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GameOver Condition Event Assembler


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In Fire Emblem 7 mod, I am trying to write a chapter losing condition in Event Assembler in which game over is triggered if any blue or green unit is killed. My question is how would be the best way to go about doing this in Event Assembler, and I am wondering if I am on the correct track with my logic and code.

My thought was to write a separate IFCD command for every character that would die and trigger GameOver (assuming GameOver is a legitimate command). For the blue units, I was only going to write the IFCD commands for the characters loaded in Good Unit Load section and hope it applied to all playable characters.

UNIT Hector HectorLord 0x0 0x79 [12,15] [12,15] [0x1F,0x28,0x26,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0]
UNIT Rebecca 0x1B 0x0 0x11 [10,14] [10,14] [0x2C,0x2D,0x33,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0]
//.....Other Blue Units
UNIT Kent Paladin 0x0 0x9 [15,19] [15,19] [0x14,0x3,0x1C,0x1F] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0]

//NPCs Loaded
UNIT 0xCE 0x47 0x00 Level(1,NPC,True) [9,2] [9,2] [0x00] [GUARD] //Male Citizen
UNIT 0xD0 0x48 0x00 Level(1,NPC,True) [10,1] [10,1] [0x00] [GUARD] //Female Citizen
UNIT 0xD2 0x4B 0x00 Level(1,NPC,True) [14,2] [14,2] [0x00] [GUARD] //Male Citizen


AFEV 0x29 YouLose 0x30 //causes a gameover if any blue or green characters are killed

IFCD 0x01 Hector
ENUT 0x30
ENIF 0x01
IFCD 0x02 Rebecca
ENUT 0x30
ENIF 0x02
//.....Other Blue Units
IFCD 0x12 Kent
ENUT 0x30
ENIF 0x12
IFCD 0x13 0xCE //NPC 1
ENUT 0x30
ENIF 0x13
IFCD 0x14 0xD0 //NPC 2
ENUT 0x30
ENIF 0x14
IFCD 0x15 0xD2 //NPC 3
ENUT 0x30
ENIF 0x15


Keep in mind this is abbreviated version of what I was thinking.

On another note, how do you write a turn event to apply to every turn?


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Usually game overs via character death are done by setting their death quote ID to 0x65. You can set this via the Death Quote Editor, either for a specific chapter or for all chapters (you can even have multiple entries for the same character).

IFCD is weird and picky about how it works.

Also, we've got a pinned topic for all Event Assembler questions.

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Yes, using the Death Quote editor to trigger a game over seams to be what I am looking for. 

That being said, I am unfamiliar with the process for expanding the death quote editor limit to accommodate more characters. I am assuming it involves adding a pointer somewhere in the Fire Emblem hex, which can be scary too.  Any advice here?

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