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1 hour ago, Sylphid said:

So apparently the current top3 in Choose Your Heroes are Lyn, Lucina and Ike (PoR)!

While I knew all 3 are popular, I'm honestly surprised to see Ike that high and Lyn at the top!


@Jave Completely forgot they had those, but that would indeed be a neat reference

While part of me is extremely surprised, a small part of me isn't because on Twitter I noticed a good amount of people voting for Lyn(myself included). :Lyn:

 However, that didn't change the fact I had a huge grin on my face(and did a little dance) to see the characters placed the way they are! I'm curious to see what the rest of the list is like(I'm expecting Jill honestly)! :Joshua:

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Wasn't it just for including special event outfits regardless of whether they're there? 

Kinda a shame we only got the top three.  I'm not particularly attached to any of these three, but whatever.  Kinda surprised Lyn's beating Lucina though.

Also, despite my dislike of the character as a whole, a lot of that dislike comes from FE10, so I'm glad that it's at least PoR Ike over RD Ike.  I still dislike him, but RD Ike being a shameless, spotlight hogging Stu is most of the reason.

I wonder if we'll get an overall ranking once the poll is over?

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Just now, Glaceon Mage said:

Wasn't it just for including special event outfits regardless of whether they're there? 

Kinda a shame we only got the top three.  I'm not particularly attached to any of these three, but whatever.  Kinda surprised Lyn's beating Lucina though.

Also, despite my dislike of the character as a whole, a lot of that dislike comes from FE10, so I'm glad that it's at least PoR Ike over RD Ike.  I still dislike him, but RD Ike being a shameless, spotlight hogging Stu is most of the reason.

I wonder if we'll get an overall ranking once the poll is over?

There was a special mission for both, too


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1 hour ago, Elieson said:

@Anacybele This is good news for you, because the rewards for making #1 Male & #1 Female get specialty outfits and missions just for them, meaning that Ike is probably a shoe-in at this point as the leading man



While that is true, it's probably going to take quite a while since the special outfit Ike will be released, since they'll start working on it (animations / art) after the poll has ended and the game has started and her fear was that her favorite characters wouldn't be available from the start. Still, you're right that if he's one of your favorite characters, it's a good thing :).

I also didn't expect Lyn to be there btw, if anyone would be in the top from FE7, with the amount of people I hear voting for Hector, I was sure it would be him xD. I like Lyn and Ike, Lucina is fine too, but definitly not in my top favorites. I guess with me liking a whole lot of characters from the games, I'll probably be happy with whoever ends up on top xD. 

Edit: @Elieson Congrats! =D Onto the next ten thousand? :3

Edited by Birdy
Congratulations are in order! :)
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1 hour ago, Elieson said:

@Anacybele This is good news for you, because the rewards for making #1 Male & #1 Female get specialty outfits and missions just for them, meaning that Ike is probably a shoe-in at this point as the leading man



Not exactly. I mean, Ike being up there is awesome, but I prefer RD Ike. Sad that he isn't winning...

Surprised Lyn is so high, I didn't think she was that popular. She's very boring imo.

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5 minutes ago, Birdy said:

While that is true, it's probably going to take quite a while since the special outfit Ike will be released, since they'll start working on it (animations / art) after the poll has ended and the game has started and her fear was that her favorite characters wouldn't be available from the start. Still, you're right that if he's one of your favorite characters, it's a good thing :).

I also didn't expect Lyn to be there btw, if anyone would be in the top from FE7, with the amount of people I hear voting for Hector, I was sure it would be him xD. I like Lyn and Ike, Lucina is fine too, but definitly not in my top favorites. I guess with me liking a whole lot of characters from the games, I'll probably be happy with whoever ends up on top xD. 

Edit: @Elieson Congrats! =D Onto the next ten thousand? :3

Honestly, at this point, I can see Lyn and Hector duking it out for Elibe's top rep, but Hector making it in means no special outfit Ike, which there's already two possible ikes to compete with.

20k HYPE

Just now, Anacybele said:

Not exactly. I mean, Ike being up there is awesome, but I prefer RD Ike. Sad that he isn't winning...

Surprised Lyn is so high, I didn't think she was that popular. She's very boring imo .

It's the nostalgia glasses, IMO. She's the first lord that most of the world got their hands on (that they could understand)

There's a chance that people voting for Ike are voting for either/or (without putting much thought into it) and don't realize that the actual winner is the one ike with the most votes.

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4 minutes ago, Elieson said:

There's a chance that people voting for Ike are voting for either/or (without putting much thought into it) and don't realize that the actual winner is the one ike with the most votes.

In that case, I am going to use the rest of my votes on RD Ike.

Edited by Blade_of_Light
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Not surprised but not pleased either. I never liked Lyn in the first place so that kinda upsets me. Nostalgia googles are in full effect.

I guess I'll just vote for Female Morgan tomorrow and then spend the rest of my votes on FE7 Eliwood or vote for someone like Jagen. 

Edited by Lord-Zero
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2 minutes ago, Elieson said:

Honestly, at this point, I can see Lyn and Hector duking it out for Elibe's top rep, but Hector making it in means no special outfit Ike, which there's already two possible ikes to compete with.

20k HYPE

It's the nostalgia glasses, IMO. She's the first lord that most of the world got their hands on (that they could understand)

There's a chance that people voting for Ike are voting for either/or (without putting much thought into it) and don't realize that the actual winner is the one ike with the most votes.

Yep, totally agree. I actually like that they don't count the votes different versions of the same characters together or I have the feeling Ike would be winning overwhelmingly and overpowering everyone else thanks to all the publicity he has in multiple games.

I think it's both nostalgia (FE7 was my first FE game too and I think still the one I played most) and the fact that's she's a 'cool swordmaster type lord'. That always seem to attract people.

