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19 hours ago, Hilda said:

Lets not forget the 4 new mythic blessing that made the blessing system totally convoluted and force you to split your barracks into AR units and non-AR units because... well you cant slap 2 blessings on a regular unit. I fucking hate this system because it basicly forced some units out of my AA and Arena setups into AR exclusiv units... AR is just garbo. I wish it would have been a create your own GHB map mode that you can share with other people.

I think what I dislike most is that the new blessings are then further split up by offense and defense.  Aesthetically I really like the dark blessing, but I hesitate to give it to many units because of how functionally useless it (and the Anima) is.  Why give a unit a blessing that only works in one part of one game mode that I don't even get to play?  

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One day I wish the developers would patch in a shield sprite for Alfonse and maybe paladin Chrom. He and paladin Chrom have a shield in their art, but not on their sprites and the only sword infantry with a shield in their art and on their sprite is Hero-King Marth. Chrom would require new assets, but Alfonse could just use a resized version of Sharena's shield.

Edit: I forgot that I had 598/600 units. Why.

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Can't wait for the next seasonal banner: Going to the laundromat.

I wanna see Alm in a "I <3 New York" T-shirt, since it's all he had left to wear. It's just been such a busy week, you know. Plus his folks are staying for the week and he has to plan all these activities and dinners and prepare the guest room and

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47 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

I wanna see Alm in a "I <3 New York" T-shirt, since it's all he had left to wear. It's just been such a busy week, you know. Plus his folks are staying for the week and he has to plan all these activities and dinners and prepare the guest room and

I'm not sure a grown young adult would want their parents to see them bare from the waist down. I mean sure he probably spends the whole day like that alone at home when he takes off a Wednesday from work. But that is a whole 'nother scenario from the parents staying over.

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10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm not sure a grown young adult would want their parents to see them bare from the waist down. I mean sure he probably spends the whole day like that alone at home when he takes off a Wednesday from work. But that is a whole 'nother scenario from the parents staying over.

Well I’m sure his parents wouldn’t mind at least. After all, they had to have seen their baby bottomless plenty of times when changing the diaper or bathing him. They’d be desensitized to it all.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm not sure a grown young adult would want their parents to see them bare from the waist down. I mean sure he probably spends the whole day like that alone at home when he takes off a Wednesday from work. But that is a whole 'nother scenario from the parents staying over.

It;s only Mycen. He's seen worse.

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7 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Well I’m sure his parents wouldn’t mind at least. After all, they had to have seen their baby bottomless plenty of times when changing the diaper or bathing him. They’d be desensitized to it all.

I shoulda pointed to how it awkward it'd feel for him then. Particularly if Celica, who only half-tolerates such behavior, was around too.


6 hours ago, Jotari said:

It;s only Mycen. He's seen worse.

...Who has Mycen seen naked, and why?

The other Ram Village boys can't be them. I'm pretty sure Kliff is packing Duma's Tower, Grey is magnificent slathered in olive oil with a hint of orange peel for a pleasant smell, and Tobin is pale and flimsy, but in a cute way.

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I shoulda pointed to how it awkward it'd feel for him then. Particularly if Celica, who only half-tolerates such behavior, was around too.


...Who has Mycen seen naked, and why?

The other Ram Village boys can't be them. I'm pretty sure Kliff is packing Duma's Tower, Grey is magnificent slathered in olive oil with a hint of orange peel for a pleasant smell, and Tobin is pale and flimsy, but in a cute way.

Rudolf...Yeah they totally had that sort of relationship. As did Camus and Rudolf. It's the only thing that makes sense with the level of devotion and expedience in which they gain military ranks.

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All of them.

5 Star. Level 40.

Well... the ones in the Normal summoning pool anyways. Haven't trained the Picnic units yet. But the rest of them... done.

I'm missing Summer Tana, Summer Robin, Summer Frederick, Dance Fest Olivia, Halloween Henry, Summer Noire, Halloween Jakob, Summer Xander, and Summer Leo. I also don't have a copy of Summer Gaius, but I did get him to lv 40 as well. That's... 10 seasonal units I'm missing, most all of them being in Summer and in October. Once that's done, I can focus on just powering up my army instead of growing it. I'm might even relax on summoning from new unit banners...

Man... what in gods name am I going to do with all of these units?

Edited by Xenomata
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2 hours ago, Xenomata said:


All of them.

5 Star. Level 40.

Well... the ones in the Normal summoning pool anyways. Haven't trained the Picnic units yet. But the rest of them... done.

