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Based off of these results, I'm expecting the winners to be Celica/Camilla (would say Eirika, but Gleipnirika'll probably keep her down) and Hector/Alm (I'm kinda expecting Ephraim to drop (just a feeling), and Marth could win, but I think the vote-splitting between Marth and Marth will keep the top 2 just out of his reach, plus Alm is the latest game's lord so he could make top 2). I'd be happy with any of the top 4 on either side winning though. Or Veronica somehow pulling an upset. I'd be okay with that too, even if I can't see it happening.

On that note, I'm surprised Veronica is as high as she is. Thought she'd be in the middle of the pack on this one. Guess people really want her to be playable already, huh?
Also surprised at Loki making the top 10, and Laevatein being in the top 20. Figured they might be too recent to do that well. Kinda hope Nino can get above Loki tho.

Other thoughts:

Reinhardt memed his way into 5th. I'm rather impressed.
And Alfonse is doing much better than I expected (read: he isn't dead last). He's even in the top 20 on the men's side and the top 50 overall. Wonder if he'll get any higher?
Mia's still in the top 20, which is only notable to me because Lute, Joshua and Dorcas aren't.
Marth's pulling an Ike and taking up two spots in the top 10. Wonder if they'll both stay in the top 10? And if one of 'em will get into the top 2?

@Othin It's certainly possible. Although, what would Veronica even get if she got high enough to get a CYL version? I guess they could do pretty much anything on that one...

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1 hour ago, Poimagic said:

I feel like people might give there Myyrh’s Iote’s shield as an SS to negate her weakness to anti dragon weapons.

Iote’s Shield does not negate her dragon weakness, only her flier weakness.

Edited by Vaximillian
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Just now, Poimagic said:

Have you tested it? Cause I can’t be sure other wise.

It specifically says that it 'Neutralizes "effective against fliers" bonuses'. But if it really makes you happy, I'll go have my Myrrh stand in front of a Lucina for you you monster.

Also, when did that text change? I could have sworn it used to just say that it negated general "effective against" bonuses.

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1 minute ago, Poimagic said:

Have you tested it? Cause I can’t be sure other wise.

How the fuck can I test it if I don’t have her?

Iote’s Shield had its description changed in both JP and EN to specify only the anti-flier bonus is nullified, and similarly the other shields did get changed.

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4 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

Also, when did that text change? I could have sworn it used to just say that it negated general "effective against" bonuses.

When the Kitty Paddle arrived. Armoured mages are still mages even if they equip Svalinn Shield.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

When the Kitty Paddle arrived. Armoured mages are still mages even if they equip Svalinn Shield.

Well, yes. It's just that I only noticed the text had actually changed when the Iote's Shield seal came out.

Not my fault the "[xxx] Shield" skills are so meh as A Passives that I don't pay attention to them.

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Hm... actually a bit surprised but I have to note a few things.

  • Celica being #1 is a bit of a surprise to me! But she is from the latest game so I guess it would make sense, she'll probably be another sword lord if she wins though so that's not exciting. I like her fine though so if she claims the spot it's all good.
  • Erika being #3 would be awesome!.... if she hadn't just utterly stole a spot from one of the male SS characters in the recent banner for literally no reason. If we get a Brave Erika after that I'll be really really annoyed.
  • Camilla winning would irritate me just as much because there's already 3 of her in the game, at least I expected that though.
  • Azura's spot is actually fine. The more I learn about her (little by little) the more I like her. I'm tired of Awakening/Fates characters getting new versions though so I'm against her winning still.
  • Veronica being 5th is a huge shock, guess people really want to play as her. Nino being 8th is amazing too but it is annoying that Loki is a space above her. She's literally just sex appeal: the character.
  • Tharja being 10th is fantastic. I hope she drops even further.

Erika irritates me, otherwise her overtaking Camilla and a Celica/Erika top 2 would have been great.

Now the males.

  • Ephraim is #2, AS IT SHOULD BE. Hope he keeps the spot though, I'm worried.
  • Marth deserves to win and he deserves a Brave Variant, I'm just really against it, he's just too freaking boring. His votes are split again though, otherwise a spot would be guaranteed. Kinda bogus actually since he's in the 9th spot too, combining those would probably make him #1.
  • Alm is new so his placement makes sense, I need to play his game though, as he seems bland to me like Marth, just cooler looking.
  • Reinhardt being 5th is utterly hilarious. Magic really is everything, we really, REALLY don't need a powercreeped Rein though. 
  • Chrom being 6th is a little sad, but I'm annoyed because if I'd seen this a few minutes ago I wouldn't have wasted a vote on him. There's no way he's winning at this point.
  • The rest of the top is meh, Leif is fine and Takumi is a pretty cool guy though.
  • Shoutouts to Eliwood and Alfonse almost making top 10.

