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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:


Maybe he means three full Banners, like no 5* on the Bunny Banner, Alm & Friends Banner, or this Banner.

Possible?  Yes.  Overreacting?  Definitely.

If you're staring at a 5% 5* chance, that's because you hit the wrong end of the 52.4% odds of that happening.  Besides, this is the pull topic, not the "make a jab about my own luck without posting my pulls" topic.  Even when I had my dry spell, I posted every last pull, for good or for bad.

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1 hour ago, Smog said:

The losing streak continues.

Three banners have passed and still no 5-Star Pull

I guess many other players in here are having tough luck with this game as well. 

If it makes you feel any better. I went 10 full summoning sessions without a 5*. That's 50 units....On the bright side, you probably at least got new units and SI fodder.

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Decided for another pull, and woopty-doo.

  • 3* Lon'qu: Bleh.
  • 3* Olivia: Bleh.
  • 3* Arthur: Bleh.
  • 3* Femui: Super bleh.
  • 5* Titania: Yeah! Finally a 5*, given my last one was Lilina from Battling Michalis, nine full pulls and over a month ago. Now to figure out how to make her good...

They really need to expand the 3* pool. I'm tired of pulling the same crap characters half a dozen times.

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Worst luck for me yesterday


I had saved up 262 orbs -

I pulled 3* and 4* units until my appearance rate was at 4,25 (or maybe 4,50 - dont really remember cause I was already a little bit agitated). THEN I pulled 5* Marth, wow... not bad in itself (+HP unit though), but not what I was aiming for. After more pulls I got 5* Camilla (also +HP), not necessarily bad but again not what I was aiming for. Orbs were running low and I pulled Titania - I think this is one of the worst units - but thats just my opinion. 

When I ran out of orbs I started playing the new story chapter and managed to get all lunatic quests done except for one. Just pulled 3* units with the new orbs.

I was so mad. Now I have 3 orbs left - and am seriously struggling with the idea of purchasing orbs as my appearance rate is 3,75 at the moment. 

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I tried for Ike, I really did.  Instead:

4* Lilina (already have 5* of her)

3* Selena (already have 4* of her)

3* Saizo (again, already have 4* of him)


3* Bartre (the 10th one or something)

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Pull #3, likely the last pull I'll be able to do during the duration of the banner unless we get a bunch of orbs dropped on us.

1 colorless, 2 blue, 2 green. Not even a CHANCE at an ike. YOU KNOW, it's pretty funny how many reds I saw during the dang spring festival

4* Lucius, 3* Corrin-F, 3* Cherche, 4* Catria, 3* Gunter.

Lucius is new, which is novel at least. I already have 3 four star corrin-fs so this 3 star will probably just be sent home tbh; dont want to waste 2000 feathers on her. Cherche has even less reason beyond hero merit and I am pretty sure I already have 2 other 3* variants in addition to my 4*. Gunter is #4, 2 of which are 4 stars already. This is also my FOURTH 4* Catria which is nice just to start passing Luna around.

Hard to complain too much considering I got 3 5*s last night but, you know, still! It would be nice to get some repeats of other stuff...Odins, for example. Or extra Abels for swordbreakers. 

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Hey guys, I got a +Atk unit!  And guess what, it's Mist.

I think it's time to focus pull just Reds and Greens now.

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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Hey guys, I got a +Atk unit!  And guess what, it's Mist.

Congrats I guess............................

Not too sure how much +Atk is gonna help her but hey! it's something!

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Having more than enough orbs to burn through (200+), I decided to try my luck on summoning Ike, focusing solely on reds. Although I did manage to summon him, I was not content with his nature (+DEF/-SPD). 

From there, I continued to pull only from red stones hoping for another Ike, whose nature is not -ATK or -SPD. I ended up with neutral Ike, which I'm satisfied with due to the fact that I need not worry about being compromised of any stat, especially an important one like speed. I even managed to summon two of my most sought after reds for the longest time, Eldigan and Ryoma, while sniping for Ike; both of which also have pretty good natures of +DEF/-SPD and +ATK/-HP, respectively.


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On 26/04/2017 at 10:59 AM, r4v1sh said:

"Hmm. My name? I am the mage Soren. Now, I have a question for you. Is Ike here?"


