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26 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

What’s sooner: Half-Life 3, FE16, or buffs to the Askrans?

Final Fantasy 16 will be out before the Askrs get theirs buffs! (we all know how long FFXV took to develop lol)

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6 minutes ago, Zeo said:

"Shall we chat? Just for a while, I know you have plenty to do!"

I like Julie Maddalena’s delivery so much. Nerdy and inquisitive on one hand, easy-going and cheerful on the other hand. Fits Lilina like a glove.

2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I had to stare some minutes to "his" art to shake off my confusion. 

I like her art a lot, especially the attacking and damaged versions. You do not mess with Lilina. She calls upon fire!

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Apparently spring Alfonse has this as a castle quote: "Are you aware of a race in the World of Awakening called taguel? They can change to a form similar to a rabbit."

Gee, I didn't know, Alfonse and developers. It's not like people have been asking for taguel and laguz units in Heroes.

7 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Yes, but why? 

Also personal eggs sounds strange. ^^

Beats me. Probably the same reason why PA Azura, ToD Nowi, kind of Valentine's Hector, and whoever else got a bunch of random, exclusive weapons.

Would you prefer legendary eggs? :p

Also, I just realized that two ladies have personal eggs. I won't continue that train of thought.

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

You do not mess with Lilina. She calls upon fire!

While her seasonal art is calling for sleep, I have to agree that her regular damaged art is awesome. Too bad she is too slow for desperation. 

1 minute ago, Kaden said:

Beats me. Probably the same reason why PA Azura, ToD Nowi, kind of Valentine's Hector and whoever else got a bunch of random, exclusive weapons.

Both PA!Azura and TD!Nowis weapons had strong and unique effects. Especially Urðr buffs are very good. 

Perhaps they wanted to limit the possibility of "chill everything" teams by making the eggs prf weapons. 

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32 minutes ago, Hilda said:

Final Fantasy 16 will be out before the Askrs get theirs buffs! (we all know how long FFXV took to develop lol)

Actually, it was originally Final Fantasy Versus 13, but for some reason they decided to start over while keeping some of the concepts that were conceived in the the prototype and renamed it into 15

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9 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Apparently spring Alfonse has this as a castle quote: "Are you aware of a race in the World of Awakening called taguel? They can change to a form similar to a rabbit."

Gee, I didn't know, Alfonse and developers. It's not like people have been asking for taguel and laguz units in Heroes.

Sharena also says "...there are actually Heroes who can turn into bunnies!"




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@mampfoid While he certainly suits me (and is a primary candidate for my next Close Counter) I like Lilina and actually played her game and just about maxed her out. I used both her and Lugh, but she was pretty much the only red mage that had any chance of being merged and now there's another mage that gels with me more, even if I didn't play his game. Both parties have something going for them with me so it's conflicting. Here's the thing though. I have 5 Lilinas and one M!Morgan. So the odds are in her favor, but M!Morgan could even the odds if I have more of him when it's actually time to make a decision. 

That and... if Forblaze doesn't become a thing then he's 100% better than her. And oh yeah, I only wanted a Mist to complete the PoR GMs and for Spur DEF/RES, but I don't care about the former and NY!Corrin and M!Morgan have both voided the latter. Healers are welcome but she's not a very good one and at this point she'd just be a pity breaker for a unit I probably wanted more.

@Vaximillian Lilina's voice actually used to really irritate me. She sounded like a squirrel to me. Over time I've gotten used to it though so it doesn't bother me anymore. She has some of the best combat art also I admit. I mean it's extremely good.

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21 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Actually, it was originally Final Fantasy Versus 13, but for some reason they decided to start over while keeping some of the concepts that were conceived in the the prototype and renamed it into 16

you are talking about FF 15 which is allready out, FF 16 hasnt even been announced nor showed yet

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1 minute ago, Hilda said:

you are talking about FF 15 which is allready out, FF 16 hasnt even been announced nor showed yet


Illusory Dungeon tomorrow which means there are some rewards to get

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35 minutes ago, Hilda said:

Final Fantasy 16 will be out before the Askrs get theirs buffs! (we all know how long FFXV took to develop lol)

I think you misread something...

