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1 hour ago, SSbardock84 said:

Since the Legendary Heroes of the MCs of Three Houses are 3rd tier. I'm hoping their 4th tier class will be their Brave Heroes outfits. I'll probably choose Claude if that's the case, his 4th tier is by far my favorite. Everything about his design from his clothes to his white wyvern are awesome. It'd be extra cool if they gave him his hairstyle with the headband, that makes his class look even better. 

I would prefer something different than their promoted classes, like Claude wearing some clothes similar to Nader's and Dimitri using an armor similar to his father's, King Lambert.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I would prefer something different than their promoted classes, like Claude wearing some clothes similar to Nader's and Dimitri using an armor similar to his father's, King Lambert.

I could see that and maybe Edelgard in Ionius's garb. I have no idea about Lysithea though.

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Some of the Golden Week gifts have been leaked.





The 20 orbs are decent, but the game really want to encourage long term pulling with potential orb packs by 15 tickets. Possibly to increase  declining revenue.


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12 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Some of the Golden Week gifts have been leaked.

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The 20 orbs are decent, but the game really want to encourage long term pulling with potential orb packs by 15 tickets. Possibly to increase  declining revenue.



15 tickets for the picnic banner and none for the upcoming new heroes one? That's lame. Unless those will be added with the banner which is quite possible. I mean, if those tickets got leaked, the banner surely would be too, so...


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Hm... 15 tickets for one banner and it's just the picnic one? That's disappointing. I suppose the best way to look at that would be 15 chances for Bold or Special Fighter fodder depending on your needs. I already have everyone but Flora (somehow) on the banner so it's pretty easy to grab fodder.

20 orbs is nice, for Golden week they could have sprung for more but it's ok. Disappointing that it's just a rudimentary log-in bonus. Should have just dropped the 20 orbs straight away.

Lack of Divine Codes (Part 1) is also disappointing. Guess we can't say no to free stuff though. Hope I can nab at least one P!Felicia to give SF to Amelia.


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They're ALL picnics? Man. I already have the only unit I really care about from that banner, too. I certainly won't be spending any orbs, but at least it's nice to have pretty good odds of getting another one, or an off-focus unit. Unfortunately, the color with the off-focus units I want most also happens to be the color with the banner unit I care the least about.

Man, if they were going to give a huge pile of revival tickets for a seasonal revival banner from last year, why couldn't it be the next one? That's the one I'm really looking forward to.

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They could make Edelgard's Banner start on May 1st and give some tickets for that. It would be way better than tickets on a rerun.

Oh well... I may use them for Genny and Felicia, which are the only ones missing.


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Wow, this event is some sort of concentrated awfulness. I guess we should have read the writing on the wall when they re-ran all the CYLs during the anniversary event - what they give with one hand they take away with the other.

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Of all the banners to give us 15 tickets for, this is... a pretty bad one. It's not the worst choice, but if you aren't interested in armor units or their fodder, these are pretty much worthless.

Wrathful Staff fodder at least though, amirite?

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In some stroke of fortune or misfortune, I am now one of the few summoners of Luke. May his legend never be remembered.

And a dumb idea came to mind while doing legendary Edelgard's tactic drill and it was an effect that forces an end turn. Something like "If foe initiates combat and unit attacked, after combat, ends foes' turn." It'd be like a red button thing. Don't touch the unit or else. This would wreak havoc in modes with a turn count or Grand Conquests and Rival Domains. Imagine a turn suddenly stopping in Grand Conquests because someone attacked another the unit with this stupid skill.

Edited by Kaden
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7 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

What a bummer, the picnic banner has 0 worthwhile fodder for me. I guess I’ll try to get some units that I haven’t summoned yet for feathers.