UPDATE: Guess what, Soren? IKE IS HERE.

250 orbs later, I'm poor again. But I got Ike! Somewhat fitting, I'd say.



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Round 34 [World of Shadows]: 3* Oboro (+RES, -ATT) || 3* Gunter (+DEF, -ATT || 3* Raigh (+DEF, -RES) || 4* Barst || 5* Clair (+ATT, -SPD)
Round 35 [World of Shadows]: 3* Eliwood || 3* Sophia || ???4* Henry??? || 4* Sophia || 4 * Barst
Round 36 [World of Shadows]: Oboro || Selena || Hana || Gaius (+RES, -HP) || 4* Barte
Round 37 [World of Radiance]: 3* Hana || 3* Felicia || 3* Sazio || 3* Sully (+ATT, -SPD) || 3* Donnel (+HP, -DEF)

Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)
Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement)
* * * * * * * * * *
Did some more pulls with the free orbs over time. I lucked out and got a 5* Clair (even if her stat distribution sucks) on the World of Shadows, but I still wanted to complete the rest of the focus. Needless to say, that did not come to pass and I got no one of real interest in any of the other pulls. Since I also didn't write these down, I am missing a character (likely used for inheritance, might have been a Henry, I do not remember).

As for Oboro, Gunter, Gaius, Sully, and Donnel, I do not have optimized versions of these characters so that is why I reported their natures. The rest I either already have optimized or will likely be used for skill inheritance. However, I don't care much for Gaius and Donnel, so they are likely to be sent home unless they have a useful skill.

In other news, I seem to have an army of Sophias. The massive amount of available Dragon Fang and Fortify RES is nice and all, but I really want an optimized Fir, Lon'Qu, and Palla that are also pulled at 3* to 4*. I really, really want to use Fir as she is one of my favorite characters despite having never played Binding Blade, but it seems I end up with mass Sophias instead... (I can also use some Henry for Ignis, and Hinata [who I had like 3 of before skill inheritance - they were sent home] for Fury.)

I suppose my luck had to run out at some point, but the 5* chain pulling was nice while it lasted. I just really wish there would be more 3* characters to pull from aside from the original cast from launch, or if 5* exclusives now have a 4* variant. It would be nice if Lyn, Elise, and Klein could drop down and become 3* to 4* characters, like M!Robin and Eliwood (Lyn & Elise are personal preferance. Klein is there so I can start passing on Quick Riposte). Takumi, Hector, and Minerva could also have a 4* variant if only to see the tears in people's eyes so more people besides whales have a chance to utilize Close Counter, Distant Counter, and Life and Death 3 (although Minerva will likely keep L&D at 5* and pass on Ward Fliers instead at 4*...).
* * * * *
Past Pulls


