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*excited screaming and flailing* 

Leo!!! My precious Leo! I've been wanting him since day one. (At this point I don't even care if he's awful. Ima use him.) It looks like he's +DEF -RES. Not terrible! Not ideal either, but I can work with it. I wonder if that'd make him a kind of okay -raven tome user... He'd have a higher DEF and RES than my -DEF M. Robin. I know -blade builds are kind of the thing, but I don't have a rawrblade to give him. 

I also got a 5 star +ATK -RES Cain. Like whoa. You can't get much better than that. I already had Cain at 5 stars, but I think he was something strange like +RES -DEF. I guess this means someone's going to be getting a Brave Sword+. :3 Now I've just got to decide between Hana and Laslow... 

Also to be noted, I got my first Caeda! ...followed by my second Caeda! One is +HP -ATK while the other is +DEF -SPD... Yikes, but I mostly wanted her for her flyer buff. So now I have one spare Palla and a spare Caeda to have 3 flier buffs in total!

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I wasn't sure which banner I should've chosen, but after this pull, I'm VERY happy with my choice!



+HP/-Def Gray. I would've preferred for him to be -Res, but as long as his attack or speed isn't hindered, I'm happy!

+Spd/-HP Delthea. PERRRRFECT for me. My Nino is also this nature, and she does wonders!

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4 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

*excited screaming and flailing* 

Leo!!! My precious Leo! I've been wanting him since day one. (At this point I don't even care if he's awful. Ima use him.) It looks like he's +DEF -RES. Not terrible! Not ideal either, but I can work with it. I wonder if that'd make him a kind of okay -raven tome user... He'd have a higher DEF and RES than my -DEF M. Robin. I know -blade builds are kind of the thing, but I don't have a rawrblade to give him. 

I also got a 5 star +ATK -RES Cain. Like whoa. You can't get much better than that. I already had Cain at 5 stars, but I think he was something strange like +RES -DEF. I guess this means someone's going to be getting a Brave Sword+. :3 Now I've just got to decide between Hana and Laslow... 

Also to be noted, I got my first Caeda! ...followed by my second Caeda! One is +HP -ATK while the other is +DEF -SPD... Yikes, but I mostly wanted her for her flyer buff. So now I have one spare Palla and a spare Caeda to have 3 flier buffs in total!

Congrats on the Leo!


I've got 100 Orbs and said screw it, I'll try to get a better Leo.  I was hoping for +Spd to replace my +HP -Spd Leo.


I went Red hunting, first pull, I got a 5* Corn.  He should know I already have a -Atk Corrin, but whatevs.  I got a 3* Hinata from the other Red in the group.

Next group: 3 Reds, first 5* Marth, great, new 5*, but wrong prince.  He's +Atk-Res, which seems like a good nature for him.  I got a Fir and Stahl to finish the group.

Next group one Red: Olivia

Next group one Red: Draug

Next group one Red: LEO! and he's +Atk,-Def.  Much better than my last Leo.  He's not +Spd like I hoped, but this will make him more of a nuke, and I can make him work.  I'll merge my old Leo into him.  I can't wait until we get double SP this weekend, so I can grind him up.  I rounded out this summon group with Bartre, Lachesis, Azama, and Niles.


Only 47 Orbs for three 5*s doesn't sound too bad, even if one of them isn't great.  I still have about 50 Orbs left for whichever Banner they throw at us on Friday.

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Spent 14 orbs sniping three grays on Summer. Got Lachesis(+Res/-HP), who is new and my first FE4 unit, and Jaffar (+HP/-Res) who is also new. Really pleased with this session.

Still got 78 orbs, but I ought to give up on the remaining summer units now that my pity rate is reset. 

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Spent about 20 orbs and managed to pull a 5* Titania. Been wanting Titania since she was first released and holy shit am I happy that I managed to get her.

My luck was so shitty when I first started playing the game. Would spend up to 100 orbs and not get a single 5 * but now I've manage to obtain 3 more this past month after spending no more than 50 orbs at a time. My other 2 5 * have been Boey and Gray.

Currently still sitting on 400 orbs that I've hoarded over the months, in order to have plenty of orbs to spend when Elincia's banner eventually drops.

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1 hour ago, Elincia said:

Spent about 20 orbs and managed to pull a 5* Titania. Been wanting Titania since she was first released and holy shit am I happy that I managed to get her.

My luck was so shitty when I first started playing the game. Would spend up to 100 orbs and not get a single 5 * but now I've manage to obtain 3 more this past month after spending no more than 50 orbs at a time. My other 2 5 * have been Boey and Gray.

Currently still sitting on 400 orbs that I've hoarded over the months, in order to have plenty of orbs to spend when Elincia's banner eventually drops.

What nature is your Titania?  I've got -Def+Res on mine, and she eats Reinhardt for Breakfast.

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Is too much to ask for a Klein game? Is so hard to give me a Klein???

