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11 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Nah, I'd say Shiro is good enough to stay 5* only. 

I'd demote Julia instead, on account of her kit being notably inferior to her mother's.

And at the same time, have Sothe take Jaffar's place as a 5* exclusive. Same with Reinhardt and Olwen.

Zanbato (Gray) and Flametongue+ (Dragon Scion Tiki)

I was trying to go for at least 3 Blues, and Shiro seemed to best, though Tana could have worked as well.  He's okay, but he's not super meta breaking.

I went for Deirdre over Julia mostly in hopes of QR3 fodder

I'm against bumping up units in rarity, even if there's several 3-4* units better than current 5* exclusives.

I forgot about Gray's weapon being exclusive to him and Tiki's since it's never used over other breaths.

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37 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Prospective 5* Exclusives that could be demoted:




Luke (Make Panic Ploy 3 available at 4*)

Katarina (Keep Swift Sparrow as unlocked at 5*, but give us a source of Rawrowl at 4*)

Leo (Make QR3 unlock at 4*)


Hinoka (Make Hone Fliers unlock at 4*)




Deirdre (Make QR3 unlock at 4*)


Jaffar (Make LaD3 unlock at 4*)



Looking at the list, we have Red 6, Blue 3, Green 3 Gray 3.  I had to stretch a bit for Blue and Green, but Red really suffers from 5* exclusives that aren't really that great.  This isn't even touching the 4-5*s that should be taken off the 5* list.

That sounds like a good list to me, yeah.

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1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:

Karel ought to get a personal weapon. 'Course his canonical personal weapon is inheritable in this game. So call it the "Bloodied Wo Dao" or something. As for it's effect, I dunno combine the wo dao effect with desperation I guess.

Karel comes with Desperation, so its unique effect being Desperation would kind of be redundant and also a bit crappier than Lyn's unique refined Sol Katti having Brash Assault 4 allowing it to synergize very well with its own Desperation 3. I'm not saying it couldn't be good, but he'd be the first unit to have a weapon whose effect is redundant to one of his default passives. It would be like if Stahl came with T-Adept 3 defeating the purpose of his Ruby Sword.

Anyway, I guess they could do something where young Karel and old Karel have two versions of the same weapon sort of like the Falchion users, regular Hector and Valentine's Hector, or Delthea and Linde and Merric and Sonya. Both swords would be personal versions of Wo Dao where young Karel having Fury, L&D, or Wrath would fit with how bloodthirsty and callous he is and old Karel I was thinking of something like Laevatein's Niu's effect could work to reflect his calmer, perhaps more enlightened self. Also, old Karel would make sense as a legendary hero now that I think about it.

Double L&D3 Karel would have 65 total or 40x2 physical and 60 total or 35x2 magical bulk. A personal Wo Dao, Wrath, and Moonbow could probably make up for his average neutral attack.

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1 hour ago, SilvertheShadow said:

I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Take a look at Raven. He was perfectly fine with his own brave weapon (hypothetically he would have excelled most with the still absent firesweep axe) prior to getting Basilikos for some reason. Cordelia is not too different to Raven in this regard.

Not saying I think Cordelia will be getting a personal weapon down the line, nor do I want her to. I’m just saying that it’s not out of the realm of possibility.

Raven is a player-phase melee infantry, the weakest player-phase class in the game.

Both Raven and Cordelia have nearly optimal stat spreads in their respective classes, but Cordelia's class is simply leagues better than Raven's. Lance also has access to Firesweep, whereas axe does not.


1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:

Karel ought to get a personal weapon. 'Course his canonical personal weapon is inheritable in this game. So call it the "Bloodied Wo Dao" or something. As for it's effect, I dunno combine the wo dao effect with desperation I guess.

Wo Dao was never his personal weapon. It was just his signature weapon.


51 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

We already have the Firesweep Lance and Sword at 4*, and it's already everywhere in Arena, so I don't see making it accessible to non-whales as that big a problem.  Are there any other non-seasonal inheritable weapons that are 5* exclusive apart from that and Rawrowl (and Blarserpent, but that just came out).

Firesweep Bow is by far the best Firesweep weapon in the game and probably also the best inheritable weapon in the game (though it has stiff competition from the Litrblades and Berkut's Lance).

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Real talk: a weapon with built-in Obstruct EX and Pass EX; Obstruct and Pass without health requirements other than not being dead. How meta-defining would this weapon be? :p

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18 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Raven is a player-phase melee infantry, the weakest player-phase class in the game.

Armors would like to have a word with you. 

