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11 hours ago, SockPuppet said:

A spring bunny duo is inevitable next month, no? Who do y’all expect, and who do you y’all hope it is?

Hope: Bartre and Dorcas.

Expected: I guess Abel and Est? Maybe Abel and Cain while bunny Est is her own, lonely unit.

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15 hours ago, SockPuppet said:

A spring bunny duo is inevitable next month, no? Who do y’all expect, and who do you y’all hope it is?

I expect something like Thrasir and Lif. I'd hope for Minerva and Maria, with Est as her own unit to complete the Whitewing bunny trio.

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I'm guessing the lead duo unit will at least somewhat resemble a lord - they haven't run out of those yet. Maybe Robin+Morgan?

For later duos, I'm still hoping for Sigurd+Dierdre on the brides banner. If they do another picnic banner, Ike+Mist could fit well.

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I'd love Ike + Elincia, Ike + Mist, or even Ike + Soren if Ike got a duo form. Though Ike in a bunny suit would be hilariously unfitting. lol

And I have a fan OC who's related to him that loves rabbits and would dress like one too, and he'd be amusingly jealous but also tease him lmao.

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6 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Bunny Garon and his harem of concubines is the only acceptable spring duo hero.

It features Garon with Azura in the back—Garon: Moans of Increasing Comfort.

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3 hours ago, Landmaster said:

If we're not getting Spring Yarne or Spring Panne, they can keep it~

Spring Nailah. A wolf dressing like a rabbit? So close yet so far.

@daisy jane Believe me I tried for Skylivia on her debut and got a pitybreaker Morgan M... 

Did get Maribelle at least so that was a nice consolation but I was so mad at Morgan for a long time.

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On 2/21/2020 at 3:36 AM, daisy jane said:

This stance banner is really proof positive that if you want a dancer (and lowkey a healer) - you really should get them on their debut.  Flying Olivia has a stance skill (and has not been on a Heroes with Banner at all - but yet this Ewan guy is on one) I mean I personally have a good Flying Olivia and wouldn't/couldn't pull on it anyway but that's not the point truly. They also really hate fallen berkut, because they put Thea on the banner instead of him. 

Eh, to be fair to Ewan technically his base kit has two stance skills with his tome and A-slot skill. It kind of makes since Ewan would show up on a Stance Skills banner and while Flying Olivia has not shown up on a skills banner she has been rerun as a focus unit two years ago on Legendary Eirika's banner as well as the headband VG last year in July.

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IS put Thea on the Stance banner because everyone loved getting pity broken by her on banners when she wasn't a focus so they decided to spread the love and increase her chances of showing up as a 5-star to brighten up your day.

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6 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Eh, to be fair to Ewan technically his base kit has two stance skills with his tome and A-slot skill. It kind of makes since Ewan would show up on a Stance Skills banner and while Flying Olivia has not shown up on a skills banner she has been rerun as a focus unit two years ago on Legendary Eirika's banner as well as the headband VG last year in July.


but the point still remains - as a dancer, they don't really have much Foci banners at all. and yeah while Ewan has two stances - he's still newer (though chances are he'll be skipped on legendary anyway). Olivia doesn't have many chances. we've had a few chill banners (she's been skipped there). there aren't a lot of guidance banners or even if they do movement assists she could be skipped there. and with Book 2 potentially being snapped away (shrug).  I dunno. like i said it's not like i would have pulled even if she was there - i've got a good IV Olivia  (and have poverty level orbs anyway) but it's still more the 'principle'. Dancers/Healers really have tough luck being on focus units for the most part (the ones that actually have a chance to repeat anyway).


On 2/21/2020 at 7:03 PM, mcsilas said:

Spring Nailah. A wolf dressing like a rabbit? So close yet so far.

@daisy jane Believe me I tried for Skylivia on her debut and got a pitybreaker Morgan M... 

Did get Maribelle at least so that was a nice consolation but I was so mad at Morgan for a long time.

my morgans were gotten trying to get Micaiah. (most of my blue pity breakers for a point were trying for Micaiah. (including Legendary Tikis). i don't know why she doesn't want to come to me 😞


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56 minutes ago, daisy jane said:


Olivia doesn't have many chances. we've had a few chill banners (she's been skipped there). there aren't a lot of guidance banners or even if they do movement assists she could be skipped there. and with Book 2 potentially being snapped away (shrug).


If somebody wants Olivia, her being removed from the New Heroes pitybreaker pool is the best thing that could happen to her, because it could lead to revival banners.

