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Got my first 5* from a freebie summon today (not counting the guaranteed one). I received a duplicate 5* Ephraim :D Haven't checked his boon/bane yet, but he's either merging with my current one, or getting my current one merged into him depending ^.^

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Well I have done two summons today, the first was the free summon on the new banner. I chose blue just in case I got a dupe Ephraim to merge (since even though my current one is -atk, he's already level 40 and has so much si on him) and I got a 4* Roderick, not bad, a new unit for me.

Now for the main summon, brave heroes, I only had enough orbs for 1 summon, so rip me possibly getting Ike and Roy in this session, I chose blue, and it's

5* Clair....... +spd,-def......I don't know how to feel, on one side it's Clair and a new unit, but on the opposite side she's a 5*, wasted my pity rate, and could have been brave lucina.

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Uggh, managed to grind up another 13 orbs from some maps I hadn't completed yet(mostly the lunatic cyl quests/maps). Before Summoning I always try to have 9-13 orbs so that I can get the 1 orb cheaper pulls if I end up with 2 or 3 of the color I am going for.

So what do I get? +HP/-Res 5* Reinhardt. I guess he is goad cavalry/Vantage 3 fodder? Given the number of times I have summoned I am getting an insane number of 5* off this banner. This must make at least 8 now. But only 1 on banner. I would gladly have traded the 5 extra for just 1 copy each of the Braves.

@LucarioGamer812 - Ugh do I hate pity ruining heroes. I really wish we could refuse them to keep the pity rate(but lose the orbs spent of course). Not that I have had much of a chance to build pity on this banner.

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The day I decide to do a full summon:


It looks that Eirika hear that her brother was a focus and she decided to come up !

Bad side:

Eirika is -Atk +Def

Good side:

is the first time I summon Eirika!

In the other hand, Reinhard (the one that appeared first is this session) is +Res -Spd . Well, is better than my 4* one that was -Atk , so I know have some vantage fooder?

Well, this is fine, since... I was looking for a spare Peri (I want her skill for my Oboro!!!!) so, yeah, this is good!

Too bad there was no colorless to see if Innes finally come to me :(

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And my luck improves again, from the new banner I got a 3* Subaki (more Quick Riposte fooder is always welcome) and then I went again for the CYL banner and I got a +Atk -Spd B!Ike!!! Now I got everything I wanted from that banner so I'm free to save orbs for the speculated Tellius Banner.

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Hunted some more reds and blues and I got Roy! Finally.

Oh, not THAT Roy, normal Roy. I've never pulled him since game release. Good nature too. +Atk/-Res. As a TA user, I would prefer a speed boosting nature. But I may promote him anyway. 

There was also a blue containing a 5 star Lukas who spooked my pity rate. +Res/-Spd. Not as good a nature as my 4 star +Def/-Res. I'll hang onto him for the day I eventually promote my Lukas. Unfortunately, his weapon is crap, probably going to be outclassed by Nephenee with the brand new Slaying lance. And I don't care for Fortress Def on anybody I own save for maybe Lukas himself. So I guess I'll stop hunting for CYL Roy and CYL Lucina and start saving for October's presumable seasonal banner. I still have my free CYL hero though. Definitely using it on Roy, but I'm morbidly curious how long they'll allow me to keep the option of choosing so I probably won't do it just yet.

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3 hours ago, SniperGYS said:

It looks that Eirika hear that her brother was a focus and she decided to come up !

Bad side:

Eirika is -Atk +Def

Good side:

is the first time I summon Eirika!

In the other hand, Reinhard (the one that appeared first is this session) is +Res -Spd . Well, is better than my 4* one that was -Atk , so I know have some vantage fooder?

Well, this is fine, since... I was looking for a spare Peri (I want her skill for my Oboro!!!!) so, yeah, this is good!

Too bad there was no colorless to see if Innes finally come to me :(

Congrats on getting the exact same Reinhardt I have! With +res, he becomes surprisingly resilient against mages (although he will got doubled by everything, always, except maybe Sophia)

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Thanks to new banner free pull and some orb hoarding, up to 356 pulled units.


Free pull: 3* Subaki




And boons/banes:


Subaki (+HP/-Atk): Thank goodness Swap/QR2 is a good skill inheritance chain.

Roderick (+Res/-Spd): Someone's getting a Firesweep Lance.  Maybe Catria?

Robin (+Res/-Spd): Bonfire fodder NEVER gets old.
Palla (+HP/-Spd): Neither does Moonbow fodder.
Frederick (+Def/-Spd): And someone who doesn't mind the Speed bane!  Usable, but I much prefer +Atk.
Est (+Spd/-Def): And the one unit that sucks as skill fodder winds up with a good combat spread.  Now where's Florina?

