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Don't let the fact we're getting a Legendary instead of Mythic this month fool you, this easily could still be a Heroes character. In particular, I think there's a pretty good chance we get Veronica here as an Ascended Legendary.

My reasoning as to why this is likely is because there probably won't be a New Heroes banner available to put her on. Assuming, like with the Ice & Flame TT+ series, we get two more units associated with the Life & Death TT+ series (probably an Ascended Eir and Ganglot) after Ascended Lif, all the remaining New Heroes banners this year will already have a FEH OC to use. After all, December always has the latest tagalong female OC to commemorate the new book. Therefore, the only logical place available to drop Ascended Veronica in this case would be as a Legendary or Mythic. 

So anyways, I can't wait for this to age poorly when, in this month's main story chapter, Ascended Veronica either isn't a green unit or isn't fought at all because of Elm being next on the kill list.

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23 minutes ago, Hilda said:

Am i the only one, that since 1 year (or more) exclusiv weapons are totally OP and convoluted together with the exclusiv skills and Duo Skills etc.

Its sucking the fun out of this game in my Opinion.

If you insist on using outdated units, sure, but every exclusive weapon and refine since CYL 4 has been pretty comparable with each other, which is pretty much every exclusive weapon and refine for the last 2 years. There hasn't really been much all that much power creep in terms of weapons since then, even if the effects have gotten more complex, and most of the power creep has come from more powerful inheritable skills.

Even recent inheritable weapons have been pretty strong, even if they aren't quite as strong as exclusive weapons.


And then there's Ophelia, who was released 4 years ago (exactly 4 years the day after tomorrow) and is still strong despite having been skipped over for refines and having had no update to her skills since the release of Life and Death 4.

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I am fine with the amount of effects on Weapons and skills, and I do not see any of them as overpowered. Firesweep is still a thing to shut down 99% of problem units, so I am not concerned.

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Yes. Yes I have a MAJOR issue with it.

Just look at Flame Lyn for recent example. She has four effects on her weapon not counting the slaying effect (stat boost, damage boost, Guard effect, start-of-combat Special Charge for herself and allies) and an additional 3 from her Prf A passive ALONE (another stat boost, damage boost, healing on hits.) Through her base kit she gets another two that aren't active skill effects (damage boost off Godlike Reflexes, [Dodge] bonus from Spd Smoke 4,) and she can get more through SI to her B passive and SS slots.

That's just what she gets by herself though. Other units can grant her even more effects.

There comes a point where the reason why I lose combats is not because my units were in bad matchups, but because the number of effects I have to deal with have become so numerous that I lose track of some and get blindsided because whoops I forgot that unit has Guard, Triangle Attack, Guidance, and Dodge in effect but only got them at the start of their turn, making it into an artificially bad matchup rather than a natural one.

You cannot tell me anything that would help me overcome this. I could study every single unit I'm dealing with at the current moment for an hour, but I'll still forget something. This is a limitation of my own human mind.

Edited by Xenomata
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10 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Don't let the fact we're getting a Legendary instead of Mythic this month fool you, this easily could still be a Heroes character. In particular, I think there's a pretty good chance we get Veronica here as an Ascended Legendary.

My reasoning as to why this is likely is because there probably won't be a New Heroes banner available to put her on. Assuming, like with the Ice & Flame TT+ series, we get two more units associated with the Life & Death TT+ series (probably an Ascended Eir and Ganglot) after Ascended Lif, all the remaining New Heroes banners this year will already have a FEH OC to use. After all, December always has the latest tagalong female OC to commemorate the new book. Therefore, the only logical place available to drop Ascended Veronica in this case would be as a Legendary or Mythic. 

So anyways, I can't wait for this to age poorly when, in this month's main story chapter, Ascended Veronica either isn't a green unit or isn't fought at all because of Elm being next on the kill list.

They could put her on a Book 7 New Heroes banner instead.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

They could put her on a Book 7 New Heroes banner instead.

That would mean she wouldn’t be summonable until January 2023 at earliest, and I really don’t see IS waiting that long.

Aside from Lif and Hel, they’ve been very good at releasing FEH OCs at least the ones they intend to release, RIP Freyr and Fafnir relevant to the current book before moving onto the next book.

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35 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

That would mean she wouldn’t be summonable until January 2023 at earliest, and I really don’t see IS waiting that long.

