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9 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

You mean Thracia? I don't know any of these guys, perhaps even the 4* banner will become more important to me. Fae, Cherche, Cordelia and perhaps Shanna & Subaki would be cool. 

If you get a chance, give them a shot. I really enjoyed Thracia, more than HW - but that's got different fans for different reasons :)

Then again, not sure if you became a fan of Reinhardt or Olwen based on their Heroes appearances. I already liked them, but it made me like them a bit more... though part of the shipper side of me wishes Olwen could mention Fred at least once xD

If you don't go for them, good luck with getting whoever you want from the other banners. There are so many right now, so can't complain about choice... though we probably will anyway!

...Cormag when? xD

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9 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

These guys are also in Genealogy, and it’s definitely worth it to try Genealogy. It’s fun!

2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

If you get a chance, give them a shot. I really enjoyed Thracia, more than HW - but that's got different fans for different reasons :)

First I will try the newer games, I didn't finish even Awakening yet (easter holidays will give me some time to continue). I'm not that much into the older GUIs. 

4 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Then again, not sure if you became a fan of Reinhardt or Olwen based on their Heroes appearances.

I like them, but I wouldn't consider myself a fan. I don't even have an Olwen myself yet. 

4 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

If you don't go for them, good luck with getting whoever you want from the other banners. There are so many right now, so can't complain about choice... though we probably will anyway!

Haha thanks, I'm not good in saving up orbs anyway. Good luck also to you! 

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When will inheritable speed based special be a thing? I mean, even after making follow-up ring uninheritable they release BF and WF anyway, so I really hope there be inheritable speed based special. I need a viable special for Caeda. 

Also, the cheapness of Darting Blow is making me cry that 4 character caps it at 4*, when for Death Blow, only Klein caps it at 4*. Not to mention the -stance skills... Let's just say enemy phase building is for the rich. 


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1 hour ago, Raven said:

@DodgeDusk - you quit FEH? You haven't been online for at least a week, according to the friends list.

I uninstalled the game and Arcanite has my account. They say they have been using it, though.

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8 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

I uninstalled the game and Arcanite has my account. They say they have been using it, though.

It’s a filthy liar. No one should ever trust it.

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Did someone say Thracia?

@mampfoid Definitely finish the newer games first. Genealogy requires a manual to play it at least with non-adoptive children. And it's very time consuming because the maps are huuuuuuge. At least you can save every turn. The only thing it's got going for it is that it's story is great and once you get holy weapons a huge majority of you enemies will just become bubbles that you can easily pop.

Thracia also requires knowledge beforehand, but is less time consuming. The maps are quite unique and the game strives to balance units. Would recommend at least watching a few parts of Thracia walkthroughs with commentary before playing.

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@silveraura25 Thanks for the hints! I'd like some more/better story and dialogs in FE to be honest. Huge maps are no problem as long as I don't have to be everywhere at once, since I don't like to command 100 units. That's what I like in Heroes (except rival domains ...): Trying to get the best out of few units. 

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7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

But Shanna is blue, or do you have a good heap of her copies? 

Quite the opposite actually. I usually pull blue so I'm not too worried about getting Shanna. Red, on the other hand, I rarely pull on since there aren't that many units I want from the red pool.

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3 minutes ago, tobuShogi said:

Quite the opposite actually. I usually pull blue so I'm not too worried about getting Shanna. Red, on the other hand, I rarely pull on since there aren't that many units I want from the red pool.

There are many cool units in the red pool, my problem is that I don't need any of them (except perhaps a red tome cav) because there are so many with overlapping roles. 

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8 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Huge maps are no problem as long as I don't have to be everywhere at once, since I don't like to command 100 units.

You can have up to 24 units in the first generation and up to 25 in the second generation, but you can deploy everyone, there is no limit.

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17 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

You can have up to 24 units in the first generation and up to 25 in the second generation, but you can deploy everyone, there is no limit.

I'd prefer 4, maximum 6 units. 

/edit: 4-6 own units per map. 

Edited by mampfoid
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1 hour ago, DodgeDusk said:

I uninstalled the game and Arcanite has my account. They say they have been using it, though.

That sucks. I suppose I should remove you for the sake of freeing up some space, then, since I already have Arcanite's main account added.

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Anyways, I’ve realized three things. One, I hate the awakening dragon form in this game, since it’s a lot more fat that than the original, and I loved the original version a lot. 

Two, my first merged project will likely be an Eirika. I’ll probably go a fast mage after that, albeit, I don’t know who at this point

And three, I’m happy the Tharcia banner is going on during the Spring banner, since if I don’t pull Kagero by then, then I’ll take those orbs and still try for her. If I have already gotten her, then free orbs. A win win situation

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42 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@silveraura25 Thanks for the hints! I'd like some more/better story and dialogs in FE to be honest. Huge maps are no problem as long as I don't have to be everywhere at once, since I don't like to command 100 units. That's what I like in Heroes (except rival domains ...): Trying to get the best out of few units. 

