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Just now, Othin said:

They come up every couple of weeks. If you're not going for the free characters when they're available, that's your own choice to decline to get the characters, not the game not giving you access to them.

Upgrading 2* and even 1* units to 3* is trivial.

220 feathers is so much, though. (Says the one who spent 44k to nab 2 copies of L&D.)

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Just now, Anacybele said:

My point still stands too.

And wtf? I never said Cecilia was bad because I don't like her. I never even played her game and I already said I find her stat spread awful.

Personal like or dislike is what it's boiling down to, essentially.  Both her and Nino are one-stop solutions to both your problems, but nope your personal bias gets in the way.

"Lowly 3 Star" Mm-hmm, doesn't sound like personal bias at all.

Right now, you're talking to at least two people who are Nino mains in Arena, and one of them is me. Nino is a great unit even without an ideal stat roll and investing in her is one of the smarter ways you can spend your feathers; Robin (M) is your only other good mage, right?

And what does Cecilia's performance in a game from almost 16 years ago have to do with anything in the present?


And on that note, she wasn't even bad in her own game. Prepromoted healer with an actual tome rank is pretty solid. Her recruitment chapter is horrible for her though, I'll give you that.

There are solutions on the table. You aren't willing to use them.

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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I already said I find her stat spread awful.

A character's match-ups determine how good or bad their stat spread is. Without evidence of how her stats affect her match-ups, you have no authority to decide if her stat spread is awful or not.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

I still already have a 3 star Cecilia anyway.

Indeed, one is plenty. So if you want a high-res unit, particularly one able to take on Takumi and Reinhardt, you do have one. Up to you whether or not she's worthwhile, though.

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Ana, you really need to stop using a bad boon/bane combination to justify why you won't use a unit or why they are bad. If you don't want to use Eirika, that's one thing and I'm not going to make you use her. But you need to stop spouting shit just because you don't like her as a character. I have several -atk characters that I still use, including one of my mainstays, male Robin. It's certainly not a great bane, but if you put your mind into giving them a niche then they work. They're not worthless just because their bane and boon are not ideal. And they're not worthless because you don't want to invest in them.

What exactly do you consider "great"? Within the top five of all units? Or does it only matter if something isn't "great" if it's a character you don't like so you can justify not using them? You give off the air of wanting a bunch of low investment units to make you good without a lot of work, unless they're a character you like. If you don't want to use a unit, that's fine. But you don't get to dismiss characters you won't even use seriously as "bad" when people who use those units and know them better than you do are saying that they're not bad.

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

Personal like or dislike is what it's boiling down to, essentially.  Both her and Nino are one-stop solutions to both your problems, but nope your personal bias gets in the way.

"Lowly 3 Star" Mm-hmm, doesn't sound like personal bias at all.

Right now, you're talking to at least two people who are Nino mains in Arena, and one of them is me. Nino is a great unit even without an ideal stat roll and investing in her is one of the smarter ways you can spend your feathers; Robin (M) is your only other good mage, right?

And what does Cecilia's performance in a game from almost 16 years ago have to do with anything in the present?

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And on that note, she wasn't even bad in her own game. Prepromoted healer with an actual tome rank is pretty solid. Her recruitment chapter is horrible for her though, I'll give you that.

There are solutions on the table. You aren't willing to use them.

I'm not denying that Nino can be really good. She's speedy and hits pretty hard. But she doesn't fit my playstyle. I always get glass cannons killed quickly. I don't know why I'm never good at using them, honestly...

And female Robin is trained up too, not just male Robin. Former is 4 star and I recently upgraded the latter to 5 star.

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@Anacybele I posted two sets of calculations for you, one proving that Cecilia can OHKO both Takumi and Reinhardt (and take only 6 damage combined from them with T-Adept) and the other proving that even a 3* -Res Nino can tank and then ORKO a 5* +Atk Reinhardt.

I'm going to assume you didn't see them (rather than you ignored them) in the torrent of responses.

But the point I wanted to make is that you do have the units for situations like these. 

Whether or not you choose to use those units is a separate matter entirely, but if you choose not to use the solutions you have, you cannot blame the problem on a lack of units because that isn't the problem. 

