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@Zangetsu, about the reddit you shared, I laughed so hard in point 3. Not being able to get a single 5* being F2P...I’m F2P and I’ve got:

- 11 in September LH Banner

- 4 in Halloween 2018

- 1 in Halloween 2017

And there’s still half month to go. And it’s not like I get much less every month, unless I’m saving orbs for some specific hero. 

Also, I’m not sure we get even 300 orbs a month, I think they’re a bit less xD

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23 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

"I have no problem without using Distant Counter" does not refute "Distant Counter is useful".

i didntvsay it was useless. i just pointed out that its trash compared to personal weapon refine or general refines & distant counter and that some units are better of without DC

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20 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Well, another BHB completed in a matter of, what, 15 minutes?

Cecilia OP, please nerf:
(Reinhardt and Xander too, actually)

If it wasn’t for Xander shrugging off the sword flier’s Swordbreaker DB, I’d be in a pickle.

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25 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

@Zangetsu, about the reddit you shared, I laughed so hard in point 3. Not being able to get a single 5* being F2P...I’m F2P and I’ve got:

- 11 in September LH Banner

- 4 in Halloween 2018

- 1 in Halloween 2017

And there’s still half month to go. And it’s not like I get much less every month, unless I’m saving orbs for some specific hero. 

Also, I’m not sure we get even 300 orbs a month, I think they’re a bit less xD

Hmmm i have to think now. If we're starting w/september.  (Ill include PA/Lewyn Banner)
PA: I got 4+1 Focus Units (Inigo Twice), + 3 Off Focus Units.  - I had to pay in to get Azura.
Lewyn's banner - I got 2 units (Lewyn - had to pay in, and Blue Olwyn)
Legendary - I got six units but had to pay  (because I really wanted Miaciah, and didn't. the pay in netted me 3 including the 2 L!Tikis)
October: i heavily had to pay in because 2018 Halloween ate everything i had.
(Oh and I paid 20 for Peggnino. worth it).

it seems for me, i tend to get my focus after i burn out my orbs, and get like 20 more. (it could just be a concidence but it's happened with Lewyn/Peggino, Azura, and Legendary Tiki. and not all of them were high rates either).

now. buying in  was a choice, and I kinda went "fugue state" on the Halloween one. (big mistake, will never happen again and I've detached my credit card).
but for me - who doesn't do all the orb missions (simply because i'm not good enough for some of them) - I ended up with a lot of orbs (before Halloween). and even after that I netted a good chunk after, so... I would have to say - we do get enough orbs


now if the complaint is we don't have enough orbs based on the banners that are being pumped out.... well yah that sucks, but then... isn't that the point of the gatcha? I mean. it sucks. I'd love to spin for Tana/Innes (But if i can make due with Cordelia/Clair i will and maybe i'll get pity broken by Tana/get her on legendary). 2018 Halloween was just mean, and I'd rather focus on the Christmas units. 

it would be nice if some skills would be available on other characters (even if you had to pay the 20k in feathers) - i'm thinking automatically of deathblow 4 and distant counter. i mean a this rate, if i ever did get a Hector, i'm not gonna fodder him off (ditto with Celica). 

I don't care about the male/husbando rate (neither do i care about the waifu thing). it would be nice to have some easier challenges. I've had it up to HERE with the "everyone must survive crap. 


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27 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Cecilia OP, please nerf:
(Reinhardt and Xander too, actually)

If it wasn’t for Xander shrugging off the sword flier’s Swordbreaker DB, I’d be in a pickle.

I actually had a lot of fun using my seasonal flier emblem to do stuff on this map. Bride Sanaki basically ORKO'd Ephraim before he got to do anything, while summer Tana and summer Takumi shot down flying things. NY!Azura provided hone fliers buffs and refreshing. Really, all I needed to restart for because of repositioning issues and to give summer Tana the flier formation seal.

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1 hour ago, Zangetsu said:

I agree with most of this really:

1. Powerceep - Definitely agree with this. I don't mind that we're getting stronger units, but almost each new unit we get is so much stronger than the previous ones, so units that were strong before get 'useless' so fast. Makes one afraid to invest in any units, cause next month could give another one that is way stronger, so why bother. Not saying we shouldn't get stronger units anymore, but the pace could be a bit slower imo. Just give us new banners with some 'regurlarly' strong units for a while instead of putting a powercreep on every single new banner. And while weapon refinery helps older units a bit, a lot more has to be done to get them up to speed on the newest ones.