I even will be happy with a 4* version!! I just want Klein!!!

But nooooo...

As you can see, I try some orbs for Klein, these were my results:

  • 5* Lucius (well at least is a 5*)
  • 3* Niles
  • 3* Clarine (Why you didn't bring your brother T-T??)
  • 4* Ogma (In a session with no colorless)
  • 4* Virion

I just want a Klein :(

Btw, I already have a Clarine and a Lucius, are something I can use for inheritance from them? (I'm only keeping one version of them)

Edited by SniperGYS
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28 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

What nature is your Titania?  I've got -Def+Res on mine, and she eats Reinhardt for Breakfast.

It looks like mine may be -hp+atk, not great a calculating IVs tbh, but she appears solid.

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6 minutes ago, Elincia said:

It looks like mine may be -hp+atk, not great a calculating IVs tbh, but she appears solid.

That's pretty good, actually.  -HP and -Def are her best Banes, and +Atk is good on pretty much everybody.

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2 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

@Rezzy Congrats on your haul too! I definitely used a lot more orbs. (Probably over 100 since Cain broke my first streak, but it was 100% worth it.) I really like this lines. I'm going to have a lot of fun using him!

I think I'm going to sacrifice my -Atk 5* Tharja to Leo, so he can nuke everything with Rawrblade.  He'll require a lot of SI, though, so I'll have to be patient and wait until Friday to get started on him.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I think I'm going to sacrifice my -Atk 5* Tharja to Leo, so he can nuke everything with Rawrblade.  He'll require a lot of SI, though, so I'll have to be patient and wait until Friday to get started on him.

Yeah... I'm forcing myself to wait even though I don't want to. lol I've got a -ATK Tharja at 4 stars (though she's my only one ATM). I'm thinking I'll just go with the -raven build for now and if I ever get a +ATK Leo, I'll do a -blade build.Same amount of feathers to invest for either weapon. And he probably won't be as good as Sophia...but at least he'll have access to buffs!

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Just now, Rafiel's Aria said:

Yeah... I'm forcing myself to wait even though I don't want to. lol I've got a -ATK Tharja at 4 stars (though she's my only one ATM). I'm thinking I'll just go with the -raven build for now and if I ever get a +ATK Leo, I'll do a -blade build.Same amount of feathers to invest for either weapon. And he probably won't be as good as Sophia...but at least he'll have access to buffs!

+6 to everything makes pretty much every Horse decent to great.

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As today is pay day for me, I went and paid for one pull from Ylissean Summer and one from Celica's Army (5* rate was at 3% for both).

The Ylissean Summer pull gave me some Horse Emblem fodder (4* Eliwood, 4* Gunter), my seventh spare Palla (3*), my sixth spare Odin (3*) and 3* Serra 150 feathers. Not terrible but not overly exciting either though the game is making damn sure that I won't be short on Moonbow fodder for the foreseeable future. 

After that pull, I go into the Celica's Army one expecting more of the same kind of luck there. I was immediately proven wrong by the first stone I picked.



These Valentian banners apparently really like me, as this surprise Sonya means I'll be leaving these banners with 2/3 of its focus characters now. It also puts my total of 5* Valentian characters at nine. Her boon/bane certainly isn't the most ideal (+Def/-Res) but I'm just be content with the fact that she didn't get afflicted with -Atk or -Spd like a lot of my recent 5*s. Other than her, I got a third spare 4* Saizo, 3* Cecilia, 3* Est and 3* Serra  and 300 feathers.

@Rafiel's Aria I also want to congratulate you on getting your Leo! I was pretty damn stoked when I got mine too especially since it was completely out of the blue (I got him off of Bridal Blessings where he helped eased my salty heart at getting Bride!Lyn instead of Bride!Cordelia). Coincidentally, my Leo is also +Def/-Res and has still put in plenty of good work even though it's not the most optimal combo.

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@Tybrosion Thank ya' kindly!!!! I'm still completely stoked about this. I need to calm down. Coffee stahp.

But hey! You got Sonya! I've been on and off about trying to pull for her...I really like her art...and green mages...but I think I'm going to bide my time and wait for the next banner. I just know that if I throw away all my orbs, the next banner will be like an "Aria's Favorite Characters Banner." 

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Feeling mostly in the throes of despair since it seems unlikely I shall ever pull any 5* at this rate.  Pulled a 4* Kagero and another 4* Serra today.  The F2P orbs shall soon disappear, and with it, all my wasted efforts of sniping colorless orbs.  I would like to point out that I tanked every single orb into the summer banner, and yet...AHAHAHAHAHAHA

I think I shall change my username description, to reflect my Arthurian luck.

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Because I have no self control, I decided to on a whim snipe blues on Ylissean Summer (5* rate = 3.25%) to see if I could snag Robin and complete the Valor trifecta. Instead, this happened.



Also of note was this.



