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19 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

People seem to forget about female Robin, by the way. Yeah, she doesn't have a high damage output, but she's the hardest counter to Reinhardt there is and everybody seems to hate him. She'd also be handy for the Ursula battle which just returned. :P And like I said, she eats horses in general and is probably great on an anti-cavalry team.

I've always had mixed feelings about the -wolf tomes myself. On one hand, the Reinhardt counter can be nice, but it doesn't seem as useful if you don't run into any cavalry teams. I think I'm just biased and prefer the -raven or -blade tomes since the former gives you advantage over two colors and the latter allows you to stack a TOOOOOOON of damage. Robin's skill set is still pretty nice. I think I'd probably put green tomebreaker instead of the blue one on her however. Green mages just seem to be a bigger threat than blue ones (at least for my teams). Reinhardt is so slow that Robin doubles him anyway. That would probably leave Linde and Spring Lucina as blue threats to her. Julia and Nino on the other hand... Robin's not nearly fast or strong enough to do significant damage.

I may get around to trying her out again. She's really not that different from her male counterpart.

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@Anacybele While F!Robin looks like a good counter to Reinhardt on paper since she has both Gronnwolf and B Tomebreaker, she's let down by her extremely low Res for a mage. Sure, if the enemy Reinhardt is a standard Reinhardt, she'll be able to take the hit and kill him in return, but if he's supported by Hone Cavalry and has Death Blow 3, he's going to kill F!Robin before she ever gets to attack him since B Tomebreaker doesn't stop brave weapons like Dire Thunder from doubling. Though if you can have F!Robin attack first then yeah, she absolutely destroys Reinhardt. 

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I wouldn't say FRob is the hardest counter to Reinhardt, at least without a TA3 inheritance. While she does have Gronnwolf, her low res makes her susceptible to ORKOs from DB3 +Atk Reinhardt (which is the build for him), and blue tomebreaker doesn't really do much against Reinhardt defensively. Soren and Julia are probably the best Reinhardt counters out of the box, and Titania, while unable to counter his attacks (without distant counter), can just wall him all day long. 

If you slap TA3 or even TA2 on FRob, though, that would solidify her role as blue mage remover more. Doubly helps with a Gronnraven.

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3 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

@Anacybele While F!Robin looks like a good counter to Reinhardt on paper since she has both Gronnwolf and B Tomebreaker, she's let down by her extremely low Res for a mage. Sure, if the enemy Reinhardt is a standard Reinhardt, she'll be able to take the hit and kill him in return, but if he's supported by Hone Cavalry and has Death Blow 3, he's going to kill F!Robin before she ever gets to attack him since B Tomebreaker doesn't stop brave weapons like Dire Thunder from doubling. Though if you can have F!Robin attack first then yeah, she absolutely destroys Reinhardt. 

Male Robin has low res too, yet that doesn't stop people from using him rather frequently.

Besides, Gronnwolf isn't only good against Reinhardt, it's good against any horse, especially blue and green ones.

Look, people, I see plenty say they have trouble with cavalry teams. Gronnwolf is an answer to that is all I'm saying.

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The problem with cavalry teams isn't really bulk (unless 4 stack ward I guess but that's more of an armor emblem thing), but rather their high movement making it more difficult to maneuver around and gives you less turns to get into position plus they hit really fucking hard. Killing horses isn't that hard (maybe Xander if you're not Reinhardt). It's living against them that is. 

Low Res isn't inherently a problem. Most people use RobinM with TA3 to tank swordlords and fight Takumi, which are physical, and his native tome synergizes well with TA3. He also came as a 5* for a while both the initial and this focus so a lot of people don't have to promote him for it. 


Edited by Thor Odinson
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Just now, Anacybele said:

Male Robin has low res too, yet that doesn't stop people from using him rather frequently.

Besides, Gronnwolf isn't only good against Reinhardt, it's good against any horse, especially blue and green ones.

My post was about F!Robin's effectiveness as a Reinhardt counter, not her overall performance. I was not saying 'you shouldn't use F!Robin because she isn't good' and more 'F!Robin's is not the best Reinhardt counter out there'

If you want her to be an effective mounted check, you best bet is probably to give her G Tomebreaker since she already destroy mounted blues if she attacks them first.

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7 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

My post was about F!Robin's effectiveness as a Reinhardt counter, not her overall performance. I was not saying 'you shouldn't use F!Robin because she isn't good' and more 'F!Robin's is not the best Reinhardt counter out there'

If you want her to be an effective mounted check, you best bet is probably to give her G Tomebreaker since she already destroy mounted blues if she attacks them first.

Well, my post was about female Robin's effectiveness overall and being an answer to troubles with some cavalry.

Green Tomebreaker isn't a bad idea on her though.

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I think I'm gonna settle with promoting Lloyd to 5* once he's released. Who's with me?

