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21 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

rip farfetched, next banner is story chapter and farfetched was never a story chapter, always a paralogue.

Actually, the first two chapters for Book 3 didn't have a New Heroes banner associated with it (it had a Hero Fest banner with Eir on it). I think it is within the realm of possibility for the December 6 banner to be Farfetched Heroes and then the week after that they start Book 4 with either another New Heroes Banner, a Hero Fest banner for the new freebie unit, or whatever they plan on doing. I wouldn't say Farfetched Heroes is gone for good until voting for CYL4 starts in late January.

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7 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

Actually, the first two chapters for Book 3 didn't have a New Heroes banner associated with it (it had a Hero Fest banner with Eir on it). I think it is within the realm of possibility for the December 6 banner to be Farfetched Heroes and then the week after that they start Book 4 with either another New Heroes Banner, a Hero Fest banner for the new freebie unit, or whatever they plan on doing. I wouldn't say Farfetched Heroes is gone for good until voting for CYL4 starts in late January.

I'm glad someone else remembered that Book 3 didn't start with any banners. A lot of people tend to forget that. 

Although, personally speaking, I wouldn't be surprised if the December 6th banner was the remaining Book 3 OC's. I'd imagine they want to get them all out before the new Book comes.

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2 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

I'm glad someone else remembered that Book 3 didn't start with any banners. A lot of people tend to forget that. 

Although, personally speaking, I wouldn't be surprised if the December 6th banner was the remaining Book 3 OC's. I'd imagine they want to get them all out before the new Book comes.

Who else from Book 3 do we have left to add? Lif and maybe Hel are probably going to be Mythic Heroes. That just leaves Gustav and...Henriette I guess? Personally I can see them leaving Henriette as a NPC and saving dead Gustav for the next Fallen Heroes banner or be forgotten altogether like IS forgot him after Chapter 5. And if we go by the assumption that every New Heroes banner has to have four 5-star units on the banner there are not enough Book 3 OCs to make a banner with them though they can always make exceptions I guess.

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2 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

Who else from Book 3 do we have left to add? Lif and maybe Hel are probably going to be Mythic Heroes. That just leaves Gustav and...Henriette I guess? Personally I can see them leaving Henriette as a NPC and saving dead Gustav for the next Fallen Heroes banner or be forgotten altogether like IS forgot him after Chapter 5. And if we go by the assumption that every New Heroes banner has to have four 5-star units on the banner there are not enough Book 3 OCs to make a banner with them though they can always make exceptions I guess.

Hel, Gustav and Lif on a regular banner would nearly repeat the Surtr situation on the fire and ice banner. 

I'm expecting Lif and Hel on mythic banners like you though. Henriette seems a candidate for a seasonal banner. 

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Hel, Gustav and Lif on a regular banner would nearly repeat the Surtr situation on the fire and ice banner. 

I'm expecting Lif and Hel on mythic banners like you though. Henriette seems a candidate for a seasonal banner. 

inb4 the next Valentine Banner has Gustav and Henriette on it.

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1 hour ago, NSSKG151 said:

inb4 the next Valentine Banner has Gustav and Henriette on it.

That would be nice, but perhaps I'd prefer Spring Gustav. Spring Alfonse mentions that his father wouldn't approve of such an outfit. 

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On 11/17/2019 at 2:10 AM, Hilda said:

welcome to Gen4, where every weapon or weapon refine released pre Gen3 looks like garbage.

Berserk Armads would like to have a word with you. It's still the strongest weapon in the game.

Ophelia's Missiletainn is a distant second, and only after that do we have more recent weapons like Creator's Sword, Kitsune Fang, Ardent Durandal, and Hawk King Claw and refines like Amiti, Urvan, and Geirskogul.

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7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Berserk Armads would like to have a word with you. It's still the strongest weapon in the game.

Maybe for you that is in constant Tier 21 Arena, having a max BST Armored Team, but I rarely see Berserk Armads being used (to not say never).

Strongest Weapon? Sure! I believe in you. Accelerate Speial and Wrath effect is a great combination... But in two units that I never rarely see in Arena or any other mode: OG Hector, that is more used as fodder, and LA Hector, a limited unit that also rarely appear.

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Oh wow, an M!Kana Rokkr! That's...really weird to see... Not only is he a grails unit, but he's my best unit. This'll be...interesting...

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3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Maybe for you that is in constant Tier 21 Arena, having a max BST Armored Team, but I rarely see Berserk Armads being used (to not say never).

Strongest Weapon? Sure! I believe in you. Accelerate Speial and Wrath effect is a great combination... But in two units that I never rarely see in Arena or any other mode: OG Hector, that is more used as fodder, and LA Hector, a limited unit that also rarely appear.