2. Content Drought - I guess this is true for those that are really good and already beat everything. I still have a loooooong way to go before I'm even close to that though, so I'm not bored with the game at all. I see people saying they've completed today's BHB in 15 minutes, for me it's been an hour now and still not done:P Though just doing the same old TT, GC, etc. over and over again does get kinda boring, something new would be nice or a new way to play this same content.

3. Lack Of Orbs - I half agree with this point. Not with the lack of orbs though, I'm mostly F2P myself and can almost summon every day which is more than fair enough imo. When I don't get the unit I want I feel it's more my bad luck than a lack of orbs. I do agree with getting too many banners at once though, that is exactly the problem I've been having the last few months. Couldn't summon on the Hector and F!Morgan banners because of the Legendary banner, couldn't summon on the PA!Banner because of the Halloween banner, etc. This has been happening a lot to me lately, 6 banners at once is way too much imo, it's almost imossible to just focus on one of them and it makes it impossible to save orbs too. I would like a max of 3 banners at once really.

4. The Five Star Problem - Definitely agree with this, almost every 3* or 4* I summon now is absolutely useless and it makes summoning a lot less fun. Building has become a lot less fun too, because most of the optimal builds require skills that are locked to new 5* units or even 5* seasonal units, so you're indeed mostly just stuck with Fury, Desperation, and the like. Which have also become very difficult to get now, at least for me. I don't even remember when I've seen my last Lon'qu and I'm very lucky to have two Shannas in my possession now since I almost never see her. What I think should be done to solve this is demote more units, especially a lot of the older 5* units can be demoted now. And more importantly: give the 4* units better skills so they're actually worth something again. That would make summoning a lot more fun.

5. The Armor Problem - Never really noticed this, though I guess this mostly happens in tier 20/21 and I only just made it to 19, so arena still has quite diverse teams for me. And I still hear lots of people say they mostly got hard maps done with flier and cavalry teams, so I don't really feel that armors are everything right now.

6. Arena Scoring - This I 100% agree with though. I only made it to tier 19 now cause I finally decided to do some research on how to get a higher rank in arena only to find out the ridiculous requirements. You indeed get a higher score for using high BST units, which is incredibly stupid. Shouldn't you be free to use your favourite units instead of having the use high BST units or else you end up with a lower score? You also get a higher score if you use high SP skills like Aether, another thing that is forced upon you instead of giving you the freedom to use the skills you want. And then there's them forcing you to use as many bonus units as you can now, cause they get higher points for each kill they make. This takes away a lot of freedom, you're forced to make a very specific team if you want to get a higher rank and this indeed doesn't make this about skill at all, but about whether you've been lucky enough to get the right units and have the means to give them the most powerful skills.

The whole 'high BST and high skills give more points' thing should go, every unit should gain the same amount of points for a kill so everyone can use whoever they want. I was fine with having to use at least one bonus unit for extra points though, makes you use a different team each weak, but this unit should definitely not get more points for their kills.

7. Lazy Alt Syndrome - Definitely agree with the alts. I think the best example is that we have alts of Hinoka, Takumi, and Ryoma as Kinshi Knights, while the only real Kinshi Knight in the games, Reina, has yet to be added at all. Same as with Lyn and Roy alts as Bow Cavalries while we could've gotten Rath instead. Why make so many copies of units we already have while there's still so many new units to get. You can make whole teams of just the same person now while there's still so many units not in the game. It's ridiculous.

8. Male underrepresentation - Never really noticed this? I mean yeah true, a lot of banners have more females than males. But on the other hand, 21 of the 24 GHB units are male and the same goes for 11 of the 14 TT units, so I think that kinda makes up for it. It might also just not bother me cause I'm just happy with having so much female representation at all.

Despite agreeing with most of this, I still have a lot of fun with the game though and I don't need any real changes any time soon to stop the fun for me. Though Arena Scoring changes would really be appreciated, cause it does kinda ruin the fun of Arena for me.

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The extent I care about arena is whether I can stay in tier 18 and get the 4 orbs. I'm always stuck between tier 18 and 19 because I refuse to merge my 5-stars. Call me silly or whatnot, but I've used my friends' ultra powerful 5+10 units and ... well, it's pretty boring. Keeping my units at a base 5-star rarity gives me a challenge, but it doesn't let me score well in arena, even if I see quite a handful of powerful merged units there for higher scores.

