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1 hour ago, Vicious Sal said:

The forma unit is very cool.

i am looking forward to units that are easily merged like that draug/gordin etc. 

You can deck them out with a max score kit, then just merge them for a max scoring unit without needing the fodder.

That's actually a good idea. I might build units like Jeorge or Matthew, but I haven't seen Duel skills in hall of Fjorms.  

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Colorless tomes sound dumb. Forma souls are a cool feature, but they're paid only so they're irrelevant to me. Also I'm not satisfied with the Feh Pass "fix" - sending more feedback.

"The quest viewer is still messed up, it still automatically opens the Feh Pass page first even if you don't have the pass. Also the obnoxious pass ad in stages that allow Auto-Start is still there. Stop screwing around, those should both have already been fixed in the new update."

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2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Forma unit souls...? Interesting...

This would be a good way to build a certain unit as long as you don't care about Asset and Flaw, and if you ask me I actually kinda like the blue background and blue stars.

I have to wonder how they'll handle learnable skills though... in the example, Leif has none of his usual skills, so would he have to learn them manually? Would they be automatically learned? It'd be cool if the Forma unit also kept all the skills they ever learned while being grown up, but then one could just throw literally everything at one unit and have a unit with like 20 Tier 4 skills...

From what I understood...

Forma Units will keep their current skills only, so if you get a Leif with Slaying Edge+, he will not have Light Brand. However, once you add a merge on him, he will get all these skills from the source. (Forma Leif will get Light Brand from the foddered Leif).

I liked the idea of Forma units. But what can be salty is the price of the Forma Soul, but may be fair to be a little pricey for a unit what will have a bunch of high tier skills like Rally+,  DC/CC and Tier 4 A and C skills.

I may get it one of these Forma Heroes in the future, but not this time since I believe they already told us who is next (Leif, Finn, Sword Reinhardt and Green Olwen).

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Turns out there's a sixth Combat Manual path, with FE4/5 units.

  1. Leif: Blazing Light, Steady Blow 2, Drive Atk 2
  2. Deirdre: Ardent Sacrifice, Quick Riposte 3, Spd Ploy 3
  3. Sigurd: Miracle, Close Def 3, Spd Smoke 3
  4. Lewyn: Glimmer, Swift Sparrow 2, Special Spiral 3, Odd Atk Wave 3
  5. Soiree Ishtar: Swift Sparrow 3, Desperation 3, Air Orders 3

Lewyn and Ishtar have some powerful skills, but the early levels look pretty bad, and it seems inefficient to buy unwanted step 2/3 manuals to get to the 4/5 ones. The step 1 manuals look pretty bad in general, but they're cheap and common to all paths, like the initial +1 Hp with Dragonflowers.

I hope we can get a path with Special Fighter sometime soon, want to try to do some saving up for that.

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Ah another useful change! 

Bound hero, grand hero, bound hero, legendary hero and mythic hero generic enemies have had their stats i creaswd to give more of a challenge on lunatic and higher difficulties by having their stats be inflated a bit more.

I think @Anacybele is going to love this change.


And yeah, colourless tomes, I am curious. First thought went to bramimond and maybe dark magic from Tellius.

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I hope everyone is sending feedback about the Feh Pass advertising change not being enough. If they don't clean up this stuff more next month, they never will. 

As for colorless tomes, the one this month could be on the spring banner, or it could be the mythic. I'm guessing the mythic - maybe Ashera? I've been looking forward to her. That'd mean Hel isn't showing up yet, though. May for her wouldn't be too bad. 

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18 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

Bound hero, grand hero, bound hero, legendary hero and mythic hero generic enemies have had their stats i creaswd to give more of a challenge on lunatic and higher difficulties by having their stats be inflated a bit more.

I think Anacybele is going to love this change.

lol (about the Ana thing)

Will be interesting to have a little more challenge in GHB and BHB, since they usually are pretty easy. And unless they add orbs as reward in Abyssals, I don't mind it. Maybe now will be more challenging for 1-turn clear players.

20 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

And yeah, colourless tomes, I am curious. First thought went to bramimond and maybe dark magic from Tellius.

The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the colorless tome was Ashera. And also Brave Lysithea.

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Feels strange to have no events whatever on. Good, but strange.

