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2 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

In your opinion, was abyssal the right way to tackle giving a challenge? I personally liked the elite quests, since it applied restriction to teambuilding

I'm liking the challenge of the Abyssal difficulty maps (minus Relay Defense).

The first set of Elite quests was fun, but it wasn't really difficult if you had single-movement-type teams already built.

I think they could spice it up a bit with more thought-provoking restrictions like no Assist skills or no Passive C skills or no weapons.

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53 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

My friend Pandog likes Lon'qu a lot. Her lead is a +5 Lon'qu with a forged slaying edge. When I told her he was getting a weapon refine, she was really excited XD

Plus, Innes and Tana getting refines means they'll probably be on a banner. And that'll be another shot for me to (not) get them.

At least they won't share a colour which is good for those who want the Frelian siblings.

First, Odin and now Lon'qu. I think that's all my 3*-4* favourites that wanted badly-needed refines, so I'm glad for them (and Cherche was a bonus since she was good anyway without a refine)

@Vaximillian Maybe turn Nidhogg into an owl bow that only needs allies to be adjacent within 2 spaces rather than next to him?

Is there anything lore-wise about Innes/Nidhogg that they can incorporate in Heroes? +20 Def when adjacent to a lance user?

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55 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I’m really excited about the forge for my Def/HP Tana+1. I’m absolutely not getting Innes—not with my luck or nonexisting orb stash—so oh well. Lon’qu exists, I guess.

Oh hey, you have my Tana. I gave her Steady Stance way back when, and Michalis Close Defense. I really wish I swapped them, especially if Tana gets more res from her refine.

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6 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Is there anything lore-wise about Innes/Nidhogg that they can incorporate in Heroes? +20 Def when adjacent to a lance user?

Nidhogg's original effect was monster effectiveness and a boost to Luck. Neither monsters nor the Luck stat exist in Heroes, so pretty much anything is fair game. Nidhogg's epithet is "Serpent Bow" as it is named for one of the serpents that live on Yggdrasil in Norse mythology, so there's a chance it could get the Distant Def effect that Blarserpent has.

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ughhhhh more Abyssal maps. I can ignore the ones on the LHB rotation, but now they're creeping more and more into the game. I really need to try to build a challenge team. I've got enough Drive Attack fodder to get three dancers with that...just gotta pick an OP unit to use with it now. I always feel so bad foddering off 5*'s, so I just don't really have a challenge team. 


I'm surprised IS included more of them, I got the impression there was quite a backlash on them. Or was that just the vocal minority again?

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Abyssal GHB maps. Oh joy, I was oh so missing all those terrible maps that were already BS on Infernal just because there were so many new toys available to give to every unit, and every unit was already positioned in dumb ways to begin with.

Lite Data? Uh... thanks I guess? I wasn't that concerned though, though I can't imagine anyone is gonna miss HQ graphics and sound when we (I at least) mute the sound and barely pay attention to graphics unless I'm specifically looking for them...

Being able to give names to Favorites? Nobody asked for that, stop trying to make labeling units as favorites unique.

Wait... Switch?

...wow, basically confirming that yeah we're totally getting FE-whatever number we're on now representation whenever the game comes closer to release, surprising no one!

...I mean sure maybe they were just naming favs by game system, but IOS/Android is a FE carrier.

A new weapon for Lon'qu. They could have at least made it Amatsu since there's no way we'll ever be getting Say'ri or Yen'fay, instead of yet another Original-Weapon-do-not-steal (and it fits in-lore, Lon'qu is originally from the continent of Valm). As for the effect... well, we're all guessing Atk/Spd Solo on yet another personal Slaying Sword, so just throw another guess on the pile...

Finally, refines for Nidhogg and Vidofnir. I can only imagine they'll update Vidofnir's enemy-phase effect to extend to against all weapons, maybe be made slightly stronger at that, and strengthen the Owl-tome effect on Nidhogg. Can't even begin to imagine what extra effects they'd want to give to either weapon... maybe dragon-effectiveness since they're the closest we have to monsters?

...and that's my thoughts on the upcoming update. I think they're kinda overstretching trying to find new things to add to the game, if they really think being able to name each favorites label is something worth being the ONLY THING TO ADD TO THE MENUS FOR A WHOLE MONTH.

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  • Abyssal GHB maps, oh God this will be a pain.
  • Not too interested in Lite Data but good for those who are running out of space in their devices.
  • Vidofnir buff will be nice on my Tana, never used Lon'qu or Innes.

Why does it feel like the devs are saving a major update in the future?

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13 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Being able to give names to Favorites? Nobody asked for that, stop trying to make labeling units as favorites unique.

