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So I mini-whaled and only spent $25 on orbs, which with the one orb I had prior pushed me to 43 orbs. So I blue sniped on the swimsuit banner. Besides a bunch of 3 stars, there was a 4* Odin, 4* Oboro, and on the last summon (which was my last 6 orbs hoping for a single blue orb, and there was one) Pretty happy with it, well despite her IV's, -Atl/+Res, but at this point happy to have gotten my mandatory one exclusive of the special banners. Now all my orbs will go to the hero fest banner in hopes of Ninian or Julia, maybe more Ikes too.


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Hero Fest: doesn't really have anyone I want, but I guess Ike would be cool.

Free summon: 3 blues, 2 greens


Randomly chose a blue-

5* +spd/-def Ninian


Anyway, since I got something, I think I'm done with this banner.

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Spent about 70 orbs and managed to pull a 4 and 5* Mathilda, a 4* Athena, and a bunch of duplicate 3 and 4* I already have and/or dont care for. 

Did manage to get Ike though (dont know his IVs yet) and out of no where I got Lyn as well, like holy shit, my luck in this game has completely turned around it seems. I barely had any 5* a few months ago, lol.

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48 minutes ago, Motendra said:

@Zangetsu I mean, how many orbs do you have? If you think its worth the chance, along with having enough orbs to reap the goods, by all means.

But if you're like me, who's always at scarcity...

I got 196, but I don't know if I should since CYL might be coming out this month or the next.

On other hand, Ike & Ninian would be extremely powerful units to have in my repertoire.

Edited by Zangetsu
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56 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

I got 196, but I don't know if I should since CYL might be coming out this month or the next.

On other hand, Ike & Ninian would be extremely powerful units to have in my repertoire.

Crap this is true, plus the halloween banner we all know is coming. Though I thought the Lucina from tempest trials was the CYL version, though I could be wrong, well sorry Ninian/Julia/other Ikes, I need to save orbs for these alternate versions of characters I don't have (besides Ike and tempest Lucina)

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After the shitfest of spending 40 hard-earned orbs for like 90% *3s,





Also fuck it not spending orbs anytime soon unless they give me Katarina or something.

Or Kliffhanger.

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I don't have any of the units in the Hero Banner, so time to try for some full pulls.




Hey, it's Genny! Hi Genny!

The free pull was actually Corrin, then I went clockwise until I got Genny at the end. She's +HP/-Def. Not terrible, but she's a support unit so it's fine. Now I'm going for Red/Green/Blue since I got Genny.


Well, no luck. I guess I'll take the fodder, but man, getting all these 3* units after the swap in percentages is quite the troll.


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Aw crap, all i got was Cain with the worse possible stats he could have. -Atk, +SPD. Well at least I got a lot of Fury fodders & 4 * Tharja.

OOOOHHHHH my poor orbs. 93 spent & not a single focus :(:

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7 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

I still have 22 orbs saved up, but I think I'm done with this Hero fest, and will need to think on what banners are most worth my orbs.

Actually I'll just get bored and do a final pull on Nohr Summer. And...what the hell?

Not even gonna question it. What do you think, Hinata?



5* S! Corrin +Spd/-Res

5* S! Corrin +Hp/-Atk

5* S! Xander +Spd/-HP

5* S! Xander Neutral

3* Virion +Hp/-Atk


Heh, and I was about to post in the "Let's share our experiences since game launch" thread about how much my luck had been improving.

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37 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Actually I'll just get bored and do a final pull on Nohr Summer. And...what the hell?

Not even gonna question it. What do you think, Hinata?

  Hide contents


5* S! Corrin +Spd/-Res

5* S! Corrin +Hp/-Atk

5* S! Xander +Spd/-HP

5* S! Xander Neutral

3* Virion +Hp/-Atk


Heh, and I was about to post in the "Let's share our experiences since game launch" thread about how much my luck had been improving.

I don't blame you. Holy fuck. 4 5*??? 

@Ice Dragon - What are the odds of that?

That Virion though, he's gonna go far.

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3 hours ago, LucarioGamer812 said:

Crap this is true, plus the halloween banner we all know is coming

You have until October for that. Unless you're really really into Awakening or Nohrian characters dressing up in costumes, I don't think you need to save for that right now.