Colourless tomes I don't like purely because of the asymmetry they cause between the colours. If gauntlets were added instead, all colours would have equivalent weapon types, but now we'd need healers of all colours too, boo.

It's too late now because of skill powercreep, but I think if there was a FEH2, healers and mages should just be the same weapon type, and the damage penalty simply applied whenever you have a heal assist equipped.


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My issue with the new Hall of Forms feature isn't necessarily that it's monetized, but that once again it's paired with orbs - and a lot of them too.  I wouldn't mind putting in a small amount of money to be able to keep a decked-out Forma, especially if it's a rare unit I don't have, or a lower rarity unit I might be interested in merging as discussed above.  But not if I have to pay around $30 for the orbs too.  Similar to the new year's and christmas unit packs they had before, it'll just be another perk for the player base already spending money on orbs.    

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Colorless tome sounds inferior to Wrazzle Dazzle, the whole safe damaging mechanic... except if eventually there be colorless blade tome. In the 4* pool or grail shop. Or at least in the manual shop.

I wouldn't buy Formal soul myself, but on the other hand I admit it's a better thing than FEH pass. Though if we can use the formas for merge source or as fodder that would mean more ppl would  buy it... Silly IS, sleeping on money as always. 

also, there's not even new Mjolnir Strike this batch?


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5 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Colorless tome sounds inferior to Wrazzle Dazzle, the whole safe damaging mechanic... except if eventually there be colorless blade tome. In the 4* pool or grail shop. Or at least in the manual shop.

I wouldn't buy Formal soul myself, but on the other hand I admit it's a better thing than FEH pass. Though if we can use the formas for merge source or as fodder that would mean more ppl would  buy it... Silly IS, sleeping on money as always. 

also, there's not even new Mjolnir Strike this batch?


Colorless tomes are definitly not inferior to Wrazzle Dazzle, because they can actually use damaging Specials, have higher stats from weapon refines/special weapons and a freed up B-Slot.

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Forma Souls sounds both useless and useful at the same time. Helpful by having a tricked out kit instead of swimming through the summoning pool. But annoying by how it has to be a base copy without ivs, that hurts what can be done. Being tied with Hall of Forms mean it better be a unit I care about. Especially with the pack costing what, 30 dollars? 

Colorless tome are going to have a hard time. Those units need big stick damage or omni tanks in order to be successful. Or some other unique feature.

Planing to play conservative with divine codes just in case there are more pathways in the future that interest me more. 

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53 minutes ago, Hilda said:

Colorless tomes are definitly not inferior to Wrazzle Dazzle, because they can actually use damaging Specials, have higher stats from weapon refines/special weapons and a freed up B-Slot.

While having a freed-up B slot is nice, Dazzling Staff is literally one of the best B skills in the game. Most tome units would kill to get that skill.

Additionally, the existence of Atk/Spd Push 4 completely eliminates the stat gap in the A slot, so the only real stat difference comes from the weapon and Special slots, which I think is fully justified by the existence of Pain+ and Dazzling Staff.

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Formas are boring and uninteresting as they can't be used for fodder or be used as merges and the lack of assets is something that can hinder the potential of some units. Also the amount of monetization within one month is really scary. The Feh Pass got introduced which I won't talk about and now another feature locked behind a pay wall. I understand that this is the nature of the game and that they are desperate for money but they make it too obvious and in the eyes of a F2P player this looks plainly bad. Resplendent and forma heroes, QoL features and resources are being locked behind a pay wall. Though I could just be cynical for no reason

I will currently save divine codes as I am not too keen in any of the paths. 

Colourless tomes are a nice addition and it makes me look forward to a potential Ashera, Braimond and even Brave Lysithea (as Dimitri could be a Lance, Edelgard with the Seiros sword and Claude with an axe). 

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

While having a freed-up B slot is nice, Dazzling Staff is literally one of the best B skills in the game. Most tome units would kill to get that skill.

Additionally, the existence of Atk/Spd Push 4 completely eliminates the stat gap in the A slot, so the only real stat difference comes from the weapon and Special slots, which I think is fully justified by the existence of Pain+ and Dazzling Staff.

Lack of movement Assist is kind of a big deal though. It does not really matter in AI hands, but in players' hands, it is kind of a hassle to use them as nukes.

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I'm not really looking forward to a lot of these changes.

