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13 minutes ago, Raven said:

After checking, my IVs for the 5 pulls are as follows:

1st Xander: +Spd -Def
2nd Xander: +Atk -Def
Chrom: +Def -Atk
Lucina: +Atk -Res
Camilla: +HP -Def

I didn't expect to pull a second Xander so I already had him inherit a 4* Jagen for Fury 2 and Fortify Cavalry. On one hand a stronger Xander is better, but then again higher speed means he gets doubled by many less opponents and may double opponents more himself, which helps towards overall survival. I'd be more than happy to merge +Atk Xander into +Spd Xander, unless he has skills/weapons that would be useful on someone else.

Overall happy with these guys though, especially Lucina. I'm also just glad to have a flying magic unit.

If you plan to use him more and want to use the second, later this month, merge allies is coming and you can merge the two and keep the first Xander's skills.

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I did bad thing and spend more orbs then I plan wanted to trying to get Lucina.  I had 272 orbs and I'm done to 125 and this is what I got. Not going to bother with 3 stars since their skill fodder for most part.

4* Normal Chrom, Cain, Odin, Odin, Reinhardt(surprise he had a 4* version), Batre, Raven, Merric, Cecilia, Matthew, and BAD WORD NOWI(I LOATHE THE LOLI DRAGONS AND WANT THEM PURGE FROM THIS WORLD)

5* Ephraim and Corrin Male

Easter 5* Xander and another Bad word XANDER!  RAGE BAD WORD, BAD WORD, AND WORDS YOU CAN NOT SAY IN FRONT OF YOUR MOTHER! BAD WORD THIS GAME! Out of the 4 BAD WORD Easter characters. He is the least desirable one I want.  SERIOUSLY I just don't like the character and they gave me 2 BAD WORD copies.  BAD WORD BAD WORD WORDS CAN'T 'SAY IN FRONT GRANDPARENTS.  Intelligence System will make a deal.  How about you make a customer happy.  You kindly change one of those Xander, heck I'll sacrifice both for Easter Lucina and promise to continue promoting the game on the other message board I go to and speak positive and retweet stuff for you.  Just like up the account Skids and be extremely happy. 

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30 minutes ago, Frenzify said:

I spent quite a bit going for Camilla.

I got three Chroms and Sheenas... I feel like I can't even be mad. I also got Xander when there were no greens in a session. 

Why...why you do this to me gacha. I pulled for fun on an alternate account. First pull bunny Camilla. ;_; I will trade you for one of the Chroms. 

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Just now, Kiran said:

Why...why you do this to me gacha. I pulled for fun on an alternate account. First pull bunny Camilla. ;_; I will trade you for one of the Chroms. 

I know that feel... I'd even trade all my Chroms for that Camilla...

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Hello again, friends.  As much as I was tempted to try once again for Ninian, the collector in me felt that devoting all my resources towards getting limited run units is the best use of orbs for the foreseeable future (plus, the Bunny costumes are uniquely adorable, especially on Xander)... Let's hope that this isn't the banner that destroys my F2P cred.  Anyway, thanks to a few days of hoarding + the Paralogue quests, I had enough for 3 summons:

Round 22 Pulls



Round 22 [Spring Festival]: 3* Gaius [+Spd, -Atk]  || 4* Seliph [+Res, -Spd]  || 3* Est [+Res, -Atk] || 3* Florina [+Atk, -HP] || 4* Sully [+Res, -HP]

Blazing Shadows ended up being really heavy on repeats for me, so it is rather surreal seeing 3 new units in a single summoning session.

