation. As long as none of them have Armor March and they all have Swap and Ward Armor it can be a real pain to separate them and kill them. Armor March usually just allows them to get away from each other easier. But on a map like the one with the Fortification tiles in the middle and the water with the paths on the top and bottom, Armor March allows them to get to the fortification tiles right away and then it becomes much more difficult.

Then there is the Oasis map which is almost impossible to get an Armor off of the Fortification tile once they move on.

Honestly, mobility doesn't mean shit if you don't have a hard counter to kill them. Regardless of their movement, its their stats VS. your stats when it comes to killing them. As long as they all have DC, it is never trivial.

Your low scoring team is the reason they perform well against armors though. For those of us who lead a Team that scores high enough to get in the top 1000 of AA, we see lots of Armors who are very difficult to deal with. Reinhardt and Blade tome Emblem buffs are not always reliable for countering the enemy. For someone like Zelgius, you can see several different builds in each map some easier and some harder to deal with. You might even see one with a Deflect Magic 3 seal and then guess what? Reinhardt just died because you clicked too fast. Or you do notice it but you don't have a single unit who can kill Zelgius because of it. Then there is Halloween Jakob who is just an absolute nightmare. He has three different builds that are each dangerous in their own way. Luckily, he isn't extremely common.


I loved it when I actually used to face horse teams. Their high mobility just meant that they could rush to their doom faster.

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1 hour ago, Hawk King said:

It all depends on the situation. As long as none of them have Armor March and they all have Swap and Ward Armor it can be a real pain to separate them and kill them. Armor March usually just allows them to get away from each other easier. But on a map like the one with the Fortification tiles in the middle and the water with the paths on the top and bottom, Armor March allows them to get to the fortification tiles right away and then it becomes much more difficult.

Then there is the Oasis map which is almost impossible to get an Armor off of the Fortification tile once they move on.

Honestly, mobility doesn't mean shit if you don't have a hard counter to kill them. Regardless of their movement, its their stats VS. your stats when it comes to killing them. As long as they all have DC, it is never trivial.

Your low scoring team is the reason they perform well against armors though. For those of us who lead a Team that scores high enough to get in the top 1000 of AA, we see lots of Armors who are very difficult to deal with. Reinhardt and Blade tome Emblem buffs are not always reliable for countering the enemy. For someone like Zelgius, you can see several different builds in each map some easier and some harder to deal with. You might even see one with a Deflect Magic 3 seal and then guess what? Reinhardt just died because you clicked too fast. Or you do notice it but you don't have a single unit who can kill Zelgius because of it. Then there is Halloween Jakob who is just an absolute nightmare. He has three different builds that are each dangerous in their own way. Luckily, he isn't extremely common.


I loved it when I actually used to face horse teams. Their high mobility just meant that they could rush to their doom faster.

My low scoring team was running level 1 A-slots, dude, I'm not sure if you understand what that means.

If it's +10 vs. +10 the armors get something like 2 def, 2 res, 2 hp---not all of the armors were +0---but my Rein gets 5 Atk from 4 more merges and DB 3 over 1; and Lyn and Cordelia get, respectively, 6 Atk and 5 speed and 2 Atk and 2 Spd from 9 and 1 more merges and L&D 3 over 1.

They get squishier if it's +10 vs. +10, not bulkier, relative to my team.


A Firesweep Luna Poison Strike Savage Blow 6 Bow Lyn+ Hardy Bearing over Quick Pulse Reinhardt hard-counters every single armor emblem team in the game. I don't run those sets because that's sacrificing matchups that are actually slightly difficult for matchups that are trivial.

The reason Firesweep is bad, despite the fact that it'll eventually win every single matchup when you have Luna as your special, is because you have to sacrifice the space behind you to get more rounds of combat. The higher mobility the enemy team has the more space you have to sacrifice. If armors run March then they don't have the bulk to survive enough turns to take the space, if they run stat buffs then I have all the turns in the world to kill them.

Fort tiles don't even matter if you have 1 hp and the other guy is packing Firesweep + Luna or is Reinhardt with Hardy Bearing.


(And you do know Reinhardt ORKOs Zelgius with Warding Breath Deflect Magic, right? -blade One shots easily but Dire Thunder Rein is already looking at 62 Atk before triangle advantage (32 + 3 (Atk boon) + 4 (+10 merges) + 6 (DB 3) + 6 (Hone Cav) + 2 (Ally Support) = 62 Atk, or 74 damage after triangle advantage.