Excuse you, I asked for that:P I love sorting my barracks, but the various colors didn't help much with that cause you had to remember for yourself what color is used for what kind of units. So this is def a great upgrade for me, now I can finally do more sorting :D

And wooh a weapon refinement for Innes! What makes me the most happy about that is that it means he'll be on a banner soon as I've yet to summon him haha. Though this kinda makes me happy I didn't summon him before, so I haven't wasted a different weapon on him yet.

Also might be happy with the Lite version, since I do keep running out of space on my phone. Will first wait to see how big the graphics difference is though, I do prefer the game to be pretty. Don't care much for sound as I always play with sound off anyway.

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I don't give a crap about Lon'qu. He is an underwhelming sword unit whom I will never dish out 200k feathers to to make +10.

Vidofnir and Nidhogg getting refines is exciting though. 2 of my favorite units in this game. I was just thinking about how they were due for a refinement.

I expect Vidofnir to get +7 def when attacked from any weapon just like the Safeguard+ sword. Possibly Armor effectiveness as well. As for the unique refinement, I could see it being movement related like the Noatun.

I have a +8 Innes so I am extra excited for the Nidhogg refinement. I would love for it to change to "within 2 spaces", or gain a "killing" effect of "cooldown -1". As for the unique refinement, I have no idea. DD3 would be nice. So would a Spectrum Bond, or any Bond at all. If it is really good, I might have to get 2 more copies to get him to +10.

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Abyssal is okay if there are no time limits and no must-have rewards. The game will release more powerful units anyway so in due time, we will probably get units/skills that can handle Abyssal. Enemies getting Sacred Seals is okay but it's more the super inflated stats that can get annoying.

I wonder if they'll add reinforcements as the Abyssal challenge for the early GHBs.

Hmm..thinking about it if Lon'qu gets Wrath as a weapon effect, that might open up possibilities of Wrath + Desperation (maybe add Flashing Blade SS?). It also works with Vantage as well with the low HP thresholds, and Lon'qu comes with Vantage so it would be a nice nod to his base kit (and I guess his Awakening version of killing enemies while critting with Vantage up). 

...or maybe an effect similar to Vassal's Blade. Something Spd related since that is his highest stat after HP.

@Xenomata It's probably an accessibility QoL change. I can imagine colour-blind people might have trouble differentiating the different-coloured hearts so the added text can only be a good thing. It's kind of weird that it takes a few versions to get this favourite feature right though

That said I do feel they should have added more to the update.

Edited by mcsilas
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Abyssal GHBs: Without bullshit reinforcements, I might enjoy figuring these maps out. I liked the Infernal Emblem Team challenges, so Abyssal shouldn't be that much harder when I have the freedom to use a mixed team.

This round of refined weapons: Tana needed the refine, and I need Tana. Now hopefully Saber is on the next round (or pitybreaks me on the next New Heroes) so I can complete the catalog and go from whaling to dolphining if not minnowing.

1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

A new weapon for Lon'qu. They could have at least made it Amatsu since there's no way we'll ever be getting Say'ri or Yen'fay, instead of yet another Original-Weapon-do-not-steal (and it fits in-lore, Lon'qu is originally from the continent of Valm).

In the same vein, "Cherche's Axe" looks an awful lot like Helswath. However, I can understand since they changed its effect from DC to Brave, and Cherche gets a lot more out of Brave than she would have with DC.

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You know what would be great? If this Lite Data version turned everyone into 8-bit sprites. Or 16-bit in the Jugdrali style if that was your preference. Music too would be appropriately demixed.

Lite Data might be suitable for me. I already turned off the audio and don't exactly care about the visuals of this game, I wouldn't mind that much the quality hit. In addition, I have this game on a shared device, so it'd free up some space that I'm hogging on there.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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5 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I'm very happy to at least see some news about the update. I've been waiting for Innes and Tana to get refines forever. I'm first in line for Innes, but since I can't stand in two lines at the same time, I'll let @LordFrigid be first for Tana. Haha

This was a pleasant surprise to wake up to. Ragnarok last month, & Vidofnir this month...good thing I held on to 200 Dew.

I’m also interested to see what the Abyssal difficulties for the GHB rotation look like. I suspect some of my one-turns for those maps won’t work anymore, mostly the ones where the strat was “put Caeda in there and watch”.

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@Mau @mcsilas Fair enough. Though speaking as neither an organization freak nor colorblind person, only having the one menu QoL update feels weak...

4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Did Tana and Innes really need refines? :/ They're already really good and have good weapons. And a bunch of characters from launch still don't even have prfs... 

Nephenee didn't really need a new weapon let alone a refinable one, yet she both came out later than Innes and Tana and got a new personal regardless.

It may also be because, in the most popular builds for both, they aren't using Nidhogg or Vidofnir. Tana usually gets a Firesweep Lance, and Innes would get either a Brave Bow or Firesweep Bow, but you usually only hear people using their personals in relatively effective but still niche builds, or budget builds.

