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Will they miss another opportunity Β to allow merges for the Askr trio? This would be a nice place to put their combat manuals on a repeatable way (like having them on the lineup for each month's units purchased with red Codes)

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Is Tanith the only one with a 400 SP assist so far? I want to start picking those up - even one would be significant, but for Arena I'll want at least three eventually.Β 

Other than that, things I was hoping for that haven't shown up so far are Special Fighter and Duel skills. Hopefully later additions cover those.Β 

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I could get best boy Owain+2... but sadly the otherΒ best β€œfodder” options are some of my favorite units. Dancing Xander, Dream M Corrin... and I think I would rather +1 them and fix their banes than use CC or NFU.


I think the Heroes OCs and the Echoes path will be my best choices...

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All right.Β  So for every month Narcian does not get a weapon refine, I'm going to take matters into my own hands by giving him a new weaponΒ myself.Β  He already has Slaying Axe, Slaying Hammer, Emerald Axe, and Sack o' Gifts, and so just based on what I have right now I could feasibly keep this up until December...which by my estimation lines up with about how long it will take at the current rate to get the through the rest of the eligible Gen I candidates.Β  Anyway, first up: Rearguard+



Sadly I lack a spare Surtr or Shannon to upgrade the A-slot to a tier 4 variant, which would also free up the B-slot for something else.Β Β 

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Only one I am interested in spending Divine Codes on is S!Laevatein just so I can give NY!Anna Mirror Impact. Of course, that is assuming those Heroes OCs is part of the initial lineup. Though, getting merges for Owain and M!Grima would also be enticing but that depends if it really does cost six thousandΒ Divine Codes to finishΒ a single line.

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For easy reference, the inheritable skills from the characters on the lineups we've seen:

  • Heroes:
    1. Spring Alfonse: Giant Spoon+, Noontime, Sturdy Blow 2, Def Smoke 3
    2. Ylgr: Glimmer, Sorcery Blade 3, Chill Spd 3, Spd Tactic 3
    3. Spring Bruno: Ovoid Staff+, Martyr+, Miracle, Atk/Def Push 3, Dazzling Staff 3
    4. NY Fjorm: Kabura Ya+, Reposition, Atk/Spd Bond 3, Atk/Spd Link 3, Even Res Wave 3
    5. Summer Laevatein: Buoyboard+, Smite, Mirror Impact, Def/Res Link 3, Odd Atk Wave 3
  • Mystery/Echoes:
    1. Bride Caeda: Blessed Bouquet+, Iceberg, Atk/Res 2, Hone Spd 3
    2. Celica: Blazing Light, Distant Def 3, Spur Def 3
    3. Picnic Genny: Toasty Skewer+, Physic+, Fireflood Balm+, Wrathful Staff 3, Def Opening 3
    4. Spring Palla: Pegasus Carrot+, Draconic Aura, Swift Sparrow 2, Disarm Trap 3, Hone Fliers
    5. Kliff: Growing Light, Fort. Def/Res 3, Chill Spd 3, Fortify Res 3
  • Blades/SS:
    1. Valentine's Lilina: Green Gift+, Blazing Flame, HP/Atk 2, Atk Tactic 3
    2. Amelia: Slaying Axe+, Sacred Cowl, Earth Boost 3, Armor March 3
    3. Super Nino: Moonbow, Swift Sparrow 2, Acrobatics 3, Spd Smoke 3
    4. Winter Ephraim: Dragon Fang, Atk/Def Solo 3, Bold Fighter 3, Close Guard 3
    5. Valentine's Hector: Glimmer, Distant Counter, Wary Fighter 3
  • Radiance:
    1. Leanne: Mirror Stance 2, Flier Formation 3, Hone Beasts
    2. Dancer Elincia: Cloud Maiougi+, Atk/Spd Push 3, Rockslide Dance 2, Drive Res 2
    3. Lethe: Moonbow, Spd/Def Solo 3, Hone Beasts
    4. Bride Tanith: Lofty Blossoms+, Harsh Command+, Swift Sparrow 2, Chill Atk 3, Fortify Fliers
    5. Valentine's Greil: Faithful Axe+, Aether, Fury 4, Wary Fighter 3, Armor March 3
  • Awakening/Fates:
    1. Summer Cordelia: Shell Lance+, Harsh Command, Sturdy Blow 2, Dull Close 3
    2. Fallen Robin M: Ignis, Vengeful Fighter 3, Spur Dragons
    3. Owain: Blue Flame, Atk/Def Bond 3, Wrath 3, Spur Spd/Def 2
    4. Dancer Xander: Dusk Uchiwa+, Close Counter, Quick Riposte 3, Odd Def Wave 3
    5. Dream Corrin M: Dragon Fang, Atk/Def Bond, Null Follow-Up 3, Hone Dragons
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Blades/SS sounds like the path I will do first, a merge for V!Lilina along with armor march and DC fodder sounds great and the other stuff sound nice as well.