+Res Warding Breath Zelgius has 50 hp (46 + 4 from merges) and 32 res (21 + 3 from boon + 4 from merges + 4 from Warding Breath), 74 - 32 = 42 damage first hit and 8 damage second hit for an exact KO before special procs.

If his supports are buffing him then kill his supports first---this is the problem with armor teams, to win, one of their units needs to literally be able to 1v4 the entire player team, despite things like Firesweep, Sacae's, and Hardy Bearing existing

Edit: In the odd case where he won't leave a fort tile. Put Reinhardt on a fort tile as well. I don't know if you looked at Rein's spread, but he easily survives a double from Zelgius, even with a Black Luna added in. And then just kill Zelgius with either your Rein if he's running Hardy Bearing, or someone else with full hp.)

Edited by DehNutCase
Meant Warding Breath, but said Warding Stance instead---the Stance Variant lives through Dire Thunder Reinhardt unless you give Rein a special proc or Summoner Support.
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29 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

+ 2 (Ally Support)

Come on, this is not reliable.

30 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

+ 6 (Hone Cav)

And what do you do on a map like the Double vertical bridge map if the Armors have Panic Ploy?

32 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

+Res Warding Breath Zelgius has 50 hp (46 + 4 from merges) and 32 res (21 + 3 from boon + 4 from merges + 4 from Warding Breath), 74 - 32 = 42 damage first hit and 8 damage second hit for an exact KO before special procs.

Again, what do you do on a map where he doesn't come off of a fortification tile?


Sure, Firesweep with Poison strike can be an effective counter if you are able to continuously Repo to safety, but not everyone runs that. Just because you have found an effective way to trivialize/cheese Armor teams, it doesn't mean that Armor teams are easy to deal with in general. It just mean that you run a team that is capable of trivializing them.

Genny with Gravity+ Wrathful/Dazzling combo, Savage Blow 6 and dancer support can completely trivialize every single enemy team I come across. The teams aren't trivial, Genny makes them trivial. I don't run that combo because I wouldn't be able to score enough to stay in tier 20 so there is no point to running it.

When doing AA, after you have used this team, do you have 6 more that make Armor teams trivial?

And what is, in your opinion, the most difficult teams/enemies to deal with?


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By the power invested unto me by the divinest of Naga's disciples and also obsessively checking when the rollover would be, I have officially managed to get to a number of feathers that is a multiple of 5!

Truly I am blessed and clearly crazy.

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4 hours ago, Hawk King said:

Come on, this is not reliable.

Versus ARMORS?

The reason spurs aren't reliable is because they have a positioning requirement, armors don't punish you based on positioning. The units that do punish you for positioning, you don't need that much stats for.


4 hours ago, Hawk King said:

And what do you do on a map like the Double vertical bridge map if the Armors have Panic Ploy?

I get to the middle of the map turn one and kill them turn two. I have mobility so I reach the middle sooner, letting me position myself to avoid panic ploy. Ploys on your team are a positioning and stat check to apply it. Ploys on the enemy team is either a stat demerit or a positioning demerit---high mobility teams, the teams that can't afford the stat demerit, have a simple time taking the positioning demerit. Because they're mobile.

If you look at images 3 and 4 in the album I posted earlier---my Cordelia was on the entire opposite side of the map by the middle of turn two---neither Rein, Lyn, nor Azura had moved yet that turn. She went from 1 square from the bottom left corner to 3 squares from the top right corner in 2 turns.

4 hours ago, Hawk King said:

Again, what do you do on a map where he doesn't come off of a fortification tile?

Reinhardt fights him while also sitting on a fort tile. If Zelgius doesn't die in 2 hits it means he's running a fully defensive skillset, meaning Reinhardt easily* tanks a single hit and a Black Luna hit. After that Rein either kills him with Hardy Bearing or I bring in someone full hp to finish Zelgius off---even with Vantage up it'll only be a regular hit, seeing how Black Luna is 3 cd, meaning the closest is 1cd from being up.

*Edit: With help, i.e. Earth Dance or Hone Defense, he even survives a Wrath fueled Black Luna and a regular hit.

Double Edit: He could also just bait Zelgius off the Fort Tile, I suppose. Two normal hits don't kill Rein, and Black Luna's 3 cd. Not even Bold Fighter---which means Zelgius isn't running Wrath---gets Black Luna active without another source of special charge.

It's costly in terms of HP, sure, but it's impossible to have 2 Deflect Magic users on the same team, so Rein won't be needing his hp for his other combats regardless.

4 hours ago, Hawk King said:

Sure, Firesweep with Poison strike can be an effective counter if you are able to continuously Repo to safety, but not everyone runs that. Just because you have found an effective way to trivialize/cheese Armor teams, it doesn't mean that Armor teams are easy to deal with in general. It just mean that you run a team that is capable of trivializing them.