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6 hours ago, SilvertheShadow said:

Abyssal GHBs... did we really need these? At least there’s no damn reinforcements.

Plus Tana and Innes get their overdue refines... and Lon’qu for some reason.

Valter and Legion have reinforcements in their maps. 

4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

And I'm somewhat disappointed that the new Abyssal Grand Hero Battles will presumably only reward a gold accessory. They really need to speed up the rate that they give out additional copies. But I'm looking forward to the maps.

Copies would be nice, but also other resources (dew, rocks... orbs, 5* copies). 

4 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

In your opinion, was abyssal the right way to tackle giving a challenge? I personally liked the elite quests, since it applied restriction to teambuilding

Yeah, I also liked the elite quests far more than Abyssal difficulty. Especially since many game modes (Tempest Trials!) still miss Infernal difficulty. 

They could give other restrictions than movement type out blessings. 

2 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

I’m also interested to see what the Abyssal difficulties for the GHB rotation look like. I suspect some of my one-turns for those maps won’t work anymore, mostly the ones where the strat was “put Caeda in there and watch”.

Zephiel returns ... *groan*

Perhaps Tanas refinement will give her something that goes well with her guidance skill? Multi-Tactic? Aerobatics? 

I'm not using her much in her role as SPD/DEF tank. 

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2 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Nephenee didn't really need a new weapon let alone a refinable one, yet she both came out later than Innes and Tana and got a new personal regardless.

It may also be because, in the most popular builds for both, they aren't using Nidhogg or Vidofnir. Tana usually gets a Firesweep Lance, and Innes would get either a Brave Bow or Firesweep Bow, but you usually only hear people using their personals in relatively effective but still niche builds, or budget builds.

Yeah, I don't get why they're buffing all these already good characters and ignoring a lot of others who actually need buffs. I've been waiting forever for Frederick to get something, for instance... And he's a launch character. He's not in desperate need of a buff, but he does still kinda need one.

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Innes getting a refine makes me happy since he is my favorite bow user, but I have not used him in a while since I have "better" ones.  I really hope his refine is good so that I can use him again with his prf.

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Ran into my brother's girlfriend's lead unit in Grand Conquest as an enemy... I figured someday I'd run into someone I know but what crazy odds there must be to get your own family

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18 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

have good weapons

If they release Safeguard Lance, Vidofnir is pretty much inferior to that. Nidhogg is inferior to Guard Bow unless you can stack enough allies near him, which is not always the easiest thing to do depending on the map.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

If they release Safeguard Lance, Vidofnir is pretty much inferior to that. Nidhogg is inferior to Guard Bow unless you can stack enough allies near him, which is not always the easiest thing to do depending on the map.

Just because one other weapon is a bit better doesn't mean the ones they have are bad. And there are still other characters who are worse off right now.

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20 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, I don't get why they're buffing all these already good characters and ignoring a lot of others who actually need buffs. I've been waiting forever for Frederick to get something, for instance... And he's a launch character. He's not in desperate need of a buff, but he does still kinda need one.

I actually wish we could learn what the process is behind making these decisions, because while there are many cases of a unit being underwhelming until they got ANCHOR ARMS (which come with a free personal weapon, cool refine, or both), there are still cases where already good units are getting personals and refines which are literally what they already do, but far better, see Celica, Cherche, Nephenee, and.. maybe Linde?

But then even still, there are weapons which do... just about nothing for the unit receiving them, see Corrin, Titania, and Soren (depends on the value you get out of Owltome effect I suppose, but the value aint much if you don't get any at all)

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2 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Why does it feel like the devs are saving a major update in the future?

Because they are. Book 3 should launch next month, with a big 3.0 update.

Incidentally, I predicted this month's update to be particularly small for exactly this reason. Although I'm personally plenty happy with it regardless. More Abyssal hero battles are always welcome.

22 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Did Tana and Innes really need refines? :/ They're already really good and have good weapons. And a bunch of characters from launch still don't even have prfs... 

They did, as a matter of fact. Aside from Distant Counter weapons and Dire Thunder, the only other pre-CYL personal weapons currently missing some sort of refine are Cursed Lance, Dark Excalibur, and Dark Aura. So they're right on schedule, and in fact match my predictions for this month's update.

Unrefined Vidofnir and Nidhoff have fallen behind a lot. Nidhogg, in particular, just has the Owl effect, and there are multiple personal tomes that, when refined, have both the Owl effect and something else. Meanwhile, Vidofnir is strictly worse than +Atk Safeguard, aside from being a lance rather than a sword. (Both have 16 Mt and grant +7 Def on enemy phase, but Safeguard also grants +5 HP and works against ranged attacks.)

Adding personal weapons to characters who didn't have any before is separate from upgrading existing ones that have fallen behind. Every month does some of each.

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