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Recommended and "Canon" pairings...? *Revelations*


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From what I've looked up, the "Canon" pairings seem to be:

- Corrin & Rhajat

- Silas & Camilla

- Subaki & Selena


Taking that into account, how could the rest of the pairings be made?  I've seen a couple suggestions with Ryoma/Kagero and Xander/Charlotte.  Any others?


Sorry, ever since I've heard the word "canon," it just seems appropriate for me to keep things that way.

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The only thing close to canon as far as pairings go in Fates is Subaki and Selena in Revelation. Anything else is fair game. 

Typically, if you want a child unit to be good, make their mom a royal (for the ones who don't already have royal blood). Elise is probably the best magical mom in the game and Camilla is probably the best physical mom in the game (Hinoka and Sakura are second, probably, in the categories they fit into but I'm not familiar with Rev or Birthright as much as Conquest so I don't know for sure). Marry Corrin to a girl with a royal mom (or a boy with a royal mom if you're Femui) to get a good Kana.

BUT it doesn't really matter anyway. Just use who/what you like.

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