  • If there had to be one theme to today's summons, it was "really unfortunate -Atk natures on units that simply can't afford such an impediment"... Not exactly the catchiest refrain in the world, but it does fit.  Alas, this holds especially true for our dagger wielding friend Gaius, as the Rogue Dagger+ is only 7 mt to begin with, leaving him with a measly 34 (?) attack.  The extra speed is nice though, as he picks up doubles on the crowded 32-34 speed tier.
  • This is an... Interesting nature to have on a Seliph.  Not a particularly good one, mind you - +Res saves him from being KOed by Robin-M and Reinhardt from full health, which is cool I guess, but even with his lowly base speed, -Spd still is pretty bad for him.  Who knows though, mayhaps hands on experience will endear him to me?
  • Oh joy, another -Atk Est.  This isn't quite as good as my +Spd one, but she is better than nothing.
  • And on a similar note, I have this exact same Florina already.  +Atk does seem really nice on her, so I guess this is just further encouragement to train one of them up.
  • Finally, -HP stings a little on Sully, but it is nowhere near debilitating, and I'm still fairly excited to put her to use while I quietly long for Abel.

Round 23 Pulls



Round 23 [Spring Festival]: 4* Roy [+Spd, -HP]  || 4* Felicia [+Spd, - Atk]  || 4* Shanna [+Spd, -Atk] || 3* Donnel [+Res, -Def] || 3* Cherche [+Res, -Spd]

If I had to pick a "bad" round of summons from my three today, this one would probably be the closest, as the repeats are underwhelming, but I'm fairly happy with the one new unit.

  • I'm kinda surprised it took this long to get our boy, considering everyone and their mother seemed to grab him during the first banner, but it is better late than never.  Using Hinata and Subaki has given me a whole new appreciation for the -adept line of skills/weapons, so I am very interested to see how that'll turn out on a properly offensive unit.  +Spd is also quite nice on him, as getting doubled by the 36 speed tier is a bit of a pain.
  • Speaking of debilitating -Atk natures though... Eugh.  On Felicia, +Spd is almost unnecessary, so my +HP, -Atk one is probably more useful on the whole, but I am interested in trying both of them out.
  • Likewise, Shanna is already borderline wimpy as is, she truly doesn't need a -Atk nature to add insult to injury.
  • Considering both of Donnel's defensive stats are equally terrible, this really doesn't make much of a difference one way or another.  Plus Donnel annoys me.
  • I'm not 100% sure if -Spd is worse than -Atk or vice-versa (I have had fairly poor luck with Cherche), but I'm happy to have extra of her either way.

Round 24 Pulls




Round 24 [Spring Festival]: 3* Virion [+Res, -Atk] || 4* Tharja [+Def, -Res] || 3* Palla [+HP, -Def)] || 5* Chrom-Bunny [+Atk, -Def] || 3* Arthur [+HP, -Def]

One down, 3 to go... This is going to be a long banner.

  • Look at that, a -Atk Virion.  I guess even Virion's diehard supporters will argue that he is best used for utility purposes, so -Atk is not an immensely detrimental thing, but I'm still underwhelmed.
  • I'm always happy to get extra Tharja's, but there's really no competing with my +Spd one from a few pulls back.
  • Considering how much Ana talks up Palla, I'm kinda interested to see how she will turn out.  The nature isn't too bad either.
  • Ah yes, my bunny husbando has come home to me.  In all seriousness, +Atk seems pretty excellent on this particular Chrom variant, and as I'm not exactly swimming in excellent axe users and/or bonus units, I'll happily mess around with him.
  • And to end things off, a fairly neutral Arthur.  Coolio.

On the whole, this has been an alright start to this focus banner.  Considering the metric ton of orbs I'm going to be pouring into this, I will take this as a promising sign of things to come.

On 3/30/2017 at 3:12 AM, Liliesgrace said:

So I used around half of the orbs I'd been saving yesterday and did 6 pulls. Three of those pulls ended up...interesting to say the least.

And now I'm terrified I'll have no luck for this next banner, which I am in love with.

It seems like this got lost under the stream of Spring Banner summons, but congrats on the pulls.  That is some seriously mind-boggling luck.

EDIT: Hopefully the pictures should actually load now.

Edited by red-and-soulless
Due to reaching my attachment limit, all the pretty summoning pictures will be stored here: http://imgur.com/a/Ftyat
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39 minutes ago, Lushen said:

This video makes me really mad.  10% chance took me over 200 orbs? :(

Statistics mean nothing if the rng wants to spite you.

