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6:17:7 final score

Sharena great come-back, GG everyone, I had fun with grand conquest. I want to know if you have the same score as mine because I noticed difference with other's score.(which is quit unfair for people in the same team) 

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14 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I made my own bed of course, up to this final hour I've been autobattling on hard with a poorly constructed team. Last ditch effort to get there by spending 6-7 lances on manual Lunatic fights in the last hour but fell short, am pretty much halfway through the progress bar. On the plus side, that effort should gain me a few extra feathers, we're at 7 tiles right now but hopefully my efforts gain us a few more.

Yeah, kind of what happened with me, too.

I've been busy with real life eating up all of my evening and weekend time for the past week and a half and hadn't really had a chance to do much. I finished summoning from the Legendary Hero banner with only about 2 hours left on the clock and my brain completely spent from real life that I just autobattled Infernal from Rank 6 to Rank 23 in an hour. And ran out of lances. Three more would've been enough to hit 25.

Sigh. Oh well.


I really hope coins and rocks stop being limited resources at some point. Especially because we get content that uses those resources way faster than we're getting the resources.

Maybe if we could exchange Arena Medallions for them or something. Actually make the Arena worth running more than once a week.

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1 minute ago, Soledai said:

You guys fell short of 25, I didn't even make it to 20 this time :v

But seriously

Can I assume autoing hard is most "efficient"? tryingtomitigatethesufferingofdoingGQ

I forget the exact numbers, but typically my team succeeds at autobattle Hard for 7500-ish points, and failing Lunatic (not damaging the fort but getting the other objectives) is similar, so there might not be much difference in efficiency really. Hard goes by quicker as sometimes your team wins early (sometimes to the extent of losing some points due to killing less than 20 enemies, but not a big deal).

I might have made a better effort if I wasn't so preoccupied with my legendary banner summoning fails. But no matter, next time GC happens the enemies it'll be with the change in AI being unable to attack after teleporting. Might be inclined to just do the 2-3 manual battles per day in that case.

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I only got to about rank 23 despite using all my lances. Maybe if I didn't sleep in so much :P:

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Ended 10:10:10 for the final round. Unfortunately was a bit distracted and had 5 spare lances. Didn't get past tier 20, so I missed some coins. 

I still haven't been on team anna for some reason. Only sharena once and alfonse 5 times.

12 minutes ago, Soledai said:

You guys fell short of 25, I didn't even make it to 20 this time :v

But seriously

Can I assume autoing hard is most "efficient"? tryingtomitigatethesufferingofdoingGQ

yeah, breaking the enemy base accounts for 25% of your potential score and level 35 enemies with no skills other than their weapon aren't too threatening. I let my AI auto battle until they're funneling toward the enemy base. Then I take over, since the AI is pretty bad at choosing targets to kill that gain the most ground. You need to get your guys' butts onto the enemy spawn points and that can require strategy with how the enemy base is so often surrounded by tricky terrain. And if you've got a healer among your group, give them Heavenly Light in order to patch up all your other units at once. That's 60 extra points of healing. Balm skills are also global and worth considering.

Edited by Glennstavos
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We made a nice comeback from 5/18/7 before the final round to 12/16/2 after the final round. 4,400 feathers get (in addition to 4,600 + 4,200 for earlier rounds), but my condolences to team Anna. I personally only fought in Sharena’s provinces.

I did reach tier 25, however.

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Where the update IS?

23 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Sigh. Today isn't going well at all. Forgot to do Arena. Forgot to do Arena Assault, putting me at a permanent -30 deficit in rocks and coins. Couldn't cap out rank in Grand Conquest, putting me at another permanent -4 deficit in coins. Fuck the extra 5 ranks making the mode even more tedious than before. When the fuck can all of these limited resources stop being goddamn limited.

The last Jakob wouldn't come home without another $80 of wallet used. A new trailer is announced that makes me want to throw more wallet at the game if it weren't for another goddamn colorshare of the worst color to share. I still don't have Hinoka or Shigure from the last banner. I still haven't even tried Kana's Grand Hero Battle. There's no Zelgius in the side banner. My barracks is still stupid full. And there's still a goddamn event going on in Grand Order that needs my attention.


Why do I even bother. I think I need to take a break. Maybe just sit back and work on the main site and stop worrying about getting more than one copy of characters for a while.


