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1 minute ago, Quintessence said:

Wow this GHB has been the hardest to me and used like 3 potions to clear it in infernal, but finally I did it.

Here's my team:

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2 ranged healer with double drive


Wow just about now I noticed 9999 SP on her. Basically here to clear reds and provide Armor March.


The tank that takes whatever on him.


My quick riposte unit with dragon powers.

I don't have a turn by turn strat but here I go:

First turn I group my units in a T inverted form with Lyn in the middle, Hector left, Robin right, Genny up. The T is oriented to the right. End turn, cavs move up and reinforcement appears.

Next turn, Lyn moves left and one rounds mercenary, Hector swaps, Robin and Genny move one tile left. During enemy phase, slow cleric hits hector, bow cav dies on Lyn, blue mage dies on Robin, lance cav hits hector and survives, gravity cleric heals cav. Reinforcements appear.

(Had to do the strat again to refresh my thoughts :P: )

3rd turn, lyn moves 2 spaces right and one rounds swd wyvern, Robin swaps next to her, Hector moves right and sticks to lyn. Genny chip heals Robin. On enemy phase, panic poison stuff strikes, green mage does 17 dmg~ to robin and he counter ignis kills it, lance cav dies on bonfire Hector. More enemies approach and cavs appear.

4th turn, hector moves 2 spaces and hits ninja, genny heals Hector, Lyn finishes the ninja and Robin swaps genny to keep the armor march chain. On EP, clerics attack and dudes approach. Takumis go right and red cav clears the right wall.

5th turn, genny heals Robin, Robin moves a bit to the right, Hector bonfires gravity cleric and Lyn sticks to robin. On EP, the first Takumi dies on Robin thanks to Drive Def, Distant Def and Vengeful Fighter, axe cav hits hector, slow cleric heals axe cav, the other takumi moves up and red cav attack the upper wall.

6th turn, hector bonfire kills the axe cav, lyn moves left next to hector, genny heals robin (defiant atk helps the heal job), robin sticks to lyn. On EP, cleric dumbly attacks hector and removes his wary fighter status, takumi shamelessly attemps to kill hector but he answers with a fiery bonfire counterkill (62dmg goad and support from help here), red cav moves up to the anti cav tile.

7th and final turn, lyn deletes the red cav, robin clears genny's healing space and moves next to hector, genny heals hector and he hits the slow cleric. On EP, cleric hits hector.

8th turn, hector bonfire kills the cleric.


Hope this helps!

Sharing my GHB clear here just because :awesome:

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

He seems pretty fun on defense, but personally I tend to have the most defense success when just throwing together high-point armors. I guess that brings in more opponents, since I don't think my armors are my hardest-to-defeat units.

I upgraded him anyway, just because he's fun.

Well lately my armour team hasn't been working. Which is weird since I have LA!Lyn. It worked last week but this week I'm getting nothing.


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So it's only until now that I listen to Gunnthrá's voice clips and she says she wishes all of her siblings to be happily together, which means both her and Fjörm have a brother, probably the middle sibling of the three. Who would he be?

Bruno perhaps? After all he has a weird ice spell, but if so, what relation does he have with Zacharias?

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4 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

So it's only until now that I listen to Gunnthrá's voice clips and she says she wishes all of her siblings to be happily together, which means both her and Fjörm have a brother, probably the middle sibling of the three. Who would he be?

Her castle talk says she has sisters.

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22 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Her castle talk says she has sisters.

Oh. When I think about siblings I assume both genders to be related to a person (to have both a brother and a sister) but didn't mean to have only brothers or only sisters. My bad :<

4 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

wheres the Micaiah :awesome:

She helped clear lunatic if that's something :awesome:

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Giving specials to armors has been easy for the most part, but then there's Valentine's Eliwood who has a high a high 38 base attack and a low for an armor, 29 base defense and good 29 resistance. If you don't give him a defense or resistance refined weapon or something to boost his base defense or resistance, he ends up doing less damage with Bonfire/Ignis and Iceberg/Glacies than with DA/DF unbuffed. If buffed, 3 stacks of Wards only equals DA/DF with a +4 attack buff.

A defense/resistance refine is probably the smarter option, but a speed refine could give him 35 speed because why not. Also because I kind of want to put Wary Fighter on him and 35 speed with a QR3 seal would be a dumb thing to do. :p

Quick edit: Out of morbid curiosity, has anyone given Fjorm a build that was centered around her being a masochist? I don't even know if a build like that would even work well other than for joke reasons.

Edited by Kaden
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GAH. This game needs to release more ways to get ore if they're going to keep throwing weapon refines at us. I mean, they don't need to throw the stuff at us...just more quests or opportunities to get it. I do pretty good collecting it from the Arena each week, but that doesn't really go that far... 

I was saving up for Alm, but now Leo AND Soren get upgrades. Uuuuuuuuuuuuugh. And there are still characters from the original update that I want to upgrade. 

