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7 hours ago, AbsoluteZer0Nova said:

Well seeing as how on the Japanese twitter for Heroes I guess we should assume that Robin and Takumi are far up too now? 


I wouldn't worry about it, it's just a picture.

Takumi looks pretty awful here. Ah well!

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2 hours ago, Shadow Stalker X said:

It's 14% actually. But despite that, there is a distinction in the overall quality of the 5* relics on current banners. These are the typical odds for relics on the current existing banners.

OSB or BSB: 1%

BSB: 1%

BSB: 1%

Super Soul Break: 2% (total of 4, so 8%)

Unique Soul Breaks: one is 2%, and one is 1%

Overall, it adds to 14%, but in going through high end-content in FFRK, Burst Soul Breaks are basically a fundamental part of clearing the content. Super Soul Breaks are a good supplement, but not at BSB level, and outside of a few specific exceptions, no one uses Unique Soul Breaks anymore. I see the 3% of the BSBs and the 3% of 5* heroes in Heroes as being roughly idenitical. And don't forget, it's still possible to level up characters to 5*, so functionally, it's even better than that.

There's also an additional chance (0.01% though) to get an off-banner.

But FFRK is an outlier here.

(Also Ricard has no soul breaks in global but I digress--)

Still, methinks folks will appreciate that these aren't Gumi-rates. *Glances at Brave Exvius*

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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28 minutes ago, Coolmanio said:


Voting is over and the JP twitter has announced that over 1.2 million votes were cast! Hot damn!



Judging by that picture, the top three for the women and at least top two for the men haven't changed drastically. I wonder what that means for the rest of the list.

Edited by Thane
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Really never understood why Tharja was so popular. I mean, whoop whoop for her fans, but I feel like Cherche, Say'ri or Flavia would all have been better choices for female Awakening reps. Don't mean to seem salty here, I just find Tharja one-note and bland like Libra.

Still, interested to see who number 3 on the male poll is, assuming this picture is representative. Also mad I didn't get to vote at all in the poll because stupid boarding school web blocks. Would've been Awakening Anna, all day every day.

Edited by InfinityAlex
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47 minutes ago, Thane said:

Judging by that picture, the top three for the women and at least top two for the men haven't changed drastically. I wonder what that means for the rest of the list.

That's a picture that I can get behind because it's a lot more accurate given what we saw with the half way results.

Here's another picture. 



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1 minute ago, Thane said:


Have we seen this before? It was on Famitsu's Twitter.

Honestly, this pose looks more like Marth, Roy and Eliwood to me than Chrom. Chrom's all about breaking stuff, 

I do not recall seeing that at all. Also Chrom has made that pose before in Awakening's intro when confronting Grima (though they make it hard to see because they turn the camera to his back but you can see the movement into that). Lucina uses that pose too btw.

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Yeah the pose is really similar to Awakening, as well as Lucina in Ch. 4. I think they chose these characters because they were previously revealed as the partial top 3 in the mid way results. I wouldn't take as a given that they kept their places, or that Ike won the male poll. I'll await dor the official results

and the game's global release


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7 minutes ago, flare9 said:

Hopefully there's enough characters from all eras so that the game can fulfill IS's (and my) desire to have newer players come into contact with characters from older games. This whole thing seems like a great way to advertise the entire series...lets just hope all eras get a good amount of representation. 

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So the idea of FE on mobile was planned several years ago.....


Also point to note that the same team doing this game is the one that's doing Echoes as well....ok just curious...how is this even possible for IS to do such crazy stuff at all? Isn't their staff very low at this point?


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37 minutes ago, Harvey said:

So the idea of FE on mobile was planned several years ago.....


Also point to note that the same team doing this game is the one that's doing Echoes as well....ok just curious...how is this even possible for IS to do such crazy stuff at all? Isn't their staff very low at this point?


I think Echoes has been in development for a while. Sure Japan has been 2 years or so since Fates, but I think Echoes has been on a back burner for a little longer than that. Fates finishing just allowed it to be placed in the front.

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3 hours ago, Thane said:


Have we seen this before? It was on Famitsu's Twitter.

That artstyle looks vaguely like Takehito Harada's. Do you have a link to the twitter post you found this on, @Thane?

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4 minutes ago, Thane said:

Sure, here it is:


Darn, I was hoping they would have the artist listed in the post, but they don't have it there nor in the linked article. I guess I'll just have to wait for confirmation in game.

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2 hours ago, flare9 said:

I had the chance to count 94 ~ chars from the screenshots and the trailers and there they are! Expected/10 :P:

46 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

I think Echoes has been in development for a while. Sure Japan has been 2 years or so since Fates, but I think Echoes has been on a back burner for a little longer than that. Fates finishing just allowed it to be placed in the front.

To add to this, I assume that as soon as they release a game, they begin the next one not so late after they release its predecessor. also I assume IS is getting bigger in the same way FE is getting bigger so they can handle multiple projects at the same time

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5 hours ago, InfinityAlex said:

Really never understood why Tharja was so popular. I mean, whoop whoop for her fans, but I feel like Cherche, Say'ri or Flavia would all have been better choices for female Awakening reps. Don't mean to seem salty here, I just find Tharja one-note and bland like Libra.

Still, interested to see who number 3 on the male poll is, assuming this picture is representative. Also mad I didn't get to vote at all in the poll because stupid boarding school web blocks. Would've been Awakening Anna, all day every day.


I really like Cherche and Say'ri as well but we know that they just aren't as popular as Tharja and Cordelia (who at least aren't too surprising thanks to the Awakening popularity polls). As for why Tharja's so popular, I'm willing to bet it's a mix of her design (both her face/hair as well as her outfit) and her tropey yandere behavior, which I guess is kind of an appealing thing for Japan...??

Personally, I find her unsociability weirdly relatable and endearing haha. I like her because despite where she's from and how she was raised, she's still intelligent enough to question the mindless dogma of the Grimleal and those who follow Gangrel, has a decent sense of morality despite being proficient in the dark arts (is loyal to Chrom ), and is actually pretty sweet despite her cold and intimidating behavior. -w- That's just be ofc I know not everyone is into that kinda thing lol (and the misconceptions about how she treats Noire don't help sigh). 

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