I agree, worst Golden Week celebration banner ever. They could have done so much better. Rerunning CYL3 or Rerunning 3 Houses Lords + Byleth or Rerunning a CYL "Legendary"esque kind of banner with 8% pull rate similar to Legendary banners. List goes on. but this is just ... *facepalm*

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Yeah, this is kind of unexciting, but for me, at least I'd like to have Flora. Too bad none of the currently available tickets gave me any 5 star at all...

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2 hours ago, Hilda said:

I agree, worst Golden Week celebration banner ever. They could have done so much better. Rerunning CYL3 or Rerunning 3 Houses Lords + Byleth or Rerunning a CYL "Legendary"esque kind of banner with 8% pull rate similar to Legendary banners. List goes on. but this is just ... *facepalm*


I commented somewhere that they could delayed Edelgard's banner by one day, making starting on May 1st, and made the tickets for that banner.

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8 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:


I commented somewhere that they could delayed Edelgard's banner by one day, making starting on May 1st, and made the tickets for that banner.

Funny enough, there was a previous "legendary" banner that launched at the start of the next month, and it was also an April one. 

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I really have to wonder if Covid is to blame (along with the crests. ha hah). so they didn't really put thought, effort into it  and will do something more grand for 1/2 anniversary. 
I usually don't quibble when the game gives us free stuff (because it's free stuff.) but the choices are bizzare. 

if the tickets were on legendary i would probably pull because there are units i want on every banner. 
if they made a huge hero fest and it had fodder galore same (basically ruining my plans for May but whatever). 

but it reallly is. "Oh yeh. Golden week. here you go."

i know that 30th anniversary and golden week didn't coincide, buut i mean. they coulda put tickets for that if they wanted and just ... not bother with stuff FOR Golden Week. 

however if i get a 5* out of these tickers that i don't have (Annette, Larum, Leila), come on down. 

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15 tickets for last years seasonal banner seems kind of excessive. Would have been nice if at least five of those tickets were for the legendary banner. Oh well, guess I get 16 chances for the picnic maids though I won't do it until I have all the tickets.

Edited by NSSKG151
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It's, uh, definitely a weird choice to do 15 Golden Week tickets on a Picnic Banner. Maybe they forgot this year and they were like "oh yeah, we have a rerun banner on May 1, that'll do!"

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I feel like this is them running an experiment on using tickets to bait people into spending more orbs on old banners than they would otherwise. They've done tickets on revival banners before, and they should have data on how people spent orbs when that happened, so maybe they liked what they saw and want to try pushing it further.

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10 hours ago, Kaden said:

In some stroke of fortune or misfortune, I am now one of the few summoners of Luke. May his legend never be remembered.

I remember my first Luke pitybreaker. He was even +HP/-ATK. The exact nature every other unfortunate soul that pulls him gets. I pulled a +SPD one later on and he does have a refine he can get now with easy dull close fodder ala' Cormag. Still it's hard to justify his value or even worth as a *5 exclusive today.

Man... if the 15 tickets had been on the Takumi banner that's about to expire... I would have been all in. It's pretty sad, considering how an outdated banner like that one has more value for me (and probably a lot of other people) than this one. It seems like this banner was either a really random decision, or an intentional one to see how many people would spend on a banner as uninteresting as this one.

Edited by Zeo
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7 minutes ago, Othin said:

I feel like this is them running an experiment on using tickets to bait people into spending more orbs on old banners than they would otherwise. They've done tickets on revival banners before, and they should have data on how people spent orbs when that happened, so maybe they liked what they saw and want to try pushing it further.

Why would people be more inclined to spend orbs on an old seasonal banner when there is a legendary banner with arguably the most popular FE character currently. 

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9 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

Why would people be more inclined to spend orbs on an old seasonal banner when there is a legendary banner with arguably the most popular FE character currently. 

I don't think we can argue Edelgard is more popular than Ike or even Lyn yet. Not unless we for whatever reason get a generic popularity poll that includes all of them. This is just my opinion though. I'm going to believe Ike is still the likely number one until there's more evidence that someone else has surpassed him.

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