Genny with Gravity+ Wrathful/Dazzling combo, Savage Blow 6 and dancer support can completely trivialize every single enemy team I come across. The teams aren't trivial, Genny makes them trivial. I don't run that combo because I wouldn't be able to score enough to stay in tier 20 so there is no point to running it.

When doing AA, after you have used this team, do you have 6 more that make Armor teams trivial?

And what is, in your opinion, the most difficult teams/enemies to deal with?

Armor teams are trivial because they are trivial by default---you don't need special tricks to beat mediocre units. Firesweep happens to hard counter them, but I don't need to hard counter them when almost every unit that's good by my standards already counters them.


I don't like healers because what they give you in terms of Gravity they cost in terms of mobility (their assist slot doesn't provide any mobility skills at all, like repo and whatnot---they do something completely different that's often in demand by teams, just not the ones I tend to run). Their dazzling set is nice, but don't have the security of being able to ORKO [edit: finish off---I should not type when I'm tired] armors no matter where they're standing---it's exceedingly unlikely to wall Genny even on a fort tile, but I don't think it's even possible to wall a Firesweep + Luna set.

Mind, I'm not saying healers are bad---I'd rate them pretty high rating wise. It's just that my teams don't need the utility they provide at the cost of losing a mobility assist.

AA is about lugging a bunch of hard counters in based on the team you see---Selena does extremely well because she can afford to run things like Fury Renewal Armor Smasher or Fury Guard Armor Smasher, depending on whether you bring a healer or not. Mind, I personally wouldn't rate Selena that highly, probably around 5/10, meaning you don't actually need lots of good units, just lots of units that are built properly.

But I do happen to have 7 teams that are around the level of my main team, yes---I have 6 different dancers and like 10 brave bow users, and more tome users than I can count. None of them are as strong as my main team, of course, but I'm very lazy about things so I prefer to just run these sub-optimal teams rather than counter-building every single AA team.


Regarding the most difficult team---it's either ranged horses + ranged dancer on a breakable items map, because I haven't bothered to learn AI prediction to the level where I can fully predict what they'll do, meaning positioning is troublesome unless I bring in a dedicated enemy phase unit, or... I guess dragons in a map where there's no room to retreat.


If armors were 1/10 in terms of difficulty the ranged horses + dancer + breakables is 3/10, and the dragon + no room thing is around 2/10.

I don't believe I lost a single advanced match this year, but a few teams have taken units off me when I was just auto-piloting my way through---which is always embarrassing. All of those lost units were avoidable, though---as in, they're just me not bothering to look at enemy skills at all before marching my units in.


There was a hilariously embarrassing time on the two bridge map versus a Vantage Ares. I didn't notice he'd Vantage kill Cordelia---who was low from fighting another horse earlier---with Bonfire until I tried to attack, but even then I wouldn't have lost anyone if I didn't mis-click and end Cordelia's turn early---since she could've moved back, get danced, and then repo'd the dancer to safety while moving to safety herself.

The team itself wasn't anything special, though, just 4 red melee horses, I had to mess up basically 3 times in a row to lose a unit.

Edited by DehNutCase
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18 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

Can I tell Dehnutcase he's adorable and that it won't let me comment on his profile.

Just use @DehNutCase for that, it sends me an alert, and, unless I'm really busy for some reason, I usually read it.


(And usually get started on a day long argument with Ice Dragon, but that's neither here nor there.)

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So apparently there's a glitch where if you use the restart function on a 0 stamina map, any SP modifiers are applied again, leading to ridiculous SP gains per kill. And there was that convenient change a while back that lets you keep earned SP when you lose so...


Enjoy it while it lasts.

Edited by Korath88
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Lol. More compensation

There's talk going about that they're probably newbie mistakes. We've seen the bad side of this, but one point I saw was rather positive. It's possible that they're planning on doing something big with the greater amount of staff after the newbies joined

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3 minutes ago, KongDude said:

Lmao I think it already got patched, stopped working for me half way

It reverts when the gain exceeds 999 probably because the game can't display 4 digit sp gains 

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Well on one hand, I tested this on a unit I didn't care about much in the first place, HNY!Corrin, but on the other I now feel like a dirty hacker.

Also Corrin now has 5k+ SP.

There's... probably not a way to find out who exploited the glitch without checking forums and reddit and seeing people downright confess to it, right? They aren't gonna ban me for getting some extra SP on my units, right???

Edited by Xenomata
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