Arena really only rewards whales, or people who are willing to invest in +10 units and super expensive skills. It doesn't reward skill. Otherwise, I'd be scoring better for beating merged units with base merge 5-stars. But I don't.

22 minutes ago, Mau said:

8. Male underrepresentation - Never really noticed this? I mean yeah true, a lot of banners have more females than males. But on the other hand, 21 of the 24 GHB units are male and the same goes for 11 of the 14 TT units, so I think that kinda makes up for it. It might also just not bother me cause I'm just happy with having so much female representation at all.

The problem with this is that male units getting relegated to GHB or TT status means that they're more likely to be mediocre and to come with mediocre weapons. Canas and Karla are the most egregious example I can think of, in which a popular guy ended up being the worst TT reward unit as of now while Karla, a much less popular unit, got a ridiculous personal weapon and stats to rival that of Ayra.

Yeah, it's nice that they're in the game, since my two favorite characters have still not been added, but it's frustrating that male characters seem to be more likely to be cheated out of powerful personal weapons and good skills just because they're male.

Edited by Sunwoo
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7 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

The problem with this is that male units getting relegated to GHB or TT status means that they're more likely to be mediocre and to come with mediocre weapons. Canas and Karla are the most egregious example I can think of, in which a popular guy ended up being the worst TT reward unit as of now while Karla, a much less popular unit, got a ridiculous personal weapon and stats to rival that of Ayra.

Yeah, it's nice that they're in the game, since my two favorite characters have still not been added, but it's frustrating that male characters seem to be more likely to be cheated out of powerful personal weapons and good skills just because they're male.

That is a fair complaint, a lot of the GHB and TT units do indeed tend to be terrible while I think most of the OP units at the moment are female. I'm also still pissed about Canas, and also about Navarre who was kinda good early on but got outclassed so quickly that I never even had the chance to build him. So yeah fair, we should get more males on the regular banners.


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6 minutes ago, Mau said:

That is a fair complaint, a lot of the GHB and TT units do indeed tend to be terrible while I think most of the OP units at the moment are female. I'm also still pissed about Canas, and also about Navarre who was kinda good early on but got outclassed so quickly that I never even had the chance to build him. So yeah fair, we should get more males on the regular banners.

I also forgot to mention that in both the recent Awakening and Fates banners, they had a ratio of 3 females to 1 male character, and in both cases the male character was the obvious drop. Silas at least brought reposition and steady stance into the 4-star pool (and even defense wave, although you need to promote him for that), but Libra brought really mediocre fodder with him.

They also gave Sumia and Nina new premium fodder (new link skills) and other things they have yet to drop into the 4-star pool (close defense and bow valor) to justify keeping them 4-star locked when their stats really don't justify it. Sumia isn't much different from Shigure, who was dropped. Nina's bow is gimmicky and there's nothing that really makes her much, much better than other archers we have in the 4-star pool. Shigure and Libra were also dropped while introducing new weapons, so we know that's not a deterrent.

Quan and Lewyn fared better, yes, but in their defense they're plot-important characters wielding canonically powerful weapons and people would be pissed if they were underpowered. Silvia is a random dancer without major holy blood and no personal weapon. The Awakening and Fates banners were basically "4 random people" and none of them had personal weapons in their own games, or were super plot relevant. And when that happens, the guy seems to get the short end of the stick.

So, like, if they're going to make the guy the obvious drop, they should at least get a good stat spread and decent fodder to bring into the pool. Because, like, they're still in the 5-star pool. Waiting to pity break you one day and causing you much rage.

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Cecilia OP, please nerf:
(Reinhardt and Xander too, actually)

If it wasn’t for Xander shrugging off the sword flier’s Swordbreaker DB, I’d be in a pickle.

Nah, that's to be expected. Fun fact though, she and Olwen were the best bladetome users in the game for a while

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1 minute ago, silveraura25 said:

Nah, that's to be expected. Fun fact though, she and Olwen were the best bladetome users in the game for a while

Just let me inherit Thunderhead on Cecilia already.