Your only two choices are to either:

A) Accept that may you need to use units you don't want to in order to solve certain problems


B) Accept that, if you choose to not use certain units that you have, then people are going to be annoyed (not saying whether or not I myself am necessarily, but several others on here clearly are) about you complaining that you're losing to certain teams when you have the units to counter them

You can say that those teams are impossible to counter with the units you choose to use

You cannot justifiably say that those teams are impossible to counter with the units you have.

There is a difference.

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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Well, I will soon no longer have any -Atk Effies.  I promoted my 4* Effie.  I've merged one, and will soon merge the other once she learned Hone Armor.  I will then have a +2 Effie.  Maybe the Armor Quest will be a bit easier this time.  I've already finished the Cavalry and Flyer quests.

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Just now, MaskedAmpharos said:

@Anacybele I posted two sets of calculations for you, one proving that Cecilia can OHKO both Takumi and Reinhardt (and take only 6 damage combined from them with T-Adept) and the other proving that even a 3* -Res Nino can tank and then ORKO a 5* +Atk Reinhardt.

I'm going to assume you didn't see them (rather than you ignored them) in the torrent of responses.

But the point I wanted to make is that you do have the units for situations like these. 

Whether or not you choose to use those units is a separate matter entirely, but if you choose not to use the solutions you have, you cannot blame the problem on the lack of units because that isn't the problem. 

Your only two choices are to either:

A) Accept that may you need to use units you don't want to in order to solve certain problems


B) Accept that, if you choose to not use certain units that you have, then people are going to be annoyed (not saying whether or not I myself am necessarily, but several others on here clearly are) about you complaining that you're losing to certain teams when you have the units to counter them

You can say that those teams are impossible to counter with the units you choose to use

You cannot justifiably say that those teams are impossible to counter with the units you have.

There is a difference.

A) And lessen my enjoyment of the game? Yeah, no. I don't want to make myself feel unhappy by using units I don't care about.

And B) I'm not even going to face Reinhardt or Takumi every time. Cecilia and Nino aren't universal units who counter anything and everything. I could run into units that counter them instead for all I know. And if people are getting annoyed at how someone else plays the game, they need to find better things to do with their lives.

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Just now, MaskedAmpharos said:

B) Accept that, if you choose to not use certain units that you have, then people are going to be annoyed (not saying whether or not I myself am necessarily, but several others on here clearly are) about you complaining that you're losing to certain teams when you have the units to counter them.

Yes, either Cecilia or Nino will basically solve your Takumi and Reindhardt problems. Plus there's nothing wrong with your Eirika, I have the exact same boon/bane combo as you do and she's served me great for weeks now. Not to mention that if you chose to use your Nino she makes an amazing partner with all the buffs she hands out, turning Nino from great to insane. (This is what I was doing with Eirika and my Tharja (my 2 3* Ninos actually DO suck, both -atk/+def).

You have a lot of tools laying in front of you, but you're choosing not to utilize them to help yourself out.

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Just now, Alkaid said:

Yes, either Cecilia or Nino will basically solve your Takumi and Reindhardt problems. Plus there's nothing wrong with your Eirika, I have the exact same boon/bane combo as you do and she's served me great for weeks now. Not to mention that if you chose to use your Nino she makes an amazing partner with all the buffs she hands out, turning Nino from great to insane. (This is what I was doing with Eirika and my Tharja (my 2 3* Ninos actually DO suck, both -atk/+def).

You have a lot of tools laying in front of you, but you're choosing not to utilize them to help yourself out.

Good for you, glad they're helping you.

And yes, I choose not to use them. Why do people keep acting like this is a felony or something?

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

And B) I'm not even going to face Reinhardt or Takumi every time. Cecilia and Nino aren't universal units who counter anything and everything. I could run into units that counter them instead for all I know. And if people are getting annoyed at how someone else plays the game, they need to find better things to do with their lives.

People are not annoyed at how you're playing the game.

People are annoyed because you keep on coming in here complaining about you can't do things or a certain unit sucks, and when people try to offer you suggestions or to correct you on misinformation you always disregard suggestions because "you don't want to".

Maybe you should stop coming in here and complaining about things when you don't want to listen to anyone's suggestions to you.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

And yes, I choose not to use them. Why do people keep acting like this is a felony or something?

People aren't annoyed because you choose not to use them.

