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8 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Oh my, that was fast.

Maybe Cervantes was onto something after all?

Problem is, you'll have a hell of a time keeping him at maximum efficiency. Above 50% his match-ups are very, very average, around 50-60 wins IRRC.

Bartre has excellent physical bulk thanks to freakish hp & def, but any mage murders him on EP.

It's easy enough to send him at someone who 3 or 4 hit KOs him (to trigger brash), but how would you know that still leaves him with enough hp to survive 1 hit?


If you like the character, sure, useful, I'm sure there's a way to make sure he's consistently useful---reciprocal aid on someone with total shit hp, for example (maybe an underleveled unit?) Generally, though, I think classic Brave users would do better. (Raven for green, or Minerva if you just want someone to beat face---no need to brave her, just desperation).



3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Lyn says hi ;):

+Atk Cordelia murders both of them, I'll be fine. (Seriously, just drop TA and Cordelia 1RKOs Nino, why the hell does she even have TA.)

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2 minutes ago, Levin's Scarf said:

Reinhardt would like to join the party. :P:

And now we go back to Nino! :):

Just now, DehNutCase said:

+Atk Cordelia murders both of them, I'll be fine. (Seriously, just drop TA and Cordelia 1RKOs Nino, why the hell does she even have TA.)

Reason 3 why Lyn also has reposition


This is fun


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4 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Problem is, you'll have a hell of a time keeping him at maximum efficiency. Above 50% his match-ups are very, very average, around 50-60 wins IRRC.

Bartre has excellent physical bulk thanks to freakish hp & def, but any mage murders him on EP.

It's easy enough to send him at someone who 3 or 4 hit KOs him (to trigger brash), but how would you know that still leaves him with enough hp to survive 1 hit?


If you like the character, sure, useful, I'm sure there's a way to make sure he's consistently useful---reciprocal aid on someone with total shit hp, for example (maybe an underleveled unit?) Generally, though, I think classic Brave users would do better. (Raven for green, or Minerva if you just want someone to beat face---no need to brave her, just desperation).

Bartre being completely and utterly outclassed in the use of a popular skill set is a given when going into this kind of discussion.

I still enjoy them since it goes to show that there's at least one set a unit can use well, so that no one unit is a complete dud pull if you don't want them to be.


Except healers





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1 minute ago, DehNutCase said:

My Cordelia keeps galeforce. ; )

Heh can she take a speed boosted, defense boosted, attack boosted, +Atk, fury Nino before she even has a chance to charge that thing? 

Also Olivia is somewhere in this mix ;)


This is really fun


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7 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Heh can she take a speed boosted, defense boosted, attack boosted, +Atk, fury Nino before she even has a chance to charge that thing? 

Also Olivia is somewhere in this mix ;)

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This is really fun


If you get Olivia, I get Azura.

Note that I'm still being outnumbered---you're using up 2 units to face Cordelia, and 3 to face Cordelia + Azura.

Edit: (L&D Cordelia 1RKOs Nino through buffs, by the way.)

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1 hour ago, LordFrigid said:

lol. Clair strikes me as a flier team unit; she could probably pull off Brave/Desperation/Iceberg with that stat line and Hone Fliers, actually. Except I had enough "fun" getting together enough SP for that on Caeda...I don't even want to think about doing it again.

I'm not sure about that. Even with Silver Lance+, Clair reaches 41 Atk neutral, so if you give her Brave Lance+ this goes alllll the way down to 34... Units without weapons reach 34. Also, her Speed would go from 36 to 31, which isn't doubling a lot. She'd definitely need Hone and Goad support, and at that point you might as well just pick someone else or leave her be.

I like Hit and Run, though. It's a very fun playstyle, especially when paired with Armored Blow. I think it would fit really well on Catria or Cordelia, especially the latter. Can you imagine Dancer + Hit and Run + Galeforce shenanigans?

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2 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

If you get Olivia, I get Azura.

Note that I'm still being outnumbered---you're using up 2 units to face Cordelia, and 3 to face Cordelia + Azura.

Is Azura One shot by Nino with +Atk and attack buff or no?

Lemme do some calculations and then I'll clap back

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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Is Azura One shot by Nino with +Atk and attack buff or no?

Lemme do some calculations and then I'll clap back

Azura isn't for fighting Nino, she has Sapphire lance. Azura is for letting Cordelia kill Nino and Eirika in one turn. Meaning it's 2 blues vs. 1 red.

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7 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Azura isn't for fighting Nino, she has Sapphire land. Azura is for letting Cordelia kill Nino and Eirika in one turn. Meaning it's 2 blues vs. 1 red.

All depends on what my dancer does, and Reposition strats as well.