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1 hour ago, Mau said:

3. Lack Of Orbs - I half agree with this point. Not with the lack of orbs though, I'm mostly F2P myself and can almost summon every day which is more than fair enough imo. When I don't get the unit I want I feel it's more my bad luck than a lack of orbs. I do agree with getting too many banners at once though, that is exactly the problem I've been having the last few months. Couldn't summon on the Hector and F!Morgan banners because of the Legendary banner, couldn't summon on the PA!Banner because of the Halloween banner, etc. This has been happening a lot to me lately, 6 banners at once is way too much imo, it's almost imossible to just focus on one of them and it makes it impossible to save orbs too. I would like a max of 3 banners at once really.

If they halved the number of banners while keeping the orb income the same, you'd still be getting the same amount of 5-star characters, but you'd have less choice as to what 5-star characters you can get. That's a net negative imo.

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12 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

If they halved the number of banners while keeping the orb income the same, you'd still be getting the same amount of 5-star characters, but you'd have less choice as to what 5-star characters you can get. That's a net negative imo.

I'd rather have no choice and be able to save orbs for the next banner I am interested in, than having too much choice and missing out on certain units I'll have to wait on again for ages.

For example, I now missed out on the PA rerun and the F!Morgan banner cause I had to summon on other things. Now I gotta wait for months until they're being rerun again, and who knows when PA!Olivia appears at all again. That's way more annoying that having nothing to summon for at all for a while.

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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Wow we need more red mage cav options. Both Leo and Mage Eirika are 5 star locked while blue has L'arachel and green has Cecilia.

Azel I guess from Fe4? 

A male mage that isn't infantry?! That doesn't happen!

Seriously, they've only added Reinhardt and Henry as non infantry male mages since the start of the game, and we only had Leo before that >.<

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9 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

A male mage that isn't infantry?! That doesn't happen!

Seriously, they've only added Reinhardt and Henry as non infantry male mages since the start of the game, and we only had Leo before that >.<

Are there any non-infantry mages that are decently popular in FE that might make it in? All the mages I think of are infantry. Flier mages are pretty rare, there's no really notable mage knights that I can think of besides (I guess Selena from FE8 but she's a she) and armour is almost non-existent.

The most notable I can think of is 2nd Gen Arvis as armour mage- I think he's decently popular now thanks to Heroes. And hey maybe the alt would be summonable just so we can have a normal armoured mage in the pool.

Unless there's some in the Marth games, I don't know those games too well.

That said I wouldn't complain if we somehow got a Dark Knight Miriel for a horse mage if it means getting Miriel in the game in some form.

edit oh i guess maybe reclassed mages in FE8. Maybe Ewan.

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

Are there any non-infantry mages that are decently popular in FE that might make it in? All the mages I think of are infantry. Flier mages are pretty rare, there's no really notable mage knights besides that I can think of (I guess Selena from FE8 but she's a she) and armour is almost non-existent.

The most notable I can think of is 2nd Gen Arvis as armour mage- I think he's decently popular now thanks to Heroes. And hey maybe the alt would be summonable just so we can have a normal armoured mage in the pool.

Unless there's some in the Marth games, I don't know those games too well.

That said I wouldn't complain if we somehow got a Dark Knight Miriel for a horse mage if it means getting Miriel in the game in some form.

I always think if we can get mounted mage Eirika, anyone is fair game, now.

I honestly can't recall what classes are from what games any more, but seasonals, etc, could still give us some mounted male mages...

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5 minutes ago, Mau said:

I'd rather have no choice and be able to save orbs for the next banner I am interested in, than having too much choice and missing out on certain units I'll have to wait on again for ages.

For example, I now missed out on the PA rerun and the F!Morgan banner cause I had to summon on other things. Now I gotta wait for months until they're being rerun again, and who knows when PA!Olivia appears at all again. That's way more annoying that having nothing to summon for at all for a while.

Wouldn't it be better if they never reran PA? That way, you wouldn't have a choice about whether to try for Olivia and you could put more orbs into other banners you're interested in.

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33 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

Wouldn't it be better if they never reran PA? That way, you wouldn't have a choice about whether to try for Olivia and you could put more orbs into other banners you're interested in.

Eh no cause I want PA!Olivia? Never being able to get her at all is of course worse.

Look, what I mean is that I want to get the units I want as soon as possible. If I can summon unit A in one month, and then summon for unit B in the next month, I can have both units in two months. If both units are available in the same month, I can possibly only get one of them and then I'll have to wait multiple months again for the other. With the risk that it'll again be run together with 5 other banners that are more urgent.