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You have until October for that. Unless you're really really into Awakening or Nohrian characters dressing up in costumes, I don't think you need to save for that right now.

I understand that the Nohrians are popular but the developers should give others a chance in the spotlight. They kinda did it by keeping Camilla out of the summer banners but..."Anything can change!". 


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38 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

I don't blame you. Holy fuck. 4 5*??? 

@Ice Dragon - What are the odds of that?

That Virion though, he's gonna go far.

My rate for them was 3.25%, though that pull had me seeing double, so maybe my eyes aren't so good. I've got my work cut out for me when the double sp rolls in tomorrow.

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Scraped up enough orbs for another pull on the Hero Fest banner. 

4 star Gaius -- 4 star Abel -- 3 star Gwendolyn -- 4 star Reinhardt -- 4 star Cecilia. 

My pity rate for the banner is now 6.25%. I'm going to try to do another full pull before the banner disappears, at least, but I've used up all my orbs (that's 80 orbs now on the Hero Fest banner & no 5 stars...) 

HOWEVER. The Abel was new, the Cecilia is -HP/+SPD (that's an improvement over my current Cecilia, so I'll start a merge) and, best of all, that Reinhardt is -HP/+ATK. I had one Reinhardt, he was -ATK, and leveling him was a misery. So this was a pretty thrilling development; new Reinhardt already been promoted to 5 stars and is hovering around level 30. 

So fingers crossed that the pity rate breaks in my favor & in the meanwhile, this is the kind of pull which I can't be mad about. 

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I guess it's a good thing I'm not too partial about any of the other heroes on these current banners...my pity rate is starting to increase for the summer banner again lol.  Tried to pull for S!Corrin and ended up getting another 3* Eliwood and a 4* Est.  I merged the new Eliwood with my other 3* Eliwoods, and 4* Est replaces my previous 3* one.  Not too shabby, I suppose.  I appreciate that the 4* rate is increased, since I can start upgrading my many 3*s haha.

If I ever get any orbs left over from trying the Nohrian banner, I might try my hand at pulling for Ike or Sonya off the other banners before they disappear :P

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When you get a text from your beau that says "My new friend will fight for me." 

I'm so happy he pulled Ike! I'm pretty sure he's +DEF -ATK, but I'll keep that my little secret. He doesn't care much for natures. 

I also did a little bit of green/blue exploring for Delthea and Sonya the other day. I ended up with another 5 star Hawkeye (aka Deathblow fodder), Merric (+DEF -RES OMG my nerdy child I'm so happy!!!), Sonya (+ATK -SPD Not wonderful but that's pretty great), and Azura (another one...lol this makes number 3. I just merged her into my +SPD -HP one). The search shall continue for Delthea now. Though I think I'll probably try to restrain myself and see if we're getting an SS banner. I also finally managed to snag me a Lukas!!! I was so happy when he showed up. He's +RES -DEF (RIP), but at least I finally have him. Now I've successfully collected all the available 3-4 star characters.

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HAHA holy shit I did not expect this from my free session on the Tempest Trials banner wtf

I thought of merging him for 0.5 seconds until I checked his nature. He's +ATK -HP. I have somehow been blessed with a second 5* +ATK Reinhardt for my defence team and I'm not gonna complain. I'm going to blow my stamina training him instead of on the Trials until he's Trials-ready, because my current Reinhardt has upwards of 7k SP so he might as well take his place.

Just one more Reinhardt until I can rig up a defence team that consists of a bonus unit and 3x Reinhardt...

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I've still got orbs. Let's go!

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Rebecca (New unit! Killing eyes is here, with +Spd/-HP. That's pretty good, you're cool), 3* Gordin (Shame Vantage is only at 5*), 5* Julia (NAGA BE PRAISED! She's Neutral too, certainly could be worse), 4* F!Corrin (Was hoping for Ninian, but you're alright, I haven't pulled you in ages. +Def/-Res, could be better), 3* Laslow (Eh, probably could be better)

Is it worth pulling elsewhere right now? Because otherwise this is a banner I'd rather pull from.

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7 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Is it worth pulling elsewhere right now? Because otherwise this is a banner I'd rather pull from.

Depends on whether there are units you’d prefer more than the four here. Both banners are really good.

like Celica for me

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