All in all, Celica/Erika/Hector/Ephraim would be utterly fantastic in comparison to Camilla/Tharja/Hector/Chrom. I hope it stays like this. Also hoping Ross and Edward make the top 100 this time.

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@Zeo You call Marth boring and praise Ephraim. Something does not feel right.

Well, I'm unavoidably biased because I never played the first FE in any fashion and played FE8 multiple times. Hence saying Marth still deserves to win, but Ephraim isn't boring in the least. Aside from his questionable relationship with Erika. Anyone who played through FE8 would know that. They don't have to like him, but that doesn't make him boring.

That and he's way cooler looking than Marth and Lance Lords >>>> Sword Lords

Edited by Zeo
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So about VG. Do you guys think it'll be removed on the anniversary and replaced with another game mode or quite possibly have major improvements implemented?

Edited by silveraura25
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15 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

So about VG. Do you guys think it'll be removed on the anniversary and replaced with another game mode or quite possibly have major improvements implemented?

If my memory isn't all wonky, I remember around the first mini TT people were speculating at whether VGs had been killed off. Then they just came back as if nothing had changed. I still think that's the most likely case, sadly.

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4 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

How the fuck can I test it if I don’t have her?

Iote’s Shield had its description changed in both JP and EN to specify only the anti-flier bonus is nullified, and similarly the other shields did get changed.

3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

When the Kitty Paddle arrived. Armoured mages are still mages even if they equip Svalinn Shield.


Cavalry and flying tome users, too. The people at Gamepedia didn't notice until Myrrh was officially announced (someone went around and updated the text for the skills about an hour or so after the video was posted).

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As it turns out, -Def really isn't as big of a deal as some people make it out to be. I'm still giving her Lightning breath eventually because I'm not sacrificing my Hector, but this works pretty well as is.

And honestly, if Myrrh is fighting an enemy without fortify dragon buffs, I'm clearly doing something wrong. Ninian, Y!Tiki and Myrrh is proving to be a really fun arena core and I'm definitely looking forward to using it next week.


Edited by Korath88
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5 hours ago, Zeo said:

Tharja being 10th is fantastic. I hope she drops even further.

I'm really surprised. I figured she'd at least stay closer to the top from Lucina voters jumping to the next Awakening girl on the list. I was hoping she'd be a winner since Dark Knight Tharja in Awakening was incredibly fun to use and I hoped that could be her CYL alt.

Celica winning is also likely to just give us another power creep sword unit. Not really jumping up and down about that.

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12 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Celica winning is also likely to just give us another power creep sword unit. Not really jumping up and down about that.

Nah. When Leif gets introduced to Heroes he'll make sword users redundant, including Ayra, with his Blaggi Sword. Essentially Micaiah's Thani, but instead of damage reduction from cavalry/armored ranged units it might be similar to Divine Naga's buff negation.

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Whoa Lyon's map was pretty intense. I even struggled with cav team on Lunatic, so I decided to use Genny, Micaiah, Sothe and Airzura (hone spd/atk).

Buffed Sothe went to the left and 2 rounded the blue manakete, while Miccy stood beside him to counterkill Lyon. Next phase, Miccy shots lance cav and Sothe chips the wyvern while Genny finishes it off, Azura sings Miccy and she stays in range of the enemy mage to Glacies shot him. Then, my units retreat to the left while waiting for the green manakete and firesword cav plus the knight reinforcements. Miccy thanis knight and next phase sothe 2 rounds manakete while miccy kills sword cav. The rest is cleaning the map, but Miccy x Sothe is so good.

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I was afraid Loki would make it high based on her design alone. Guess any hope to not have fanservice outright shoved in my face (ala Camilla's cutscene in Fates) is gone -.-

Happy about the turnabout, though. Fingers crossed it stays similar. I would help it along, but I'm keeping faithful to Kent this time. I'll hope for Ephraim from a distance. I'm not overly fussed on Hector, but I like him enough to pull for him if he gets a brave type :)

How high up is Bruno? I don't have access to the results. Glad they can see we want to play as Veronica, but I'm half afraid Bruno might be forgotten >.<

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