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Limited Hero Battles starting in the next reset. The maps for this month, and their limitation, are:


GHB Murdock - Sacred Stones

BHB Tiki & Ninian - Awakening

LHB Yuri - Blazing Blade

GHB Valter - Genealogy/Thracia

MHB Nerthuz - Echoes: SoV

As always, the 2nd and 4th maps do not allow dancers.

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While I would like to get Resplendent Catria to finally complete the Whitewings, she's unlikely to be next because it's unlikely that they'd release two 4-star lance fliers in a row. She also probably wouldn't get a Nidavellir outfit.

As everyone probably already knows by now, I don't care who it is as long as it's a Nidavellir outfit. There are only 5 more Resplendent outfits left for this calendar year and there still hasn't been a single Nidavellir outfit.

Similarly, EchoesThracia, and Radiant Dawn also haven't gotten an outfit yet this year, though Radiant Dawn only has 2 guaranteed eligible units left, so I also wouldn't expect one (though Nidavellir Zelgius would probably be pretty cool).

From Echoes, Boey and Genny are still relevant due to their refined weapons, and from Thracia, I would personally like to see Finn get a Resplendent outfit.

It's of course also worth noting that Myrrh, Tharja, and Camilla still don't have Resplendent outfits.

And as far as other units that I haven't mentioned above that I'd like to see get outfits, there's Laevatein, Laegjarn, Hardin, Zephiel, Marisa, Black Knight, Owain, Hana, Hinoka, Peri, and Xander. More resplendent dancers would also be welcome since we only have Ninian and Azura (and they happen to both be Nifl outfits).

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56 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

Lute and Ewan are the units I’d like to get a Resplendent and maybe have a chance, my memory isn’t strong on what gen any particular unit was released.

Lute is possible. Ewan is too recent.

I have this post in the 2023 Resplendents thread that lists all of the units currently known to be eligible based on their release date:


Right now, Surtr is the most recently released unit with a Resplendent outfit, but everyone up to (but not including) CYL 3 should be theoretically possible (since that's when Dragonflowers start to allow units to catch up to modern ones in terms of stat totals and Resplendent boosts are no longer needed in addition to do so).

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And the next Resplendent Hero is surprise, surprise yet another not-Nidavellir outfit. Embla Sheena is next:








Her art is very pretty.

Her stats, however, are pretty underwhelming. Axe armors are a fairly saturated class, and there simply are better options. There's very little reason to use Sheena over Murdock or Brave Edelgard.

With max Dragonflowers, she has 52/37/32/43/40, which is too many points in Spd that could have gone to Atk. While the Resplendent boost makes her no longer the axe armor with the lowest base Atk stat in the game, Picnic Felicia's weapon is way stronger than anything Sheena has access to, so she functionally is still the axe armor with the lowest Atk stat.

Defensively, she's not bad, being on par with Legendary Edelgard, but again, she lacks a weapon that can actually compare to refined Aymr. Her only real strength is that she has a higher Res stat than any of the other free-to-play axe armors, but in a meta where you no longer need to run Distant Counter on armors, Res isn't as useful anymore on an axe armor.

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Sheena's Resplendent art looks cool. I'm happy to see her, she's a favorite Mystery of the Emblem character for me. I'm a little surprised this is the first acknowledgement she's ever had in the game since launch. Perhaps this signals a future Sheena alt, an Ascended or Easter alt or something.

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Sheena's japanese VA is Yu Kobayashi, who also voices Lucina. That could give us a hint of a Lucina alt coming in the next months... like a seasonal alt or even Ascended/Rearmed Lucina.

Robin, Chrom and Lissa all have Winter Alts, since 2017. Maybe Lucina could get one, and have a variation of Future Vision since now IS likes to make new variations of personal skills.

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Looks fine, but if you showed me that picture without context I'd not have guessed it was Sheena. Could be anyone really, well anyone younger because she's also lost a few years.

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12 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Sheena's japanese VA is Yu Kobayashi, who also voices Lucina. That could give us a hint of a Lucina alt coming in the next months... like a seasonal alt or even Ascended/Rearmed Lucina.

Robin, Chrom and Lissa all have Winter Alts, since 2017. Maybe Lucina could get one, and have a variation of Future Vision since now IS likes to make new variations of personal skills.

My best guess would be Ascended Lucina on an Awakening banner. Perhaps it'll finally bring in Inigo, Severa, Noire, and/or Laurent.

And perhaps Resplendent Masked Marth.

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I'm fine with the choice of Sheena, although it is also a choice that doesn't excite me at all. It at least gives us a break from Blazing Blade and Fates's tug-o-war match over who can have the most Resplendents.

I will be disappointed, though, if this isn't a precursor to a new Lucina alt.


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About the Hall of Forms units:


Ehh... kinda meh to me.

Innes is someone I +10ed a long time ago, used in my Arena team, and already removed him from my arena team. I have no interest in giving him new skills.

Artur is whatever.

And the legendaries are meh. They do well with their base kits to me.

This looks like an easy skip for me, which is nice since I am running out of Forma Souls. Good that next month, we can get another free Forma Soul from the Celestial Shop.