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I'll probably go for Amelia and Grima first, for their armor skills. I already have extra copies of Idunn and Halloween Myrrh but I think I can do better with them.Β 

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Man, I need Wrathful Staff for my Priscilla, but the Awakening/Fates path and the Blades/Sacred Stones path both give REALLY good fodder (plus a merge for Valentine Lilina, which would put her at +5 for me because she broke my pity rate SO MUCH when I tried for Hector). I'm not sure which path I'll go for first.

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6 hours ago, Othin said:

For easy reference, the inheritable skills from the characters on the lineups we've seen:

  • Heroes:
    1. Spring Alfonse: Giant Spoon+, Noontime, Sturdy Blow 2, Def Smoke 3
    2. Ylgr: Glimmer, Sorcery Blade 3, Chill Spd 3, Spd Tactic 3
    3. Spring Bruno: Ovoid Staff+, Martyr+, Miracle, Atk/Def Push 3, Dazzling Staff 3
    4. NY Fjorm: Kabura Ya+, Reposition, Atk/Spd Bond 3, Atk/Spd Link 3, Even Res Wave 3
    5. Summer Laevatein: Buoyboard+, Smite, Mirror Impact, Def/Res Link 3, Odd Atk Wave 3
  • Mystery/Echoes:
    1. Bride Caeda: Blessed Bouquet+, Iceberg, Atk/Res 2, Hone Spd 3
    2. Celica: Blazing Light, Distant Def 3, Spur Def 3
    3. Picnic Genny: Toasty Skewer+, Physic+, Fireflood Balm+, Wrathful Staff 3, Def Opening 3
    4. Spring Palla: Pegasus Carrot+, Draconic Aura, Swift Sparrow 2, Disarm Trap 3, Hone Fliers
    5. Kliff: Growing Light, Fort. Def/Res 3, Chill Spd 3, Fortify Res 3
  • Blades/SS:
    1. Valentine's Lilina: Green Gift+, Blazing Flame, HP/Atk 2, Atk Tactic 3
    2. Amelia: Slaying Axe+, Sacred Cowl, Earth Boost 3, Armor March 3
    3. Super Nino: Moonbow, Swift Sparrow 2, Acrobatics 3, Spd Smoke 3
    4. Winter Ephraim: Dragon Fang, Atk/Def Solo 3, Bold Fighter 3, Close Guard 3
    5. Valentine's Hector: Glimmer, Distant Counter, Wary Fighter 3
  • Radiance:
    1. Leanne: Mirror Stance 2, Flier Formation 3, Hone Beasts
    2. Dancer Elincia: Cloud Maiougi+, Atk/Spd Push 3, Rockslide Dance 2, Drive Res 2
    3. Lethe: Moonbow, Spd/Def Solo 3, Hone Beasts
    4. Bride Tanith: Lofty Blossoms+, Harsh Command+, Swift Sparrow 2, Chill Atk 3, Fortify Fliers
    5. Valentine's Greil: Faithful Axe+, Aether, Fury 4, Wary Fighter 3, Armor March 3
  • Awakening/Fates:
    1. Summer Cordelia: Shell Lance+, Harsh Command, Sturdy Blow 2, Dull Close 3
    2. Fallen Robin M: Ignis, Vengeful Fighter 3, Spur Dragons
    3. Owain: Blue Flame, Atk/Def Bond 3, Wrath 3, Spur Spd/Def 2
    4. Dancer Xander: Dusk Uchiwa+, Close Counter, Quick Riposte 3, Odd Def Wave 3
    5. Dream Corrin M: Dragon Fang, Atk/Def Bond, Null Follow-Up 3, Hone Dragons

Awakening/Fates>Blades/SS>Heroes>Radiance>Mystery/Echoes for me personally. The last 3 are almost the same for me while the first two stand out.

DC, armour march and bold fighter are the most game changing skills so Blades/SS ranks really high.

Awakening/Fates has NFU, CC, blue flame and VF that are game changing. While BF>VF and DC>CC, NFU and blue flame together have more value than armour march by far and even individually for me.Β 

Heroes' best skills are mirror impact, dazzlingΒ staff, speed tactic and attack speed link. The last two aren't as rare or useful as the previously mentioned skills.

