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Welp, it happened.



Yes, this was the female side banner for the record. After not even getting a chance at Hector on the male side banner and leaving with just a 3* M!Robin, I was expecting more of the same on the female side banner. Instead, I get Lucina (+Def/-HP) within a week of getting Ike. I am beyond pleased by this turn of events. This also means I have all five Falchion units as 5*s now as well. We'll see if this is a good omen for when I go back to try for Amelia and/or Innes later today.

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I'll just list the freebies, since I don't need anyone in this banner.  This brings my total pulled units up to 335.

male: Selena (+Spd/-Res). . .well, that's surprisingly competent.
female: . . .what the fuck.  This deserves a picture.



And here's the kicker:


If you don't want to look up her boon/bane combo, it's. . .


+Res/-Spd. The exact same boon/bane as my first-ever Lucina.  The same Lucina that showed up in the first voting gauntlet.

It's destiny.  TEAM LUCINA OR BUST!

Now the question is whether to make a +2 Lucina, or give Leon Aether.



Edited by eclipse
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LOL! Dang. What is this luck. My free pull from the guy's banner was Ike #3. He's +HP -SPD. I still haven't figured out what to do with Ike #2! I'll probably pass on Aether or Heavy Blade to someone. 

My free summon on the gal banner was a 4 star Hana, so not bad. 

I decided to waste some orbs to try and get Hector. I did get a +ATK -RES Minerva (...this makes Minerva #3 because I just pulled a +SPD -RES one). I guess someone's going to be getting LaD3! And then my streak ended one more time with a +RES -SPD Chrom...the exact same as the first one I got ever. I did finally get a +ATK Merric however, so I'm super happy. Someone's going to be getting promoted. :3


HOLY COW.  I decided to test my luck on the gal banner and do one full pull. +HP -DEF Lyn and +RES -HP Lucina. My first ever Lyn, and that's not a terrible nature at all!!! And Lucina is slightly better than my +RES -ATK one. Someone's getting a new merge.... Gah. Today is wonderful.

Edited by Rafiel's Aria
The RNG gods descended upon me.
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I used a free summon on the CYL 2nd Block Banner because I wasn't going to summon from that banner with actual orbs anyways, and lo and behold I pull my first 5* Corrin with (surprisingly) good IVs : +Spd/-HP. 

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So off to do some free summoning! Not too tempted by these banners.

In the B block, 2 Green, 1 each Colourless, Blue, Red.

4* Seliph (+Res/-Def. Not worth much, HP +5 could be good to pass on)

In the A Block, 3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue

4* Stahl (+Res/-Att, even less worthwhile. Swap inheritance is nice.)

I'll gather some orbs for Wednesday. Also, Brave Heroes looks AMAZING, right?

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Guess my free summon luck has been similar to other people's. Got 3 green orbs in Block A, didn't want to spend orbs at all but went ahead and did it anyways. Got a Fae for free, can't say no to Renewal 3 Fodder (+SPD/-ATK), went for the second orb...



WHAT?! Yeah, it's Hector. As in... 2nd favorite FE7 character and in my top 5 favorite FE characters period Hector. He's +HP/-RES, and you know what? That's alright, I'm good with that. Now all I need is Lyn to complete the trio. Pulled the last green for good fortune, got a *4 Cherche.


And with that, I'm done with this banner.

Also went to the 2nd block. The free pull from there only gave me one red orb which landed me a *3 Hinata. Can't get mad at that, I need Fury for more than a few characters. Jumped in again at a chance at 2 red orbs, got none, pulled a green and got another Cherche, meh.

Edited by Zeo
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Free pulls from the voting gauntlet banners:

Block A: Males


+Atk/-Hp.  Pretty good.  Maybe if I get a few more I'll train this guy up, make a super 4* merge, then sack my 5* +Res/-Spd one for the Brave Axe+

Block B: Females


+Res/-Hp.  Looks like I join the "5* from a free pull" club.  Not sure yet if I want to train him, or just give his Brave Sword to someone else.  This also makes the second Ogma I've gotten from free pulls.

Edited by DLNarshen
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I didn't get too much of note, just 3* Selena (+Atk -Res) so definitely using
And a Hawkeye...
But out of desperation... I got her



Finally... I'm SO happy. I was so scared I wouldn't roll her.