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2 hours ago, Raven said:

@Cute Chao If you want a reason for pulling only blue and green stones, just watch this video.



I decided to go for it hunting style on my second account, since I had 150 orbs... 

My god, I've used up all my luck for this event with this amazing round of pulls. Bunny Chrom will never be mine after this... This account has surely exhausted all the luck virus for about ten banners now xD  

Pretty much first pull is a dupe 5* Hinoka. That's one goad fliers for me and a brave lance + if I decide to use it :D Or I could merge them, but I probably will use her for skills. 

I pulled five that time so I went on to the next summon. 5* Raven! On the account that I really don't need more greens, I get my Raven 5 starred. I may not need him, but like heck am I not using him xD 

I stopped on this one as it didn't have full greens or blues and went to the next one, expecting little. Double frickin' five star. My beautiful bunny boy Xander came to join me, whilst Bunny Camilla made herself known on this account too. I was in shock. 

Next several pulls I was almost exclusive blue and green but only got a 4* Reinhardt of note... twice. The rest is skill fodder. 

Last pull was two greens, two blues and a colourless so I decided to go for a full pull. Skill fodder of all types... and then the colourless was a five star Lachesis. 

Seriously? This is the same account that netted be a double pull last time with Rebecca and Lucius. Over the moon. 

Shame I'll likely not get the Bunny Chrom, but I'm not going to stop trying!


Edit: Thanks for the link. Wow, I feel much better about the odds after that. Maybe my Bunny Chrom will happen after all. I plan to whale with what is left of my cash if needed, but only towards the end of the event. 

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

I decided to go for it hunting style on my second account, since I had 150 orbs... 

My god, I've used up all my luck for this event. Bunny Chrom will never be mine... but... went for a more selective pull (I pulled the occasional red or colourless if there was only one since the account needs more sacrificial units). 

Pretty much first pull is a dupe 5* Hinoka. That's one goad fliers for me and a brave lance + if I decide to use it :D Or I could merge them, but I probably will use her for skills. 

I pulled five that time so I went on to the next summon. 5* Raven! On the account that I really don't need more greens, I get my Raven 5 starred. I may not need him, but like heck am I not using him xD 

I stopped on this one as it didn't have full greens or blues and went to the next one, expecting little. Double frickin' five star. My beautiful bunny boy Xander came to join me, whilst Bunny Camilla made herself known on this account too. I was in shock. 

Next several pulls I was almost exclusive blue and green but only got a 4* Reinhardt of note... twice. The rest is skill fodder. 

Last pull was two greens, two blues and a colourless so I decided to go for a full pull. Skill fodder of all types... and then the colourless was a five star Lachesis. 

Seriously? This is the same account that netted be a double pull last time with Rebecca and Lucius. Over the moon. 

Shame I'll likely not get the Bunny Chrom, but I'm not going to stop trying!

150 orbs and you didn't get anything? Was thinking I'd spend my orbs but you (thankfully) scared me. 

Looks like you're gonna have to queue up the 3rd account!

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5 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

150 orbs and you didn't get anything? Was thinking I'd spend my orbs but you (thankfully) scared me. 

Looks like you're gonna have to queue up the 3rd account!

Yup, got way more than I expected xD Just used up any and all luck for Bunny!Chrom. Man, Bunny!Xander is just the most fabulous. 

Sorry, reread through what I put. I got five 5*s in 150 pulls, with the first 4 happening in the first three pulls or so. Sorry if my passage confused you. If you want anything from this banner, really and honestly go for it. But colour hunt. Watch the vid Raven linked, it explains why. This is the only banner I'd colour hunt in since it has potentially limited units ^.^ 

In case you don't want to read through my excited barrage of text:

First set of pulls - 5* Hinoka

Second set of pulls - 5* Raven

Third set of pulls - Bunnies Xander and Camilla

Very last set of pulls (lots of skill fodder between this) 5* Lachesis. 

