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34 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Oh, I run Steady Breath on Lukas as well. That Bonfire in every counterattack is so effective! Mine has Threaten Def on C slot.

The C slot was more a case of what I had at the time, but it works fairly well and I just left it like that.

1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, I've heard of people running builds like that on him, but I haven't had Steady Breath to give him since I merged up all my Brave Ikes. XD

It is a really good build.  I figured you would have merged you B!Ikes, but it is still a build to consider if you need a decent blue unit.

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So I bought the FEH Pass (thanks Cordelia...), and uh... I don't find it necessary... at all.

The resources from the super-easy quests is one thing, but all the other features I just don't think I need. Sure multiple Summoner Supports is nifty, but I'd rather give the bonus to all my +10 units than be made to pick between just three of them. Re-act just... isn't that necessary to me. Sure it's convenient, but I'm not shelling $10usd a month just for the ability to go back a turn when I can just repeat what I know works from turn 1.

The auto-start feature is alright, but the number of times you can autostart is based on how much stamina you have at the time, and as far as I can tell you can't tell it to just use a new stamina potion while repeating. So... alright, but not exactly worth the money for it alone.

Resplendent Heroes might be worth it. If you time it right like I tried to, it should add up to 3 free heroes a subscription cycle, the artwork is nice, and the stat bonuses is basically an extra. IMO if you don't care about which Heroes receive the Resplendent treatment, then it's a better deal overall to buy a month of Feh Pass than to just buy the Resplendent hero alone (I, for one, prefer Lyn's original outfit and don't use her enough to justify the stat bonus).

Overall... eh. I bought the Feh Pass purely for Cordelia (peep my Cord in the 5* +10 thread!), and while some features are nice, I just don't think it's worth the price in the long-term. I'm not seeing enough to justify $10usd a month.

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I only got it for Cordy and soon Ike myself. After that, I don't think I'll keep it.

Four more days until Resplendent Ike is available though! 😄

Edited by Anacybele
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3 hours ago, Jave said:

My fountain says I have zero pending quests. Nice that the Feh Pass Quests thing got fixed. 

Yeah, they mentioned that in the update notification a few days ago. Problem is, it still opens straight to the pass quests page if you have no other completed quests, and the Auto-Start ad is still there in relevant modes. So I'm not satisfied - it feels like a bare minimum fix, addressing the biggest complaint but leaving others they could change easily.

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Hm... Today I had some time to train some ranged units.

I trained my Halloween Dozla that I got for free in the Anniversary, and tomorrow I will farm his feathers, so he can be ready to be foddered for Flame Emperor for Rally Atk/Def+ and Armor March. I also think I have to farm Valentine Ike's feathers, because he will also be foddered soon.

I also trained 3 new Pain+ units, for Arena Assault: Sakura, Brady and Elise. Now I have more Pain+ to use.

Finally, I finished to train my Norne. She is +1 and also ready for AA, to deal with ranged foes... Just like Faye does. Norne has Guard Bow+, Mirror Stance, Steady Posture and Dull Ranged.

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Oh god, it just hit me that we already have a Guard Bow with a completely different effect from the Guard melee weapons. (And a Halloween bow that's functionally a Guard bow.)

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37 minutes ago, Othin said:

Oh god, it just hit me that we already have a Guard Bow with a completely different effect from the Guard melee weapons. (And a Halloween bow that's functionally a Guard bow.)

Sounds like localization being dumb again. 😕

I totally bet either Guard bow or the Guard melee weapons have a different name in Japanese. @Ice Dragon Can you confirm?

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42 minutes ago, Othin said:

Oh god, it just hit me that we already have a Guard Bow with a completely different effect from the Guard melee weapons. (And a Halloween bow that's functionally a Guard bow.)

Eh, that isn’t new.

They already had a similar snafu when they had to name the Spd/Def stance Steady Posture since Steady Stance was already taken by the pure Def stance.

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Managed to get my orb stash over 1000 again thanks to the number of orbs I was able to collect today. As long as there isn't anything too tempting to pull for I should be able to have enough orbs in two or three months to be able to +10 another five star exclusive unit.

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22 hours ago, XRay said:

Getting into Desperation range is not always easy, but it is doable. I was able to get ASS!Takumi into Desperation range consistently back then, and that is with him running Life and Death at +1 merge.

As a Player Phase player, I find Enemy Phase units to be more difficult to use and require more babying. A nuke with three Dancers/Singers lets you zoom around the map. Two nukes and two Dancers/Singers gives up that mobility for the piece of mind that an Abyssal enemy usually does not have the stats nor skill set to tank two different types of nukes targeting two different bulk.

. . .I think you missed the point of not being hit.

And that's exactly what the team I'm talking about IS - three dancers, one nuke.  What the hell else is a BB archer team?