I drank the last of my bourbon earlier today. Fuck my life.


There had better be a barracks expansion in the update.

Do you really need every character? Especially all of the top tier ones? As well as +10ing them? I doubt someone like you doesn't have nearly every unit in the game so you're probably safe for bonus score units. You most likely have a lot of +10 units with expensive builds so your arena scoring will end up great.

You should really take that break. I haven't seen you this stressed out ever before. Whatever you can do to relax, just do it.

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4 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Somehow the maintenance notification has disappeared. Until when arena remains closed? 

No event, no arena, no reward new maps = nothing to do in this game. 

Uh, even the double SP event ended. 

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5 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

nothing to do in this game. 

Grind HM in Navarre’s GHB, I guess.

4 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Where the update IS?

Maintenance starting in about nine hours and a half.

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Darn. Managed to get to tier 25 on my main but i was so close on my second account. Partly because in the previous round i went overtime in the last hour so one whole lance was wasted. rip 1 orb.

don’t have too much connection to new banner so i spent most of my orbs in a frenzy trying to get Jakob in my main. It was either him or Kinoka but in the end, Jakob was seasonal so i felt i should get him because Kinoka can pitybreak me anytime and will return in a legendary banner in a few months.

Sadly was pitybroken by my 3rd Genny but that’s not the worst pitybreaker so i’ll take it. It just feels bad to go from 101 in the morning to 11 in the last minutes. 

Glad you’re finally getting Ishtar! @Vaximillian i hope your orbs are well spent for a good cause!

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15 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Where the update IS?

Do you really need every character? Especially all of the top tier ones? As well as +10ing them? I doubt someone like you doesn't have nearly every unit in the game so you're probably safe for bonus score units. You most likely have a lot of +10 units with expensive builds so your arena scoring will end up great.

You should really take that break. I haven't seen you this stressed out ever before. Whatever you can do to relax, just do it.

The collector in me requires at least a +0 of every character.

Jakob needed to be +10 because I happened to pull a [+Atk, -Spd] copy of him.

I might be doing fine in the Arena, but I've been quickly losing ground in Arena Assault. Losing a week's rewards entirely, though... it's just downright depressing considering I've literally gotten every possible Sacred Coin and gold rock available in the game until today (excluding the ones tied to team performance in the last Grand Conquest).


I just need real life to not happen at the same time as big in-game events.

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Glad you’re finally getting Ishtar! @Vaximillian i hope your orbs are well spent for a good cause!

I’m about to panic. Only 51 orbs in my pocket. Not even close enough! Not even close enough!

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Grind HM in Navarre’s GHB, I guess.

8 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Perhaps this evening ... I looked forward to actually play something today. 

I could figure out a team to restart the story maps after the update (replaying will not reduce XP/SP gain anymore). 5* Level 40 units are all out, unless I'd find a new merge base. 

I have yet to promote some people, so there is some choice for my story rerun team: 

  • Chrom
  • A!Tiki
  • Eirika
  • Cain
  • Abel
  • Tharja
  • Lukas
  • Subaki
  • M!Robin
  • Oliver
  • F!Corrin
  • M!Kana
  • Raven (no good nature though)
  • Narcian
  • Boey
  • Clarisse
  • Leon (+ATK or +SPD?)
  • Fallen Takumi
  • Sothe
  • Maria
  • Lissa


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When the whole double XP thing started I told myself I'd finally finish levelling all the good 5-star units on my second account. Inevitably, that didn't happen. I did get about half of them done, and now the rest (nine 5-stars) will have to wait for the next event.

Can't believe that of all things over the past week, tap battle is the one thing they choose to keep running past the end of Golden Week. The event is about three times longer than it needs to be.

Oh well, Deadfire is releasing in less than 12 hours, so not having anything to do in FEH is fine by me.


P.S. Looks like we have another day after mainenance still to wait for the Twitter Quiz orbs, which are due on the 10th. Shame, I'm itching to do my one round on the Ryoma banner.

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Glad to see I'm not the only one who couldn't make it to tier 25. I just didn't want to play this mode, and I was scrambling to use all of my lances. I was literally short like...1 battle. Still don't like this mode, and these maps in particularly, I really didn't like. But it was funny... Anna pretty much dominated the entire map for the last 10 hours or so. Heck, even during the second to last match, she was winning by blowout on like...7 of Alfonse's territories. Somehow during the final match, while I wasn't looking, Sharena and Alfonse fought back...and we ended up with a 10/10/10 split. I guess Anna's team used all its lances. 


