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43 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

And I guess Xander doesn't count either.

Man, I forgot Xander was even a GHB unit (if you couldn’t already tell). I guess there’s more qualifiers to him than frickin Kana since at least he’s an antagonist in Birthright. Kinda wish he was summonable, though that kit has not aged well at all.

FEH can be so inconsistent at times. Eldigan, Reinhardt, Ishtar, and Hardin are in the regular summoning pool despite the former three being unplayable and the latter being one of the more notable FE villains. Meanwhile, female Robin and Kana are out of left field. Navarre, Oliver, and Saias are all enemies initially but can be recruited, so I’ll let them slide. 

I can’t see any of the actual Fates villains being added anytime soon. Garon and his cronies have been panned to high heaven and remain rather unpopular. Mikoto, Shenmei,  and Sumeragi likely aren’t any higher up there though Mikoto placed relatively high in the lastest CYL. I think Flora has the best chance to be a GHB, and it would be very cool considering she’d (potentially) be our first dagger, but they could pull an Ishtar on her because reasons.

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Robin alts have no appeal to me, not in the least helped by them taking up twice the space of most characters in this game owing to coming in two sexes, yet the banners not expanding their size by one to compensate for this. Well Robin hasn't quite been at the center of this issue, but the Kanas and Morgans have. And the Levin Sword is overrated, Tanith and the Sonic Sword is the character-magic blade duo I want.


1 hour ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Come to think of it, how come we haven't gotten the S-rank (non-personal) Hoshidan and Nohrian weapons yet? They've shown with the FE7 S-ranked weapons that they can just make up fun effects.

The S ranks of Fates already mostly have effects that can they can use as the bases of new FEH-oriented effects. The Hagakure Blade and Waterwheel are offensively weak, but defensively strong. Pursuer, Chakram, and Fated Excalibur are all great for attacking with, but only if the enemy can't counter (Excal also has crit, and Chakram a -6 Str/Mag/Def/Res enemy debuff). Aurgelmir has massive Mt, but only every other round of combat.

Who would get what though. I'd not be for another round of Hoshidan Royal alts to hand the Hagakure, Waterwheel, and Pursuer to. Mikoto and Sumeragi aren't really appealing though, and nobody in Fates wields the Waterwheel, or Chakram. Aurgelmir and Excalibur do get used by Hans sans pants, and Iago Macbeth, but only on CQ, they don't exist on BR and are shoved in Valla chests in Rev.

New Fates additions? Well not-Cordelia could ply the waters without it being out of place, or Mozu. Kiragi could go Pursuer, or Midori. Chakram could then go to not-Gaius. Hagakure ends up with Hisame (but I don't think he is popular). Aurgelmir... maybe the little flying luchador? Or Charlotte. Excalibur, Nyx has to get it since Missiletainn is for Ophelia.

Maybe it'd be best if they just added them as refines for already in Fates chars.


43 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

In all fairness, Xander is a playable character in 2/3 of the routes. So, I guess he counts as a Fates GHB representative, but he's not an outright villain in his own game.

It's closer to 1.5 routes, he spends the first half of Rev a baddie, complete with one "fight" where he just chills in his little spot.

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29 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

Man, I forgot Xander was even a GHB unit (if you couldn’t already tell). I guess there’s more qualifiers to him than frickin Kana since at least he’s an antagonist in Birthright. Kinda wish he was summonable, though that kit has not aged well at all.

FEH can be so inconsistent at times. Eldigan, Reinhardt, Ishtar, and Hardin are in the regular summoning pool despite the former three being unplayable and the latter being one of the more notable FE villains. Meanwhile, female Robin and Kana are out of left field. Navarre, Oliver, and Saias are all enemies initially but can be recruited, so I’ll let them slide. 

I can’t see any of the actual Fates villains being added anytime soon. Garon and his cronies have been panned to high heaven and remain rather unpopular. Mikoto, Shenmei,  and Sumeragi likely aren’t any higher up there though Mikoto placed relatively high in the lastest CYL. I think Flora has the best chance to be a GHB, and it would be very cool considering she’d (potentially) be our first dagger, but they could pull an Ishtar on her because reasons.

You forgetting about him is also kinda funny in the sense that his GHB is active right now since it's Sunday (at least here in the U.S.). Also, that statement about his kit can also be applied to pretty much everyone from the game's first few months.