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All characters I already have. Well, at least I know I get to save.

Wonder what they'll do for FE9 next month, since it doesn't have any legendaries.

Edited by Othin
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11 hours ago, Othin said:

Wonder what they'll do for FE9 next month, since it doesn't have any legendaries.

I have a random guess/theory about this one.

Until Alear's Legendary Banner in August, Legendary Ike was scheduled to January 2024. Then, in September, he was rescheduled to November 2023.

Until now all Legendary/Mythic Heroes that are getting remixes, they never shared to others Legendary/Mythic Heroes. They always shared with New Heroes (normal/ascended/rearmed).

November's Remixes have 4 red Heroes scheduled for their banners. But November is also Plumeria's remix. If we consider the "no legendary share" thing I mentioned before, Plumeria shouldn't share with Marth, Ike or Eliwood, but with a New Heroes instead.

Finally, the Hall of Forms theme for the month of November is Path of Radiance.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that... what if Legendary Ike was rescheduled to November so he can be in the November's Hall of Forms, even though he is a Radiant Dawn unit and not a Path of Radiance unit, so the event has a legendary hero even if it is not one of the same title?


Outside this theory, I expect Tellius Young Heroes on the Hall of Forms (Young Soren, Young Boyd, Young Ilyana). If Legendary Ike isn't there, then maybe Young Mia.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I have a random guess/theory about this one.

Until Alear's Legendary Banner in August, Legendary Ike was scheduled to January 2024. Then, in September, he was rescheduled to November 2023.

Until now all Legendary/Mythic Heroes that are getting remixes, they never shared to others Legendary/Mythic Heroes. They always shared with New Heroes (normal/ascended/rearmed).

November's Remixes have 4 red Heroes scheduled for their banners. But November is also Plumeria's remix. If we consider the "no legendary share" thing I mentioned before, Plumeria shouldn't share with Marth, Ike or Eliwood, but with a New Heroes instead.

Finally, the Hall of Forms theme for the month of November is Path of Radiance.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that... what if Legendary Ike was rescheduled to November so he can be in the November's Hall of Forms, even though he is a Radiant Dawn unit and not a Path of Radiance unit, so the event has a legendary hero even if it is not one of the same title?


Outside this theory, I expect Tellius Young Heroes on the Hall of Forms (Young Soren, Young Boyd, Young Ilyana). If Legendary Ike isn't there, then maybe Young Mia.

The timing of the PoR hall would be perfect to fully kit out YMia with all of the cracked stuff from the last few months and get her +10, and if she gets booted out for fucking useless LIke from the wrong bloody game, I'm going to scream.

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3 hours ago, Ether said:

The timing of the PoR hall would be perfect to fully kit out YMia with all of the cracked stuff from the last few months and get her +10, and if she gets booted out for fucking useless LIke from the wrong bloody game, I'm going to scream.

Yeah, that would be very bad... Even if both were in the event, since they did two sword units in the same batch before. You could still get some nice fancy skills on Mia, but in the banner they would be color sharing... which is way worst than her previous share with Young Ike & Mist.

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I would actually prefer Young Ike and Mist to Young Mia in the HoF. In fact, all 4 of the young units would be wins. For green, Young Ilyana would be a better pick than Boyd I think as far as greens go (there are quite a few infantry axe choices even free. Y!Boyd has a prf, but I don't think it's worth it. Then Y!Ike and Y!Soren. For a blue, K!Soren would be a pretty amazing choice. To me it would be preferable to Bertram, Petrine or Gatrie.

PoR overall has some pretty fun choices. OG!Ike is actually among the worst of them in my personal opinion. So I don't see why they'd pick L!Ike. He's literally not even from that game technically.

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59 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Yeah, that would be very bad... Even if both were in the event, since they did two sword units in the same batch before. You could still get some nice fancy skills on Mia, but in the banner they would be color sharing... which is way worst than her previous share with Young Ike & Mist.

She's +9 so the banner colorshare isn't a concern, I just need her to be on the Hall so I can deck her out with Prime 4 and Pledge. At least up until now we've not had duos in HoF so I don't think I need to worry about Young Ike, but if Leg takes the slot I will be very upset.

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29 minutes ago, Ether said:

She's +9 so the banner colorshare isn't a concern, I just need her to be on the Hall so I can deck her out with Prime 4 and Pledge. At least up until now we've not had duos in HoF so I don't think I need to worry about Young Ike, but if Leg takes the slot I will be very upset.

Ah, got it. Yeah, Young Ike for sure will not be there.

Prime and Pledge already look great for her. Her Sharp War Sword already grant [Null Follow-Up] and [Dodge], and Pledge will grant her Special Cooldown Charge +1 status effect. One more status effect, and she will already be able to trigger the Distant Counter effect from Prime. Or if she had Atk Oath Echo from Attuned Peony, to get the Warping effect, she can do it on her own without relying on allies's buffs.

What else would you like on her? Gambit 4 for her B slot? or Null-C Disrupt 4?

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I’d like some beast units, it would be nice to get some more of the transformation B skills on them, the units with them are somewhat scarce, and with the next year being of the dragon, I could see skipping the usual beast focus barring maybe Nerpuz

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