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12 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

The point wasn't the candy example specifically. It's spending money on leisure.

It's also hypocritical.

If you have ever spent any money on lesiure, such as a fire emblem game... Your current attitude towards non F2Pers being stupid seems very illogical.

Maybe I'm stupid! :P

I can go to an amusement park, and that's something where I'll never get my money back

But the thing is, to even get into this amusement park, I'd need to pay money right? But with gacha games, it's already free. You have "bad" units and want to pull but you have no orbs? Play a different game, wait for more orbs, cut your losses and say "oh well, maybe next banner", or you re roll.

The money you spend will never be brought back ever, and while a amusement park is the same, at the very least you can have some loving memories with your friends, which I'd be happy to pay for! 

You can spend money on a slot machine and it'd be better than a gacha game. You at least have a small chance at getting some money back right? What are the chances of getting your money back in a gacha game? HEH ZERO

If I bought a hard cover video game, I can still at least get some return value for it after I'm done with it. What about heroes? You can only do that by selling your account.... which isn't always successful. 

I could pay $100 dollars in a gacha game, or I could pay my cable bill. Or take myself to the buffet 10 times. Or I could by 2 random girls a mani-pedi. I could even donate it to charity

For every one dollar you spend on this game, is a candy bar at a dollar store. How many candy bars would you have? 100? 300? 10? 2? 7,500? 

12 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Regardless of how much in jest it is... I feel like you take it a little too far.

You could've just said this from the beginning and I would've said "Okey I'll tone it down" XD

Just tell me what you want, what you really really want!

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4 minutes ago, Oboro! said:

But with gacha games, it's already free.

It costs money to make a game.

It's just that what you don't pay, others have to.

Or the game, you know... DIES.

When you call those people stupid for doing so, it makes you sound like an ungrateful freeloader.



Money you pay for is used for leisure.

When you play an online game, such as Overwatch... you "buy it". But it is also under licensing control. Such as any gacha game.

You have nothing to show for any game you pay for, in all technicalities. They can take that all away.

Only the memories you have of it.

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1 minute ago, shadowofchaos said:

It costs money to make a game.

It's just that what you don't pay, others have to.

Or the game, you know... DIES.

When you call those people stupid for doing so, it makes you sound like an ungrateful freeloader.

Nobody has to pay anything

If it dies, there's plenty of other games to play my friend. I mean hey, I'll miss my Nino, but at the end of the day, I can think of 3 other games I'd rather be playing on my phone than heroes off the top of my head

So if I sound like an ungrateful freeloader I really don't care :P

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1 minute ago, Oboro! said:

So if I sound like an ungrateful freeloader I really don't care :P

Well then, let's leave it at that.

Just don't be the jerk that kicks people while their down like what you did to Lushen.

Being an ungrateful freeloader is one thing. Being an ass to others about their spending habits is another thing entirely.

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Arcanite, I think what Rey wants to tell you is that you just sound like you lack empathy. It's fine that you don't want to spend money and would be fine if the game just stopped being a thing. Other people do like the game and want to keep it going, so try to put yourself into other people's shoes. Whether you're joking or not, you are stepping the line. And if you don't care, well ... that just says that you're not someone who's going to be fun to be friends with.

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1 minute ago, shadowofchaos said:

Just don't be the jerk that kicks people while their down like what you did to Lushen.

Kicks people while their down eh? Alright then.

2 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Being an ungrateful freeloader is one thing. Being an ass to others about their spending habits is another thing entirely.

You are correct!

1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

Arcanite, I think what Rey wants to tell you is that you just sound like you lack empathy. It's fine that you don't want to spend money and would be fine if the game just stopped being a thing. Other people do like the game and want to keep it going, so try to put yourself into other people's shoes. Whether you're joking or not, you are stepping the line. And if you don't care, well ... that just says that you're not someone who's going to be fun to be friends with.

Oh lordy, now I sound like someone who's not fun to be friends with LOL

If I sound like a jerk I'm sorry I guess?

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Arcanite, going LOL doesn't seem like the best idea right now... Just walk away and let it go. Like you always told me to do in situations like this. I mean, walk away from people talking about spending money on the game, don't keep getting on their case about it.

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Try not to get too upset @shadowofchaos this is clearly an adopted persona for the internet, I've seen guys like this online for the longest. Just try to let his responses roll off you.

That being said @Oboro! there's being silly and entertaining, then there's downright rude. So just try to scale it down a bit eh? Leisure is leisure no matter what the source of it, a games, movies, etc, and it's not all tangible and something you can hold on to forever. Talking about people not only putting money into a passion but supporting developers so that passion can keep going is extraordinarily rude.

