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Welp where do I begin:


- +Atk/-Def Lucina BP

- +HP/-Atk Lucina BP

- Neutral Lyn from Free Summon

- -Spd/+Def Brave Lyn

- -Spd/+Res Brave Lyn

- +HP/-Def Julia

- +Atk/-Def Roy BL

- +Spd/-HP Ike BM (At the end of all this)


- +Spd/-Res Lon'qu

- +Spd/-HP Soren

Alternate Account

- +Atk/-Def Ike BM

- Neutral Ike (Free Summon)

- Brave Lyn

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4 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Too bad Ike wasn't -Spd/+Res, or you could've joined us in the cool kids club of +Res/-Spd Ikes.

So, instead, have a cold shoulder.



Eh, I'm used to being an outcast anyways. I do have a +Res/-Spd Katarina. Does that count for anything?

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2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I do have a +Res/-Spd Katarina. Does that count for anything?

That's not a Katarina, that's a badly Min-maxed Sanaki.

Edit: Basically a +Spd boon but double negative Atk bane, lul.

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WOO! I got Brave Lucina! Three down, one to go! EDIT: And she's +atk -res! Funny enough, like the only copy of Chrom I have.

EDIT2: Got my first Leon and Cain as well (a 3-star Est and a 4-star Sheena as well, but I already have a great 5-star Sheena and Est is Est.) I am very happy.

EDIT3: Leon is +HP -def, which is just okay I guess. Cain is +def -HP, which is also okay. Sheena is, funny enough, +atk -HP but again my 5-star one is +atk -def and does her job just fine. Est is Est.

EDIT4: My friend sent me a pic, she got Brave Ike and regular Lyn in the same pull! (In addition to a 4-star Tharja and 4-star Athena and 3-star Virion.)

Edited by Sunwoo
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10 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

WOO! I got Brave Lucina! Three down, one to go! EDIT: And she's +atk -res! Funny enough, like the only copy of Chrom I have.

EDIT2: Got my first Leon and Cain as well (a 3-star Est and a 4-star Sheena as well, but I already have a great 5-star Sheena and Est is Est.) I am very happy.

EDIT3: Leon is +HP -def, which is just okay I guess. Cain is +def -HP, which is also okay. Sheena is, funny enough, +atk -HP but again my 5-star one is +atk -def and does her job just fine. Est is Est.

EDIT4: My friend sent me a pic, she got Brave Ike and regular Lyn in the same pull! (In addition to a 4-star Tharja and 4-star Athena and 3-star Virion.)

Congrats to everyone!  Sounds like a good round of pulls.

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5 minutes ago, Motendra said:

Tried for Brave Lucy, got Effie instead. Thing is, I already had an Effie at +At/-Def. This one was +Res/-HP.

Issa no.  

Well, now you have Death Blow 3 for someone or Wary Fighter 3 for a knight. If the Black Knight doesn't have a B-slot and you want to go that route... :p

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46 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Well, now you have Death Blow 3 for someone or Wary Fighter 3 for a knight. If the Black Knight doesn't have a B-slot and you want to go that route... :p

Watch the Black Knight have a unique B-slot called 'The Black Knight' or something: 'Double the effect of all specials.' (To mirror the fact that Eclipse is Luna on steroids.)

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7 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Watch the Black Knight have a unique B-slot called 'The Black Knight' or something: 'Double the effect of all specials.' (To mirror the fact that Eclipse is Luna on steroids.)

Oh cool, that means he gets double Galeforce! :p

It should probably increase special cooldown by 1 if it does that. I'm expecting the Black Knight to have Escape Route or Wings of Mercy. Oh dear, that would be nasty. The Black Knight GHB: accidentally didn't kill one of his goons? Here comes the knight.

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10 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Galeforce is basically half to 1/3 as useful on an armor anyway. If you line your units up that he gets three kills from one galeforce turn, that's your own damn fault.

B-but with Guidance and Armor March, The Black Knight could be a terrifying Galeforce Knight!

Yeah, I know. Of the specials that wouldn't improve much if the Black Knight had a skill that doubled their effects, Astra, Galeforce, and Glimmer come to mind. 6 charge Galeforce so a 1 movement unit who will likely double nobody gets to act 2-3 times?

100% defense ignoring Luna even if it was a 4 charge is still powerful. Otherwise, +100% damage from his defense with Bonfire is basically Ignis, but better. You could probably use Steady Breath to offset the charge increase.

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Heh... just... wow. Took what could very well be my last crack at the CYL banner in hopes for... not even Brave Ike at this point but at least... ONE of the CYL Heroes. Doing full pulls, even a Roy would be nice to have. 2 green orbs, 2 red, 1 colorless. Ike or Roy perhaps.... well, not exactly. Yes but not... really.



Wrong Ike... it's like a cruel joke. I could have pulled any red sword at *5 as a non focus, but it's almost as if I got him just as a taunt. He's got the nature to replace my current one though, before he was +DEF/-HP, this one's +ATK/-HP. Make him +1 and that gives him +1 ATK and +1 HP. I kinda liked the bulkiness. But +4 ATK and +1 HP is better than +3 DEF. Still... I'm really, really blown right now.

Oh yeah, let's not forget our usual friend.



That makes Marth #7. This guy really likes me. This one's +ATK/-SPD. First +ATK Marth I've ever gotten. Already have the best nature though.

Also got Setsuna, Camilla and Cecillia. All -ATK. What's amazing is that I thought that I was missing out on units by not doing full pulls this banner, but If I'd just been sniping greens I may have gotten Brave Ike. Now I'm reset with not a single CYL unit on this banner in 80 orbs. My morale has dropped immensely.

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Eh, I've already got two Brave heroes, but I'm feeling greedy. Let's try again.

  1. 5* Genny: Well, didn't see that coming. +Def/-Res, so mediocre IVs. Still, another 5* healer's always nice. Need to feed her a Lissa for Rehabilitate.
  2. 4* Ogma: Meh, no real use for you.
  3. 4* Selena: Yay, more Reposition fodder.
  4. 5* Brave Lucina: Hah, I knew this would be worth it! She's +Def/-Atk, which leaves me a little conflicted between keeping this one or the free neutral. I mainly need her for tanking, but I really don't like the reduced killing power. I'm probably going to stick with my original neutral.
  5. 4* Titania: Eh. I could promote and merge for my first +2 5* unit, but I have better things to feather for now.

That went extremely well. Better than I expected, but not as good as I hoped. I did get a new 5*, but Genny isn't a Brave hero, and making my current Brave Lucina +1 isn't as appealing as Brave Roy or Ike. Still, I'm not going to pass up this great gift from Anna.




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Threaten Def banner, so free summon time!

1 Red, 2 each Blue or Colourless


Alright, that'll do for now.

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Ever since he was added, Seth seems to be some kind of good omen for me that precedes or directly follows good pulls. Never pulled reds on his banner, but my second session for the Brave banner brought me my first 4-star Seth, and the very next session gave me my first Eirika, who was even a 5-star. A few sessions later, and I got another Seth right after pulling Brave Roy. And now, after backing out of my free pull session (3-star Shanna), I got a 5-star Seth after finally getting a Roderick with a great boon/bane, plus some decent fodder in the form of Odin and Hawkeye. Makes me feel a bit bad for not really caring about him...

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11 minutes ago, Usana said:

Well my free summon netted me a 3 star Female Corrin. While I imagine Eirika would really like her brother to join her, it doesn't look like he is going to show.

Same for me, except with 4★ Corrin.

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