People are annoyed that you choose not to use them and then complain about losing in a situation when the units you chose to not use would have helped

(Again, I want to reiterate that I'm not necessarily annoyed, simply trying to explain what I believe other people are thinking)

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Just now, Sunwoo said:

People are not annoyed at how you're playing the game.

People are annoyed because you keep on coming in here complaining about you can't do things or a certain unit sucks, and when people try to offer you suggestions or to correct you on misinformation you always disregard suggestions because "you don't want to".

Maybe you should stop coming in here and complaining about things when you don't want to listen to anyone's suggestions to you.

Thing is, I do want to listen to suggestions. But I can't use them 100% of the time and I shouldn't be expected to.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

Good for you, glad they're helping you.

And yes, I choose not to use them. Why do people keep acting like this is a felony or something?

They don't think it's bad or anything. They're just curious as to why you're even complaining in the first place, seeing as you've already come to an answer on the issue before you've even considered what the rest of us have been saying.

If you have a problem, you post it. People will help you. If you don't want people to help, then don't post or take some defeatist attitude on it when there so very clearly a solution in front of you.

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@Anacybele I've just been kind of following the thread idly, and you've probably been bombarded with enough quotes/responses, but I think what everything boils down to, is that you can say, "so and so sucks or is too this/that" but that doesn't make it true. I believe any character in this game can be good with the right amount of effort put in. For example, I'm not a fan of Frederick. I've never used him in Awakening, and in Heroes, I chose to use Arthur over him. If I were to say he's a bad unit, I bet you would argue that he isn't because you've put all the time and effort into making a lowly three star a tank. 

There's no shame in saying that a unit doesn't fit your play style. If you can't use glass canons then don't. Find a way to make F. Robin work for you. She won't fill the same role as Nino, but I'm certain with the right amount of time and effort you can make her work. Look up strategies and ask for advice. Get frustrated if you have to, but I'm noticing a trend that you complain about boons/banes. Instead of doing that, you'd probably have a better time asking for assistance. "How can I make this work for me?" When you ask how to fix a hole in your team and people offer advice that doesn't work for you, just say so and give some more specific details about what you'd like from a unit.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Thing is, I do want to listen to suggestions. But I can't use them 100% of the time and I shouldn't be expected to.

Do you expect to go through this game using ONLY the units you like? That Ike, Ephraim, and Frederick (three slow low resistance units) will be able to do EVERYTHING for you? That even if you did pull Ryouma or Takumi, that they're going to be instant fix-it buttons that'll make you do so much better at the game? When you apparently dislike all the mages (and I know you said you used f!Robin and m!Robin at times, but it also sounds like they aren't permanent members of your team)?

Whenever someone else says that they use units they dislike to get through the game, you say "that works for you but not for me". Then there is no solution that works for you. Because you can't get through the game using only units you like.

EDIT: And if you don't want to use Cecilia or Nino or someone you don't like, that's fine. But at the very least, if you're willing to use f!Robin at least you should consider raising a Cecilia or Nino just to inherit their tomes onto f!Robin.

Edited by Sunwoo
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1 minute ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

@Anacybele I've just been kind of following the thread idly, and you've probably been bombarded with enough quotes/responses, but I think what everything boils down to, is that you can say, "so and so sucks or is too this/that" but that doesn't make it true. I believe any character in this game can be good with the right amount of effort put in. For example, I'm not a fan of Frederick. I've never used him in Awakening, and in Heroes, I chose to use Arthur over him. If I were to say he's a bad unit, I bet you would argue that he isn't because you've put all the time and effort into making a lowly three star a tank. 

There's no shame in saying that a unit doesn't fit your play style. If you can't use glass canons then don't. Find a way to make F. Robin work for you. She won't fill the same role as Nino, but I'm certain with the right amount of time and effort you can make her work. Look up strategies and ask for advice. Get frustrated if you have to, but I'm noticing a trend that you complain about boons/banes. Instead of doing that, you'd probably have a better time asking for assistance. "How can I make this work for me?" When you ask how to fix a hole in your team and people offer advice that doesn't work for you, just say so and give some more specific details about what you'd like from a unit.

Using Arthur instead of Frederick is your choice, and if you think Frederick is bad, I might disagree, but I'm not going to get into an argument with you about that. If you want to think he's bad, I won't stop you, no matter how much I might not agree.