Not pictured: another circle which had no blues and which gave me another 4* Gunter. So yeah, no Robin for me. I guess I'll just have to settle with getting an even better Tiki (+Atk/-Res), free Desperation fodder and finally getting Reinfardt (+HP/-Def, 4*). Oh woe is me except not all. Though seriously, what the hell did I do to have such damn good luck lately?! This is just getting ridiculous now, but I'll roll with it all the same.

Edited by Tybrosion
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Caved and did one more pull on the summer banner to get a better Summer Gaius. I got:
4* Abel
3* Nino
3* Shanna
4* Jeorge
and 5* Summer Gaius!

This Gaius is +hp/-def which is basically neutral so I'm thinking of using this one instead of my other Summer Gaius. Pretty happy with the rest of my pull (first time I've done a full pull in a while, I usually snipe) and I got some useful skill fodder and this Jeorge isn't -atk or -spd I think so it's better than my current one. Also did a little sniping on the Quick Riposte banner after hoping to get Klein but didn't get him. I'll wait and see what the next banner is before I decide whether to keep sniping or not

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Still hunting for Olwen on her banner. Four sets, seven blues.

⋆⋆⋆ Corrin-F   neutral (20→15)
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Peri C +Def −HP (15→10)
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Peri C +Spd −Def (10→6)
⋆⋆⋆ Sully C +HP −Res (13→8)
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Robin-M   +Atk −Spd (8→4)
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Corrin-F   +Def −Atk (17→12)
⋆⋆⋆ Jagen C +Atk −Spd (12→8)

Draconic Aura! Killer Lance! A usable Robin! A… Sully. Fortify Cavalry! 5⋆ Blárblade+ Ursula intensity almost reached maximum!

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When the game gives you Mathilda instead of Delthea, that's how you know to throw in the towel. +Def/-Res too which is alright..
Maybe she'll be useful for a GHB down the line. 

Now wondering if I should toss in five more orbs on one desperation pull before the banner ends. 

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Today was a good day. I dropped a bit of money... @Vaximillian @Oboro! @GuiltyLove @MaskedAmpharos


Summer Tiki is +Atk -HP, which is pretty alright. 32 HP is low, but it's all good. I'm torn between doing Brave Axe vs QR build though. +Atk is perfect for Brave Axe, but I kinda want her to keep her Melon Crusher... Maybe I'll slap on Fury for that delicious +5 to everything...

Lilina is +HP -Atk, which is pretty RIP. My Hector is +Atk -HP, what happened to inheritance? Is it because my first Bride Lyn was -Atk? :[

That normal Adult Tiki is actually +Atk -Spd, which is great. I have a spare Young Tiki around, so I may or may not hand her Flametongue+. I've heard conflicting ideas about replacing Lightning Breath.



But +Res -Spd... At least I have some form of flat Brave waifu now. RIP no Bridelia tho...


And +Res -HP. Not too bad. Time to bully.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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...Bit impatient to do so now, but I'm trying to pull for more in general.

Alm's Army banner once again! It's been quick with 5* units before.

3 Colourless, 2 Red

3* Selena (Unsurprising), 4* Seliph (Hey look, you again! +Def/-HP, is that useful?), 3* Eliwood (...What's worth sacrificing for you? Sadly, it'll likely require feathers), 3* Niles (Hello, been a while, you probably suck as usual) and 4* Felicia (+Res/-Att, Oh my you are going to be used for Glacies!)

3 Colourless, 2 Red (Seriously, What.)

4* M!Corrin (We've got Cornin again! +Spd/-Res, That might just be worth using), 4* Lilina (+HP/-Def, I kinda wish she had a better boon, I have one already as well), 4* Kagero (+Spd/-HP, is +Spd better than +Res for her?), 3* Virion (And things were looking interesting) and 3* Niles (Nope, not interested)

1 Green, 4 Red (What is with all this red today?)

4* Henry (Hey look, GTomebreaker/Bonfire fodder! +Att/-Spd might be worth using over +Att/-Res, can someone confirm?), 3* Palla (Shame WoM is 5* for her), 3* Draug (Ward Armour is 4* :( ), 4* Chrom (WE'VE GOT THE SPINMASTER! +Res, -HP though) and 4* Titania (A Green cav I might be able to use? She is +Spd/-HP. Also, first Tellius unit for me as of now.)

Eff it one last shot for now

4 Red, 1 Colourless (This is a joke, right?)

5* Chrom (FALCHION SPIN! +HP/-Spd, probably use), 4* Roy (Been a while, but you're Triangle Adept fodder with -Att), 4* Stahl (-Def, you're going to be used for something, but I don't know what. I have pulled 4 4* Stahls to 1 3*. That's weird), 3* Hana (....If only you were worth raising for inheritance) and 3* Setsuna (It's a trap!)

...I wanted a good natured Nino (turns out I was wrong what Nino I had). That was annoying. I did get the Spin King though. Took 4 sessions though.

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