I see none of the weapons I listed in the Arena, and that has nothing to do with how good or bad the weapons are.

Arena defense has a completely different distribution of unit and skill usage than any other game mode (other than Arena Assault defense for obvious reasons) and how common units and skills are in Arena defense says nothing about them other than how common they are in Arena defense.

Since we're talking about how strong weapons are, the only metric that matters is how strong they are, not how often you see them in this or that arbitrary game mode.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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@mcsilas @mampfoid Now that I think about it... when I said it was hard to fodder units I didn't realize just how hard it was for me.


Still have my spare B!Hector even though I could have sworn I wanted to give Bold Fighter to someone. Granted I don't build armors really but I've found it tough to even consider who to fodder him to.


Then as you can see my (2nd) favorite FE character shows up for me very often (except LA!Hector, that one was a trial). But despite the amount of units I could give DC I haven't foddered a single one. The idea of a +10 Hector is something I never even considered possible. It feels like such a waste of fantastic fodder and so much of it. Still probably going to give DC to Ross though. I actually had 3 L!Hectors but I gave one to Amelia as you know already.

Kind of in a similar boat with B!Ike and now Fallen Corrin. I'm sure I've got a few units that would like Steady Breath and ATK/SPD Solo/Sudden Panic (Ross and his sky high HP for one could use the latter) but A +1/+2 +ATK B!Ike and a +1 +SPD F!Corrin also sound pretty amazing.

First world problems I guess...

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@Zeo Totally feeling you there. I'm sitting myself on more than two pages of spare 5* units, undecided who needs it's fodder most. Since I rarely build EP units (you can see that in my two spare Hectors full of dust) I'm considering to merge B!Ike to +2. In addition to that, not every good EP melee unit needs DC. 

In general if you want to merge up a 5* exclusive unit (no matter if Hector, Lyn or someone else), you should save up a big heap of orbs and focus on that project, otherwise it won't happen. If you're not sure about that, then use your orbs for fun (or to get favs or Fodder) and stop thinking about +10s. It helps to enjoy the game more.

After merging Roy to +10 (I was veeery lucky with that 5% banner), I never could decide on what I should focus next. Using my orbs here and there, I'm trying to build up an emergency stash for the next killer GF unit. 

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@mampfoid @mcsilas @Alexmender @Landmaster

Yeah, I think I really just need to be more resolute. There are one or two fodders that I genuinely would give an arm and a leg for (Time's Pulse for Lyn/Ross and CC for Serra.) Outside of that... I've put orbs into shiny new units that I don't really need all that much I've come to realize. Then I'll pull them, use them for a short while and they collect dust. In terms of fodder I'll rarely pull the fodder I want, I'll pull fodder I don't know what to do with or a unit that I don't have any more copies of so I'm either stuck or indecisive. 

I'm talking in circles just a bit but I think you're right. The only banner in recent memory (aside from Halloween Hector and Ilyana, I really wanted them) that had units that were considered "must" pulls for me was the sacred stones banner that just dropped. Everything else has been a glorified bonus. Because at the end of it even if you don't pull those units you just keep going because you have no choice. Or you pull them, experience a high and keep going. And I'm kind of sick of that when the reality is that I can live without any of it.

Your +10 Brave Roy and Ginko's soon to be +10 Shiro was the straw that broke the camel's back though. I've been doing a "soft" save where I'll pull if the units interest me or if it's high profile fodder but I realize I'm an all or nothing type of person and I think I'm going to have to apply that here. I'll try this month's legendary, try for CC on the Takumi revival banner and try my free pull or a few orbs on Dorcas. After that I think I'm done summoning, full stop. Saving to +10 OG Lyn is going to be my goal from here on out. Had I had a nest egg of 200-500 orbs I could have +10'ed her here but I didn't have enough and I missed what might be my biggest chance. Not going to let that happen again. I've been doing a good job not claiming my orbs from the Feh mail and saved up to 22 orbs just in there before the Lyn banner drops.

The next new heroes banner might be tough, the Christmas banners might be tough but I'm done. After this month? Free pull, discount session and that's it. I'm officially a saver.

TL;DR: Not having enough orbs to pull a single copy of Lyn made me realize saving here and there isn't enough so when this month is over I'm officially quitting summons cold turkey. First summon session (if that) and that's it until the next Lyn banner whenever that may be.


These two. There the only thing that will sway me. That's my pledge.

