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16 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Can you clear stuff right now?  Are you happy with your team balance?  I'd expect new characters in a couple of weeks, at earliest.  Thus, if your team functions fine, and you want to save, then save!  If you want to try your luck at another five characters, do that!  In the end, it's your game, so play how you see fit!

My all-female team (actually pulled an all-female summon session when I got 5* Lyn) seems to be doing well (provided of course, I don't send them into something that's clearly out of their league).

Current team comp:

Sword infantry (5* Lyn) (the sole reason I'm willing to reroll, even sacrificing 5* Camilla, Lucina, and Caeda in the process)

Lance flyer (4* Cordelia)

Mounted green magic (3* Cecilia)

Staves infantry (3* Lissa)

It's just like... argh, choices! I just hate gambling when I don't have a lot of the currency used for gambling.

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3 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

My all-female team (actually pulled an all-female summon session when I got 5* Lyn) seems to be doing well (provided of course, I don't send them into something that's clearly out of their league).

Current team comp:

Sword infantry (5* Lyn) (the sole reason I'm willing to reroll, even sacrificing 5* Camilla, Lucina, and Caeda in the process)

Lance flyer (4* Cordelia)

Mounted green magic (3* Cecilia)

Staves infantry (3* Lissa)

It's just like... argh, choices! I just hate gambling when I don't have a lot of the currency used for gambling.

If you really want to see what the rest of your units can do, drop Lyn and replace her with whatever your final pulled unit is.  Dual fliers is a little scary if you're challenging someone with a bow.  I wouldn't worry too much about having every color - I'm running with two, and it's working so far!

If it turns out Lyn is your sole carry, then I'd advise against rerolling, but consider one more pull.

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4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

If you really want to see what the rest of your units can do, drop Lyn and replace her with whatever your final pulled unit is.  Dual fliers is a little scary if you're challenging someone with a bow.  I wouldn't worry too much about having every color - I'm running with two, and it's working so far!

If it turns out Lyn is your sole carry, then I'd advise against rerolling, but consider one more pull.

I should have worded it better: Lyn is the reason I went through the trouble since I specifically wanted to start the game off with her as one of my party members (I had to reroll about 15 times before I finally got her as a drop). I couldn't be happier when saw her summoning movie and saw those 5 golden stars!

The other female not mentioned in the previous post in the all-female summon is a lance knight (4* Effie). I'm a bit leery of using her mostly because of her being restricted to moving only 1 tile per turn. And I'm not running dual flyers as Cordelia is the only flyer (and by extension, lance flyer) I've got. For bow users, I've got Cecilia since her Gronnraven tome grants her WTA over colorless units though her Defense is quite shaky and Lyn can easily tear them apart with sheer force (I have to wonder if 36 is her Attack cap though). Lissa meanwhile can provide healing (though only +7 HP recovery since she's running Kindled-Fire Balm rather than Imbue) as well as Attack boosts and Gravity support.

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Me: I'm not having good luck with the gray orbs. I keep on pulling characters I don't want. So of course I'm going to pull something totally awful on this last gray orb I got.
Me: *pulls Takumi*

... Maybe I should've complained sooner, lol.

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You guys are making it super-tempting to pull again.  I'm still missing a solid blue option (no a 2* Subaki doesn't count) and a healer, but that's about it.  Please talk me out of it.

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16 minutes ago, eclipse said:

You guys are making it super-tempting to pull again.  I'm still missing a solid blue option (no a 2* Subaki doesn't count) and a healer, but that's about it.  Please talk me out of it.

Pretend to be me, because I ended up rolling a bunch of healers that I didn't need. My 4-star Clarine gets the job done, and even after her quite a few healers came to bug me.

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14 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Pretend to be me, because I ended up rolling a bunch of healers that I didn't need. My 4-star Clarine gets the job done, and even after her quite a few healers came to bug me.


13 minutes ago, Rothene said:

I just pulled my second 5*, a Blue Azura. Pull now maybe you'll get a good blue, Eclipse!

Also, I got too many 4* red magic units...>_>

I'm totally blaming the two of you if I pull five things I don't want to see. :P:

(in other words, I'll edit my results into this post)

EDIT: Banwave incoming.






Welp.  TWO healers. Thanks ladies, time to see what you can do.  Raigh's gonna be lumped with the other Raigh, ditto with Matthew, and I'll see what Raven brings to the table.  That solved one of my two problems, which means no one's being banned. For now.  Tee-hee~!