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1 minute ago, Mackc2 said:

I am once again reminded why I will never buy any orbs at their current value


Don't rule Nino out.  Getting a good natured 3* is a lot easier than 4*.  My current 5* Nino was pulled as a 3* and has the perfect +Spd-Def.  Selena is free Reposition, and Matthew is Hone Spd 3, for 2K feathers.

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I'm just more annoyed about Selena I still haven't drawn an adult tiki that isn't -atk and I have three tikis and I swear Selena is the only red I ever draw since I decided to try getting tiki 

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At last I've managed to find Seaside Robin!~  The second orb I picked from the batch had Horizon Frederick.  This time around my goal was to find at least one of the limited banner characters before looking for a specific orb color.



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I decided to do another full summon instead of sniping this time. Got another 4-star Lissa and a second 4-star Priscilla (whom I merged with the one I already have). A Barst for reposition fodder, a 3-star Olivia for hone attack ...

And a +spd -def Lilina.

My first Lilina, and a good one too. I'm fine with this.

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5 hours ago, Zeo said:

Try not to get too upset @shadowofchaos this is clearly an adopted persona for the internet, I've seen guys like this online for the longest. Just try to let his responses roll off you

I'm not a guy, I'm a robot!


5 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

I am once again reminded why I will never buy any orbs at their current value


What's Nino's bane and boon?

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The question shouldn't be, "is it okay to spend money on entertainment?" -- of course the answer to that question is yes, and according to your means.

The question ought to be--someone used a chocolate bar example. A chocolate bar is $1. Ok, cool, you like chocolate and you have a dollar and that's the standard rate.

But maybe you like *fancy* chocolate bars. Maybe you like a chocolate bar that costs $5. That's a 500% increase, which is substantial, but you can afford it--maybe you'd rather have one good chocolate bar than five average ones--and you have to pay for quality, right.

But what if the chocolate bar you want is $10? Or $50? Or $100? At some point, as the price rises, buying the chocolate bar stops being a delightful indulgence & is just plain foolish.

How much should a game cost? How much should a *good* game cost? At what point--quality of enjoyment, hours of enjoyment--does it make sense to increase that limit & where is the cap? Because there *is* a cap. 

Everyone's circumstances are different so everyone's budget will be different--but at some point, if you're doing the virtual equivalent of spending $20k/night on a hotel room or $10k on a fancy pen (both of those things exist, there is a market for them) you can't expect people to think you're spending wisely.

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1 hour ago, Oboro! said:

I'm not a guy, I'm a robot!


What's Nino's bane and boon?

-spd +res aka I suppose I could always sacrifice her for horse emblem 

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11 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

-spd +res aka I suppose I could always sacrifice her for horse emblem 


Do you already have a Cecilia ready to go?

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5 minutes ago, Oboro! said:


Do you already have a Cecilia ready to go?

Nope I don't really have any interest in adding her to the cavalry squad regardless of how overpowered horse emblem is with blade tomes, just doesn't seem worth the feathers if I where going to get nino to 5* to sacrifice her for a blade+ tome I may as well just keep the nino rather than spend another 20000 feathers to then promote the Cecilia. Generally I could just never justify to myself sacrificing a 5* (With the exception of Camilla, taking out the trash and giving Cherche a fancy new axe? thats a win in my book)

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Did some pulling few days ago for Summer Tiki (+Hp/-Res) since it felt like Anna was too frail especially for autobattle. Took 93 orbs trying for Green, though a lot of other colors showed up. Finally did get another Shanna for Linde's Desperation 3 to correct my inheritance error from way back when the mechanic first arrived. 439 orbs in stock, and there's a number of the C12 and Chain challenges to go. CYH banner better be good.

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10 hours ago, Oboro! said:

I can go to an amusement park, and that's something where I'll never get my money back

I hate to bring this up again but I facepalmed when I read this.  Some amusement parks are free to get in, but you have to pay for various actives and others activities are free.  Most people end up spending some amount of money.  This is a direct comparison to FEH, not a contrast.  And you do actually get memories from a summoning session.  On top of that, you have a chance at getting a character you want which is a physical thing, not just a memory.  It's value is subjective.