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9 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

Armors would like to have a word with you. 

Bold Fighter, though. Makes 'em Brave and Bold. And Arden has the power of PURSUIT! :p

Edit: Checked some things and holy crap the Beo Sword would be disgusting in Heroes. Built-in Vantage and Wrath. One of them might be its eventual unique refinement, but still, that's a pretty nasty combo which you could have Diarmuid or Fergus run Desperation or whatever you want on them.

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4 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

Armors would like to have a word with you. 

Bold Fighter makes armors have vastly superior player-phase combat performance compared to infantry, and Armor March gives them comparable or even superior mobility.

Armors with Distant Counter weapons are currently capable of running a build superior to any other class's best player-phase build and best enemy-phase build simultaneously. Armors without Distant Counter weapons are only slightly behind that (because they need to give up Steady Breath or Warding Breath for Distant Counter).

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3 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Bold Fighter, though. Makes 'em Brave and Bold. And Arden has the power of PURSUIT! :p

I knew that was going to be brought up, but I think its an overrated skill on its own. It requires you initiating on an opponent which can be difficult to do as an armored unit without armor march, which is another hard skill to obtain, and armors can fall easily to defensive steady/warding breath users or other armors with Vengeful Fighter which a superior skill since it works in the favor of their stats. It only really works for sure against units with below average bulk. Armors are typically better off used strictly defensively with said Vengeful Fighter as Bold Fighter is too situational. 

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5 hours ago, tobuShogi said:

Mine still has her Brave Lance but I'd still want a +Spd one even though Brave sets want +Atk. Not sure if I'm going to switch over to a +Spd one as I can but I'll definitely keep the +Spd copy. I feel like she's eventually going to get a weapon refinement that doesn't cut her speed like Raven did so I'm going to hold off on replacing her weapon. 

While I agree with the others that she won't get a prf weapon anytime soon (perhaps she would even get a dark flyer alt first), it's probably a good idea to keep a +SPD copy anyway, if I ever get one. 

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1 hour ago, SilvertheShadow said:

I knew that was going to be brought up, but I think its an overrated skill on its own. It requires you initiating on an opponent which can be difficult to do as an armored unit without armor march, which is another hard skill to obtain

Armored Boots now also exists, which alleviates some of those problems. The requirement of 100% HP is a non-issue because once you're in the fray, there's no reason for you to need to leave.

Furthermore, when comparing for pure performance, the rarity of a skill is not taken into account. It's not terribly difficult to snipe specific characters when they are on a banner if you really want them unless you get extremely unlucky, and if you are valuing performance, it's not a difficult decision whether or not you want to give up a copy of a character for Skill Inheritance.


1 hour ago, SilvertheShadow said:

and armors can fall easily to defensive steady/warding breath users or other armors with Vengeful Fighter

Bold Fighter in particular is used in three main build archetypes when run for performance instead of score:

  • Slaying weapon, Ignis / Glacies, Bold Fighter 3
  • Distant Counter weapon, Bonfire / Iceberg / Black Luna, Bold Fighter 3
  • Brave weapon, Ignis / Glacies / Aether, Bold Fighter 3

None of these builds are vulnerable to Steady Breath, Warding Breath or Vengeful Fighter builds because the opponent is flat out dead before their second counterattack. Sure, you can get hit by a Moonbow or even a Bonfire on the first counterattack, but that's not going to break Bold Fighter because Bold Fighter 3 has no HP threshold, and that's not going to kill your armor in one hit.


1 hour ago, SilvertheShadow said:

Vengeful Fighter which a superior skill

Vengeful Fighter requires your unit to take a hit before you can deal damage and is actually vulnerable to being killed by Bold Fighter builds that can land two hits (or four with a Brave weapon) before your Special skill activates on your second counterattack.


1 hour ago, SilvertheShadow said:

since it works in the favor of their stats.

Vengeful Fighter also has an activation threshold of 50% HP, meaning a unit with low health is rendered useless even if it takes no damage from the opponent, whereas a Bold Fighter unit can continue their assault against opponents that are at weapon triangle disadvantage because of their high defensive stats mitigating damage taken. High Def and Res actually works in favor of Bold Fighter just as much as and possibly even more so than it does for Vengeful Fighter.


1 hour ago, SilvertheShadow said:

It only really works for sure against units with below average bulk.

I want to see a unit eat two hits from Hardin's 57 Atk and 20-damage Bonfire or four hits from Jakob's 55 Atk and 29-damage Ignis without having weapon triangle advantage against them. Very few are capable of this.


