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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Now I hope Vee gets an FE role that doesn't get scrapped to complete this set! lol I should draw the FE characters that sound closest dressed as their Miraculous counterparts. lol

Christina Vee is the voice for Lachesis and Athena in Heroes though.

Edited by NSSKG151
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3 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

Christie Vee does voice Lachesis and Athena in Heroes though.

Oh, oddly, that wasn't listed on her Wikipedia page...or I may have missed it somehow. I did initially miss Saber being in Keith Silverstein's role list, so yeah. Guess the set IS complete then! Yayz! XD

Though I still think I'd rather draw Edelgard as Ladybug than either of those two because Edelgard happens to also wear red, just as Ladybug does. lol I like her enough as a character too and I'm not as familiar with Lachesis or Athena.

Edited by Anacybele
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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Oh, oddly, that wasn't listed on her Wikipedia page...or I may have missed it somehow. I did initially miss Saber being in Keith Silverstein's list, so yeah. Guess the set IS complete then! Yayz! XD

Though I still think I'd rather draw Edelgard as Ladybug than either of those two because Edelgard happens to also wear red, just as Ladybug does. lol

Yeah, if you have Lachesis or Athena in the game you can look at their character profile and is she is credited as Christina Valenzuela.

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8 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

Yeah, if you have Lachesis or Athena in the game you can look at their character profile and is she is credited as Christina Valenzuela.

Oh, that's probably why I didn't remember them. I never would've thought the two names were the same person.

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LA'Rachel's voice lines are unbelievably amazing. I almost want to pull her for those alone. Her VA did top notch work. She's breathtaking, and I never say that about voice actors.

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1 hour ago, BoaFerox said:

Datamined icons also seem to suggest that future Legendary and Mythic Heroes could also be Duo Heroes, so get ready for more units with built in nuke buttons with no drawbacks.

Legendary Heroes have the Pair Up... Maybe Mythic Heroes will have Duo Skills.

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1 hour ago, BoaFerox said:

Yes, I already have defense replays of people using Astra blessed Duo Hector against me in AR. 

Datamined icons also seem to suggest that future Legendary and Mythic Heroes could also be Duo Heroes, so get ready for more units with built in nuke buttons with no drawbacks.

I find this very disturbing, the 8 Elements is allready a clusterfuck and now we have Duo Heroes on top of that.

Waiting for when Duo Nils/Ninian release and they can Duo-Skill redance the whole group within 3 Spaces around the unit.
Its blatantly another cashgrab for exclusivity and i really dont like it, especially considering how strong those skills can be

I would have rather liked it if they introduced different Duo-Skills as a reward for matching up Unit Support. For example:

The current Duo-Support could have been made so that any Lilina or Hector fielded that have S-Rank Support together can use Duo-Support once they are adjacent to each other on the map.
In other words if you had any of the following units:

Regular Hector
Legendary Hector
Brave Hector
Valentine Hector

Regular Lilina
Valentine Lilina
Beach Lilina

you can use the skill (with unit S-Support).

This woudl actually add some deeper Strategic thinking and thought to Team composition building.
They could then even run some specific Duo-Support Banners!


Other Duo-Skills could have been added for several games/units, tied to quests or some way to actually unlock them:

Azura any form & Corrin M/F any form: Redance units within 2 Spaces and grant +4 visible buff to all stats

Fjorm any form & Alfonse any form: The first attack of Enemy will deal only 50% damage (and thus enhance Fjorms Ice Mirror even more)

Mistery of the Emblem:
Marth & Tiki: Nullifies Dragon effectivness Damage and heals units for 20 HP within 2 Spaces

Shadows of Valentia:
Alm & Celica: Grants both of those units a Brave effect

Sigurd or Arvis & Deirdra, Seliph or Julius & Julia: Nullifies Magical Damage for that 1 turn for units within 2 Spaces

etc etc etc.


You get the Idea




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32 minutes ago, Hilda said:

Fjorm any form & Alfonse any form: The first attack of Enemy will deal only 50% damage (and thus enhance Fjorms Ice Mirror even more)

I am not sure about Fjorm and Alfonse... Sharena and Alfonse makes sense, but with Fjorm?

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39 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I am not sure about Fjorm and Alfonse... Sharena and Alfonse makes sense, but with Fjorm?

While Fire Emblem is known for sibling intimacy, not everyone wants to ship family together.

I want to see Líf with a ghostly Sharena, like BE!Micaiah with Yune and DW!Berkut with Rinea, but as a Duo unit.

Edited by XRay
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1 minute ago, XRay said:

While Fire Emblem is known for sibling intimacy, not everyone wants to ship family together.

Well, I never thought Alfonse and Sharena as a Duo Hero would be ship material... I mean, Veronica and Xander could be a Duo Hero, but not that I ship both.

But what I mean about Alfonse and Fjorm is that... Is clearly that Fjorm likes the Summoner, so having her with Alfonse in a duo without a good explanation is... boring.

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

LA'Rachel's voice lines are unbelievably amazing. I almost want to pull her for those alone. Her VA did top notch work. She's breathtaking, and I never say that about voice actors.

I agree! I just got her, and all her lines have great delivery, both in English and Japanese. I especially like when she goes "I'm a monster!" when you tap her on the map. I got Dozla as well, and I really like his lines too. His laugh sounds exactly as I imagined it sounding in The Sacred Stones. I'm so happy these two are together on this banner.

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11 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Well, I never thought Alfonse and Sharena as a Duo Hero would be ship material... I mean, Veronica and Xander could be a Duo Hero, but not that I ship both.