In this case I could only get the Halloween units, while I might have to wait another 6 months for Olivia. While if the PA banner had started earlier and ended when the Halloween banner began, I could've gotten everyone by now.

So I would really rather have 3 banners at once, so I can have all units I want in a shorter period of time. Maybe those 3 banners will have nothing I want (very small chance of that btw), but not being able to summon at all is not bad at all? Rather that than missing out on someone.

Edited by Mau
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11 minutes ago, Mau said:

Eh no cause I want PA!Olivia? Never being able to get her at all is of course worse.

But if you can't get her at all, isn't that better than missing out on her because there are too many banners you want to summon on?

11 minutes ago, Mau said:

Look, what I mean is that I want to get the units I want as soon as possible. If I can summon unit A in one month, and then summong for unit B in the next month, I can have both units in two months. If both units are available in the same month, I can possibly only get one of them and then I'll have to wait multiple months again for the other.

So, if unit A comes in January, and unit B comes in February, you can get both. If unit A came in February instead, what changes? The orbs you would have spent in January on unit A, you wouldn't spend at all. You'd have enough of a stockpile to get both units in February.

Granted, if unit A and unit B both come in January, you'd only be able to get one. But you could then save in February. Then, for example, if unit C and unit D both came in March, you could get both. If you had both A and B, you wouldn't have saved any orbs and so would have to choose between C and D.

11 minutes ago, Mau said:

In this case I could only get the Halloween units, while I might have to wait another 6 months for Olivia. While if the PA banner had started earlier and ended when the Halloween banner began, I could've gotten everyone by now.

Assuming your luck isn't affected by the schedule, you would spend more orbs to get both Olivia and the Halloween units. Those orbs have to come from somewhere.

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3 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

I always think if we can get mounted mage Eirika, anyone is fair game, now.

I honestly can't recall what classes are from what games any more, but seasonals, etc, could still give us some mounted male mages...

Mage Eirika exists because Mage Knights were reintroduced in that game after a hiatus in the Elibe games.

They can make Azel a Mage Knight to differentiate him from all of the red infantry mages already in the game; it is his promoted class, so it would be the L'Arachel all over again.

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2 hours ago, Baldrick said:

But if you can't get her at all, isn't that better than missing out on her because there are too many banners you want to summon on?

So, if unit A comes in January, and unit B comes in February, you can get both. If unit A came in February instead, what changes? The orbs you would have spent in January on unit A, you wouldn't spend at all. You'd have enough of a stockpile to get both units in February.

Granted, if unit A and unit B both come in January, you'd only be able to get one. But you could then save in February. Then, for example, if unit C and unit D both came in March, you could get both. If you had both A and B, you wouldn't have saved any orbs and so would have to choose between C and D.

Assuming your luck isn't affected by the schedule, you would spend more orbs to get both Olivia and the Halloween units. Those orbs have to come from somewhere.

Just...ask that question to yourself. Would you rather never be able to get a unit you really want? Not being able to get a unit at all is never better. The banner will return, I'll wait, it just sucks that I have to wait while I would've been able to just summon on it if it didn't run together with 4-5 other banners at all times. If these units never returned I could really just quit the game.

"Granted, if unit A and unit B both come in January, you'd only be able to get one. But you could then save in February."

No, cause in February there would again be a unit A and unit B I want. The difference is that when there's always 6 banners at a time, there will always be at least 1, probably even 2 I want to summon on. I'll never be able to save for the next one. I always end up with 0 orbs and probably only one of the units I want cause that's how my shitty luck works (usually, I got incredibly lucky this month though was still left with almost no orbs to spend on the PA banner).

When there's only 3 banners at once I either only like 1 banner which means I have less to spend than on 2 banners and I might keep some orbs. Or I don't like any banners and I can save all the orbs for the next one.

I haven't been able to save orbs at all the last few months cause there's so many banners going on. In the whole of September I didn't get a single unit until the Legendary Banner, cause there were so many units I wanted I could only spend a few orbs on each banner, which of course granted me nothing. In Oktober I decided to just spend on one banner, which now did give me the unit I wanted, but I had to sacrifice my chance to summon on the other banner I wanted. So I missed out on a lot of units the last two months which I now have to wait multiple months for to appear again. If there had only been 3 banners at a time I would've gotten more of those units and would maybe have some orbs left too.

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