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1 minute ago, Falcom said:

I think I'm gonna settle with promoting Lloyd to 5* once he's released. Who's with me?

 I'm super excited for him. (His stats and stuff haven't been datamined, have they?) I think I'll probably be able to save up another 20K feathers by time he's out. I really want to promote Xander right now. And then there's Camus... I've been wanting Camus for months. I'm kind of hoping they add another chapter that features Lloyd as a character in the story before his GHB!

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19 minutes ago, Falcom said:

I think I'm gonna settle with promoting Lloyd to 5* once he's released. Who's with me?

While I've promoted both Zephiel and Xander to 5*, I have no immediate interest or reason to promote Lloyd myself. I promoted Zephiel for the sake of having a 5* armored unit and Xander for that sweet built-in Distant Counter on a horse action along with the fact that I quite like Xander. Along with those two, I have six other 5* sword units which includes Ryoma and two Falchion users (Chrom and Alm) so unless if Lloyd has anything particularly interesting in his kit I would rather spend my feathers elsewhere for now.

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I'll train up Lloyd, for sure, but I won't promote him for a while... Just because my Black Fang theme team (Nino/Jaffar/Lloyd/Ursula or Linus) is gonna need 62k feathers (20k for Nino, 20k for Ursula, 22k for Lloyd) to get everyone to 5-Star, and I have to blow my next 20k on Nino. Though, he'll be the first one I 5-Star, and then Ursula... Unless Linus comes out before I get another 20k feathers together and has an axe, then he's making the team over Ursula.

I really hope Lloyd ends up good.

Camus tho... my Horse Emblem team's already pretty much perfected, so he'll have to be quite impressive to bump someone off of it. I'm not sure he'll manage that... but I'm looking forward to him regardless, and I'll probably train him up to 4-Star Level 40 anyway. If nothing else, he'll be good for giving someone Grani's Shield I guess.

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36 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

 I'm super excited for him. (His stats and stuff haven't been datamined, have they?) I think I'll probably be able to save up another 20K feathers by time he's out. I really want to promote Xander right now. And then there's Camus... I've been wanting Camus for months. I'm kind of hoping they add another chapter that features Lloyd as a character in the story before his GHB!

I feel as if they would. Nearly all the characters were included in at least one story chapter/paralogue. Plus, there's the 3 hidden Google Play achievements that are speculated to be 3 new story chapters. If that's the case, then Lloyd is surely to be included (with maybe another character hinted to be a future grand hero battle).

I'm gonna cry in a corner if he is stuck with an AOE skill.

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Has anything about Lloyd been revealed, specifically? It'd be interesting if they gave him the light brand and I wonder if they'd try to implement Iron Rune somehow. Maybe ignore stat boosts or something

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2 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Well... all of the GHB units had them, right?

Female Robin and Narcian didn't have them at the very least, but the AoE stuff seems to be a theme now...


EDIT: Ninja'd. Missed Zephiel anyways. I'm kind of hoping Lloyd doesn't have one...

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I can't wait to try Lloyd, although I may have to wait to promote him since I only have 20k feathers left..

and I have a bit of a list for units waiting to be promoted like Nino, Tharja maybe Eirika. Or Camus if he is released soon since while Sharena has been good, i might need an alternate lancer that's safe from Kagero Poison Daggers

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AoE skills can be annoying to deal with. xP

So, I remembered some people mentioned using -blade tomes, but why would anyone use those? They look really bad to me because of slowing special triggers. Why would anyone want to slow special triggers? That seems more harmful than anything to me.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

So, I remembered some people mentioned using -blade tomes, but why would anyone use those? They look really bad to me because of slowing special triggers. Why would anyone want to slow special triggers? That seems more harmful than anything to me.

Stat buffs will act as extra damage. So not only will an attack buff increase your attack, but a defense buff will also increase damage. Same thing with the other buffs. Cavalry and fliers have the advantage of getting +6 to each stat and thereby adding at least 24 extra damage

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

Stat buffs will act as extra damage. So not only will an attack buff increase your attack, but a defense buff will also increase damage. Same thing with the other buffs. Cavalry and fliers have the advantage of getting +6 to each stat and thereby adding at least 24 extra damage

Oh, I knew about stat buffs acting as extra damage, but I didn't know THAT much extra damage was possible. I see then.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

AoE skills can be annoying to deal with. xP

So, I remembered some people mentioned using -blade tomes, but why would anyone use those? They look really bad to me because of slowing special triggers. Why would anyone want to slow special triggers? That seems more harmful than anything to me.

I know you don't like glass canons, but with buffs, my Nino (and her -blade tome) can easily get 60 ATK. And with 43 or 47 SPD, she can double basically everything. It's even scarier on cavalry/fliers as was mentioned. The +1 trigger doesn't matter much with a special like Moonbow. I'd say the 3 cooldown is a pretty even trade.

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