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I wonder if 4* Cerche is a good Axe-fighter?

She is dealing good damage but she is so frail...

Other 4* greens i have are:

Raven, Cecilla, Beruka


Those are all the Greens i have. Which one is better?


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Can you tell me where your avatar and signature are from?

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I got enough Orbs from the bonus missions for another pull.

I got Baby Tiki.  She's good, but I'm torn on whether to use her, since my Lilina is so good, and I don't think two Red Magic users would be a good idea.

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Round 5 - Deep Devotion: 3* Gunter || 3* Hinata || 3* Sully || 3* Tiki (Adult)  || 4* Serra


It seems my lucky streak is still declining, but there is a ray of hope in the Divine Dragon. I was still heavily gunning for a Lyn and a Takumi (more so Lyn at the time, but now I really want Takumi) and I end up with this set of heroes. I already have Gunter and I dislike Hinata, so they were went home. Sully is okay, but she is a 3* unit so she is currently in the reserves. Adult Tiki is a character I did want, a bit of a shame she is a 3*, but at least this pull was not a complete waste.

Serra though... She was all right in Blazing Sword, but was never one of my favorites. I tried using her because her stats and abilities seemed good, but I cannot get past her personality. Give me Kate Davis as Lissa instead of Kate Davis as Serra (or Kate Higgins as Alisa from God Eater). Serra herself was shortly sent home afterwards by recommendation of my good man Matthew.

While there is plenty of heroes I would love to have (still Lyn and Lucina, among others), for my particular team composition I need a Takumi to complement my Ryoma, Sakura, and Felicia. I could start Lunatic mode anyway without a full setup, but it will be a bit more difficult...

Past Pulls (4 Total)


Round 4 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Jegan || 3* Gwyndolyn || 3* Henry || 4* Sheena || 5* Ryoma
Round 3 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Lissa || 3* Barte || 4* Roy || 4* Arthur || 5* Camilla 
Round 2 [Legendary Heroes]: Jegan 3* || Shanna 3* || Sakura 4* || Cain 5* || Marth 5* 
Round 1 [Legendary Heroes]: Hana 3* || Hinata 3* || Gunter 3* || Felicia 4* || Sheena 4*

Edited by Sire
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Been doing quite a lot of re-rolls and got Marth as my first 5*, is he worth keeping or should I keep trying for better options? And if so, which focus are you guys trying to draw from? Legendary Heroes or deep devotion? Thanks for the help

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4 minutes ago, Strider said:

Been doing quite a lot of re-rolls and got Marth as my first 5*, is he worth keeping or should I keep trying for better options? And if so, which focus are you guys trying to draw from? Legendary Heroes or deep devotion? Thanks for the help

I hear he's pretty good.  I'd keep him, if I were you.  Most Lord characters get a personal weapon that's pretty good.

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8 minutes ago, Strider said:

Been doing quite a lot of re-rolls and got Marth as my first 5*, is he worth keeping or should I keep trying for better options? And if so, which focus are you guys trying to draw from? Legendary Heroes or deep devotion? Thanks for the help

Marth is fairly good for a 5* and will serve you well due to his relatively balanced status, passive heal, and repositioning with his "Pivot" skill. He will shine a bit more in Arena play against players who field Manaketes (Nowi, Tiki, etc), but is still serviceable even in story mode or tower runs.

However, if you plan on playing it safe and going for the "ultra-long term," I would suggest to keep rerolling. I would recommend going for Deep Devotion and hope for a Takumi, but a Camilla or Lyn will work well. Alternatively, you could go for Legendary Heroes and hope for a Lucina, Young Yiki, or Robin, as Marth is a little bit weaker than the other options (he is on par with Roy if taking into account the current Tier List)

At the end of the day, it is what is fun to do and not necessarily what is the most efficient. If you have the time and really want to play it safe, keep rerolling. Otherwise I would just keep Marth and hope you get another 5* through normal orb rolls. At some point the "time versus effectiveness of rerolling" will be a poor investment as one could have gained more by normal play instead of constant rerolls.

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Thanks to special map I got to 20 orbs again, and this is what I got:

  • 4* Shiida
  • 3* Saizo (that I fused with another 3* Saizo)
  • 4* Robin
  • Stahl (ca'nt remember if he was 3 or 4 stars)
  • 4* Lon'qu

Still no Oboro or a healer... Man, I really want Oboro xD ... And Leo, but Leo is more hard, so Oboro plz I need you

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Results of my fourth summoning session.  Still no 5* units, and I can't seem to a pull at least a 4* blue or green unit, which is a little frustrating.  That's just seems to be the nature of this game though, and I figure I'll get what I need sooner or later with some patience. 

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Round 6 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Shanna || 3* Frederick || 3* Barst || 4* Hinata || 4* Nino

Did some quick Lunatic runs in hopes for a good pull. While the characters are all right, I really need to start reigning in my hopes here. Being disheartened made me simply tap past the summon screen instead of taking a photo. (Actually, I'll probably stop taking photos. I like me words more.)

Shanna is a repeat so she gets sent home. I like Frederick and Barst, so they'll be on the reserves for now (I may level them or wait until I get a 4* version of them). Speaking of getting a 4* version, I got 4* Hinata, which I previously received two times prior as a 3 star. While I still dislike the guy, my inner completionist is telling me to keep him, so now Hinata is a benchwarmer instead of being sent home. This may change because I did send home a 4* character before (4* Serra).