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1 hour ago, eclipse said:

. . .I think you missed the point of not being hit.

And that's exactly what the team I'm talking about IS - three dancers, one nuke.  What the hell else is a BB archer team?

Being hit is not a bad thing though. With enough damage, it activates Desperation and allows Wings of Mercy Dancers/Singers to work.

The original point I was talking about was how the increase in difficulty should not affect Player Phase players that much, because Player Phase teams have a lot of easy and cheap skill access, as well as having an easier time adjusting tactics immediately (the game tells the player the outcome of the battle immediately; Enemy Phase players have to use a calculator or just try out the tactic first and wait to see what happens).

Three Dancers/Singers and one nuke can usually solve most Abyssals, as it usually just takes some minor skill adjustments in the form of switching Specials and A skills (Fury for easier Wings of Mercy activation; Life and Death for higher damage output). In more difficult and rare cases, the player will need to run Chills on Dancers/Singers, switch Dancers/Singers to influence the AI to move differently, or have the Dancers/Singers participate in combat. If the player really cannot get one nuke to work, they can run two nukes.

I personally recommend quad Brave archers over slow Brave archers because quadding has a higher total damage output. It is more difficult to get into Desperation range, but since the player can restart quickly, it generally is not too difficult to find the right enemy to eat a counter attack from. And since a fast Brave archer will usually run Life and Death, it also means the nuke is likely to enter into Wings of Mercy range as well.

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Sounds like localization being dumb again. 😕

I totally bet either Guard bow or the Guard melee weapons have a different name in Japanese. @Ice Dragon Can you confirm?

You can look these things up.

So, the B passive in Japanese is called  キャンセル (romaji: kyanseru) which means cancel. The Japanese and German names are the only consistent ones; Japanese uses "Cancel" and German uses Wache or Wacht where the former was only used in Path of Radiance while the later was used in Radiant Dawn onward. Both mean "guard", but I do not know the what the difference exactly since I do not know German. English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish (European and Latin) flip flop around. English used Cancel in RD and Guard in PoR and Heroes, French used Garde (Guard) in PoR and Négation (Negation) in RD and Heroes, Italian used Guardia (Guard) in PoR, Neutralizza (Neutralize) in RD and Heroes, and for the Guard weapons, arginante, and so on and so forth if you are inclined to look into this more.

Guard Bow is probably a character limitation. In Japanese, it's 遠距離防御の弓 (romaji: enkyori bōgyo no yumi) which is the equivalent to Distant Def Bow. All the other languages use defensive, guard, or protective. Tomes use animals for names and Guard Bow doesn't look serpentine really, so they could not have called it Serpent Bow. That said, English and German could have used a different word instead of "guard" when they both call Guard "guard" -- I hope that sentence follows.

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1 hour ago, Kaden said:

English used Cancel in RD and Guard in PoR and Heroes

RD's Cancel is a different effect, it's the equivalent to -sweep skills. There isn't a direct equivalent to Guard's effect in the Tellius games. It's actually weird that it was ever translated to Guard, given that the Japanese name is an English loanword.

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11 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

RD's Cancel is a different effect, it's the equivalent to -sweep skills. There isn't a direct equivalent to Guard's effect in the Tellius games. It's actually weird that it was ever translated to Guard, given that the Japanese name is an English loanword.

I only looked at the word and forgot to check the effects... Cancel in PoR is Pavise? Guard in RD from my understanding is like the -sweep and Impact skills in Heroes. Nihil seems like the closest thing to Guard in Heroes?

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1 minute ago, Kaden said:

Guard in RD from my understanding is like the -sweep and Impact skills in Heroes.

It allows you to take damage for your support partner.

1 minute ago, Kaden said:

Nihil seems like the closest thing to Guard in Heroes?

It's similar, but Nihil prevents all combat skills. As an aside, it's called 見切り (mikiri), the same word is used for Null Follow-up/Null C-Disrupt.

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i just found out that Chapter 5's last map's Lysithea (a gen 4 infantry red mage with very min-maxed stats) at the highest difficulty, with all stats+4 thanks to the adjacent Helbindi and her special ready, can't even kill my Brave Ike (+atk , 40+10, +10 from dragonflowers, Summoner Support, G Duel Infantry and +17 in-combat res (+3 from drive res, +2 from Marth's Falchion, +2 from Marth's support, +4 from distant guard, +6 from distant defense) in enemy phase... so like... Tactical Nuke who

"Of course he can tank her with all these buffs" yeah but i'd like to remind you that BIke's res is extremely low and that he has color disadvantage, honestly even just considering this match-up is crazy

i can only imagine what a gen 4 Brave Ike could manage to do



anyway, i got Bernadetta in like 100 orbs and Annette with a ticket, so i don't need to waste my feathers on the Flame Emperor to use him as my arena bonus
if only Annette's Crusher was effective against armored units, that would've been nuts

Edited by Yexin
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20 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Thing is, mine is +Atk, -Res to make use of that brave lance he comes with. -Res wouldn't be ideal for an enemy phase build which is what Brave Ike runs.