I could potentially OHKO Azura and Cordelia before you kill my 2 units

Really it's the AI at this point XD

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My arena team isn't currently doing great on either offense or defense. Maybe I should turn things up a few notches: I do have a 4* Reinhardt, and I was already planning on upgrading Xander and Camus when I get them. Over the course of a few months, I could make some fun things happen.

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

All depends on what my dancer does, and Reposition strats as well.

I could potentially OHKO Azura and Cordelia before you kill my 2 units

Really it's the AI at this point XD

If I really wanted to mess with you, I can run 2 Cordelias, give them both draw back, and then unequip their weapons. (The AI will run to a place where you can't reach them, thanks to draw back.)

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Checking calcs, Bartre had 60/8/51 match up at base which become 86/17/16 at half HP

For comparison:

Cherche - 63/18/38

Barst: 47/10/62

Raven: 57/15/47

Hawkeye: 60/28/31

Minerva - 63/10/46


That seems.... ok



On the other hand Blarblade Ursula with Gunter Support have 95/2/22


What the shit

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1 hour ago, JSND said:

On the other hand Blarblade Ursula with Gunter Support have 95/2/22


What the shit

_Blade & Cav\Flier buffs giving great coverage is expected. One Hone Cav\Flier is +18 Atk.

Edit: Then again, Lucina has better than that without buffs.

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On 15/4/2017 at 11:56 AM, Arcanite said:

@Troykv Check me out,

Before we get to teams, lemme point out a few minor tings.

Sophia skillz. T-Adept is pretty nice for her. Kind of turns her into a Pseudo-Sanaki of Sorts. The thing is, she won't double a lot and since there aren't too many greens it won't serve her too well. But you have red raven so Takumi literally just evaporates into thin air. Now this also means any Blazing chance in Oblivion she has of surviving a blue is diminished to a speck of dust. Think about shwapping Adept for Death blow if you ever get a Klein. Gives you a nice "Beasht Boosht" without the disadvantage of having an extra........ disadvantage heh. If you don't get a Klein, I'd just leave her the what she is.

Male Robin is +Atk -Res. Which is absolutely amazing! If Ephraim isn't cutting it for you, you could give M Robin SwordBreaker (which you don't have right now) and T-adept from your Selena to kill every sword user in sight.

Hinata is only 3 star. If you ever get a Nino, Nowi, or a young tiki (among other things) you can give them Fury 3 if Hinata is at 4 stars. So if you have the spare feathers, upgrade him sometime.

Faye is +Atk -Res. Faye won't be One shotting much, because her purpose is to chip, but this spread is actually very nice. You have 2 Saizos who I believe gets Poison strike 3 at 4 stars. So you could do what Rezzy did, and give her Poison Strike to help her do her job better

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Sophia: With a buff from Ephraim, her attack can go up there. If you gave her red raven+, I'd say you made a good decision. If it's plain old red raven, I'm not too sure about that. The best things about Sophia (especially a neutral one) is everything except her speed. She has good resistance, she has good defense, good health and some nice attack as well. Her speed is just garbage. Therefore (this is my opinion) she'd probably work a little better with Red Blade instead of Red Raven. You want her to get in, do as much damage as possible, and get out. She had her own reposition, but I recommend Giving it to Ephraim from your Selena since he'll be buffing her attack a lot to help her do some nice damage. 

Ephraim: He has a nice spread With plus attack and -Res. He can buff Sophia for a nice boost in Attack for dealing with neutrals using Red raven. Now, here's where the filth comes in. Between Me, MaskedAmpharos, and MrSmokestack, we all agree that reposition is completely busted! Now if you give Ephraim reposition, you'll be able to get Sophia and Faye in and out EZ PZ.

Faye: 2 Saizo = Poison Strike 3 like I mentioned before. It'll help her do her job even better, which is to chip for Sophia. And with double reposition you can essentially do something like;

Ephraim buffs Sophia and Faye 

Faye chips for Sophia

Ephraim repositions Faye out of danger

Sophia gets the kill

Or something like that. The thing is, using Faye and Sophia on the same team means you have 3 shlow people. Nobody is going to double, and everyone will get doubled. 

Your 4th slot could be green but to me, Anna is your best option (this opinion is a little biased). And even if you use her, she may not even put in work because of red prevalance in arena. Everyone else you have is too nyeh for my tastes (with regards to your ax users). 

So your 4th slot might be Sharena. Double Spear users seem redundant, but she's basically Ephraim but fast.

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I'm working on some teams as fast as possible, I just want to make sure I give you the most reliable info!

Right now I'm looking at:


Male Robin

Ephraim or Sharena

Faye or Anna

Sit tight though cause I got some other teams sitting in the calculations machine heh

Some of which might involve Mr. Roy




Sophia has TA3, GB1 (but I can unlock Level 2) and Rauddraven+.. I'll considering Death Blow... but it would need a Brave Tome (to essencially be a Red Reinhardt)

I needs tons of swordbreaker.

