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50 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Neutral Lon'qu with unique refined Solitary Blade and L&D3 would have 48/55/49/12/12. 60 total or 36x2 mixed bulk where a health bane would drop it to 57 total or 33x2 mixed bulk and a defense or resistance bane would only drop the weaker stat to that. If you go +Atk on him, he'd have 58/49 offenses while +Spd which is probably overkill in most cases would give him 55/52 offenses.

I know I harp on Pavise, Shield Pulse a lot, but Lon'qu has a ton of health to make it work, especially if you keep his HP neutral. That said, Shield Pulse is incredibly rare. Otherwise, he can probably run whatever builds Linus and Raven usually do with Basilikos. He's essentially a +Spd, -Atk and sword version of them.

Edit: FEH Lite's audio makes everyone sound like they're in Star Fox: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/9mkl2v/feh_in_lite_mode/.


Lon qu Basilikos

48 HP

34 ATK

44 SPD

17 DEF

17 RES

Basilikos adding one of the strongest A slot simply make it one of the best sword ever alongside other monsters like Nameless Blade, Vassal Blade(which really is 80% the killer effect), and both Mystletainn. Its arguably comparatively better or as good as an offensive comparison to Ragnarok R too



42 HP

42 ATK

40 SPD(44)

23 DEF

23 RES


Generally speaking Karla shares... well almost every statsmarks with Lon Qu


Same raw Bulk of 65

44 Superboon speed to (Neutral) Lon

Somewhere between 5-8 Attack


Whether its worth building Lon over Sealed Falchion Masked besides +10 purpose is anyone guess, but just like Karel is Budget Ayra with inflated HP stats, Lon Qu is budget Karla with inflated HP stats. Both of them easilly amongst top 10 Infantry Sword and top tier. Unlike all of then Lon is alvailable at 3*. Not bad at all

Who was that again who mentioned Lon had potential to be the best offensive Sword infantry?



Innes is awesome and badass and get amusing weapon... but i only use him PvE for Brave Bow nuke. I believe it doesnt hit quite hard and probably not much of a bump from FireSweep


Tanas refine is just moar stats with moar bond which basically screams do you want conditional 4/4 or stats refine this thing

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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Well Lon qu I have a million of him but won't bother, don't need another infantry sword.  Tana and Innes, definitely doing those.  Tana is on my flier team, so I guess I'll move her to a tactics team and move Galeforce Cordelia who doesn't have a place onto the flier team.  Innes and Katarina are supports, and I think I'll put Tana with them and then add a green armor  (maybe Dorcas!).  Innes can safely destroy dragons and mages and has effective damage against fliers already in addition to owl effect....now that is something.  Tana can have +4/+4/+7/+7 on enemy phase all in combat, put the tactic skills and she'll have +10/+10/+13/+13! 


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10 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

Well Lon qu I have a million of him but won't bother, don't need another infantry sword.

But unique refined Solitary Blade, L&D3, Pavise, Shield Pulse, and Flashing/Heavy Blade, though. Cheese the heck out of your enemies because who needs actual defenses to survive and specials to deal damage? :p

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Lon'qu has an interesting refine. I think I like it a bit more on Raven since I can comfortably run double LnD or LnD plus Fury on him. I don't feel super compelled to promote him right now for it, but it's a nice option for him. 

Firesweep against mages and dragons for Innes is super fun. He got super nerfed when dragons could suddenly hurt his DEF instead of RES. Now that won't be a problem. Though he might have some trouble getting past the crazy DEF they have anyways. 

Tana getting extra stats is nice. Some folks might think the conditional stats are weird, but I don't mind them. It encourages you to use different team compositions. Granted, I normally use Tana on my flier teams (since I gave her Hone Fliers), but she does come with Guidance, so it makes sense to use her in a mixed team. 

I realized that I have enough dew & rocks (if I use them to turn them into dew) to refine 4 weapons, so I have room to play. 

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Somebody sell me on Innes' refine. I have a +atk -spd one I never use, since the adaptive dragon breath change killed his old niche.I'm not sure it'd be worth the dew.

It seems like an awkward refine for him. Owl buffs are harder to arrange on offense but that's where his firesweep effect comes into play. He's also still a colorless unit trying to damage high def dragons and I don't know how well he'd deal with mages when he's not going to one shot nor double most of them anyway.