1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

What’s sooner: Half-Life 3, FE16, or buffs to the Askrans?

Fire Emblem 16 not Final Fantasy 16

My money is on a buff to the Askrans, btw. It will eventually happen. The problem is that IS can't make money off of it because they are not in the summoning pool and therefore they can't release a banner for them.

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@Zeo Saving up 200,000 feathers on top of what you'll need for Chrom and Matthew will give you enough time to ponder out whom to +10 on your second +10 project team. Meanwhile I can't get any additional copies of Cordelia (or Cherche and BH!Roy), at least the easter banner left me some orbs. 

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@mampfoid It'll definiteley be a while. Considering Chrom barely exists I'll probably move on to Nino after Matt's done since she's probably going to be the fastest one to +10. After that Lukas should have a better nature ready to go and once he's done then finally Chrom. I'm sure I'll know who I'll want on my second +10 team lol. I already know Serra is on there.

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I've got more Swift Sparrow fodder than Reposition fodder. I've got one Selena and two spare Blyns. 

Trying to figure out who needs Swift Sparrow the most. I've got a brand new +Atk -Def Caeda and +Res -Def Ninjabbit, so maybe one of them?

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28 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

I think you misread something...

Fire Emblem 16 not Final Fantasy 16

My money is on a buff to the Askrans, btw. It will eventually happen. The problem is that IS can't make money off of it because they are not in the summoning pool and therefore they can't release a banner for them.

nah i didnt. FE 16 is due for this year on the switch ( i am excited) FF16 not even announced. I really believe at this point the Askrtrio will never get their buff (as in weapon refinery or whatever)

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1 minute ago, Hilda said:

I really believe at this point the Askrtrio will never get their buff (as in weapon refinery or whatever)

RIP the trio. I refuse to give up hope! Sharena will rise again and she will raise Fensalir high!

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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

@Vaximillian @mampfoid @mcsilas @SatsumaFSoysoy @Johann @Fei Mao @Quintessence @NegativeExponents- @Rezzy @Rafiel's Aria @Hawk King @Poimagic @Glennstavos @Hilda @Cute Chao @eclipse

So I did a thing after the Easter banner dropped...


3 More to go. First +10 is getting closer... Also think I may record an AA run. After this my next run will probably be my highest score ever.

All that SP though. XD Just congratulated you in the pull topic, but I'll do that here too. I'm seriously happy for you. Hopefully you have the chance to pull colorless more in the future! 

Also because I'm shameless and incredibly happy with this guy:



His Bonfire kinda' hurts...when it's equipped.

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4 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Chrom was the best unit in the previous banner and he's demoted along with Mmorgan ? Wow. What a surprise. 

Chrom the Knight Exalt wasn’t demoted, he stayed 5★-only.
Chrom the Exalted Prince has been 4–5★ since release.

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@Rafiel's Aria That Merric certainly looks great, congratulations again! 

44 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mampfoid It'll definiteley be a while. Considering Chrom barely exists I'll probably move on to Nino after Matt's done since she's probably going to be the fastest one to +10. After that Lukas should have a better nature ready to go and once he's done then finally Chrom. I'm sure I'll know who I'll want on my second +10 team lol. I already know Serra is on there.

That reminds me of a Close Counter/Absorb Serra I saw once: 



Certainly something to look forward to! 

2 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Chrom was the best unit in the previous banner and he's demoted along with Mmorgan ? Wow. What a surprise. 

No. I can't check in-game currently, but Gamepedia says he stayed 5* exclusive

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Female Robin may be our legendary grey dragon.



I sincerely hope this is not the case. I am going to be extremely annoyed if this is the case. I am going to flip the fuck out if this is the case.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


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Female Robin may be our legendary grey dragon.


I sincerely hope this is not the case. I am going to be extremely annoyed if this is the case. I am going to flip the fuck out if this is the case.


Well that's quite the curveball

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Also, my open letter to SF’s software and its logic for processing spoiler tags:

“Fuck you”.
Sincerely, Vaximillian

What happened?

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