And a Nino xD

Oh yeah, I think I'll try to give her PSLv3

On 15/4/2017 at 2:56 PM, Ice Dragon said:

No, that's not how you use Sophia. Sophia isn't a delete button. She stands in the way and laughs at every green unit in the game with her amazing bulk.

Sophia's low Spd means she's double attacked by nearly every enemy in the game, meaning you absolutely need Triangle Adept to tank. With Triangle Adept, you can use her low Spd to your advantage to charge up long-cooldown special skills against melee green units like Hector and Camilla (+Atk Hector deals 5x2 damage, Camilla deals 0x4). I'd actually consider giving her one of the AoE special skills to make use of her high Atk and also lets her deal heavy damage to blue and red units.

Due to the fact that Sophia doesn't double attack anything and typically doesn't deal enough damage to erase enemies outright, Death Blow doesn't do her much good. It lets her one-round kill green enemies that already have Triangle Adept 3 or an Emerald Axe and lets her chip red and blue for more damage, but costs her her absurd bulk against green and colorless.

Also @Troykv.

Which AoE skill would be good?


Sorry for the late reply.

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7 minutes ago, Troykv said:

Which AoE skill would be good?

Wind tends to have the best AoE (+ shaped, then either square shaped or more damage.) Just take a look at all of them and pick the one you like most or is least costly to get. (Wind might be the best, but it's pretty rare. The Square version is Merric only, and the more damage version is Hinoka and Navarre, both rare units.)

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1 hour ago, JSND said:

Looking at Bartres skillset made me somewhat want to run a Brave Axe Bartre set up



Someone help to convince me on this being a bad idea plz

I have a Brave Bartre. It's better than Hammer Bartre, but I don't use Bartre enough to recommend it

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Interestingly, Alfonse actually does the best of all the starting 3 when you put them on auto-battle to grind low level stratums.

He has the best bulk of all of them (Sharena comes close, but doesn't have his sheer numbers and self-sustain), so he ends up just slaughtering people in hordes. (Anna has issues staying alive even though I run Alfonse furthest from the healer, and Anna & Sharena next to the healer.)

Makes me wonder if he wouldn't like Fortress def instead of death-blow, can't kill him if he just takes your double to charge his Sol faster.

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1 minute ago, Dearest Dissapointment said:

I have a Brave Bartre. It's better than Hammer Bartre, but I don't use Bartre enough to recommend it

Everything is better than anti-armour anything.

...Speaking of anti-armours, I merged my Frederick into Sharena to give her Luna. I used the leftover skill slot to inherit level 3 Fortify Def... and now I keep second-guessing how much SP I spent on that. I think it was 200...

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1 minute ago, phineas81707 said:

Everything is better than anti-armour anything.

...Speaking of anti-armours, I merged my Frederick into Sharena to give her Luna. I used the leftover skill slot to inherit level 3 Fortify Def... and now I keep second-guessing how much SP I spent on that. I think it was 200...

Hey! I'll have you know Armor-slayer Draug with QR can 1RKO Effie on defense.


Armor-slayer Draug has no weaknesses!



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1 minute ago, DehNutCase said:

Hey! I'll have you know Armor-slayer Draug with QR can 1RKO Effie on defense.


Armor-slayer Draug has no weaknesses!



Just because I don't use Robin as a blue unit anymore doesn't mean I can't.

...Though forgive me if I have no idea how my arena team would counter that.

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1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I'm not sure about that. Even with Silver Lance+, Clair reaches 41 Atk neutral, so if you give her Brave Lance+ this goes alllll the way down to 34... Units without weapons reach 34. Also, her Speed would go from 36 to 31, which isn't doubling a lot. She'd definitely need Hone and Goad support, and at that point you might as well just pick someone else or leave her be.

I like Hit and Run, though. It's a very fun playstyle, especially when paired with Armored Blow. I think it would fit really well on Catria or Cordelia, especially the latter. Can you imagine Dancer + Hit and Run + Galeforce shenanigans?

Yeah, Hit and Run does look pretty interesting. Pity you'd have to get it off of a 5* (atm, idk who of these four would be changed to 4* after the focus ends).

On the Brave build...yeah, at this point I'll admit that I'm just looking too hard for people to stick it on. The requirements (+Atk, specific buffs, not to mention the sheer SP cost) are really high, I just wanted to make use of Caeda, which is maybe not at the top of most people's priority lists lol. I kinda do want to go run the matchups for Clair now though...I'm curious.

Oh...funnily enough, one of the builds on the Wiki for Clair is Brave lol. Idk why it's recommending +Spd though...

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