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@Zeo Yeah having the fodder but not having the heart to go through with it can be a bit..frustrating (?) at times, I know I'm super indecisive about these things, too. I would give Bold Fighter to a ranged armour though at least (I say that but I still hadn't had the heart to give my spare Bector to Jakob yet..)

Good luck in the saving though! Tellius banners still have a good chance of appearing because of untapped beast units, and who knows maybe Edward would randomly come in a banner with Volug or something lol.

My goal is to get Caspar/Sylvain for Three houses but I kept doing some bored summons (like today) just because of lack of content/emotional summoning lol. Luck can swing one way one day, and the other on another but as long as I get new units, it's fine for me as a casual collector. I just hope you get your faves when they drop, it hurts to see people save up so much orbs only for them not to get one (especially if it's red hell..). Would it please you if they become free TT/GHB units? 

At least Caspar isn't too popular so whenever he shows up I might get a decent stash by then...(or hopefully he is injected straight to 3* or 4*)

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So about the TT+


It seems that this time the seals are Def/Res+, Atk/Res Spur and Flier Guidance. Not too interesting except FG, but at least improving Atk/Res Spur is only 100 coins (since it starts as a Silver Seal). 

Also, Brunnya comes with Fimbulvert, Glacies, Death Blow (5*) and Res Smoke (4*)


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8 hours ago, Zeo said:

Yeah, I think I really just need to be more resolute. There are one or two fodders that I genuinely would give an arm and a leg for (Time's Pulse for Lyn/Ross and CC for Serra.) Outside of that... I've put orbs into shiny new units that I don't really need all that much I've come to realize. Then I'll pull them, use them for a short while and they collect dust. In terms of fodder I'll rarely pull the fodder I want, I'll pull fodder I don't know what to do with or a unit that I don't have any more copies of so I'm either stuck or indecisive. 

I'm talking in circles just a bit but I think you're right. The only banner in recent memory (aside from Halloween Hector and Ilyana, I really wanted them) that had units that were considered "must" pulls for me was the sacred stones banner that just dropped. Everything else has been a glorified bonus. Because at the end of it even if you don't pull those units you just keep going because you have no choice. Or you pull them, experience a high and keep going. And I'm kind of sick of that when the reality is that I can live without any of it.

Your +10 Brave Roy and Ginko's soon to be +10 Shiro was the straw that broke the camel's back though. I've been doing a "soft" save where I'll pull if the units interest me or if it's high profile fodder but I realize I'm an all or nothing type of person and I think I'm going to have to apply that here. I'll try this month's legendary, try for CC on the Takumi revival banner and try my free pull or a few orbs on Dorcas. After that I think I'm done summoning, full stop. Saving to +10 OG Lyn is going to be my goal from here on out. Had I had a nest egg of 200-500 orbs I could have +10'ed her here but I didn't have enough and I missed what might be my biggest chance. Not going to let that happen again. I've been doing a good job not claiming my orbs from the Feh mail and saved up to 22 orbs just in there before the Lyn banner drops.

The next new heroes banner might be tough, the Christmas banners might be tough but I'm done. After this month? Free pull, discount session and that's it. I'm officially a saver.

TL;DR: Not having enough orbs to pull a single copy of Lyn made me realize saving here and there isn't enough so when this month is over I'm officially quitting summons cold turkey. First summon session (if that) and that's it until the next Lyn banner whenever that may be.


These two. There the only thing that will sway me. That's my pledge.


that's a good idea. I try to have a bevy of orbs so i can be all tralalla. but i tend to save my hoard for the important stuff. so like w/ my XX amount of orbs. about 2/3rds of it is for the heroes i wanna +10, and the rest are just for stuff. (and sometimes you just need some fodder and HOPEFULLY something pops out)  and nest eggs are such weird things. I saved so much for LAzura but i only got one copy, but i was able to finish Myrrh easily for the most part. but being armed to have enough chances is the ebst thing.

(but i will also say i do think from time to time it's a good thing to let yourself try for something fun. it keeps it fresh i feel or at least you get some fodder. i am always in need of some). 


I know for me I need
Lysithea/Bernadetta (basically all 3H units. except for Hubert. Stay away). 
many many micaiahs. many many brave camillas. 
so many manys. lol

Edited by daisy jane
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@Zeo Good luck saving!

That is something I find myself very tough to do. I like to collect. Gotta Catch'em All! Wait. Wrong Game.

I have however trained myself to give up on banners. Used to be I felt the need to get 3/4 or so on a new banner(particularly a limited banner). These days I I have trained the itch to mostly go away after I get 1 of the new desired units. Still can be a problem though if I get a bunch of off banners. They don't scratch the itch unless I haven't got them yet.

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