Mine is +Atk too, but with no flaw due to merges. Keep in mind that I was refering to vanilla B!Ike (so, no Urvan refine and no DC), therefore Res is not as important

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8 hours ago, Kaden said:

You can look these things up.

So, the B passive in Japanese is called  キャンセル (romaji: kyanseru) which means cancel. The Japanese and German names are the only consistent ones; Japanese uses "Cancel" and German uses Wache or Wacht where the former was only used in Path of Radiance while the later was used in Radiant Dawn onward. Both mean "guard", but I do not know the what the difference exactly since I do not know German. English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish (European and Latin) flip flop around. English used Cancel in RD and Guard in PoR and Heroes, French used Garde (Guard) in PoR and Négation (Negation) in RD and Heroes, Italian used Guardia (Guard) in PoR, Neutralizza (Neutralize) in RD and Heroes, and for the Guard weapons, arginante, and so on and so forth if you are inclined to look into this more.

Guard Bow is probably a character limitation. In Japanese, it's 遠距離防御の弓 (romaji: enkyori bōgyo no yumi) which is the equivalent to Distant Def Bow. All the other languages use defensive, guard, or protective. Tomes use animals for names and Guard Bow doesn't look serpentine really, so they could not have called it Serpent Bow. That said, English and German could have used a different word instead of "guard" when they both call Guard "guard" -- I hope that sentence follows.

Sorry, I didn't know I could. But I see. Thanks.

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2 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

I used some codes to get Armor March. I pulled a random Nagi from the banner, I still have a spare DC from Hector. I have nearly all necessary fodder for flame Emperor available. I only need a Slaying Axe now.

Why do you need a second DC source? Nagi can pass down both DC and Special Fighter.

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8 hours ago, Kaden said:

I only looked at the word and forgot to check the effects... Cancel in PoR is Pavise? Guard in RD from my understanding is like the -sweep and Impact skills in Heroes. Nihil seems like the closest thing to Guard in Heroes?

Guard in Path of Radiance is the same skill as Cancel in Radiant Dawn (same name in Japanese and effect) and has the effect of preventing the opponent's next attack. Guard in Heroes has the same name, but has a completely different effect. All three skills are called キャンセル (kyanseru), "Cancel", in Japanese.

Guard in Radiant Dawn is a brand new skill that allows a unit to take damage for its support partner. This skill is called 守護 (shugo), "Guard", in Japanese.

Pavise in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn is the same Pavise in Heroes, but Heroes reduced the damage reduction from 100% to 50% for balance purposes. This skill is called 大盾 (ootate?), "Great Shield", in Japanese.

Nihil in Path of Radiance is the same skill is Nihil in Radiant Dawn and the Null series of skills in Heroes (same name in Japanese and similar effect). However, in Radiant Dawn, its effect was reduced from disabling critical hits and combat skills to just disabling combat skills. Fortune was added in Radiant Dawn for critical hits. In Heroes, the effect was split further down to individual types of skills per Null skill. Guard in Heroes is most similar to a partial successor of Nihil/Fortune, like the Null skills. Nihil and Null are called 見切り (mikiri), "Abandonment", in Japanese. Fortune is called 強運 (kyouun), "Strong Luck", in Japanese.


The Guard weapons in Heroes with the Guard effect use the same name as the Guard skill in Japanese, キャンセル (kyanseru), "Cancel", e.g. キャンセルの槍 (kyanseru no yari), "Cancel Lance".

The Guard Bow in Heroes uses the same name as the Distant Def skill in Japanese, 遠距離防御 (enkyori bougyo), "Long-Range Defense", e.g. 遠距離防御の弓 (enkyori bougyo no yumi), "Long-Range Defense Bow".

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Seeing the Hall of Forms notification this morning was a good reminder for me to send feedback again regarding the Forma Soul availability/pricing.  I'm still so flabbergasted I don't even want to accept it.  I know I said earlier in this thread that the monetization wasn't my main issue, but it really is absurd that there is no way to obtain even one without spending money - a troubling first where in-game currency is concerned.  

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20 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I don't see any prices for these formas being mentioned in the notification? Where are you seeing how much they'll cost?

The notifications have indicated that the Forma Soul packs will include 60 orbs, meaning a price point somewhere between the 48 and 75 orb packs.  Aside from that, dataminers have determined that the pack will cost $29.99.

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