I'm missing Summer Tana, Summer Robin, Summer Frederick, Dance Fest Olivia, Halloween Henry, Summer Noire, Halloween Jakob, Summer Xander, and Summer Leo. I also don't have a copy of Summer Gaius, but I did get him to lv 40 as well. That's... 10 seasonal units I'm missing, most all of them being in Summer and in October. Once that's done, I can focus on just powering up my army instead of growing it. I'm might even relax on summoning from new unit banners...

Man... what in gods name am I going to do with all of these units?

Well AA will always be a breeze for you if it isn't already

Congrats, that's seriously impressive

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4 hours ago, Xenomata said:


All of them.

5 Star. Level 40.

Well... the ones in the Normal summoning pool anyways. Haven't trained the Picnic units yet. But the rest of them... done.

I'm missing Summer Tana, Summer Robin, Summer Frederick, Dance Fest Olivia, Halloween Henry, Summer Noire, Halloween Jakob, Summer Xander, and Summer Leo. I also don't have a copy of Summer Gaius, but I did get him to lv 40 as well. That's... 10 seasonal units I'm missing, most all of them being in Summer and in October. Once that's done, I can focus on just powering up my army instead of growing it. I'm might even relax on summoning from new unit banners...

Man... what in gods name am I going to do with all of these units?

Congratulations! I'm in the same boat but I'm free to play so my catalogue of Heroes is at 269-370 so the goal is kind of unobtainable until they stop releasing units altogether. Still got seven 4 star units to promote, most of which I'm waiting on an optimal boon/bane to justify it. 

1 hour ago, Landmaster said:

Well AA will always be a breeze for you if it isn't already

You'd think so but in my experience I'm probably using the same units anybody else is using. You only need 28 units to get through a run, and having as many as 250+ to choose from really just takes up my time deciding. A lot of these guys just aren't as competitive as meta choices, and there's not enough common skill fodder to go around in giving them all full skill sets. Having Arthur or Seth around when you encounter a surprise mono-color team can be pretty clutch, but having access to Donnel or Boey at 5 star isn't game breaking. At least until such units get personal weapons but even then a lot of 'em are pretty meh.

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1 hour ago, Flying Shogi said:

Sent feedback and asked them to return the end turn button to its previous position without moving a unit. That extra click in the settings menu annoys me. 


If you have double-tap to end movement turned on, you can just double-tap a unit to get the end turn button to reappear.


But it's still stupidly annoying, especially because the reason it was moved was to make room for the Pair Up switch button. Which doesn't exist in most game modes. And is only available on Legendary Roy right now.

This game's UI designers are absolutely terrible at their jobs.

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1 hour ago, Flying Shogi said:

Sent feedback and asked them to return the end turn button to its previous position without moving a unit. That extra click in the settings menu annoys me. 


I miss it too and think I'll send feedback as well. I used it often to test if the enemy would move first or if they had to be engaged.

There is a double tap feature for ending turns (which would work on the first turn), but you have to tap each unit separately. Worse, it activated accidentally way too often, particularly when testing different units damage potential on an enemy. I'd test one unit against an enemy, try a different unit, and then attempt to actually attack with the first unit only to realize that the first units' turn was finished due to the game misinterpreting a double tap somewhere in the process. The "confirm each move" option fixed double tap accidents, but I found it too annoying to confirm every move.

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4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

If you have double-tap to end movement turned on, you can just double-tap a unit to get the end turn button to reappear.


4 hours ago, Tree said:

Worse, it activated accidentally way too often, particularly when testing different units damage potential on an enemy. 

I specifically turned off double tap to end turn because I've accidentally ended a unit's turn enough times and in almost all of them did not end well. This is especially costly in game modes like Aether Raids and Grand Conquests where every move counts when there are no retries. In Grand Conquests, one move not spent to control the map is one extra move you have to sacrifice to make up for the next turn. It's already hard enough to gain control of the map and now you have to worry more about defending your forts as the enemy units continue to spawn. I personally set up my teams such that the first 8 units in teams of 2 have some sort of synergy so it's not a big deal if I lose one or 2 units but once I lose 3, it's pretty much a disaster.    

4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

But it's still stupidly annoying, especially because the reason it was moved was to make room for the Pair Up switch button. Which doesn't exist in most game modes. And is only available on Legendary Roy right now.

I might send another one to emphasize this. Time to brush up my Japanese.

