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Boo! Well, I've still only seen the one Leo in the game, and no one on tumblr seems to have him, either

Another pull yielded a 4* Lon'qu, so I'm happy with that. Still no good healers, but we've survived 6 chapters without a healer so far...

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All 3 star versions of Gunter, Frederick, Zero (I wanted to throw my phone against the wall, but I was too saddened and disheartened to even do that anymore), Setsuna, and Felicia.

It has now been 80 orbs and I have not received a 5 star hero yet :D :D :D

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For my 2nd complete pull (and my fourth pull overall), I got Takumi (my first 5*), Olivia (3*), Bartre (3*), Gunter (4*) and female Corrin (4*). Seeing both Corrins reminisce about their families at the same time is rather amusing. Currently I only have three blue units so hopefully I can get more next round (if I'm favored by the RNG).

Edited by Lightchao42
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*after a handful of resets*


...Yeah, that'll do. Oddly enough, I got the five star Tiki on the Deep Devotion banner instead of the Legendary Heroes one. I know you can get her in both and she just has a higher chance of appearing in LH, but I still found it amusing.

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Well, I restarted my game and first I got these in the same session:

* Takumi (5), Lyn (5), Nino (3) and Jeorge (4)

Today I used my next 20 orbs and got this

* Jagen (4), Shanna (4), Saizo (4), Sophia (4) and welp, I forget haha

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ahhh I'm finally back after computer troubles... first thing I'm posting I guess lol....

So the very first thing I pulled was a 5-star Lucina. Holy shit. I think that used up all my luck though because I've gotten next to no one that I like since ;; Sophia is the only one I got who's my favorite from any of the games available and I got her from the day 1 event.... running out of orbs and ability to get them so OTL.... RIP me haha ;;

Also, I have like a million sword users and virtually no mages/healers/axes



I mean, maybe I'm being ungrateful because I DO like Effie, Virion, Eliwood, Felicia and Gaius but.... IDK... ;; a couple of these were also doubles of Ogma, Lonqu, Arthur and Matthew IIRC

seriously though please stop drowning me in swords I know I go by Blademaster Banryu on tumblr and other sites but this is ridiculous


Edited by BANRYU
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19 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

Alright, while I'm still hopelessly resetting for Ryoma, I decided to get on with the game on a side file I decided to save 

Some notable pulls from that are: Lyn 5*, Chrom 5*, Cecilia 4*

How do you have a second save file?

My last pull was utter trash.  Maybe they know I'm old, because they gave me Jeigan, Gunter, and Bartre in the same pull.  At least they're good for getting more feathers.  I'm sad I wasted my last 5 star on Takumi, and reset my mercy timer.

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

How do you have a second save file?

My last pull was utter trash.  Maybe they know I'm old, because they gave me Jeigan, Gunter, and Bartre in the same pull.  At least they're good for getting more feathers.  I'm sad I wasted my last 5 star on Takumi, and reset my mercy timer.

the same delete app/reinstall thing i've been doing for ages

except sometimes if i get a really good pull i'll oauth into one of my gmails and link the account so i can just reinstall + link account to access it

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2 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

the same delete app/reinstall thing i've been doing for ages

except sometimes if i get a really good pull i'll oauth into one of my gmails and link the account so i can just reinstall + link account to access it

Can you access all those from the same phone, or will that cause it to get deleted?

I forget if I mentioned it, but I pulled a 4 Star Lilina, who is helping fill my Red/Magic void.  I had Roy doing it, but I needed a Mage on my team, and Roy's Weapon-Triangle Amplifier Skill seems like more of a liability than a help.


My Highlights so far

5 Star: Takumi x2, Camilla, Maria (It's been a while since I've gotten a 5 star, now)

4 Star: Lilina, Roy, Florina, Barst, Wrys, Nino (was 3 Star, but got promoted)

3 Star: Est (next in line for promotion)


The Focus that we summon in doesn't affect the percent chance to get anyone except the specific focus characters, does it?  It's been using only the Takumi/Camilla/Roy/Lyn side, since I want Leo from Fates, but since I already got 5 Star Takumi and Camilla, I might switch to the other side, if it doesn't make a difference.

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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Can you access all those from the same phone, or will that cause it to get deleted?

You can only have one account linked at the same time, but if you link your save data to an account, the save data will not be removed from your account even if you delete the app, reinstall, and link another account. It will be accessible again once you delete and reinstall the app again and link the first account.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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