In CYL2, Garon was 318th (671 votes), Iago was 406th (428 votes) and Hans was 634th (104 votes; which puts him in dead last among the 84 Fates characters, just slightly beating Nichol for that "honor"). However, they've already given plenty of other unpopular characters GHBs (Clarisse, Legion, Saias, Linus, and Valter all did worse than Garon in both CYLs, for instance) so I don't think that's actually much of an issue. And if anything, Flora's probably more likely to be summonable because she did well in CYL while Garon or one of his stooges gets the GHB because they didn't do well. She probably should be a GHB just for the sake of having a dagger GHB (since there are few other candidates) but I wouldn't bank on it because of the inconsistencies you cited. 

Edited by Tybrosion
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1 minute ago, silverserpent said:

Tanith would definitely be a sword flier. I'd go all in if they threw Sonic Blade on her since that's her signature. Even better if Sigrum was on the banner with her. Then maybe they'd put Sephiran on it to fill out the Begnion Banner?

Sonic Sword, or the non-magical Storm Sword she starts with in RD would be fine, I just want Sword flier since in PoR, it's A Swords B Lances (A-A in RD), and her sword starters in both games are more unique than the lances she starts with. Sigrun being Tanith's life partner in the Holy Guard, can get a Lance instead. It also puts the Telliusian Pegasus Knights at 2-2 Sword-Lance if Marcia goes Lance. Reinforce on Tanith could be broken utility, but a -Flier buff or something else supportive tossed on her as a stand-in would suffice.

Sephiran has every possibility of being a GHB- he's a sad and mad to the bone villain, and isn't popular to the point of being considered for the standard summoning pool (then again, was DE Hardin?). All I hope is being GHB doesn't kill his stats. I'm going to use him regardless, since he is a personal favorite of mine, but being good is ideal.

If he has Creiddylad, that would be great, if the Ashera Staff, well if I ever get a lambshank, he is eating it. For his stat spread, I wish it not to be big Atk and Res with no Spd like a lot of the magical freebies. Make him more a speedy fragile offense unit, he is the only RD mage with a Speed cap exceeding the low number of 33, he has 40, the same as a Trueblade. Kill his Def (why should a Heron have much?), don't do too much with his HP, just focus on high Atk, Spd, and usable Res. The Rudol Gem and Mantle in some way could offer him flexible (as in replaceable if you don't want it) defensive skill options.


42 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

FEH can be so inconsistent at times. Eldigan, Reinhardt, Ishtar, and Hardin are in the regular summoning pool despite the former three being unplayable and the latter being one of the more notable FE villains. Meanwhile, female Robin and Kana are out of left field. Navarre, Oliver, and Saias are all enemies initially but can be recruited, so I’ll let them slide. 

Reinhardt, Eldigan, Female Robin- Early FEH weirdness, before the general "rules" were established defining who is GHB and who is summonable.

Ishtar- Got her into FEH at the same time as Julius, we didn't have to wait for the other of these big two of the FE4 2nd Gen. She is female, tragic, popular, powerful in FE4 with an exclusive tome, she had a lot going for her, enough that IS decided she was too alluring to be allowed as a freebie, she could sell Orbs.

Dark Emperor Hardin- Unless Japan really loves him the way they love Mystery, I can't understand why he is summonable. Lance Armor with DC? Sounds like sort of appealing gameplay.

Navarre- His reputation lies much on being the first recruitable enemy in FE history (Castor and Darros don't exist), him being GHB works perfectly from this perspective.

Saias- His reputation is scaring the urine out of you with his 10 Authority Stars to buff enemy hit and avoid by 30 for several turns. Once he joins, he isn't so notable, and is often immediately replaced by Ced.

Oliver- Was an indisputable enemy in PoR. RD making him recruitable is mostly a joke, Ike even asks him to return to the enemy side.

Kana- Yeah.... just blame it on Fates's weak lineup of villains and the 2nd Gen existing irrelevant to the plot.

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So, if I'm reading the calendar right, we're going to be getting our next new Banner on Friday.  It seems a bit soon, since we only got the second summer one on Tuesday, and it's doubly weird, since they held the first round of swimsuit units as arena bonus units for a third week.  So they'll either keep the second summer banner units on for a second week, half a week after the following banner launches, or they'll take the unprecedented decision to only have them for one week of arena.


The banner durations make no sense.  Some barely last a week and a half and some push three weeks.

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I'd be perfectly happy if they ran seasonals on a completely independent schedule to regular banners, instead of interleaving them. Something for everyone!

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3 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I'd be perfectly happy if they ran seasonals on a completely independent schedule to regular banners, instead of interleaving them. Something for everyone!

That would be ideal, but they probably don't have the resources to do that.  I was never a fan of half the banners being seasonals, but they seem to be here to stay.

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

The banner durations make no sense.  Some barely last a week and a half and some push three weeks.