Round 1 [Legendary Heroes]: Hana 3* || Hinata 3* || Gunter 3* || Felicia 4* || Sheena 4*
Round 2 [Legendary Heroes]: Jegan 3* || Shanna 3* || Sakura 4* || Cain 5* || Marth 5* 
Round 3 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Lissa || 3* Barte || 4* Roy || 4* Arthur || 5* Camilla 
Round 4 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Jegan || 3* Gwyndolyn || 3* Henry || 4* Sheena || 5* Ryoma
Round 5 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Gunter || 3* Hinata || 3* Sully || 3* Tiki (Adult) || 4* Serra
Round 6 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Shanna || 3* Frederick || 3* Barst || 4* Hinata || 4* Nino
Round 7 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Henry || 3* Jegan || 3* Oboro || 3* Lissa || 4* Arthur
Round 8 [Legendary Heroes]: 3* Henry || 3* Barte || 3* Florina || 3* Niles || 3* Saizo
Round 9 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Serra || 4* Caeda || 4* Caeda || 4* Subaki || 4* Gwendolyn
Round 10 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Selena || 3* Selena || 3* Robin || 3* Henry || 4* Chrom
Round 11 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Gordin || 4* Nowi || 4* Odin || 4* Beruka || 4* Clarine
Round 12 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Subaki || 3* Cherche || 4* Jegan || 4* Chrom || 5* Chrom
Round 13 [Family Bonds]: 3* Cherche || 3* Viron || 4* Jegan || 4* Gwendolyn || 5* Seliph
Round 14 [Family Bonds]: 3* Subaki || 3* Barst || 3* Serra || 3* Arthur || 5* Ephraim
Round 15A [Family Bonds]: 3* Fir || 3* Lon'Qu || 3* Azama || 4* Niles || 4* Serra 
Round 16 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Hana || 4* Marth || 4* Palla || 4* Cherche || 4* Kagero
Round 17 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Azama || 3* Beruka || 3* Frederick || 3* Olivia || 3* Odin
Round 18 [Princesses]: 3* Gordin || 3* Gunter || 4* Palla || 4* Camilla || 5* Erika
Round 19 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Lissa || 3* Oboro ||  3* Viron || 4* Clarine || 4* Hawkeye
Round 20 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* F!Corrin || 3* M!Robin || 4* Marth || 4* Azama || 5* Kagero
Round 21 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Donnel || 3* Beruka || 3* Nino || 4* Draug || 4* Jakob
Round 22 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Gaius || 3* Sophia || 4* Draug || 4* Gunter || 4* Abel
Round 23 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Wrys || 3* Saizo || 4* Jeorge || 4* Viron || 4* Stahl
Round 24 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Sophia || 3* Serra || 4* Erika || 4* Subaki || 4* Jeorge
Round 25 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Setsuna || 3* Selena || 4* Cain || 4* Chrom || 4* Jeorge
Round 26 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* A!Tiki || 3* Azama || 3* Serra|| 4* Maria || 4* Matthew
Round 27 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Florina || 3* Shanna || 3* Palla || 3* Celicia || 4* Beruka
Round 28 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Serra || 3* Lissa || 4* Clarine || 4* Lon'Qu || 4* Selena
Round 29 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Robin || 4* Barst || 4* Eliwood || 4* Nino || 4* Hana
Round 30 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Hinata || 3* Olivia || 3* Selena || 3* Nino || 4* Arthur
Round 31 [Spring Festival]: ??? || ??? || 3* Beruka || 4* Tharja || 5* Spring Lucina
Round 32 [Pegasus Knights]: 3* Cecilia || 3* Lissa || 3* Shanna || 5* Peri || 5* Olwen
Round 33 [Spring Festival]: 3* Sophia || 3* Serra || 3* Serra || 4* Saizo || 5* Spring Camilla
Round 34 [World of Shadows]: 3* Oboro || 3* Gunter || 3* Raigh || 4* Barst || 5* Clair
Round 35 [World of Shadows]: 3* Eliwood || 3* Sophia || ???4* Henry??? || 4* Sophia || 4 * Barst
Round 36 [World of Shadows]: Oboro || Selena || Hana || Gaius || 4* Barte
Round 37 [World of Radiance]: 3* Hana || 3* Felicia || 3* Sazio || 3* Sully || 3* Donnel

= = = = =

Round 30A [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Shanna || 3* Eliwood || 4* Subaki

Edited by Sire
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Well, guys I Pulled Ike, and he's +HP,-Res!  I'm a little disappointed that he's not -Atk, but we can't have everything.

@Arcanite @Anacybele @eclipse

Funny Story, I got a 5* Male Corrin in the same Pull batch as Ike.  I got him right before Ike of the two Reds in the group.  Corrin was -Atk!  That's my fifth 5* with -Atk this banner.  Corrin, bless you!  You took a bullet for Ike!

With that, I've got all four of the Focus characters this Banner.  Since we still have plenty of time left in the Banner, I'll probably keep Pulling in the hopes of getting a better natured Soren (I got a second Titania who's -Def,+Res), but I'll just make due with the Orbs we'll likely get from May quests and whatever other freebies we get.

I've actually been insanely lucky with 5* this Banner, they've just all been -Atk.  I got the guys I wanted, and I spent less this time than when I whaled for Leo.  Unless they go and have a second Tellius Banner again soon, I'll be done whaling for a while.

So, my 5* from about 200 Orbs or so.  I had some saved up from before, we had a lot from missions and stuff, then about $100 or so buying Orbs.  Eh, I'm willing to throw some money at the game to keep it going.