Then you'll love horse emblem and holy weapons

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@Zeo Since we where talking about 5* fodder we keep sitting on, I decided to finally sacrifice one unit which was collecting dust for nearly one year ... to create this: 



Since you followed my suggestion for Robin, what do you think of this guy, @Vaximillian? I know you most likely won't have seasonal fodder though, also who keeps +SPD copies of Donnel ? (except me)

Ever since I saw this Donnel solo of Takumis infernal GHB, I wanted to build one: 




29 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Then you'll love horse emblem and holy weapons

Thanks, perhaps I'll give it a try. 

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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Since you followed my suggestion for Robin, what do you think of this guy, @Vaximillian? I know you most likely won't have seasonal fodder though, also who keeps +SPD copies of Donnel ? (except me)

1) I don’t have carrot lance;
2) I don’t like Donnel.

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1 hour ago, Poimagic said:

Two, my first merged project will likely be an Eirika. I’ll probably go a fast mage after that, albeit, I don’t know who at this point

The choice is obvious: Nino. Because
1. she is great even as a standalone unit,
2. she can greatly benefit from Eirika's buffs with her Bladetome - and in return, Eirika herself can doubly benefit from those buffs with her refined weapon, and
3. she's also so readily available, being in the 3-4 star pool. Finding a +spd -def/hp variant won't be too hard.

No bias, of course. She's only the first unit I've ever +10'd, too.

Edited by Raven
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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

1) I don’t have carrot lance;

Slaying lance works as well (you could use the heavy blade seal on someone else). 

4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

2) I don’t like Donnel.

Well, can't help with that. 

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15 minutes ago, Raven said:

The choice is obvious: Nino. Because
1. she is great even as a standalone unit,
2. she can greatly benefit from Eirika's buffs with her Bladetome - and in return, Eirika herself can doubly benefit from those buffs with her refined weapon, and
3. he's also so readily available, being in the 3-4 star pool. Finding a +spd -def/hp variant won't be too hard.

No bias, of course. She's only the first unit I've ever +10'd, too.

I would build a Nino, if it wasn’t for the fact that the artwork of the face is somewhat grating on me for some reason. Which is why I am somewhat leaning towards going Taitilu since I already have a five start version of her

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13 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Zeo Since we where talking about 5* fodder we keep sitting on, I decided to finally sacrifice one unit which was collecting dust for nearly one year ... to create this: 



Since you followed my suggestion for Robin, what do you think of this guy, @Vaximillian? I know you most likely won't have seasonal fodder though, also who keeps +SPD copies of Donnel ? (except me)

Ever since I saw this Donnel solo of Takumis infernal GHB, I wanted to build one: 

Thanks, perhaps I'll give it a try. 

That clear is so unbelievably boss. If I hadn't decided on Lukas, Donnel would 100% be my *5 +10 lance. +SPD is a fantastic nature for him but he can also run either phase so there's some versatility there. Wish I had a Carrot Lance+ myself. Good choice definitely. 

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5 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

I only know one banner, and it comes in twenty days.


Even though that likely won't be enough still to get me playing, having the last of the lords in and some improved measure of representation for every game over FEH's base is good. Although FE4 Gen 2, 13 Gen 1, FE14 Gen 1 and FE6 are still on the outs for dedicated banners, so there are still grounds to complain. I might try for Finn or Leif if they appear on a rehash banner later though.

Leif will not drop, but who of Finn and Nanna will? Nanna should be a Staff unit, that sounds bad enough to drop, but if they choose to use as the newest and greatest Staff unit in nearly a year with a brand new powerful personal Staff (Rune Staff?), then they might want to make her a 5 lock. Finn will either get a Brave Lance or Finn's Lance (which should be the Amiti of Lances not Deen's Dragonspear).


And on that note:

The next new Standard Banner is the 11th? That sounds a little late, and we already know it is Thracia (unless they’re being slightly cruel and delaying it until late post-23rd April). Of course, after that, assuming they keep on the trend of double Standard new to single Seasonal, then that means there is one surprise still in store before June. The next new Banner should be the 24th of April or so, so it should end early-mid May. But what kind of Seasonal could they do for May? I think it’d be a little too early to do Bridal redux. Will they go ahead and do that? Do something else? Give us a third consecutive new Standard Banner?


June, well I’m assuming the old Bridal banner is going to repeat itself, but what will accompany it, I do not know. Hopefully Gallant Grooms or something not marital, but what else does June have worth celebrating? Though now that they’re doing more male-slanted standard banners (thank you IS, you’re realizing you were burning through the females too fast in a series where they’re 1/4 to 1/2 of the roster at best), they might want to use a few more Wedding Bouquets on some ladies as a counterweight to restore gender equality. 


Actually, besides being the start of summer, June is when E3 is, from 12-14th this year apparently. If we don’t have anything on FE Switch by then, well E3 should tell us practically everything we’ll find out pre-release or close to it. And even if we do know stuff about it before E3, E3 should say a lot more and give the lucky attendees a chance to sample the game for us. 