Aside from Lif and Hel, they’ve been very good at releasing FEH OCs at least the ones they intend to release, RIP Freyr and Fafnir relevant to the current book before moving onto the next book.

Don't forget Gustav and Henriette. I don't even know what their methodology is.

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One of the guesses I made prior was having Elm as Mythic in September, and then in November's banner having Mythic Embla and Ascended Veronica sharing the red color. But now that is not happening because this month is not a mythic banner.

To be fair... there is also the chance of IS not releasing Ascended Veronica as summonable unit anytime soon.

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3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

One of the guesses I made prior was having Elm as Mythic in September, and then in November's banner having Mythic Embla and Ascended Veronica sharing the red color. But now that is not happening because this month is not a mythic banner.

To be fair... there is also the chance of IS not releasing Ascended Veronica as summonable unit anytime soon.

They never got around to releasing Fafnir or other Fafnir.

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Looks like I was blessed with Soren as bonus unit in Arena, and with the blessing I am keeping Tier 21. That surprised me, because I have no Legendary Hero in my Arena Team. My Arena core is OG Nowi, Bridal Catria and Summer Claude (all have Duel 4, which I didn't summon for... I got those skills as free summons/pity breakers), with OG Soren as bonus (with Duel 3, Soren used to be in my Arena Core back in 2018/2019).

I got a 3,880 score (five 764 matches, with my max being 766 but I never got that). I mean... I could still demote, since we still have one hour and a half of Arena open, but I am positive I will keep it (current rank 610 / 763).

Next season I will be demoting though. I wished OG Marth was not bonus alongside OG Soren...

9 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

They never got around to releasing Fafnir or other Fafnir.

Yeah... My hopes though are in the TT Series. I can see Freyr becoming summonable during the Book 4 TT series next year.

About Veronica, that can happen of her not becoming summonable... at least not now. Even Bruno got a new tome, and is not summonable yet.

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4 hours ago, Lemmy said:

They never got around to releasing Fafnir or other Fafnir.

I'd say there's a pretty good chance that Mecha Dragon Fafnir shows up on next year's Fallen Heroes banner (in the same way that they gave us Zombie Gustav this year, two years after his debut book).

But as for base Fafnir, I don't see any way he gets out of purgatory anytime soon short of him randomly showing up as a Mythic or Legendary.

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13 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

I'd say there's a pretty good chance that Mecha Dragon Fafnir shows up on next year's Fallen Heroes banner (in the same way that they gave us Zombie Gustav this year, two years after his debut book).

But as for base Fafnir, I don't see any way he gets out of purgatory anytime soon short of him randomly showing up as a Mythic or Legendary.

Kinda funny that only the male characters are in purgatory like Bruno, Fafnir, Freyr. You get the point. Although they were quick to release Askr

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New Fire Emblem game announced with the recent Nintendo Direct, titled Fire Emblem ENGAGE, which in contrary to Three Houses not really having any reference to any other titles (in fact I'm pretty sure it's just amiibo-locked songs and the names of some weapons) seems to have its whole gimmick BE referring to other titles. Their lords anyway.

What'll be the name of this world, World of Engagement? Think the Three Houses takeover has finally met its match?

What I find interesting is that between Heroes and Engage, Sigurd's design seems to be more or less accepted as how it was originally shown in Genealogy of the Holy War, similar to how the character designs of Shadow Dragon have mostly been given modern touchups (less cartoony at least) and most unlike how the designs of Gaiden were totally overhauled and may as well be different characters from those in Echoes.

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53 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

New Fire Emblem game announced with the recent Nintendo Direct, titled Fire Emblem ENGAGE, which in contrary to Three Houses not really having any reference to any other titles (in fact I'm pretty sure it's just amiibo-locked songs and the names of some weapons) seems to have its whole gimmick BE referring to other titles. Their lords anyway.

What'll be the name of this world, World of Engagement? Think the Three Houses takeover has finally met its match?

What I find interesting is that between Heroes and Engage, Sigurd's design seems to be more or less accepted as how it was originally shown in Genealogy of the Holy War, similar to how the character designs of Shadow Dragon have mostly been given modern touchups (less cartoony at least) and most unlike how the designs of Gaiden were totally overhauled and may as well be different characters from those in Echoes.

I’ve found them using the Brave character designs interesting, particularly because brave resplendent Ike seems grumpy about it, and it’s becoming more and more questionable how much mind control is involved.