1 hour ago, SilvertheShadow said:

Armors are typically better off used strictly defensively with said Vengeful Fighter as Bold Fighter is too situational. 

On the contrary, (Distant Counter weapon, Bonfire / Dark Luna, Steady Breath / Warding Breath, Bold Fighter 3, Quick RIposte 3) is perhaps the second strongest build in the game.

The only one arguably stronger is Valentine Hector's (Berserk Armads, Bonfire, Distant Counter, Wrath 3, Quickened Pulse).

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More orbs for me, so I'm not complaining.

In fact, I can get up to a decent 90 orbs after this. Not too bad considering I had 13 left this time last week.

Now I'm actually more prepared for the Legendary banner in case I want someone.

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I will easily hit 120+ orbs before the leg banner hits. I just hope I pull some decent shit I will actually appreciate, and not more Mists.

I don't want to avoid any colours, but I would honestly dodge colourless stones if Mist is in focus. New legendary hero be damned.

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Mist being in both tomorrow's Miracle banner and the Legendary banner would be some next level trolling. That said, I'd be fine with getting one copy but that's probably tempting fate.

I'll have 70-odd orbs for it which isn't much but should get me something on average - should be able to get four full circles. Expecting one, hopeful for two, and would be delighted if I got more.

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4 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Mist being in both tomorrow's Miracle banner and the Legendary banner would be some next level trolling.

Speaking of the Miracle banner, there will also definitely be Sigurd and Delthea. Argh, what colour do I free-pull from?

Red has Selena, and I’m in a dire need of Reposition, and Hinata, whose Fury is all-around useful. Grey has Klein and Sothe, and DB3 and L&D3 are self-explanatory. Blue has Subaki, and it’s always great to have a stockpile of QR. 

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If there are not at least 2 pools of colours I would like to summon from in the next leg banner, I may well skip the banner completely and continue saving for April's leg banner.

For me to want to summon from a particular colour, I'd at least want to summon 2 of the 3 units in that colour - and would at least not mind summoning the third (so Mist being in focus would be an automatic "AVOID" tag on all colourless stones unless it's also alongside the legendary hero and Bridelia, in which case I'll take my chances). The legendary heroes themselves are always sought after, so that gives plenty of room for error.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

Speaking of the Miracle banner, there will also definitely be Sigurd and Delthea. Argh, what colour do I free-pull from?

Red has Selena, and I’m in a dire need of Reposition. Grey has Klein and Sothe, and DB3 and L&D3 are self-explanatory. Blue has Subaki, and it’s always great to have a stockpile of QR. 

Probably red for me, I have both Sigurd and Delthea with mediocre natures, but Delthea is less unique as a unit especially with Linde retroactively powercreeping her. Although if the third unit genuinely is Mist, I might go grey for the hell of it: she's the only hero with Miracle I don't have.

People talk about colourless hell or green hell, but blue is personally my most hellish summoning experience.

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One Mist would be fine. She is the last healer missing in my roster and my other healers max HM pretty fast (7/13 currently). 

@Raven My plan is similar: Pull from a color with 2-3 desired units, if not to skip the banner. Blue could be a candidate, since I don't have L'Ephraim. If colorless will be Legendary/Mist/TD!Sakura, I will give it a try, but stop after 1 Mist/Sakura since they are both low priority units to me. 

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4 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Probably red for me, I have both Sigurd and Delthea with mediocre natures, but Delthea is less unique as a unit especially with Linde retroactively powercreeping her. Although if the third unit genuinely is Mist, I might go grey for the hell of it: she's the only hero with Miracle I don't have.

I don’t have Sigurd, Delthea, Linde, or Mist.

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

One Mist would be fine. She is the last healer missing in my roster and my other healers max HM pretty fast (7/13 currently). 

@Raven My plan is similar: Pull from a color with 2-3 desired units, if not to skip the banner. Blue could be a candidate, since I don't have L'Ephraim. If colorless will be Legendary/Mist/TD!Sakura, I will give it a try, but stop after 1 Mist/Sakura since they are both low priority units to me. 

It's going to be Fjorm. Between Fjorm, Shigure and one other, it's a bit of an eh colour for me. Still, better than the likely green lineup as I want neither of the green summer units.

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Just now, Humanoid said:

It's going to be Fjorm. Between Fjorm, Shigure and one other, it's a bit of an eh colour for me. Still, better than the likely green lineup as I want neither of the green summer units.

While I don't need Fjorm, Shigure would be welcome. 

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