But what I mean about Alfonse and Fjorm is that... Is clearly that Fjorm likes the Summoner, so having her with Alfonse in a duo without a good explanation is... boring.

I meant it as a joke.

As for Fjorm liking Kiran, lots of Heroes like Kiran too. Intelligent Systems might introduce Kiran as a Harem Hero.

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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

Intelligent Systems might introduce Kiran as a Harem Hero

He won't be the first Harem Hero (Byleth was the last one lol).

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8 minutes ago, SockPuppet said:

I wonder how long it will take for me to get my first 4* Norne... I still have YET to get a Mordecai lol.

Sometimes it is just luck. Alternatively, you just have to summon a lot, but that unfortunately costs money. I have got 5 Bantus and 6 Mordecai even though Bantu was released later, so Mordecai is a bit rare for me too, although Bantu is also in the 3* pool so that also helps in terms of availability.

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8 minutes ago, SockPuppet said:

I wonder how long it will take for me to get my first 4* Norne... I still have YET to get a Mordecai lol.

don't get your hopes up. It took me 15 months to finally pull Silas. And it happened after he demoted to 3-4 star rarity too.

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22 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

don't get your hopes up. It took me 15 months to finally pull Silas. And it happened after he demoted to 3-4 star rarity too.

I was thinking about Norne... A +SPD Norne with Shining Blade+ and Flashing Blade 4 and darting Blow 3 Seal can work like a mini Alm with 12 true damage per hit. But then again why built something to work like an allready existing unit ¬.¬, Especially since she lacks his Attack stat. She has quite nice mixed bulk so i could see her work with Guard Bow + Close Counter omni Tank for AR in Light season. But uh yeah Gen 1 archers are definitly out of the equation. Without any exclusiv good refine they cant catch up, 20 BST difference is quite alot

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10 hours ago, XRay said:

While Fire Emblem is known for sibling intimacy, not everyone wants to ship family together.


More like despite the west doesn't want to , the incest sells in Japan. the Takumi fanbook outright  sarcastically refer to the people who buy the book as  "oneechan fans", but hey if it sells in Japan despite the west complained they ain't stopping, they are Japanese company after all.

In all seriousness, was it ever confirmed Duo units are solely armors? Imagine.... Fliers or cavs with 185 BST.... and they bring Brave Lyn, Reinhardt , Brave Veronica, Legendary Azura and Brave Camilla to the arena... yikes.


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1 minute ago, DraceEmpressa said:

More like despite the west doesn't want to , the incest sells in Japan. the Takumi fanbook outright  sarcastically refer to the people who buy the book as  "oneechan fans", but hey if it sells in Japan despite the west complained they ain't stopping, they are Japanese company after all.

I am pretty sure it is not just a Japanese thing. Incest is pretty popular here in America too.

1 minute ago, DraceEmpressa said:

 In all seriousness, was it ever confirmed Duo units are solely armors? Imagine.... Fliers or cavs with 185 BST.... and they bring Brave Lyn, Reinhardt , Brave Veronica, Legendary Azura and Brave Camilla to the arena... yikes.

Oooh!!! TIBARN+REYSON AND NAESALA+LEANNE (or it can be the other way around, how the pairs pair themselves does not really matter)!!! Basically flying cavalry units and their Duo skill is self-Sing! Additionally, their Special is Ultra Galeforce, a 2 cooldown Special that automatically fully charges on turn 1. Everyone can do 1 turn clears now!

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4 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

In all seriousness, was it ever confirmed Duo units are solely armors? Imagine.... Fliers or cavs with 185 BST.... and they bring Brave Lyn, Reinhardt , Brave Veronica, Legendary Azura and Brave Camilla to the arena... yikes.

I don't see why they wouldn't give the effect to other movement types. We got Pair Up on infantry and cavalry.

The entire point of having a Duel effect is to make non-armors viable for Arena scoring without having to sacrifice the passive A slot.

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48 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I don't see why they wouldn't give the effect to other movement types. We got Pair Up on infantry and cavalry. 

The entire point of having a Duel effect is to make non-armors viable for Arena scoring without having to sacrifice the passive A slot.

Hm... Pair Up Heroes have the duel effect in the hero's season, like Roy in Fire Seasons... Duo Heroes don't have a requirement to activate the ability.

I would prefer not having the BST requiremetn for Arena and allow us to use whatever unit we want, but since it cannot happen without penalties to your score... well...

I don't agree to Duel Skills, but they are a poor solution to this (not that I like this solution). It's a price to pay to have these units in higher tier arena. Duo Heroes don't have any price to pay to score higher, so... I am not sure how I feel about them score that higher without paying a price. It was like when we thought that the Pair Up Legendary Heroes ability was to grant blessed allies the Duel effect, but in fact the effect was only for them.

I expect Infantry/Flying/Cavalry Duo Heroes (Veronica/Xander Duo Hero when?), but I am not sure how to feel about they having 185 BST ability... Maybe the effect could be lower for them, like 170 to cavalry/fliers and 175 or maybe 180to infantry?

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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It'll also be interesting to see if pair-up armours ever happen, because the current iteration of the Legendary Duel effect on them would do nothing unless the virtual BST bonus is increased exclusively for armours.

Unlike Duel skills (where you give up the A-slot) and the pair-up Duel effect (where you give up having an actual useful legendary effect), the Duo bonus does not appear to come at any sacrifice to combat effectiveness. It is also not stuck at 1-2 BST bins below the natural maximum BST available in the game. As a result, giving it out as-is to other movement types is more "unfair", so to speak.

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