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Free summon for males: 3 star Eliwood. +Atk so it's decent I guess? Female banner was a meh 3 star Cecilia

For second account, free summon for females was a meh 3 star Nino. Free summon for males? Well I wanted Hector but there were no green orbs and 4 reds....the lucky orb was a 5 star Celica!!! Alas, she is -Atk/+Res but hey, I have her now? Gosh why does this account get more 5 stars than my main...

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5 hours ago, eclipse said:

I'll just list the freebies, since I don't need anyone in this banner.  This brings my total pulled units up to 335.

male: Selena (+Spd/-Res). . .well, that's surprisingly competent.
female: . . .what the fuck.  This deserves a picture.

  Reveal hidden contents


And here's the kicker:


If you don't want to look up her boon/bane combo, it's. . .

  Hide contents

+Res/-Spd. The exact same boon/bane as my first-ever Lucina.  The same Lucina that showed up in the first voting gauntlet.

It's destiny.  TEAM LUCINA OR BUST!

Now the question is whether to make a +2 Lucina, or give Leon Aether.



Congrats, and here I am, still with no Lucina.

1 minute ago, Sophie said:

I didn't get too much of note, just 3* Selena (+Atk -Res) so definitely using
And a Hawkeye...
But out of desperation... I got her

  Hide contents


Finally... I'm SO happy. I was so scared I wouldn't roll her.


I took a freebie from each.

I have all the boys, but I figured I'd Pull a green, and maybe get lucky with another Hector or something.  I got Gunter.  Oh, well, Hone Cavalry is always nice.

For the girls, I still need Lucina, but every time she's in a Banner, she's got one or two other Reds with her, and my luck is terrible trying to snipe colors when they aren't the only possible choice from there.  That's how I got 3 Chroms and 5 Bridelias.  Anyway, on to the pull: No Reds at all.  I guess I'll try for Green, maybe get a Camilla who isn't - Atk, nope Bartre.  Guess I can't always be lucky.

If CYL wasn't right around the corner, I might try some Red sniping, but I will need all the Orbs I can get on Thursday.

One Day, I'll get Lucina.  Assuming I can get her CYL version, that will give me 3 different copies of her, which is nice I suppose.

Lucina is in a tier below favorite for me.  She's not Leo, Est, Titania, or Soren level for me, but I do like her and want to get her.

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Pulled the free summon on green on the male side and pulled barst or something , tried again with the 4 or 5 orbs I had and I finally pulled Hector! A +atk-spd at that so that completes my armor emblem team . 


Now , should I try to pull more of him for the rest of the team to get distant counters ? 


And will CYL Ike need distant counter for an optimal build ? Cuz I'll for sure at least prioritize 1 for him if he does 

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I don't care about getting any particular units from these banners, but might as well make use of the free pulls.

From Block A: 5* Celica. Holy crap...Unfortunately her IVs are also crap. +HP/-Atk. Not that her attack was stellar to begin with, but 43 Atk at level 40 is pathetic even with Ragnarok bonuses. At least she's another strong red mage.

From Block B: 3* Eliwood. Decided to go for the other two red orbs. Got 4* Laslow and 5* Tharja! Double red mage goodness! She's +Spd/-HP too, so much better IVs than Celica.

That was ridiculous. 8 orbs for two 5* units. Now to really save for CYL.

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From today's new banners I got as free summon 3* Donnel and 3* Matthew. I don't know how you can get all those 5*, I have only got mediocre 3* units so far.

Tomorrow I'll have the orbs to my last Nohrian Summer summon, still waiting for Elise or Corrin. I got Leo some time ago, yet having Lilina and Tharja he's pretty useless.

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So I decided with the "choose your legends" free characters coming soon I figured I'd actually make an account and pull one for the far off day when I actually upgrade my phone to one that plays the game reliably so I don't miss out on op characters.

But not before rerolling the game for 4-5 hours. The boon and bane sucks but I don't care. I followed my dreams.



No regrets.


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26 minutes ago, Lushen said:

Nevermind, I fed her to Caeda.  Couldn't bare to look at Ogma's character art.

I was tempted to do the same, but I'm holding out for the Wo Dao for her.  Now if only I could stop pulling Ogmas and get at least one Athena...

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