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The game releases on January 20th 2023, near the end of the month... What else happens during that time? Oh right, Choose Your Legends event. I would guess that Engage could be out of CYL 7 voting for being too recent (1-2 days old at that point). I expect a Engage Banner around that time though, like as January's New Heroes or February's.

With that said, TMS#FE Encore released on January 17th 2020 and the characters of that game were part of the CYL of that year (CYL 4) that started the votes on the 22nd. Based on that, Engage could be in CYL 7. But TMS was already a 5 years old game at that point, and Encore was just a re-release of the game... so I don't know what to expect.

57 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

I’ve found them using the Brave character designs interesting, particularly because brave resplendent Ike seems grumpy about it, and it’s becoming more and more questionable how much mind control is involved.

I hope Brave Ike with Resplendent Attire is an option.

My theory/thought process is that they picked Brave Ike to have an Axe user option. We have 12 FE characters appearing in the opening, and if those are the only 12 ones having Ike with an axe gives it more weapon variety. The same goes for Sigurd having a lance, Lucina having a bow (and her Legendary Alt / Promoted attire) and Corrin with a dragonstone.

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2 hours ago, Lemmy said:

I’ve found them using the Brave character designs interesting, particularly because brave resplendent Ike seems grumpy about it, and it’s becoming more and more questionable how much mind control is involved.

To be fair, "Ike always looks like that" 😛



But yes, the question of mind control (and of to which degree exactly the emblems are people) is going to be at least a little relevant, though they probably won't call it that.

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

With that said, TMS#FE Encore released on January 17th 2020 and the characters of that game were part of the CYL of that year (CYL 4) that started the votes on the 22nd. Based on that, Engage could be in CYL 7. But TMS was already a 5 years old game at that point, and Encore was just a re-release of the game... so I don't know what to expect.

I don't think TMS#FE Encore is a particularly good bellwether for this since all of the characters added to CYL from TMS had already existed since the original release of the game, whereas Engage is going to have brand new characters, and unless this is another game where they show off the entire cast of the game before the game is released, it would be odd to do a "hey look at all of the characters that are going to be in this game" through CYL instead of actually having people play through the actual brand new game to see.

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31 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I don't think TMS#FE Encore is a particularly good bellwether for this since all of the characters added to CYL from TMS had already existed since the original release of the game, whereas Engage is going to have brand new characters, and unless this is another game where they show off the entire cast of the game before the game is released, it would be odd to do a "hey look at all of the characters that are going to be in this game" through CYL instead of actually having people play through the actual brand new game to see.

I remember they did have Heroes OCs on CYL before we really got to see them in Heroes at all. As I remember being quite disgruntled that Lif managed to score so high when all we had seen from him at that point was like four seconds of a trailer. I doubt they will do it for an entire game here. Though, on the other hand, with this whole Einherjar mechanic as a main part of the plot, we could end up with a Fire Emblem game that has an unprecedented number of original characters, on the low end of the scale that is. It might be a case where there are only ten or fifteen original characters in the game and they might just throw them into CYL and let them live or die on character design alone. I don't exactly expect that, but my mind wouldn't be blown if they did go that route.

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10 hours ago, Jotari said:

I remember they did have Heroes OCs on CYL before we really got to see them in Heroes at all. As I remember being quite disgruntled that Lif managed to score so high when all we had seen from him at that point was like four seconds of a trailer.

That's not true... Both Líf and Thrasir were in the first chapter of Book 3, that released over a month before the voting started.

With some exceptions, like Henriette only making her CYL debut in Book 5 even though she exists since Book 3, any character that appeared during the story chapters before the event started were able to be voted.

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:


That's not true... Both Líf and Thrasir were in the first chapter of Book 3, that released over a month before the voting started.

With some exceptions, like Henriette only making her CYL debut in Book 5 even though she exists since Book 3, any character that appeared during the story chapters before the event started were able to be voted.

Did they have any dialogue or basically anything other than a character design by that point?

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4 hours ago, Jotari said:

Did they have any dialogue or basically anything other than a character design by that point?

Through the first three chapters of Book III, they both only had very basic dialogue where they said their names and then told Alf and friends they’re going to kill them and/or destroy the world. Lif said a total of just three sentences (and one of them was just a “You.”) while Thrasir said five (and one of her’s was just a “Hold.”).

So in other words, they were just completely flat antagonists at the time of CYL3 voting even with them appearing in-game.

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