Forma souls don't interest me in the slightest because there's no asset/flaw, I can't use them for a merge, and they're yet ANOTHER thing behind a paywall.

Colorless tomes are silly, it messes up a lot of the dynamic and symmetry already present; I seriously expect colorless swords at this point.

And then there's the raising of enemy stats...boo, I say! Some of these Lunatic and higher challenges are already too hard as it is, they don't need to be HARDER. Just a really poor decision.

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The forma souls sound neat, I hope players get the chance to get these without having to buy the orb pack at some point.  Colorless tome are going to be interesting, if done right they could be a problem.  I am not to happy about enemies having inflated stats, this has to be IS trying to sell FEH pass.

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All the major updates from now on seem exclusively P2W with no F2P option with the exception of divine codes but they were here since Mjolnir strike. Obviously it makes sense for P2W to have an advantage in just about every area but to restrict a feature entirely from F2P players is unprecedented until the third year anniversary. 

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1 hour ago, Icelerate said:

All the major updates from now on seem exclusively P2W with no F2P option with the exception of divine codes but they were here since Mjolnir strike. Obviously it makes sense for P2W to have an advantage in just about every area but to restrict a feature entirely from F2P players is unprecedented until the third year anniversary. 

They can't even be bothered to give out a free instance of either. Or to fix any more pass complaints. It's really sending the message that they don't care about offering anything more to free players. 

Anyone who cares, send feedback.

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9 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

As for the code compiler while I am still going to be saving up Divine Codes for S!Laevatein's Mirror Impact Holy War's line is definitely has interesting things for me with Ishtar's Swift Sparrow 3, Lewyn's Spiral Spiral and even Deirdre's Quick Riposte 3 would save you 20,000 feathers.

Quick Riposte 3... why isn't this available at 4 star yet? There are so many way more broken follow-up/null follow-up type skills now. Plus we've had Desperation for ages in the 4 star pool. While quite different from QR I consider it the go to budget skill for speedy player phase units, while QR is the go to for slow enemy phase units.

Sure there's Subaki but I rarely have 20,000 feathers to burn due to all my merge projects. (Sorry Valentine Conrad QR2 will have to do for now, one day buddy).

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5 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

Ah another useful change! 

Bound hero, grand hero, bound hero, legendary hero and mythic hero generic enemies have had their stats i creaswd to give more of a challenge on lunatic and higher difficulties by having their stats be inflated a bit more.

I think @Anacybele is going to love this change.

No, I HATE this. Well, for LHBs and MHBs anyway. They're already super difficult, why make them even more BS?

BHBs and GHBs were kinda easy tho. Now I'm just afraid year 1 units are useless in any of these now.

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2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

And then there's the raising of enemy stats...boo, I say! Some of these Lunatic and higher challenges are already too hard as it is, they don't need to be HARDER. Just a really poor decision.

They can be difficult for players who do not use Player Phase teams, but for players who do use that team composition, even Abyssal is not really that challenging.

However, I agree that they do not need to make it harder. If they want to make things harder, I would just make Abyssal harder and keep the lower difficulties the same.

29 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

No, I HATE this. Well, for LHBs and MHBs anyway. They're already super difficult, why make them even more BS?

You need to adapt and use different play styles for different modes. As much as I like Player Phase combat, I do not use that play style for every mode in the game. For example with Grand Conquest and Rival Domains, it is far easier for me to just slow push towards the enemy Fortress with bunch of Enemy Phase units; a Player Phase brigade can work, but it is a huge hassle to manage a huge team while only using 1 Dancer/Singer. For Aether Raids, while I can almost guarantee a win if I use my Player Phase team, it is not the best team to handle every defense team out there, and often times it is far easier to just use a super tank team instead.

23 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Now I'm just afraid year 1 units are useless in any of these now.

Year one Blade mages and Dancers/Singers are hardly useless. Blade mages might need some extra merges, but they should have little difficulty clearing things.

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52 minutes ago, Holla99 said:

Quick Riposte 3... why isn't this available at 4 star yet?

Because they continually refuse to drop original Leo (and plenty of other old characters) to where they belong: the 3*-4* pool. 

No, really. If original Leo was available as a 3*-4*, he would get Quick Riposte 3 at 4-stars (and so would, coincidentally, Deirdre).

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