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52 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nonetheless, whenever Kris rolls around, it will be a criticism of the banner, even if Archanea doesn't have an ocean of deep characters to add and you don't care about the minnows, the rarity of Archanean banners is such that it is possible not even all of the good ones get in, and it will partly be a fault of Kris.

Kris will be a interenting case, because despise appearing as a Mercenary (male) or a Myrmidon (female) in the original artwork, the avatar character in New Mystery of the Emblem has a lot of classes to choose. Something that could work for Kris is to have one Kris on the banner, and the other Kris as a TT reward, similar to how Male Robin is in the summoning pool and Female Robin is a GHB unit.

4 hours ago, Hilda said:

By your definition Odin and Owain dont count as alt.

By your logic Azura and Axezura arent alts either. 2 games with different timelines and choices. Axezura never apears in Fates.

To be fair, I didn't notice that Odin and Owain were in that image. But you are right. I don't consider Odin and Owain alts. I consider both different characters.

However, Axezura is a different case. In Conquest, Azura used a black costume to disguise poorly  her appearance during some a short time. That's the only moment that she uses that clothes, and she never used a Axe in Fates. Even her axe in FEH, Urðr, is based on the Blessed Lance, lance used in her original artwork (Urðr is a alt for the Fates Blessed Lance). For me, PA Azura is a alt, using a costume that she used for seconds and equipped with a weapon that don't exist in her original game, and the Performing Arts Banner was a excuse to use the character design.


Edited by Diovani Bressan
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I played Awakening and Fates, and more than once, with different genders each time. It's normal to have some differences in their supports, especially in some cases like Robin X Lon'qu support, because would make no sense having the same support for both Robin genders when we know that Lon'qu don't like being close to a woman.

But their main personality is the same. Their relationships with some characters are different, but their main personality continue to be the same, being male or female.

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Let's just all agree to disagree. Before tensions rise too high here. This topic's already been discussed to death anyway and we should just leave it. Some believe they're the same, others don't and probably never will change their minds. This is a dead horse, let's stop beating on it.

In other news, Michelis is giving the boys some trouble on Abyssal. I've gotten it down to the infantry lancer, a sword flier and a lance flier before they give out so I know I'm close. I'll probably have some better luck when the merge update hits since I'm not doing any merges until then. That'll fix up Tibarn's -Atk and Hríd's -Def to make things much easier. I was going to give that eye patch to Naesala, too...

Edited by silverserpent
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Well, I have a thematic tap battle team (1 male singer, 1 male dancer, 1 female singer, 1 female dancer; musically inclined units should increase my score, right?) Ninian, Reyson, kid Azura, and dancing Xander.

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23 hours ago, silverserpent said:

Boy Band is what I've dubbed my team of Reyson, Tibarn, NY!Hríd and Naesala since they're currently my favorite bishies that I have. And their general team appearance just screams "boy band" to me. That one IS a singer...kinda sealed the phrase and team name ?

That sounds like one fine team! For gameplay too of course, but aesthetically especially so.

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One aggravating thing I've seen with Legendary Azura is that she will not attack if you have a unit in range, but will instead Dance another unit, which makes predicting the movement quite chaotic.

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Area 19 in GC is surprisingly easy to auto-battle. I had 3 clears, 2 of which were S all (one missed a kill and ended at 19 kills when the enemy fort fell). I think I missed killing the fort once or twice but auto-battle isn't really expected to kill forts so the fact that I'm killing the fort at all is already a plus.

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4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

One aggravating thing I've seen with Legendary Azura is that she will not attack if you have a unit in range, but will instead Dance another unit, which makes predicting the movement quite chaotic.

A bit weird to me since I recently fought an Azura and she attacked me instead of dancing an ally. Granted, she was the only enemy that could attack me.

Btw, my free summon was +atk -hp Deirdre yaay!

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4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

One aggravating thing I've seen with Legendary Azura is that she will not attack if you have a unit in range, but will instead Dance another unit, which makes predicting the movement quite chaotic.

I hate that. And it's weird because she's the only ranged dancer that can't be baited like that. This strategy works fine on kid Azura, Shigure, Inigo, flying Ninian and dagger Olivia, why not the Legendary Dancer?

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14 minutes ago, RexBolt said:

I hate that. And it's weird because she's the only ranged dancer that can't be baited like that. This strategy works fine on kid Azura, Shigure, Inigo, flying Ninian and dagger Olivia, why not the Legendary Dancer?

Maybe IntSys made her AI smarter? She is a Legendary Hero, afterall...

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38 minutes ago, RexBolt said:

I hate that. And it's weird because she's the only ranged dancer that can't be baited like that. This strategy works fine on kid Azura, Shigure, Inigo, flying Ninian and dagger Olivia, why not the Legendary Dancer?

Pretty certain the dancer AI hasn't changed.  From what I've heard, a dancer needs to be able to deal 5+ damage to prioritize attacking over dancing.  If a unit goes to rally the dancer, or heal, or whatever, and the dancer would still do 0 damage to the tanking unit, the dancer will prefer to dance instead of attack (I think, I generally haven't looked hard at manipulating the enemy AI, so I'm going off of what others have said).

It's probably more noticeable with L!Azura than others because Gray Waves gives +1 Mov.