Hope this helps :D 


Edit: Made it a bit clearer in the original, too ^.^ 

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

150 orbs and you didn't get anything? Was thinking I'd spend my orbs but you (thankfully) scared me. 

Looks like you're gonna have to queue up the 3rd account!

I used 80 Orbs I had saved up, but didn't get any Focus 5*.  I did get 5* Kagero and 5* Reinhardt.  Kagero is +Atk, -Def Ironically, I have a level 40 4* Kagero that I was about to promote.  Reinhardt is -Spd, +Res, which I guess is okay, since his Speed is so low that he gets doubled by everything anyway.  Nothing else really of note.  I got mostly 3* and sent them home for Feathers.  I got a 4* Tiki, who I guess can be Skill fodder.

I was hoping to get at least one of the Focus characters, so I have a Bonus character for Arena next week, but I guess Michalis can suffice.  I wish I knew which randomoes were going to be the extra Bonus characters, so I could level them in time.

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I decided that I'd try to pull for pretty much any of the focus units, and it's not like I have any of their regular forms.

2 colourless, 1 each of red, blue and green

4*  Fa (Dupe. :( ), 4* Donnel (DO I HEAR 4?), 3* Sophia (ANOTHER DUPE!), 3* Felicia (It can't be, can it?) and 4* Virion (AND THERE IT IS, A FULL LOAD OF DUPES! I must be the real dupe here to be suckered in)

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Just checked the boons on my five star Raven. Plus Atk, Minus HP! Woot :D I don't think he gets much better than that, personally. I don't know if he's minus three or four on HP but I find myself not caring xD 

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So, I just tried for either Hinoka or Easter Lucina, both of whom are conveniently in the same Orb color.

I didn't get either of them (although I did get a few Subakis (this game really likes giving me Subaki lately for some reason) and a couple of Donnels), but I did get a minor problem.

This being that I pulled a +ATK/-SPD 5-Star Reinhardt. That's not the problem, in fact it's awesome, but it does lead to the problem, that being that I already have a 5-Star Reinhardt (+DEF/-ATK, and I used feathers to promote this one from 4-Star, which I feel stupid about now), and I'm not sure if I should make my shiny new Reinhardt +1 or give another of my cavaliers Goad Cavalry (for reference, I have Abel, Clarine, and Peri for units I would give this to)?

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3 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

So, I just tried for either Hinoka or Easter Lucina, both of whom are conveniently in the same Orb color.

I didn't get either of them (although I did get a few Subakis (this game really likes giving me Subaki lately for some reason) and a couple of Donnels), but I did get a minor problem.

This being that I pulled a +ATK/-SPD 5-Star Reinhardt. That's not the problem, in fact it's awesome, but it does lead to the problem, that being that I already have a 5-Star Reinhardt (+DEF/-ATK, and I used feathers to promote this one from 4-Star, which I feel stupid about now), and I'm not sure if I should make my shiny new Reinhardt +1 or give another of my cavaliers Goad Cavalry (for reference, I have Abel, Clarine, and Peri for units I would give this to)?

I say merge. Goad Cavalry is inferior to Hone Cavalry and the latter is much easier to get with Gunter at 4*. 

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5 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

So, I just tried for either Hinoka or Easter Lucina, both of whom are conveniently in the same Orb color.

I didn't get either of them (although I did get a few Subakis (this game really likes giving me Subaki lately for some reason) and a couple of Donnels), but I did get a minor problem.

This being that I pulled a +ATK/-SPD 5-Star Reinhardt. That's not the problem, in fact it's awesome, but it does lead to the problem, that being that I already have a 5-Star Reinhardt (+DEF/-ATK, and I used feathers to promote this one from 4-Star, which I feel stupid about now), and I'm not sure if I should make my shiny new Reinhardt +1 or give another of my cavaliers Goad Cavalry (for reference, I have Abel, Clarine, and Peri for units I would give this to)?