The upcoming banner I believe will take the record for the longest-running non-limited banner so far.

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So, have most of you guys forgotten about supports or at the very least actually building them up? I say this because I just got around to making new ones and I think I got a bit carried away with the crack pairings. This one definitely isn't one of them, though.


As for some of the others:













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Supports are a free Spectrum Spur and Drive, there's no reason not to have your main team paired up.

Horses have an easier time benefiting and giving the effects, because it's positioning based, but it's useful for everyone.

As stronger supports are released, arena tri cores can be changed into arena duos without trouble. Bride Ninian + Spring Camilla can carry basically any team, for example.

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Anyone ever had the moment when you thought you did the daily quest but you weren't entirely sure until you realize it's midnight & now you can't check?


Just happened right now for me.

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12 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Uhh ... extra stage 2 doesn't have an actual stage, just a boss?


Compensation orbs for the win

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Full support list:


Alfonse/Fjorm S

Marth/Bride Caeda C

Groom Marth/Caeda C

Jagen/Gunter C

Cain/Abel C

Draug/Gordin C

Ogma/Barst C

Linde/Nino S

Michalis/Navarre C

Palla/Cherche S

Catria/Est C

Clarisse/Legion B

Alm/Clair B

Gray/Tobin C

Clive/Mathilda C

Celica/Mae C

Genny/Sonya A

Berkut/Eldigan C

Sigurd/Deirdre S

Ayra/Mia C

Julia/Saias C

Julius/Ishtar S

Finn/Cecilia C

Lilina/Hector S

Klein/Clarine C

Narcian/Valter C

Bartre/Fir C

Fae/Tana S

Eliwood/Bride Ninian C

Groom Eliwood/Ninian C

Brave Lyn/Florina S

Legendary Lyn/Ephraim A

Camus/Priscilla S

Lloyd/Linus S

Eirika/L'Arachel S

Anamnesis Eirika/Lyon S

Amelia/Tailtiu C

Ike/Soren S

Brave Ike/Elincia S

Titania/Mist C

Micaiah/Sothe S

Chrom/Cordelia C

Robin/Robin A

Summer Robin/Olivia B

Lissa/Morgana C

Stahl/Sully C

Adult Tiki/F!Corrin S

Nowi/M!Corrin  C

Airzura/Hinoka S

Ryoma/NY!Takumi S

Sakura/Hana S


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24 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Uhh ... extra stage 2 doesn't have an actual stage, just a boss?


Can the next stages make it even better and proceed straight to the rewards?

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I mean, if it's not supposed to have a stage ... sure, no problem.

But is it intentional? I guess. Why, though?

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Seems a reasonable design. Right from the first event I was surprised that there were even mooks before the boss fights, and that there are just as many of them, if not more, than in regular non-boss levels. So they're twice as time consuming for the same reward, didn't make sense.

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I updated the list of every 5 star exclusive character. Fixed a few mistakes. Added more numbers to look at. You can find the file in my signature

Quite interesting. We need about 10 more banners to reach the same number of units that were in the 5 star pool before the mass demotion. Expect something to happen in December/January

Edited by silveraura25
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9 hours ago, SilvertheShadow said:

Mikoto, Shenmei,  and Sumeragi likely aren’t any higher up there though Mikoto placed relatively high in the lastest CYL. 


9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Mikoto and Sumeragi aren't really appealing though, and nobody in Fates wields the Waterwheel, or Chakram.

Actually I think Mikoto has good chances of appearing, but as Fallen Hero. I get the feeling that they will do another fallen heroes banner, and Mikoto is popular and definitely fits it.

About a Fates GHB, Flora is a good idea, but everyone’s forgetting Shura. Sure, he becomes an ally, but you face him as a boss in two of the routes, so him having GHB is an interesting possibility.

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Actually, I would love Mikoto in heroes (fallen or not) because I felt she was, imp, underused in fates. Fortunately, Orochi gave us some informations about her clumsy side, but I still think that we didn't have enough time and explanation to see her as the main caracters' Mother and get really close to her (We have more interactions with her in part 3 and children DLC but not everyone has them). I think heroes is a good opportunity because the game may create or make us some discovers to some caracters' lore. 

So Yes IS, gives a second chance to Mikoto (also Arete) to explain her and making us love her. 

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On ‎7‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 6:36 AM, Vaximillian said:

Vaike would finally add an axe unit to the general pool. Our last axe added to the general pool was CYL Ike back in September.

If he doesn't forget his axe lol. Then again, he probably wouldn't, as Miriel won't be in the game to pick it up for him.

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