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9 hours ago, Rezzy said:

One aggravating thing I've seen with Legendary Azura is that she will not attack if you have a unit in range, but will instead Dance another unit, which makes predicting the movement quite chaotic.

I'm fairly sure if the dancer is the only person that can attack the unit and they will deal non zero damage they will attack otherwise they dance, at least thats what I've noticed 

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On 19/01/2019 at 12:29 PM, Diovani Bressan said:

Kris will be a interenting case, because despise appearing as a Mercenary (male) or a Myrmidon (female) in the original artwork, the avatar character in New Mystery of the Emblem has a lot of classes to choose. Something that could work for Kris is to have one Kris on the banner, and the other Kris as a TT reward, similar to how Male Robin is in the summoning pool and Female Robin is a GHB unit.


My guess is they'll do what they did with Morgan.

Have M!Kris a canon infantry sword and F!Kriss something else she can reclass into.

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This trailer put the clock on the game for me. I've been playing this game since the first banner of Legendary Robin, and I had fun with it.

But whenever I see a banner with Fates coming out, I'm just upset. Also, this game needs more original units than alt units. 32% of the units are alts already. 10% of the squad is Fates alts only. And there are still 451 units in CYL who did not make it into the game. I despise Fatesawakening, and I support Judgral, Tellius and Binding Blade.

I want to like this game, but if this goes on until April-May, I might be not the audience for this.

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On 1/19/2019 at 4:22 AM, Diovani Bressan said:

@Anacybele My opinion about the Tikis and Azuras discussion: Young Azura isn't canon. There isn't a Young Azura in Fates, so I consider her a Alt. I consider Young Tiki and Adult Tiki different characters because they are from different game, have different personalities, and both Tikis are canon.

Also... unpopular opinion: I don't consider the Male and Female versions of Robin and Corrin different characters, because they have the same personality and both don't exist at the same time. They are basically the same, but with different gender.

I believe genders of Corrin show some difference of personality: The Male is more laid back, while the female is more peppy.

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Personally I think focusing the alts on the most popular characters makes quite a lot of sense, logically speaking. But then, I'm the guy who'd bet everything on the best bet while ignoring the 2nd, 3rd, etc. bets. By definition, the most popular characters are the ones the greatest amount of people want to see alts of, and it takes a lot of alts for the average person to stop wanting them in favor of a character they've never heard of.

Of course, it helps that my tastes are pretty much the definition of main-stream. Tellius, Awakening, and Fates (admittedly Selena's carrying this one, drop her and Caeldori and I can do without Fates and not care) are basically the games I care about.


Main problem is that there's just zero incentive to commission art, design kits & BST spreads etc. (which takes programmer/artist/whatever time, i.e. $$$), for low popularity characters. People who are very fond of low popularity characters over high popularity characters not only are unlikely to spend currently, they're also unlikely to spend even when the character they want drops---because they probably have tons of orbs saved up.

With that in mind, it'd be extremely nice to have a slow trickle of 3-4*s of the less popular characters. Like, just add them as 3-4* characters at base, similar to how they did Kaze except more frequent. But the problem is that the slow trickle is very much a 'long term' strategy, you do that in order to make the game itself comfortable to play and keep playing, and I think pretty much only WoW did the whole long term thing well---and a lot of that was because of its subscription model. WoW simply didn't need short-term cash grabs because it was built to get your $15/month for years on end. Even WoW moved to a more 'F2P, btw' model at this point, though.

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3 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Personally I think focusing the alts on the most popular characters makes quite a lot of sense, logically speaking. But then, I'm the guy who'd bet everything on the best bet while ignoring the 2nd, 3rd, etc. bets. By definition, the most popular characters are the ones the greatest amount of people want to see alts of, and it takes a lot of alts for the average person to stop wanting them in favor of a character they've never heard of.

Of course, it helps that my tastes are pretty much the definition of main-stream. Tellius, Awakening, and Fates (admittedly Selena's carrying this one, drop her and Caeldori and I can do without Fates and not care) are basically the games I care about.

Here's the thing, though. If it was just popular characters getting the most alts, why don't we have a seasonal Ike or a legendary Roy? Why do Camilla and Azura have more alts than Lyn and Lucina (not counting CYL because that was given to them)? Why does Xander have more alts than Leo when I don't remember Xander ever scoring higher than Leo on any popularity poll?

Something more than just popularity is going on.

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2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Here's the thing, though. If it was just popular characters getting the most alts, why don't we have a seasonal Ike or a legendary Roy? Why do Camilla and Azura have more alts than Lyn and Lucina (not counting CYL because that was given to them)? Why does Xander have more alts than Leo when I don't remember Xander ever scoring higher than Leo on any popularity poll?

No idea about the Xander v. Leo or Camilla v. Lucina things.  (And I think IS treats CYL heroes as alts when they decide if they want to make another alt, meaning Lucina's tied with Azura in their consideration, and only 1 behind Camilla---and being 1 alt behind when you're comparing people with 4+ doesn't really matter.)

But the newer character v. older character popularity numbers might be because IS is assuming that the people who like older characters are more likely to vote than the people who got in around Awakening+ (since older fans are more 'hard-core,' so more likely to actually care about popularity polls), so they compensate for that by treating newer games as more 'popular' even if the polls don't show it.

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