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Six out of my twelve water blessed heroes are red... I only have one green and one colorless which isn't that big of a deal, but greens and green mages at that! Of the ice and water affinity characters, Pent's the only really ice affinity mage who could show up as green and Greil's Devoted Mist didn't show up -- none of the summonable Greil's Devoted units showed up for me. Axes at least are a bit easier, Raven and with their birthdays going off Blazing Blade's associated affinity chart, Beruka, Camilla, and summer Tiki. There's also spring Camilla and ToD! Henry. Now, if only they could add Miriel, Nyx, and Rinkah for more possible or definite in Rinkah's case, water-related greens.

Deirdre and Julia seem more like light to me, but then again, I threw a water blessing to the Eirika, Lilina, and Titania who have a light affinity and probably would have continued to do so for light affinity characters until light blessings showed up making me question if I want to give them a light blessing or a water blessing.

Speaking of affinities, apparently Leanne had a wind affinity in Path of Radiance, but had a water one in Radiant Dawn?

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6 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Speaking of affinities, apparently Leanne had a wind affinity in Path of Radiance, but had a water one in Radiant Dawn?

Interesting. I did not know that characters switch their affinity across games.

Double Blessings confirmed.

I wish though.

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7 minutes ago, XRay said:

Interesting. I did not know that characters switch their affinity across games.

Double Blessings confirmed.

I wish though.

It should go noted that Leanne wasn’t playable in PoR though. If she was, her affinity would’ve probably stayed consistent given RD’s transfer data from PoR feature.

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16 minutes ago, XRay said:

Interesting. I did not know that characters switch their affinity across games.

Double Blessings confirmed.

I wish though.

They don't as far as I know. Today, I found out that Leanne had two different affinities. That being said, you could argue for characters like Hardin, possibly Idunn, Julius, Lyon, and Takumi that they had different "affinities" when they were possessed or changed from their usual selves. Lyon is the only one of the four to have an actual affinity, ice, though, as Hardin, Julius, and Takumi were in games without affinities. Although, Takumi has a birthday and its month lines up the month for a fire affinity in the international version of Blazing Blade's birth month and affinity system. The Japanese version includes blood type along with birth month to determine the tactician's affinity. Idunn is in a game with affinities, but not all bosses have affinities like Lloyd and Linus have affinities and interestingly enough, the exact same ones as Eliwood and Hector, respectively. Eliwood and Lloyd share an anima affinity and Hector and Linus share a thunder affinity.

7 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

It should go noted that Leanne wasn’t playable in PoR though. If she was, her affinity would’ve probably stayed consistent given RD’s transfer data from PoR feature.

Welp, I guess I should give her a water blessing then.

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28 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Speaking of affinities, apparently Leanne had a wind affinity in Path of Radiance, but had a water one in Radiant Dawn?

Looks to be correct, although Leanne only appeared as an NPC being carried by Ike in PoR's gameplay. And yet Sigrun's and Caineghis's unused PoR data and RD data alike make them consistently Water and Earth respectively. Bertram and Renning also share Earth Affinity.

Lekain also had his PoR unused data go from Wind to Earth, and Hetzel from Thunder to Water. But as bosses, their Affinities don't really matter, outside of Paul-Jasmine and Linus-Lloyd.

9 minutes ago, Kaden said:

but not all bosses have affinities like Lloyd and Linus have affinities and interestingly enough, the exact same ones as Eliwood and Hector, respectively. Eliwood and Lloyd share an anima affinity and Hector and Linus share a thunder affinity.

It helps further the parallel between hotheads Hector and Linus, and their cooler pals Lloyd and Eliwood. And Lloyd and Linus are also at the center of a class parallelism found in Karel-Harken and Georg-Kaim, the former you only get to pick one of, the latter duo defend Durandal and Armads respectively. 


The explanation for Affinities can be found in the Dayan-Joder Support:

B Support

Dayan: We Sacaeans pray to the Sky and the Earth. The light of day and the darkness of night that engulfs this land… They produce wind, lightning, fire, ice, and many other affinities… Every person on this planet is protected by one of the elements. According to my clan’s beliefs, I am protected by the Anima affinity.
Yodel: I see. Interesting.
Dayan: What do you mean?
Yodel: The Elimine Church has similar beliefs. When the creator made man, he blessed them all with one of the seven affinities. However, those elements…
Dayan: …Those elements hold no power on their own.
Yodel: Exactly.
Dayan: Hm. …Interesting, indeed.
Yodel: Yes. Perhaps… This is one of the truths of the creation of our world.