And right, I don't use glass cannons and don't want to because I'm no good with them. And yes, I want to make the Robins work well for me. I just need to figure out how. I've already got all the skills I want on male Robin, pretty much, though, so only female Robin needs some more attention.

But right. What I want is to find a way to make my current trained up units work well for me. I have Klein as my ranged attacker, and a few heavy hitters in Ike, Ephraim, and Frederick. And of course there's Marth and his dragon-slaying sword too. I've started leveling up Alm, though he's -Atk too, I'm afraid... Still, he might be able to afford it. Ephraim is also -Atk and I made him work. And then there are male Robin, female Robin, and Sharena as well. Sharena is next on my 5 star upgrade queue.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

And right, I don't use glass cannons and don't want to because I'm no good with them. And yes, I want to make the Robins work well for me. I just need to figure out how. I've already got all the skills I want on male Robin, pretty much, though, so only female Robin needs some more attention.

You aren't good with glass cannons because you don't use them. 

No one automatically starts out good at something. Most of us here (maybe all of us, even) started off good with only a few types of playstyles and learned to adapt to other playstyles when necessary. 

It takes time, and it takes practice. But even if you aren't good at it now, if you keep using them, you'll definitely improve and become good at using them.

(If you don't want to invest the time to become good at them, then that's a separate issue)

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5 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

You aren't good with glass cannons because you don't use them. 

No one automatically starts out good at something. Most of us here (maybe all of us, even) started off good with only a few types of playstyles and learned to adapt to other playstyles when necessary. 

It takes time, and it takes practice. But even if you aren't good at it now, if you keep using them, you'll definitely improve and become good at using them.

(If you don't want to invest the time to become good at them, then that's a separate issue)

Uh, I have used them? In many FE games in the past. But I always got them killed. I really don't want to bother with them because I already got decent enough at using tanks and a defensive/walling playstyle. Why change a good thing, you know?

14 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Do you expect to go through this game using ONLY the units you like? That Ike, Ephraim, and Frederick (three slow low resistance units) will be able to do EVERYTHING for you? That even if you did pull Ryouma or Takumi, that they're going to be instant fix-it buttons that'll make you do so much better at the game? When you apparently dislike all the mages (and I know you said you used f!Robin and m!Robin at times, but it also sounds like they aren't permanent members of your team)?

Of course not, that's ridiculous. I just gave a list of a bunch of other units that I use or used a lot for a time. And some I don't even care about much, like Klein and Marth.

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3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

It takes time, and it takes practice. But even if you aren't good at it now, if you keep using them, you'll definitely improve and become good at using them.

I'd echo this sentiment for using assist skills as well. Since you said you'd rather just remove them since you  can't use them properly or use them accidentally. I'd really encourage toughing it out and trying to get better at utilizing them, since going without is just further handicapping yourself instead. You'd ease some frustration as well as win more often if you can get the hang of them.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

But right. What I want is to find a way to make my current trained up units work well for me. I have Klein as my ranged attacker, and a few heavy hitters in Ike, Ephraim, and Frederick. And of course there's Marth and his dragon-slaying sword too. I've started leveling up Alm, though he's -Atk too, I'm afraid... Still, he might be able to afford it. Ephraim is also -Atk and I made him work. And then there are male Robin, female Robin, and Sharena as well. Sharena is next on my 5 star upgrade queue.

Since it looks like your biggest problem is with mages here is the neutral max RES (at five stars) of the units you listed: Frederick (14), Sharena (22), F. Robin (22), M. Robin (22), Klein (24), Ephraim (20), Alm (22), Ike (18), Marth (23). IDK what you want to use these units for but as a whole these people can be wiped out by speedy mages. So your only choice is to work on strategies that kill the enemy on player phase (which means using a dancer) or to find a high RES character that can bait mages and maybe debuff so your other guys don't have to take a hit. I won't make any recommendations because I don't know what characters you have or what other characters you're willing to use if you are willing to use other characters at all. 

If you've already decided that you won't use anyone other than the people you've listed, that's your choice. You should just ask for builds to help fix the hole in your team. Female Robin for example likely needs another tome. It might not me the most optimal thing, but it will work for you.  

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If life gives you lemons...


I turned two -Atk 5* Effies and the 4* I had into this engine of destruction.

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