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I now regret foddering all my Sorens for feathers. But I managed to guess correctly that he was in the next batch of characters. Raigh when?

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Soren perf! I can’t believe it!! I figured there was a decent chance but I was not expecting it for another couple of months at least! AAAAAaaaaaa!

Leo upgrade finally is really nice too! Dang I hope it’s good, maybe my constant putting off giving him a blade tome will finally not hurt as much. 

And finally my hope for another mode that lets us use the friends list! Now if only they’d expand the friends list...

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1 hour ago, Kaden said:

Giving specials to armors has been easy for the most part, but then there's Valentine's Eliwood who has a high a high 38 base attack and a low for an armor, 29 base defense and good 29 resistance. If you don't give him a defense or resistance refined weapon or something to boost his base defense or resistance, he ends up doing less damage with Bonfire/Ignis and Iceberg/Glacies than with DA/DF unbuffed. If buffed, 3 stacks of Wards only equals DA/DF with a +4 attack buff.

A defense/resistance refine is probably the smarter option, but a speed refine could give him 35 speed because why not. Also because I kind of want to put Wary Fighter on him and 35 speed with a QR3 seal would be a dumb thing to do. :p

Quick edit: Out of morbid curiosity, has anyone given Fjorm a build that was centered around her being a masochist? I don't even know if a build like that would even work well other than for joke reasons.

The sad thing about VELIWOOD is Casa Blanca would have been epic if he's a built in DC. And his stats line out is that kind that would have been epic with Boon but he doesn't have it.


Ironically Hardin is basically the exact example of "what is a boon and bane".


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Welp, sorry Caeda. Your refinement just got put on hold. My bro takes priority I'm afraid. 

Soren getting a new toy is very much welcome as well. Even better is that he is already more than ready (4511 SP) to pay for it too. 

Eirika getting an upgrade interests me about as much as when her brother got one. Which is to say, it doesn't at all.


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I knew saving Divine Dew was the right choice! I hope Eirika will get something that compliments either her support role or something that makes her do tons of damage (even a Wo Dao effect will be fine for me!). I won't spare resources for her, whoever needs to fall to make her OP will do so!

On the new modes, so that's what the blessing stuff does huh? Doesn't seem to be a penalty for not having a Legendary Hero so I can comfortably fodder V!Ike without regrets, that's nice.

And finally the friends list will serve for something! I wonder what kind of rewards this... castle defense? mode is going to give. Still, 20 units sounds pretty interesting. I think I have more than that ready for battle but maybe It'll work different from what I imagine so it's up in the air how it's going to work.

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2 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

I knew saving Divine Dew was the right choice! I hope Eirika will get something that compliments either her support role or something that makes her do tons of damage (even a Wo Dao effect will be fine for me!). I won't spare resources for her, whoever needs to fall to make her OP will do so!

On the new modes, so that's what the blessing stuff does huh? Doesn't seem to be a penalty for not having a Legendary Hero so I can comfortably fodder V!Ike without regrets, that's nice.

And finally the friends list will serve for something! I wonder what kind of rewards this... castle defense? mode is going to give. Still, 20 units sounds pretty interesting. I think I have more than that ready for battle but maybe It'll work different from what I imagine so it's up in the air how it's going to work.


Let alone OP effect, honestly i'm looking forward to Eirika's buff even if all it adds is +4 on her buff


But truly what we need is ATK buff on weapon with Drive Speed 4

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Dithering pays off again, didn't even get around to promoting +Spd Caeda and now it'll probably be held off indefinitely. Poor Hinoka won't get her upgrade either but that's fine because it's not a strict upgrade anyway.

Hopefully Eirika's upgrade works off Speed and Soren's off Attack because that's the best I've got. The Soren's a 4*+4 but I have a spare crappy IV one I've been holding in case someone wanted Windsweep - if the refinement is good I can promote the crappy one instead and merge him back into the 4* pile. Don't have a Leo on my main account so unless I get super lucky with a hypothetical Leo-Eirika-Soren banner, I'll continue hoping for Horse Eirika in banner sometime.

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Something that is hilarious in hindsight... Fallen Takumi's GHB is released after we get the Azura and Corrin BHB. Quite thematically appropriate.

Well, good thing I didn't promote Felicia right away (and good thing I double-checked he boon/bane. Turns out she was -HP and not -Def so I think I'll wait until I join the Plate shenanigans club).

No regrets upgrading Hinoka and Raven's weapons though. 

I still want to kind of upgrade Lucina, Sanaki and Ephraim's weapons, but alas Divine Dew is kind of annoying to get. Hopefully we get it more easily in the new modes.

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I'm more annoyed that feathers just constantly feel like they're in short supply - there's simply so many units I'm curious of using for the long term such as Felicia and Caeda. And now, there's Eirika and Soren on the way.

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