Tana's refine is interesting, though it wouldn't help her out much on a flier team. I guess she'd make for a better tank or mixed phase blue flier than Catria with it. As an offensive flier team unit she still probably wants Firesweep. Too bad I don't have her.

Lon'qu's refine is good, but I'm still not sure if it makes him worth promoting and using over other good swords. At least he's still a lot better than before, though.

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20 minutes ago, Kaden said:

But unique refined Solitary Blade, L&D3, Pavise, Shield Pulse, and Flashing/Heavy Blade, though. Cheese the heck out of your enemies because who needs actual defenses to survive and specials to deal damage? :p

Well my Linus is running a similar build (Basilikos, Brazen Atk/Spd3, Pavise, Shield Pulse, Heavy blade).  It is pretty awesome and fun.  I refined Basilikos for Raven as well, though made that one a Galeforce build.  Lon Qu is sword basilikos, fun, but ultimately dew is too precious.  Plus I only have one more Saber left and I'm keeping him.  

1 minute ago, silveraura25 said:

I doubt many would use Vidofnir even when refined

I will.  It is amazing on tactics teams.  

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21 minutes ago, ChickenBits said:
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In the next tempest trial we're getting Brazen Atk/Res.This is rather insane if you stack it with other Brazen skills. I mean, that's gonna be so useful on bulky and/or fast units. 



Also Darting Stance! This is a nice batch of seals...not sure who I want to give the brazen seal to though. Micaiah seems like she'd be fun but then I realized that I could add an extra seven attack to the absurdity of Ragnarok.

Also I'm almost definitely saying this too soon but I like the Abyssal GHB battles! It's much less infuriating without the reinforcements, though it helps that Narcian's map is trivialized by a good flier team. I managed to beat it first try (thanks F!Grima!) which I'm sure won't happen for some of the others.

A little disappointed by Tana's refine...the close defense is very nice but I personally use her more for flier teams. Could be great for mixed teams though, especially with her native guidance.

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So, of the 2.10 news, the refines are alright but Lonk isn't on my list of who I'd think of promoting and Innes is -Spd I'm pretty sure, Lite data looks as horrifying as I expected and I still might switch to it, at least until I actually get a newer phone, I haven't even touched abyssal GHB and I'm expecting nightmares (happy Hallow'een?) and I can name my favourites like Filer Emble- It's too long.

Oh yeah, also the datamine stuff.


I'm still disappointed Dorcas isn't a weresheep. He is a ton of beef though (and hits like one) and I'd be hollering if he were red but alas.

The seals are all good this time, I at least don't have to feel like I have to spend the coins this time (I'm going to need about 175 for them all though).

Kana's rerun next, soon I'll finally get the chance to clear Infernal Julius because I hadn't yet. Still regretting that.

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Woo, just beat Navarre abyssal. Deirdre, Lyon, and Florina (along with dancing Xander) were a pretty odd team, but an attack buff, guard, TA3, and QR3 let Lyon kill those pesky daggers on the first enemy turn. That made life a whole lot easier.

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5 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

What does Mia's staff do again?

It removes all accumulated special charges on hit and slows charge accumulation (as if fighting against Guard) as a debuff.

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I literally picked Lonqu as my next promote a few days ago so this is excellent timing.

Got 4 feathers from friends instead of 5, bringing me out of my divisible by five groove. And who did it but a Sharena. @Vaximillianexplain yourself. I'd recognize those dumb glasses anywhere.

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22 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

It removes all accumulated special charges on hit and slows charge accumulation (as if fighting against Guard) as a debuff.

Oh... I thought there's more.

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5 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

And who did it but a Sharena. @Vaximillianexplain yourself. I'd recognize those dumb glasses anywhere.


I knew you’d love the glasses! Also a huge oof for your loss of that feather. I’ve been at x4 and x9 since forever.

1 minute ago, Garlyle said:

Oh... I thought there's more.

The description is just too technical and too wordy.

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3 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

I understood it perfectly, and allegedly I have BBM-level reading skills.

Come on man, you know just as well as I do that you and I are the only people here who understand that reference.

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15 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Come on man, you know just as well as I do that you and I are the only people here who understand that reference.

FE Heroes sucks

I'm going through mafia withdrawal, and I need to cope any way I can.

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