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2 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

If somebody wants Olivia, her being removed from the New Heroes pitybreaker pool is the best thing that could happen to her, because it could lead to revival banners.


i suppose. but as awesome as those banners are, they suck lol only because i never do well on them 😉


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3 hours ago, daisy jane said:

but the point still remains - as a dancer, they don't really have much Foci banners at all. and yeah while Ewan has two stances - he's still newer (though chances are he'll be skipped on legendary anyway). Olivia doesn't have many chances. we've had a few chill banners (she's been skipped there). there aren't a lot of guidance banners or even if they do movement assists she could be skipped there. and with Book 2 potentially being snapped away (shrug).  I dunno. like i said it's not like i would have pulled even if she was there - i've got a good IV Olivia  (and have poverty level orbs anyway) but it's still more the 'principle'. Dancers/Healers really have tough luck being on focus units for the most part (the ones that actually have a chance to repeat anyway).

I think that is just the consequence of there being so many characters in the game nowadays. There are just so many of them that to me it feels like most units seem to only get rerun once and then they are lucky if they ever show up as a focus unit again. Staves are definitely noticeable since most of them demote and come with less than stellar skills. Dancers...I don't know...discounting weekly revival banners Azura and Ninian were rerun several times back in the day and Lene was on a Valor Skills banner last year. I guess if Phina gets skipped over a 'Form Skills' banner and Larum get skipped over a 'Gap Skills' banner I can see what you are getting at.

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I really wish they would just do a dancer banner like they do with the skills banners.  Everyone uses dancers so it would be a good banner and there are more then enough dancers in the general pool to choose from for them to do one.  I just hope if they do have one Nils is on it since I failed to get him and I don't feel like going back in on his debut banner.

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So I just wanted to say that Heath is kind of amazing? You might not think that 27 resistance is a lot, but it's certainly enough to live getting hit by green mages, then tank Xander and a healer afterwards. He also tanked Nah and stayed alive while tanking some blue lances. Mind, I didn't even refine his resistance at all, just his speed. I think I need to consider investing in his resistance some more.

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6 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

I really wish they would just do a dancer banner like they do with the skills banners.  Everyone uses dancers so it would be a good banner and there are more then enough dancers in the general pool to choose from for them to do one.  I just hope if they do have one Nils is on it since I failed to get him and I don't feel like going back in on his debut banner.

actually there is not:

Dancers in the general pool:
Ninian, blue 5 Star locked
Azura, blue 5 Star locked
Nils, blue 5 Star locked (new)
Olivia, red 3-4 Star
Flying Olivia; Red 5 Star locked
Lene, red 5 Star locked
Siliva: Red 3-4 Stark
Phina, Red 5 Star locked

That was before we got:
Larum, colorless 5 Star locked
Tethys, colorless 4-5 Star

The rest are seasonal

Ninian and Azura are prolly not gonna show up
Nils just is on its own banner
3-4 Star hereos dont run on banners unless its a voting gauntlet banner or a Tempest Trial banner (usually).

This leaves us with:
Lene, Flying Olivia, Phina and Larum. 3 Red and 1 Colorless. Yeah i doubt they will run double Red or Triple Red with one Colorless.

Besides Dancer banners have prolly little value to IS. I mean Dancers outside of Legendary Azura or Peony score really low and usually there is no need for Merges on Dancers (ecxept for the ones you run on AR Defenses/offenses (in the case of Peony for more points)). How many +10 Dancer Reinhards or Ishtars have you encountered? I surely havent seen many of those (a few but i can count them on 1 hand).

The same applies to Healers, when is the last time you have seen a Healer banner? (besides the fact they all share ONE color)

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Nils/Larum/Phina would make a cool banner once Nils has been around a few months, although I'm not sure what they'd call it. I could see a "Heroes with Dance" banner eventually, but they'd have to either include Ninian or double up on red. Either of which seems plausible enough to me.

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3 hours ago, Icelerate said:

I have 2.4 million points in Rokkr Sieges. I recommend everyone to build an Eliwood or Brave Roy for this mode and give them chill def. After that two dancers and a quad attacker makes it pretty easy to consistently get 200k points. 

I'm using Brave Roy to squish minions and two quad Galeforce units to deal damage. The key piece is Halloween Mia, to cancel the Røkkr special attack. 

Brave Roy is a great unit for AR btw.

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

I'm using Brave Roy to squish minions and two quad Galeforce units to deal damage. The key piece is Halloween Mia, to cancel the Røkkr special attack. 

Brave Roy is a great unit for AR btw.

How do you keep Mia safe from archers?

He can work in galeforce strats in AR def or AR offense. 

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Silly me didn't realise until now that the Rokkr have Dazzling Staff. No wonder my enemy phase autobattle team was doing horribly. In order to reach 300k points total I had to take over and do it manually for like the first time since the first time this event launched, using as per the above suggestion, both regular Eliwood and Brave Roy.

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Catria+Three Flying Dancers with Goad Fliers has been working out well for me so far in Rokkr Siege. I think Hilda and Edelgard will be the next set of Rokkrs so I will probably swap out Catria for Palla tomorrow.

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