And a family member of mine sells candy bars that make $5.00 candy bars look like garbage.  They're sold at weddings and such and its a fairly successful business.  Point being, relativity.  A $5.00 candy bar may be 5x more than a basic candy bar, but it's very common for people to have 5x+ more spending money left over than others from their jobs.  We don't live in communist society (at least in America) so a $5.00 candy bar looks like nothing to some, and a fortune to others.  As long as the candy bar is under $1,000.00 I don't think Bill Gates gives a shit.  And someone who really cares about their wedding will spend a fortune on the candy assortments.  

Some of us have the money to spend on the game, it's not fair to conceive that we all are spending money we can't afford, some of us have it leftover to spend b/c we work hard in our daily lives.

To most who spend under $100.00 a month on this game, it looks no different than going to starbucks everyday. (some drinks are $4.00 each) which is something people commonly do.


Anyways, I was hoping we'd see more orbs this week but it appears we won't so I decided to pull at 5 orbs.  First time I saw 4 nocolor orbs which was what I needed -.-

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4 hours ago, Personette said:

The question shouldn't be, "is it okay to spend money on entertainment?" -- of course the answer to that question is yes, and according to your means.

The question ought to be--someone used a chocolate bar example. A chocolate bar is $1. Ok, cool, you like chocolate and you have a dollar and that's the standard rate.

But maybe you like *fancy* chocolate bars. Maybe you like a chocolate bar that costs $5. That's a 500% increase, which is substantial, but you can afford it--maybe you'd rather have one good chocolate bar than five average ones--and you have to pay for quality, right.

But what if the chocolate bar you want is $10? Or $50? Or $100? At some point, as the price rises, buying the chocolate bar stops being a delightful indulgence & is just plain foolish.

How much should a game cost? How much should a *good* game cost? At what point--quality of enjoyment, hours of enjoyment--does it make sense to increase that limit & where is the cap? Because there *is* a cap. 

Everyone's circumstances are different so everyone's budget will be different--but at some point, if you're doing the virtual equivalent of spending $20k/night on a hotel room or $10k on a fancy pen (both of those things exist, there is a market for them) you can't expect people to think you're spending wisely.

My fiance and I play FFXIV.

That is a continuing service/leisure time cost. In the same sense we limit our expenditures for FE heroes to a certain amount of money for orbs every month.

To call that stupid and a waste of money with us having healthy spending habits outside of the occasional splurge is downright insulting just because it was simply specifically gacha as the user Oboro! did.

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29 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

My fiance and I play FFXIV.

That is a continuing service/leisure time cost. In the same sense we limit our expenditures for FE heroes to a certain amount of money for orbs every month.

To call that stupid and a waste of money with us having healthy spending habits outside of the occasional splurge is downright insulting just because it was simply specifically gacha as the user Oboro! did.

I'm fairly certain 90% of the people saying its a waste of money or unhealthy are dependents.

Even the lower class understands that the middle and upper class have plenty of money to spend on these kinds of leisurely expenses.  When I was in High School, I thought $100.00 was a fortune but now that I've graduated from college I've realized it is quite a small sum of money.  ($100.00 is approximately as useful as what a high schooler considers $1.00 to be)

Other hobbies adults engage in are Golfing, Horseback Riding, Lakehouse, Spring Break trips, etc.  These all make $100.00 seem like nothing.

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2 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:

That is a continuing service/leisure time cost. In the same sense we limit our expenditures for FE heroes to a certain amount of money for orbs every month.

To call that stupid and a waste of money with us having healthy spending habits outside of the occasional splurge is downright insulting just because it was simply specifically gacha as the user Oboro! did.

That's actually not what I said at all. We should pay for the things we value and that includes entertainment. Entertainment and leisure aren't stupid or a waste. 

My point was that when you look at comparable goods (AAA game is $60, subscription game is base price + $20/month, mobile games usually run under $10, indie games that only give you two hours of playtime might be $20 or $30, etc.), you can get a general idea of how much games are worth. There are valid reasons to pay higher-than-standard rates; really high quality entertainment is probably worth more, for example. 

But there is a point beyond which the spending is reasonable. That depends on the person (the budget) and the product (the market rate, I suppose)--I mentioned $20,000/night hotel rooms and $10,000 pens because there are obvious examples where you can say, yeah, this person is not being smart with their money. You'd need many many millions to for that kind of behavior to make sense. 


2 hours ago, Lushen said:

I'm fairly certain 90% of the people saying its a waste of money or unhealthy are dependents.

Even the lower class understands that the middle and upper class have plenty of money to spend on these kinds of leisurely expenses.  

Either that or we have mortgages and savings accounts and we're worrying about retirement. The richest people I've ever known were penny pinchers. I don't think that's a coincidence. 

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