More importantly, FEH could possibly do something related to E3. I heard Dissidia Final Fantasy (the intraseries fighting game crossover) featured as its representative villain for FFXII a character who isn’t actually that important a bad guy at all, simply because he appeared in the beginning of the game and it hadn’t released yet so they couldn’t give the true big bad away in a crossover (whom they have finally added to Dissidia). Perhaps IS could toss us a pre-release FESwitch Banner of the MC with a non-legendary or sealed/unenhanced power legendary personal weapon, one or two of their close early game comrades, a GHB for an early villain, and a TT for someone else.

At the very least, any chance they do an E3 Celebratory Login Bonus? One login bonus of 20 Orbs too much (they gave one for those DICE awards)?


By the way, this is late, but I saw there is apparently an expression in Japan, “Fall of the Arts”, which would likely be why we got Performing Arts. I saw this when I happened to glimpse Pokemon Shuffle and saw they made a Pikachu (one of two million variants) for this theme. Given Pikachu has a bunch of other variants for distinctly Japanese days or themes, does anyone know what Japan-centric holidays/themes we could get in Seasonal form? Tanabata I know, Children’s Day I forget when it is, but that seems like it’d be more a good time for a new Standard Banner for some 2nd Gen characters or other young people like Ryan and Ross than a Seasonal. However, they did, for this year at least, resist the urge to give separate Valentine’s and White Day Banners, so we never know when and if they’ll go for Japan-centric Seasonal Banner themes.


Lastly, after June, it is July. And July is the roaring of Summer, is it okay for me to be cynical about it? I forget the chronology, but weren’t June and August just double Swimsuits and the first of the 3 Character New Standard Banners in the form of Dauntless Crimeans? Then again, was Sacred Stones 1 in the Summer? Maybe I shouldn’t be so cynical? At the time, my memory says Summer was a bit of drought for new Standard additions and it’ll take until September before we’re wet with them again. But it could be faulty. 


Love Abounds means they might not go with swimmies again, but I’m going to doubt that. Gratuitous skin showing in waterproof societally-acceptable-in-public underwear will sell orbs (it’s cheaper though to just look at the stuff online for free- but that is just me). I’m just wondering who it will be this time. Will Ike Emblem be completed with something like Angler Ike? His PoR bod on first thought would be more likely chosen to show off, but Srederick, who isn’t at all a typical young adult male JRPG protagonist in form, indicates they could choose to give us the more muscular and mature Vanbod. Not that I care for Ike that much or anything, but Seasonals lean towards favoring already favored characters, and Ike like it or not should for this reason will get a Seasonal eventually. I just hope they don’t go out of character with him and make him silly. Ike is not very funny, he is rather stoic, kinda dull actually, though I find Ranulf and Reyson do a good job of making Ike pop out a little more. I do think they might run out of purely beach-themed weapons quickly though, so they might want to go Hot Springs (is this more wintry?) or Camping or something else summery for weapon ideas at least, if not actual visual character designs. (If they do Hot Springs- well they left three out four Awakening CG swimsuit wearers out of Summer 1, so while I’d expect HS!Lucina, her friends would likely be skipped for others.)


And then again, was September to December that amazing for new Standard Banners? They did throw PA and Halloween and Xmas and NY in. And in that time… what new Standard additions came? Oh yes, CYL2. which I’m not big on this since it’ll just be variants of have-beens; popularity smopularity, it is a a good idea to include consumer input, but I just want everyone in FEH and don’t care that much for variants. Some like Vike make sense (but he came too early), and I’d approve of Tome Flier Camilla, Blue Tome Lucius, and Blessed Sword!Olwen. Farfetched did bring all new characters, so that was good, and Gen 2 Fates did the same (although some criticize the choice of Rhajat’s inclusion as being another way to shove Tharja in), anything I’m missing? 


Gosh it all seems so long ago. Is it just me being not fully into it that does, or do ye the actual players feel a similar sense of distance?

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2 minutes ago, Zeo said:

That clear is so unbelievably boss. If I hadn't decided on Lukas, Donnel would 100% be my *5 +10 lance. +SPD is a fantastic nature for him but he can also run either phase so there's some versatility there. Wish I had a Carrot Lance+ myself. Good choice definitely. 

Thanks! TT boost is like a preview of how he would look at +10. I also would consider him for +10, but well ... Cordelia first. 

He takes few damage by enemies and 2 after combat damage instead of 6 makes a difference. Renewal keeps him nearly at full health until map 7 and heavy blade for instant Bonfire (against melee). 

@Interdimensional Observer welcome back! 

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15 minutes ago, Raven said:

The choice is obvious: Nino. Because
1. she is great even as a standalone unit,
2. she can greatly benefit from Eirika's buffs with her Bladetome - and in return, Eirika herself can doubly benefit from those buffs with her refined weapon, and
3. he's also so readily available, being in the 3-4 star pool. Finding a +spd -def/hp variant won't be too hard.

No bias, of course. She's only the first unit I've ever +10'd, too.

I would build a Nino, if it wasn’t for the fact that the artwork of the face is somewhat grating on me for some reason. Which is why I am somewhat leaning towards going Taitilu since I already have a five start version of her

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6 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

I would build a Nino, if it wasn’t for the fact that the artwork of the face is somewhat grating on me for some reason. Which is why I am somewhat leaning towards going Taitilu since I already have a five start version of her

She does good work, but her voice lines arrrgh.

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