The biggest win here is 4* Nino. Now that I think about it, I never really got a proper mage (I got rid of starter Raigh and a 3* Henry), so I'm sure she will prove to be useful in my alternative parties.

Past Pulls & Other Info

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Round 5 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Gunter || 3* Hinata || 3* Sully || 3* Tiki (Adult) || 4* Serra
Round 4 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Jegan || 3* Gwyndolyn || 3* Henry || 4* Sheena || 5* Ryoma
Round 3 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Lissa || 3* Barte || 4* Roy || 4* Arthur || 5* Camilla 
Round 2 [Legendary Heroes]: Jegan 3* || Shanna 3* || Sakura 4* || Cain 5* || Marth 5* 
Round 1 [Legendary Heroes]: Hana 3* || Hinata 3* || Gunter 3* || Felicia 4* || Sheena 4*
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dream Team A: 5* Felicia, 5* Sakura, Ryoma, Takumi

Main Team: 4* Sakura, 5* Ryoma, 5* Cain, 5* Camilla
Askr Team: Alfonso, Sharena, Anna, Matthew (Matthew can be subbed for anyone, he is just here since he was my main starter unit.)
Justice League Team: Arthur, Tiki, Matthew, Lissa

Awaiting Promotions: 3* Hana, 3* Gunter, 4* Felicia, 4* Sakura, 4* Sheena

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47 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

So, I decided to have a bit of "fun" with a dummy account on Bluestacks, charging through the game to perform two pulls:


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Not too bad.  I'm hesitant to make a second account, because with my luck, I'd pull Leo, with no way of getting him to my main account.

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FACT: In the eyes of Breidablik, I am Undesirable No. 1.  For my 6th pull:

3 star Virion (why bother when I already have a 4 star Setsuna)

3 star Arthur (repeat, already have a leveled up 3 star Arthur)

3 star Tiki

4 star Serra (won't be bothering with)

And for my final red orb...will they finally break my curse non-5-star-hero-ness?

*gasp* ANOTHER CUTSCENE! Maybe, just maybe, my luck has finally turned! Who is it who is it?!!!

MARTH AGAIN.  But surely, surely I won't be trolled twice? It's a 5 star focus Marth, surely it is!

...no.  It's another 4 star Marth.  Pretty soon, I'll need to start asking Nintendo to let our avatars have negative stats, because I think my Luck is irreparably in the red right now :smug:

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5 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I got enough Orbs from the bonus missions for another pull.

I got Baby Tiki.  She's good, but I'm torn on whether to use her, since my Lilina is so good, and I don't think two Red Magic users would be a good idea.

They serve two different purposes.  Tiki is a hell of a wall.

3 minutes ago, mewyeon said:

FACT: In the eyes of Breidablik, I am Undesirable No. 1.  For my 6th pull:

3 star Virion (why bother when I already have a 4 star Setsuna)

3 star Arthur (repeat, already have a leveled up 3 star Arthur)

3 star Tiki

4 star Serra (won't be bothering with)

And for my final red orb...will they finally break my curse non-5-star-hero-ness?

*gasp* ANOTHER CUTSCENE! Maybe, just maybe, my luck has finally turned! Who is it who is it?!!!

MARTH AGAIN.  But surely, surely I won't be trolled twice? It's a 5 star focus Marth, surely it is!

...no.  It's another 4 star Marth.  Pretty soon, I'll need to start asking Nintendo to let our avatars have negative stats, because I think my Luck is irreparably in the red right now.

1. Virion and Setsuna are two different niches.

2. Combine the duplicates, and watch the fireworks.  Especially Marth.

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Just now, eclipse said:

They serve two different purposes.  Tiki is a hell of a wall.

1. Virion and Setsuna are two different niches.

2. Combine the duplicates, and watch the fireworks.  Especially Marth.

1. Do you think so? Hmm...perhaps I'll wait on developing Virion until I get a 4 star version of him?

2. Ah, I wasn't sure whether to combine the two Marths or level them up separately as sword users.  I shall do as you suggest! Perhaps one day, I'll get a 5 star sword user...is it futile to dream now? lol

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7 minutes ago, mewyeon said:

1. Do you think so? Hmm...perhaps I'll wait on developing Virion until I get a 4 star version of him?

2. Ah, I wasn't sure whether to combine the two Marths or level them up separately as sword users.  I shall do as you suggest! Perhaps one day, I'll get a 5 star sword user...is it futile to dream now? lol

1. I have Virion.  His job is to hinder speed and deal a ton of damage, while being able to take a physical hit.  Setsuna's specialty is her breakers.  They both have their uses.

2. My luck with 5* units is on the low side, so I'm the wrong person to ask!  Instead, I look for units to fill the gaps in my roster.  Still waiting for a better blue unit (Special Map Subaki is the strongest one I have, followed by maybe Florina).  I see the 5* units as a bonus, not a must-have.

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Well i just got really lucky today. i drew both a Takumi and a Lyn right next to each other on my 5th draw. considering i had no 5 star units at that point, that is a very nice welcome to add to my team eventually.

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tumblr_okzu9hqpui1shnqb4o1_540.png   AHHH MY WIFE GOT ME THINGS I LIKE. THANNK

o3o ...I'm actually happy with this?? ;w; Robin... Cherche... Yay... TwT

Oh yeah and Marth's here too lol

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