Yup, I second plus one. Reinhardt is a great unit to use, in my opinion. I'd plus one mine if I got a second five star, and have vaguely considered feathering another in the future to get merged Reinhardts :)

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Both my Bunnies on the second account have cruddy stats. Xander is minus spd plus res, Camilla is minus atk plus res -.- 

Can't have everything, I guess. Still going to use them unless better bunnies hop along :)

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I just pulled +ATK/-RES 5* Camilla (Spring). Does anyone have any ideas for a skill set I can put on her? Green Egg + isn't actually half bad.

EDIT: As of right now my idea is to give her Fury and Dragon Fang but idk if that's good. I was going to pair her with my 5* Minerva who has Ward Fliers 

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1 hour ago, MidnightFE said:

I just pulled +ATK/-RES 5* Camilla (Spring). Does anyone have any ideas for a skill set I can put on her? Green Egg + isn't actually half bad.

EDIT: As of right now my idea is to give her Fury and Dragon Fang but idk if that's good. I was going to pair her with my 5* Minerva who has Ward Fliers 

Here are a few thoughts:

1) Draconic Aura | Life and Death/Fury | Seal SPD/RES | Savage Blow/Threaten RES
Draconic Aura gives Camilla I think 19 damage every few attacks.
Life and Death makes Camilla stronger and faster (though it does tank her DEF and RES), while Fury makes Camilla slightly better overall (but the 6 damage after all combats could be a problem if you aren't carrying any method of healing Camilla).
Seal SPD is a more generally useful debuff, while Seal RES lets Camilla (and other magic allies) deal even more damage after any combat with her (like, say, a physical attacker going after her and failing to kill).
Savage Blow gives Camilla AoE damage to soften up enemies while Threaten RES lets Camilla deal more damage to nearby enemies.
This is more of a kill-everything power build, so I dunno if it has much synergy with the rest of your team. Minerva might be able to provide more survivability for Camilla, though with this build it really mostly matters for the extra DEF.
You could run Dragon Fang with this build, but in my opinion the extra charge time isn't worth the extra damage unless you expect 28 (25 neutral SPD + 3 from Fury 3) / 30 (25 neutral SPD + 5 from Life and Death 3) SPD Camilla (32/34 if you happen to have Hone SPD on someone, 34/36 if Hone Fliers) to double people.

2) Sacred Cowl | Fury/Iote's Shield/Armored Blow/Warding Blow | Seal SPD/Renewal | Threaten ATK/SPD
Sacred Cowl lets Camilla take a bit more damage from mages/archers/daggerers.
I mentioned Fury above, Iote's Shield is good if you expect to run into lots of Takumi, Armored and Warding Blow let Camilla take less damage from physical/magical enemies (respectively), which helps Camilla live longer.
Seal SPD I mentioned above, while Renewal lets Camilla live a bit longer if she can live long enough to trigger it.
Threaten SPD I mentioned above, while Threaten ATK is here to make enemies weaker so Camilla and her allies take less damage from combat with them.
This is a more survivability-based build, to take a bit more advantage of Minerva's Ward Fliers. Not sure if this works with Camilla's stats tho.

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Eh, might as well try again for masochism's sake.

2 Red, 2 Green, 1 Blue (Not too terrible a mix)

4* Camilla (The screen appears... AND IT'S NOT EVEN WITH THE EGG! FECK! AT LEAST SHE'S NEW! And she's +Att, -HP), 3* Cherche (Might as well check nature, likely sacrifice (Neutral, btw)), 4* Odin (DO I HEAR 5? His nature is +Att, -Def though, might be worth it), 3* Raigh (Really, not worth it, is it?) and 4* Caeda (A sword flier? A flying squad might happen now! Minus -Spd, + Res though...)

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Pull #23, the first one in the new Focus. Since it's Blue & Green centered, I should hope to get gems of those colors, right?

Well, here's what happened.




Screw this, pulling one character, then rerolling.


Huh. I'll take the Hero King! I didn't have him before. So rerolled and got this:


Ah, that's more like it.


No Focus characters, sadly. Oh well, my hunt for an Easter character shall continue. I'll be happy with at least one of them.


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