Radiance has a Leanne merge which is appreciated, harsh command+, fury 4 and armor march 3. Harsh command+ is pretty situational and debuffs mostly happen on enemy phase so I don't find it that useful.Β 

Mystery/Echoes has wrathful staff 3 and fort def/res 3 but I don't find anything else worthwhile.Β 


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Stones/Blades and Awakening/fates for me. Lilina and Nino are a useless but Amelia is Armor March, Ephraim will be +2 and Hector is DC. Then from Fates awakening path as Grima's VF is nice fodder for some of my armors. Xander is CC for Brunya and Corrin is whatever as I no longer have that old one to merge though I will keep him when I eventually get him. I wonder why they are called "normal" Combat manuals though and what is the part one for.Β 

Like the idea of the monthly codes.Β 

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Thinking over my SI plans:

  • Winter Jaffar should be ready for deployment as soon as this launches, with Armor March from Amelia plus Close Counter from my extra Takumi. I should also be able to get him a Lethal Carrot from Kagero at some point. It'd be nice to be able to have him inherit Close Counter from the Xander manual to pick up Dusk Uchiwa as well, but that's pretty expensive and I'm not sure I'll ever want to go for it, and if I do end up needing another CC source it'll probably be for Winter Cecilia who could also use it. I'll leave his B slot with something basic like Renewal for now, to get a better idea of his needs before figuring out what to inherit there and how, and to see if any future manual releases help.
  • Black Knight will want Vengeful Fighter from Grima as soon as I can afford it. Might finally bite the bullet on having him eat my extra Idunn for a good A slot, as well. Kliff would be a cleaner sacrifice but it'd be easier to not have to bother with that path at all. It'd be nice to get him Armor March as well at some point, but I'm not in a hurry.
  • Valbar will probably be the one to eat my extra Nagi for Distant Counter and Special Fighter, although I'll need to pull some more copies of him before there's much point to committing. I can also feed him my extra Hardin if I ever want to try Bold Fighter, although that may be more trouble than it's worth. Like my other to big armor projects, Armor March would be nice - could use my extra Myrrh, or the Greil manual. Myrrh could also help him work towards Vengeful Fighter, although I'm not sure where I'd get the other levels.
  • Outside of my armor merge projects, Naga would certainly like Distant Counter from Valentine's Hector.
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All I want from the codes is DC and maybe CC, the staff skills might come in handy later on if I want to do another staff project.Β  I can live with the high cost as long as I can get the rare for me fodder I need with out having to spend a ton of orbsΒ  I am fine.Β  Plus I figured good fodder would be pricey.Β  I have so many units that have been waiting for DC and CC this will be a big help.

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So, with the next banner launching Friday, the trailer should go up Tuesday or Wednesday night. Right around the end of the legendary banner and the gauntlet... why does everything have to happen at the same time? Friday is even the day the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon remake launches, I'm looking forward to that.

The trailer could influence my pulling on the legendary banner, but I doubt it. I have plenty of orbs, so there shouldn't be any conflicts.

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I might go for Mysterie Echoes. Disarm Trap has been dismissed for quite some time, but Leila changes this a little bit, with Disarm Trap and the ability to switch out to her Support she can be useful for a good offensive support. Already without it she does solid. Testing out Traps is just wasting her potential.Β 
Sadly Palla is 4th so this is quite expensive. But I don't see other skills which I need urgently. Maybe CC would be cool for Matthew and I wanted Fury 4 for quite some time... also Mystery has Def/Res fortress. Which might be cool to have on Selena. So I won't go wrong with this. Mirror Impact is also nice, but for some plans I rather would have sturdy impact...

Regarding DC and BF I still have some backup fodder so its not urgent. Also have to think about NFU... but the skills won't run away.Β 

Edited by Stroud
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So at lv40, Altina's Atk is her best non-HP stat, but at lv1, her Def is higher regardless of her nature, and the only way for it to tie her Res is for her to be +Atk/-Res. This means it's generally the fourth stat she can boost with Dragonflowers, on a unit who really wants a ton of Atk but doesn't want her other stats to get too high. This is frustrating.

It also means that if we do get a neutral Altina from the Voting Gauntlet, and I merge my current -Atk Altina into her, she'll get her neutral Atk of 38 but nothing beyond that, since the neutral merge points will all go into HP/Def/Res. And because two points go into HP, she'll be at 44, which means any Dragonflowers would increase her Vantage HP threshold from 11 to 12.

It seems silly to complain about Altina not being even more powerful, but. Why did they do this.

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So, according to this reddit post it is going to cost six thousand Divine Codes in order to finish one line.

I kind of figured it was going to be that way. Looks like I am going to be waiting and grinding for quite some time in order to get that Mirror Impact fodder.

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2 hours ago, Rinco said:

When did we get the mass demote last year? Was it March or April?

I'm holding on my feathers for now waiting to see if we get something good this year.

April is when they go and demote units.

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