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9 minutes ago, Blade_of_Light said:

In that case, I am going to use the rest of my votes on RD Ike.

Me too! Well mostly. I kind of want to give Elincia at least one more as well.

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41 minutes ago, Elieson said:

It's the nostalgia glasses, IMO. She's the first lord that most of the world got their hands on (that they could understand)


32 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

Not surprised but not pleased either. I never liked Lyn in the first place so that kinda upsets me. Nostalgia googles are in full effect.

Is there anything necessarily wrong with that, though? She's got a pretty good design, isn't the WORST character, and is significant to a lot of people for that reason that I bolded in Elieson's post-- in that sense she's more than just an okay lord, she's a historical benchmark of sorts, even... and the fact that she's a woman is good too, rare as female lords are. I actually figured that if any female was getting voted, it would probably be Lyn (her, or Lucina, and it looks like I was right on the money lol). 

It might be purely for nostalgia, but I got no shame in my vote for her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I figured IF she was gonna win, as I assumed, I might as well help contribute. 

Edited by BANRYU
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Lyn's not the worst character, I would definitely rather have her over Lucina (I hate Lucina as much as Glac hates RD Ike, I would say). But she's still nothing special at all to me, and neither is her design. I just don't find anything special about it, and those incredibly exposed thighs don't help either (why is the slit in her tunic so damn high? It makes it look like she doesn't even wear underwear).

Edited by Anacybele
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I'd take Eirika over Lyn any day. Lyn's status as "forced tutorial lord" who held your hand through her entire tutorial, err...story as well as (in my case)constantly dying to axe users, her ending, soured the experience for me. I've been very wary of speedy units like her ever since. Her design? I'm not a fan of it. Lyn's not totally a terrible character but she rubs me the wrong way. Anyway, seeing from their replies, the Japanese were expecting a different character to be at the top. Expect them to get serious and dethrone Lyn from that #1 spot.


RD Ike has a tough road ahead of him if he hopes to beat his younger self which is favored by the Japanese. 

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Would have bet that Lucina would be n°1, that result is so sweet. Not that I like Lyn or anything (she's alright for me), just that any "legacy" character not named Marth being n°1 is a win in my book.


28 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

Expect them to get serious and dethrone Lyn from that #1 spot.

Nino n°1 then?

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...Lyn being the top female in terms of votes right now surprises me. Are the older members of the Western fandom whose first Fire Emblem game was the Blazing Blade the primary voters here? That... is honestly extremely surprising, if that's the case. 

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Not surprised Lyn is up there, I'm rather glad since imo she's a strong representative of FE, pre Ike, that is. Remember that this game is mist likely being played by FE fans, not only common people, and a lot of people like Lyn for reasons already stated. She builds a strong attachment with the player through her small 10 chapters, large enough to be iconic, on most of them. It helps that it is a light story, full of emotions, simple and a tutorial at the same time, so there's a huge chance of finding Lyn's charm, above even Eliwood and Hector.

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6 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Not surprised Lyn is up there, I'm rather glad since imo she's a strong representative of FE, pre Ike, that is. Remember that this game is mist likely being played by FE fans, not only common people, and a lot of people like Lyn for reasons already stated. She builds a strong attachment with the player through her small 10 chapters, large enough to be iconic, on most of them. It helps that it is a light story, full of emotions, simple and a tutorial at the same time, so there's a huge chance of finding Lyn's charm, above even Eliwood and Hector.

It's true, she spends more time building a relationship of sorts with the player, and it's not too hard to get invested in her struggle. I can understand how some people's cynicism and/or prior experience with FE games can make the tutorial segments rather irritating, but on the whole it's reasonably well done (and somewhat necessary for the plethora of first-time western players), I feel. 

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Lyn is in all seriousness irrelevant to FE7 as a whole, only one Chapter of her story having anything resembling relation to the plot (that being Chapter 7), and forcibly handholding the player through said story.  

As a character, she's okay... not really special for me at all.  Same for her design.  Unitwise, I do like using her, she has a lightning Florina support to boost her crit on top of her Skill and Mani Katti. If I'm playing EHM she gets heaven seal priority, but if I'm playing a Hector mode Eliwood does.

Lucina also loses relevance to FE13 after she drops the whole Marth facade, having about two times when she does anything of note and both ultimately leading basically nowhere.  Her personality is somewhat cute from time to time but her design is basically meme ascension.  As a init she really depends on her mother, but regardless of who it is she's good in some way.  Sumia and Olivia make for good offensive Lucinas, Maribelle is good for support, etc.

PoR Ike was an okay character by himself but he's stained by the RD portrayal for me, I just can't get past how bad he is in RD.  Design wise far from my favorite.

Unit wise he's basically a "what could have been" if Roy promoted at a decent point in the story.  Ragnell is even quite similar to the Binding Blade statwise, having identical might, mostly not weighing down the weilder (unless Ike got Str screwed chances are he's unburdened, while Roy will never be burdened by the 8 weight since it precisely matches his promoted CON), with the Binding Blade having slight advantages in hit/Crit (95 hit and 10 crit vs 80 hit and 5 crit).  


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@BANRYU You're right there, there's a large portion of the fanbase that tried FE the first time with FE7 (a love and hate game among the fanbase) and Lyn is in the first step you take. For instance, when I got into FE and thought about what represents FE, the first thing that came unto my mind was Lyn :awesome:

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Huh, I didn't expect Lyn to do that well. Granted she's no slouch in popularity (she's really popular overseas, and in Japan, while not that popular, she did well on that Famitsu poll), I honestly thought it'd be Lucina at the top or at least top female.

No surprises Ike is the top male though, he may not hail from Awakening or Fates, but he's a man with a lot of clout in the fanbase.

Edited by Medeus
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