A Support

Dayan: The seven affinities… Their effects will only appear through bonds with other people. When your heart is linked with someone else’s… That is when the elements reveal their true power.
Yodel: Yes. Saint Elimine also said to cherish your relationships.
Dayan: Hm… I wonder if we have been able to link our hearts with each other.
Yodel: I am sure we have. We have yet to find out what effects it has…

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Looks to be correct, although Leanne only appeared as an NPC being carried by Ike in PoR's gameplay. And yet Sigrun's and Caineghis's unused PoR data and RD data alike make them consistently Water and Earth respectively. Bertram and Renning also share Earth Affinity.

Lekain also had his PoR unused data go from Wind to Earth, and Hetzel from Thunder to Water. But as bosses, their Affinities don't really matter, outside of Paul-Jasmine and Linus-Lloyd.


The explanation for Affinities can be found in the Dayan-Joder Support:

B Support

Dayan: We Sacaeans pray to the Sky and the Earth. The light of day and the darkness of night that engulfs this land… They produce wind, lightning, fire, ice, and many other affinities… Every person on this planet is protected by one of the elements. According to my clan’s beliefs, I am protected by the Anima affinity.
Yodel: I see. Interesting.
Dayan: What do you mean?
Yodel: The Elimine Church has similar beliefs. When the creator made man, he blessed them all with one of the seven affinities. However, those elements…
Dayan: …Those elements hold no power on their own.
Yodel: Exactly.
Dayan: Hm. …Interesting, indeed.
Yodel: Yes. Perhaps… This is one of the truths of the creation of our world.

A Support

Dayan: The seven affinities… Their effects will only appear through bonds with other people. When your heart is linked with someone else’s… That is when the elements reveal their true power.
Yodel: Yes. Saint Elimine also said to cherish your relationships.
Dayan: Hm… I wonder if we have been able to link our hearts with each other.
Yodel: I am sure we have. We have yet to find out what effects it has…

Modern Fire Emblem has conditioned me to read those last two lines as a love confession XD

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5 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Modern Fire Emblem has conditioned me to read those last two lines as a love confession XD

Meanwhile, in the world of FeliciaxLukas. :p

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13 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Modern Fire Emblem has conditioned me to read those last two lines as a love confession XD

Well that'd explain why Joder is celibate.

Actually I think you've motivated me to find end lines that could be misconstrued the same way. The most obvious one coming to mind is:

Lucius: Why don’t you marry! Then there would be someone at home… And I could journey with you!
Raven: I need no bride to jabber at me– There’s enough going on around here already!
Lucius: W-What is that supposed to mean!?
Raven: My case in point.
Lucius: Wait– Wait! Lord Raymond!


Although I can find some other low-hanging fruit:


Wil: You know, I just had a thought. How about “Rave”?
Raven: …What’s a “rave”?
Wil: It’s a nickname! Yours! Like it? Rave!
Raven: … …You really are an idiot.

"Rave" is not a normal nickname, it sounds just too affectionate, which means Raven must be playing hard to get.


Legault: Hm? Must be this thing called “love,” you know? Where are you going? I’m joking!! Get back here.
Heath: ……
Legault: Just let it go, all right? Come on, I like you. Even on the run, you’re true to your principles. You’re recklessly honest. That’s from someone who simply cannot do that…
Heath: ……
Legault: Friendship between fugitives… What do you say?
Heath: You’re one weird guy…


Marcus: It occurs to me… When Lord Elbert became engaged to the Lady Eleanora… Why he was the same age you are now, Lord Eliwood. As a faithful retainer of Pherae, I must make haste to find you a suitable wife!
Eliwood: M-Marcus!


Hector: Yeah, but it’s weird! I mean, two guys like us– We gotta sit here looking at each other’s mugs all day?
Oswin: If you can bear it, Lord Hector, then I see no problem with this arrangement. [This is actually from the C]


Sain: Overconfident? Who’s overconfident? I know this isn’t going to be easy… But I’ll not let that shake me. After all, I’m not alone. I’ve got you. And you’ve got me, right? Right?
Kent: Yeah, you’re right.
Sain: So let’s get riding, shall we? And watch my back, partner!
Kent: Of course, my friend! With honor.


And an Archanean classic:

Ah! Chief! How nice to see ya. Well, I was plannin' on workin' with you and makin' loadsa money, but you had to go and quit the business! Fallin' head over heels for that beautiful cleric, and then dumpin' me... That's just too cruel! Did our love really mean that little to you? 

Can it, you little fink!! People'll get the wrong idea about us, if you keep talkin' like that. Anyway, forget about thievin' and come with me to fight for justice. 

Hmm... alright then! I'll follow you anywhere. I do adore ya, Chief! 

Girls seem to make outright friendzone statements much more. And this search is much harder than I thought it'd be, which is why didn't find more.

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