My 5* this Banner

Soren -Atk

Titania -Atk

Better Titania -Def,+Res

Effie -Atk

Ogma -Atk

Mist +Atk,-Spd

XY Corrin -Atk

Ike +HP,-Res


I hope pulling an Ike who's not -Atk hasn't ruined my reputation.

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11 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I hope pulling an Ike who's not -Atk hasn't ruined my reputation.

You should have changed your username to -Atk


11 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Well, guys I Pulled Ike, and he's +HP,-Res!  I'm a little disappointed that he's not -Atk, but we can't have everything.

Congrats Rezzy!

Now let's see what I'll have to do to convince you to sacrifice your Leo to give him QR 3.

11 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Funny Story, I got a 5* Male Corrin in the same Pull batch as Ike.  I got him right before Ike of the two Reds in the group.  Corrin was -Atk!  That's my fifth 5* with -Atk this banner.  Corrin, bless you!  You took a bullet for Ike!


Lol I find it very funny that he got that just before Ike XD

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13 minutes ago, Kiran said:

@Rezzy I'm not sure if I should feel sorry for you or be more impressed at the sheer number of -atk 5* units you've pulled O.o

And that's just from this Banner, I already had more than half of my 5* being -Atk.  Baby Tiki, Camilla, Spring Camilla, Spring Lucina, Faye, Ephraim, Rebecca.  I've got more -Atk 5* than all others combined. 

10 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Awesome, that's what my Ike is too! ^^

Thanks, enjoy your Ike.  I'm not sure if I want to use Soren or Ike next Arena season.  Maybe I could even do a Horse Emblem team and use Titania.

3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

You should have changed your username to -Atk

Maybe, but I've never been one for frequent name changes.

3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Now let's see what I'll have to do to convince you to sacrifice your Leo to give him QR 3.


Lol I find it very funny that he got that just before Ike XD


Never!  My Leo might have a crap nature, but he's not going anywhere.

Yes, in order for me to not get a -Atk Ike, the game had to toss another -Atk 5* in the batch, just to get it out of its system.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Maybe I could even do a Horse Emblem team and use Titania.

If you're a gangster, you'll make a team of all -Atk units with Soren and/or the -Atk Titania as bonus units

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

If you're a gangster, you'll make a team of all -Atk units with Soren and/or the -Atk Titania as bonus units

My Arena team already has at least 1-2 -Atk units every time anyway.  I work with what I've got.

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40 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Thanks, enjoy your Ike.  I'm not sure if I want to use Soren or Ike next Arena season.  Maybe I could even do a Horse Emblem team and use Titania.

I'm definitely enjoying him. <3 Horse Emblem is deadly, so go for it if you want! It also seems to generally be agreed that Soren's not all that great here while Ike is pretty damn powerful, so I'd go for Ike over Soren between the two. :P

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[4:21:25 PM] Midori Mage.: I
[4:21:37 PM] Midori Mage.: did not expect this to happen
[4:22:06 PM] Midori Mage.: He's -Spd
You're dead to me
[4:22:11 PM] Lance Zenbiniar: lmao

(i'm still gonna use Ike no worries)


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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I'm definitely enjoying him. <3 Horse Emblem is deadly, so go for it if you want! It also seems to generally be agreed that Soren's not all that great here while Ike is pretty damn powerful, so I'd go for Ike over Soren between the two. :P

Ike's already S-rank on the tier list. So congrats! You got a nuke!

Honestly, I think Ike's the best unit in the game. Azura is obviously not that strong. Takumi used to be powerful (and still is) but has so many characters that are able to counter him. Hector just loses to Ike cause WTA. I don't know about Lucina, but I doubt she win against Ike (unless skill inheritance).

Okay, that's enough derailing. On to the pull results!



And yes, they're all 3 star units.

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1 hour ago, Midori Mage said:
  Hide contents


[4:21:25 PM] Midori Mage.: I
[4:21:37 PM] Midori Mage.: did not expect this to happen
[4:22:06 PM] Midori Mage.: He's -Spd
You're dead to me
[4:22:11 PM] Lance Zenbiniar: lmao

(i'm still gonna use Ike no worries)


At least Ike's speed is so middling that -Spd's effect is pretty marginal.

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