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  Why is everyone complaining about redundant 4*/5* units when there are people like me who are stuck with 4* Beruka and a bunch of random crappy 3*? And no, it's too late for me reroll. And I won't even be able to upgrade any 3* because I have won only 1700 feathers in the arena! :cry:

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2 minutes ago, Koumal8 said:

  Why is everyone complaining about redundant 4*/5* units when there are people like me who are stuck with 4* Beruka and a bunch of random crappy 3*? And no, it's too late for me reroll. And I won't even be able to upgrade any 3* because I have won only 1700 feathers in the arena! :cry:

You'd be surprised what a 3* can pull.  Let them shine, and watch the magic!  I was being a little facetious with my last pull, but I fully intend on making Matthew worth my while.

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I find some 3 stars and 4 stars pretty useful(almost always staff users or knights if you can get past their 1 mov and mages), helps that not everyone need to be 5 star to unlock all their skills.

I wanna pull a Kagero for her unique dart :V

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1 hour ago, eclipse said:


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Welp.  TWO healers. Thanks ladies, time to see what you can do.  Raigh's gonna be lumped with the other Raigh, ditto with Matthew, and I'll see what Raven brings to the table.  That solved one of my two problems, which means no one's being banned. For now.  Tee-hee~!



I'd say that I'm jealous, but considering that I've pulled everyone else I wanted minus Sakura, I guess I can't say that XD;

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I'm very happy but at the same time salty AF because of all my pulls those I really need like Lucina, Azura, Young Tiki have yet to appear FML... orz

Yet I have managed to pull 3 5* which Robin was my first which I'm very happy about since he was the one I was also aiming at and just now I pulled 2 5* in one go. Screenshots:



Like I said not the ones I would like to have but fuck it I'll take it especially Hawkeye since I really need a good Green unit on my team. Funny thing as soon I noticed I pulled 2 5* I said to myself "welp there goes my luck" and yep my next 5 chars where 3* duplicates.

FML why is the character you want most are the hardest to get... I also found funny that most the characters I want on my team are 3/4*. I guess I'll save up those feathers... And now i can't spend any more money for a good while. I sure hope I can most of the characters for free later down the line. Even if they're 1*

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I got a 5 star Raven.  Bringing my 5 star count up to 3.  It's even fairly balanced, I have a Red (Lucina), a Blue (Cordelia), and a Green (Raven) 5 star.

I'd like to have some ranged units, though.  Guess I'll just wait until I can upgrade my 3 star Nino.

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EDIT: Whoops wrong thread. How embarrassing. 

Uhhh... on topic... fourth pull was alright, the standout was 4* Cordelia. Finally might have a good lance user. She's a flier too, which is a plus. 

So I just did my fifth pull...



Welp. Was hoping for a 4* at least. 

Sent Eliwood home because I already had a 4* Eliwood. 

Not even a colourless summon... I just want my 5* Focus Takumi dammit. Then again I got three 5* Focus summons within my first two pulls haha.

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I Got 5-Star Lyn, Takumi, and Merric And 4-Star Catria, Chrom, Corrin, Sully, Gaius, Jakob, Caeda, Cain, Laslow, and Hana

I think I may have capped my luck stat. :MerlinusYoung:

Merric is my best unit btw. Excalibur one-hits everything and is also effective against fliers.

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Got 2 Takumi 5s (same pull), 1 Jeorge5, and 1 Robin5. Funny how once I got Ryoma 5*s just kept dropping everywhere.
Also Catria4 and Gunther4, so I'm mostly set on combat units (although I definitely would not mind having that Abel5 from my other file over) 

Really want a good healer right now, though. Only have Wrys 3 atm and he makes do I guess

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Bad session two of them are repeats, but Cain and Beruka are cool I guess. I don't have a use for either of them though as I have too many sword units as it stands and Cherche has already taken Beruka's job...  Really at this point I don't care who it is I just need a non-red five star unit, or for them to make it less ridiculous to promote four stars. Though I guess at some point they are going to make it so you can get more feathers because at the moment they don't even offer the ability to upgrade four star units as the crests have no means to be obtained in the games current build at least that I'm aware of.


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Anyone here started saving up Orbs? And if so, for who? Im hoping and waiting for a Leonster Focus Gacha with Finn (Who will definetly be either a 4*/5* or a straight-up 5* base due to his popularity), Leif, Nanna and Altena.

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Takumi is still my only 5*, but oh well! I am getting a lot of duplicates. Two of those duplicates were Oboro and Hinata, though, (all of them 3*), so at least I have the squad together. Actually, both of them are hitting pretty hard (took them on a level 10 map when they were level 5 and they held their own).

Last pull I got Camilla, but only a 4* version. 

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