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1 minute ago, Kaden said:

All this talk about red mages... ;-;

*pats back*

Cheer up dude! You'll get one some day The only one I'm missing is Sanaki huehuehuehuehuhue

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1 minute ago, DehNutCase said:

There's an irony in your statement, but if I apply humor to it, I'll also be vulnerable to being reported.

be scared

1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

Reported for telling someone that you reported them.


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9 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Leo has a 'terrific' max speed of 25 with a boon, though. 60 66 after DB 3 Atk hitting res is pretty good,but that 1 hit better be a 1HKO since he's not doubling anyone ever. (And he suffers from the fact that Alfonse steals his niche, what with 62 atk with his self-buff up. Sure, Leo's a bit better thanks to mobility + hitting res, but Alfonse is a bonus every 3 seasons.)

Yeah i agree that team need to be builed around the Askrs

Although to refute it a bit with no A skill, full buff Leo does one shot every Red, does exact damage with DB3 to one shot Roy, Seliph, and Zephiel, one shot every Green, and one shot every colorless with DB3 outside of Wrys and Lucius so he does do fairly well


TBF i'm going to be biased at Leo for a while because i had a Cecilia PTSD right now



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1 minute ago, JSND said:

I met a 4* +10 Hone Cavalry boosted Gronnblade+ Cecilia that manage to deal 37 damage to a 38 HP Xander with Fury in a Forest map at 7th battle 

Horse Emblem is terrifying. Thankfully I've had the (mis)fortune of running into it twice now.

-Darting Blow Fort Cavalry Eliwood

-Hone Priscilla (thank god no Wrathful Staff)

-Hone Blade+ Cecilia

With them sitting on defense tiles. I still don't know how I managed to beat that with deathless...


Then there was that time a max buffs Reinhardt did 16x2 to my 33 HP Fury Nino. Yikes.

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Just now, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Did Xander kill her lol?

Thankfully yeah


And that situation is made worse by how out of position Julia is after the previous turn of killing Reinhardt

Thankfully Eliwood can take her hits so i ended up postponing Cecilia's arrival a turn later by moving him up

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2 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

@Arcanite I feel like Desperation is pointless on Celica. Her Spd isn't good enough to double regularly without Ragnarok boosts in this Fury-infested world, and she shouldn't be fighting at low health anyway, especially with L&D.

Yeah she shouldn't

But frankly, I don't care! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My Celica is -Spd and Speed buff gets her to 39.That's all I need

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

Yeah she shouldn't

But frankly, I don't care! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My Celica is -Spd and Speed buff gets her to 39.That's all I need

You should be giving her Renewal you scroob!

You're not fit for our queen!

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Just now, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

You should be giving her Renewal you scroob!

You're not fit for our queen!

If I could pull a fricking fae I would have, but unfortunately I had to settle

AND I HATE settling for less!

But one day Soy Beans!

One day I shall do Princess number 2 justice!

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Just now, Arcanite said:

If I could pull a fricking fae I would have, but unfortunately I had to settle

AND I HATE settling for less!

But one day Soy Beans!

One day I shall do Princess number 2 justice!


I happened to have a Fae while I was pulling for a Hector, I think.

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Just now, Kaden said:

I wonder if Oboro gets tired or sick of spinning around like that?

getting tired is for the weak, and Oboro is a strong, Independent Woman!

1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


Queen: Oboro

Princess #1: Nino

Princess #2: Celica

Princess #3: Lyn

I can go into Kings and princes too if you'd like :D:

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Just now, Arcanite said:

getting tired is for the weak, and Oboro is a strong, Independent Woman!

Queen: Oboro

Princess #1: Nino

Princess #2: Celica

Princess #3: Lyn

I can go into Kings and princes too if you'd like :D:

Blasphemy. Celica is the queen, and Lucina is the Royal Guard captain. Azura and Julia are advisors. Sharena is cool I guess.

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Just now, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Blasphemy. Celica is the queen, and Lucina is the Royal Guard captain. Azura and Julia are advisors. Sharena is cool I guess.

I know Eclipse said we weren't supposed to do FTFY stuff, so here's what would have happened:

"Blasphemy. Oboro is the queen, and Lyn is the Royal Guard captain. Celica and Nino are advisors. Serra is cool I guess."

I like that better. Plus you won't be throwing shade at Vaximillian's baby gurl with the subtle Sharena jab

should tag him, but I don't want to see you get roasted Soy sauce!

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Just now, Arcanite said:

I know Eclipse said we weren't supposed to do FTFY stuff, so here's what would have happened:

"Blasphemy. Oboro is the queen, and Lyn is the Royal Guard captain. Celica and Nino are advisors. Serra is cool I guess."

I like that better. Plus you won't be throwing shade at Vaximillian's baby gurl with the subtle Sharena jab

should tag him, but I don't want to see you get roasted Soy sauce!


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Yay for this new season. Got 7 deathless victories at the arena with Alfonse, Sharena, Julia and Takumi scoring 4798; almost breaking 4.8k. Assist skills are borken, Julia eats Reins and Azuras, Rally Atk +Atk Takumi one shots Fury!Ninos (22def/33hp), Alfonse is the best against vantage Hectors (vantage procs for chip dmg and then heavy sol blitz). I met a Gronnblade+ LnD2 Soren which was scary but Folkvangr ate him. This time I faced a lot of vanilla teams, and classic lucina/hector/azura teams.

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1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

@LuxSpes Celica is pretty great with the traditional -Blade / Desperation build. It would also patch up her -Atk quite nicely.

On top of that, a stat up like Fury, LaD or even just Atk+ would be icing.

I have tons of Hinatas ready to give someone Fury, but  I'm not sure I'm ready to sacrifice 20k just to give someone LaD3 just yet. I'll continue to focus pull reds as I get orbs, hopefully I'll get one that isn't -Atk or -Spd. 


1 hour ago, JSND said:



Leo's attack with Blade and Hone Cavalry is as high as Eliwood after Deathblow

Thats actually really high



78 atk is indeed stupidly high. Though considering mine is +Def/-Spd, I think a TA Raven build would work too, making him a green and grey tank(29/30 defense is pretty good with TA3 and defense tiles ). But I'll consider Leo for the Blade tome (if only I can get a Klein for DB3 fodder)


1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Swift Sparrow Ragnarok Celica is still master race screw your Blade tomes

I'm thinking of giving Celica Darting Blow and Renewal. Won't patch up her atk as much as Fury or Death Blow, but with Darting Blow and Hone Spd on her, she'll hit 48 Spd when attacking with full HP.

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