Time to finish up the Three Heroes quests and maybe grind for some feathers. I'm ready to see what the update has in store. Maybe we'll get a calendar soon.

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Oh hey @Rafiel's Aria I'm late reading your post. Mia and Micaiah are pretty good choices I'd say. Micaiah is dangerously squishy but that's probably just me being used to tanking everything. It's perfectly color and ranged balanced. Can't wait to see it in action! Make sure to support those two.

As for me, my luck pulling Dorcas was well.. just not there. There as usual was an extra green orb when I only had enough orbs left for 2 summons. I can never shake the feeling that he was in the other but I don't spend money so oh well. I'd like to spend on this game at some point just to support it, just not the time.

As a bonus... I think none of the units will drop to *4 from the coming banner. Ishtar and Ares are obvious *5's and Lene is a new dancer with a new weapon and a premium valor skill. I'm not seeing anything droppable into the normal pool. It would be more insane than Sothe dropping if any of those units did.

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Oh wow, didn't expect more Jugdral this soon after Thracia banner. Congrats to @Vaximillian, Ishtar is finally going to be there waiting for you.

It's kind of interesting that all the characters in the gacha who are unplayable in main series games are from Jugdral (unless you count Zelgius and Grima. I don't.)


On personal Heroes news, that last legendary banner was kind enough to give me Inigo. My precious son is finally dancing at home.

Also got a +def -spd Lyn, on that one I'm halfway between wondering how to build one and who to give Speed Tactic.

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2 minutes ago, Sylphid said:

Oh wow, didn't expect more Jugdral this soon after Thracia banner. Congrats to @Vaximillian, Ishtar is finally going to be there waiting for you.

I know, right? It feels so good to finally have her join the cast after so long. Now I only need Calill, and I can die in peace.

(not really: if I die, I won’t be able to use them in this game or anywhere else, so dying is a no-go)

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

I know, right? It feels so good to finally have her join the cast after so long. Now I only need Calill, and I can die in peace.

(not really: if I die, I won’t be able to use them in this game or anywhere else, so dying is a no-go)

Yeah, I imagine it's an amazing feeling. I'm still waiting for Maribelle, Reyson, Tormod and some other childhood Tellius favorites myself.

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11 minutes ago, Sylphid said:

Yeah, I imagine it's an amazing feeling. I'm still waiting for Maribelle, Reyson, Tormod and some other childhood Tellius favorites myself.

Maribelle is Maribae. That she, Sumia, and Miriel still aren’t in the game is unacceptable. Reyson should have been our first flying refresher. Tormod might even have got Celerity as personal Mov+. Jill, Haar, Tauroneo, the shapeshifters where? So many yet to add.

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5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

The last Jakob wouldn't come home without another $80 of wallet used. A new trailer is announced that makes me want to throw more wallet at the game if it weren't for another goddamn colorshare of the worst color to share. I still don't have Hinoka or Shigure from the last banner. I still haven't even tried Kana's Grand Hero Battle. There's no Zelgius in the side banner. My barracks is still stupid full. And there's still a goddamn event going on in Grand Order that needs my attention.


Why do I even bother. I think I need to take a break. Maybe just sit back and work on the main site and stop worrying about getting more than one copy of characters for a while.


I drank the last of my bourbon earlier today. Fuck my life.


There had better be a barracks expansion in the update.

Dude, I feel ya. My wallet is crying this morning.

I decided to pull colorless until I got 3+ Gennys to get my +8 to +10 and have some extra for fodder. I ended up with 8 F!GrimaRobins, 9 Jakobs, 7 Micaiahs (I wasn't even pulling blues she just kept coming. Seriously like 50% of blue orbs I pulled had Micaiahs in them. I got 2 more copies than I needed to +10 her), and a bunch of other 5*s and ZERO Gennys.

My luck was so stupid good with 5*s. I was getting them at a rate of around 12-15% so I just kept pulling. I got 41 of them and no Gennys. I only have 10 Jakobs so I can't even +10 him until he comes back. I even have a +Atk/-Spd too.

We need a barracks expansion. 100 free spots and 300 more to be expanded with orbs for 1500 total.

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