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380 days ago…


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It’s been a while. Hello to all old and new people of the Serenes forest forums!

380 days ago I left the forest for a journey and now my year long hiatus is finally over and I’m officially back as a semi-active member of the forums!  Wonder if anyone actually remembers me…     I was trying to access here at the beginning of this year but couldn’t log in because of technical problems. Now that the forums have been updated, it seems that the problem has been fixed. Thanks Jyosua! btw. I’m actually digging the new look of the site. 

Some of you guys were curious where I was going and I promised I’d tell something from my adventure upon my return. Won’t be going in too much detail with this topic.


I was in the Military for a year. At the beginning we ”got a chance” to march in the -30 degrees Celsius (at least the wind wasn’t blowing too hard at the time). The freezing temperature made my hands and feet go numb in the first 10 minutes. Luckily, it wasn’t that cold all the time.

After the harsh recruit phase, I specialized in technical and interesting computer based tasks. I also had a week and a half vacation at Summer and bought FE:fates. (Then sneaked the game with me when I returned to the barracks.) Overall, I met some awesome comrades and we made great deal of memories together. If only I wouldn’t have eaten so many cheesecakes and kebab meals from the café…

But that’s enough of my adventures.


As for FE, I was hyped from the warriors first but after watching the direct earlier today, my hype is more directed towards Shadows of Valentia. I told one of my friends last Christmas how i’d loved that they’d make a good remake of an older FE title such as 2 or 4. Especially the former since in my opinion the game looks so outdated, which is why I never got around it. Only time will tell if Echoes will be good but I have my hopes up! The footage from the direct actually brought tears to my eyes. I’m exited from the upcoming switch title and the mobile game too, even though I’m not that much a mobile gamer. 

I’m also Anticipating Scribbles event 2. There were lots of amazing works last year and I can’t wait this years contributions. That said, I finished my own entry few days ago. Still might improve it a little though. 

This year seems like a good year to be an FE fan! Can’t wait to discuss interesting topics here again.


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