Great for fodder.  Now I need units that can take advantage of said fodder!


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Pardon my excitement, but w00t!  3 out of 4, baby!


Got my focus pull rate up to about 3.5% from previous days' pulls and managed to grab me an Ike on my first (and only) pull today on the Brave Heroes banner!  Literally was the only green there, as you can see below.  Mine's +SPD and -HP.  That's not...terrible, right?  I know the +SPD isn't of much help with Hector, but I can still make it work, right?



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I don't think you're +spd actually, both of my Brave Ikes had 6 speed and they were neutral speed. Unless I'm missing something.

EDIT: You're actually +HP -res, the same as one of my Brave Ikes.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Bought orbs recently because I'm impulsive, so between that and free orbs I'd had saved up, I managed to pull this:


Ike's +Atk/-HP, and the other is +Spd/-Res, so he's either Steady Stance fodder or is going to end up as a +1 for the first Ike. Roy's +Def/-HP, so that's doable. It's not a bane to Attack or Speed, at least.

I pulled Lyn as my free unit, too, so now I just need Lucina and I'll have everyone! Huzzah for upcoming free orbs!!

(crossing my fingers that this post doesn't double-submit like every other time i've posted on this thread)

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42 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I don't think you're +spd actually, both of my Brave Ikes had 6 speed and they were neutral speed. Unless I'm missing something.

EDIT: You're actually +HP -res, the same as one of my Brave Ikes.

Either I'm crap at reading numbers or one of the FEH apps I have on my tablet needs to revise their numbers.  Looks pretty good, regardless. ^_^

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Just pulled my third Brave Lucina, though technically second since the first one was the freebie! Both of my pulled Lucinas have terrible natures, so I'll probably just merge them into my neutral one.

I was really hoping for Azura or Brave Lyn, but maybe some other day. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that I've been able to pull 3 focus units so early in the banner's life (Lucina, Ike, Lucina), but I'd gladly trade them away for other heroes.

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Hector and Lyn lost today. I think I need a pull.

2 Blue, 3 Colourless

4* Jagen (Fortify Cav fodder is nice, +Res/-Spd nature sucks), 3* Wendy (Would you stop that? I need other fodder please)

3 Green, 1 each Red and Blue

4* Draug (+Def/-Spd, Might be worthwhile, and if not he has Ward Armour), 4* Mae (+Res/-Def, a reverse of what I had before), 4* Nino (Please be good. +Att/-HP, certainly will use! Thanks RNG, though +Spd would be better), 3* Arthur (Waste of 2000 feathers? You Decide! Next time on Fire Emblem Heroes: Crisis on Infinite Zeniths), 4* Sheena (WOOO Finally! I mean, how long has it been to get her? +Def/-Spd, well all I have to get now is get a better Effie and give the one I have to her!)

A better Nino, sone neat fodder and a new unit. Not a Brave hero, but still.

Edited by Dayni
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3 hours ago, eclipse said:

Thanks to new banner free pull and some orb hoarding, up to 356 pulled units.

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Free pull: 3* Subaki




And boons/banes:

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Subaki (+HP/-Atk): Thank goodness Swap/QR2 is a good skill inheritance chain.

Roderick (+Res/-Spd): Someone's getting a Firesweep Lance.  Maybe Catria?

Robin (+Res/-Spd): Bonfire fodder NEVER gets old.
Palla (+HP/-Spd): Neither does Moonbow fodder.
Frederick (+Def/-Spd): And someone who doesn't mind the Speed bane!  Usable, but I much prefer +Atk.
Est (+Spd/-Def): And the one unit that sucks as skill fodder winds up with a good combat spread.  Now where's Florina?

Great for fodder.  Now I need units that can take advantage of said fodder!


Oh, a +Def, -Spd Freddy is definitely usable! I should know, that's what my 5 star one is. :P

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New summon for Threaten Def banner was...a Peri! But 4 star! But it doesn't matter since I needed on for Cherche the day before the banner started!

Other account had a 3 star Subaki which is useful. Final YOLO summon for blade banner in the hopes of getting Odin was a 4 star Reinhardt which will become my second Reinhardt for a defense team. (Currently planning a bonus, 2x Reinhardt, Olwen team)

Also a bit late but I really want to immortalise what happened when CYL went live.

My main was disappointing as usual. No green orbs for a few pulls when I wanted CYL Ike. Usual Jagen for a free summon. I did get a duplicate Jeorge (+Atk/-HP) and Oboro (+Spd/-HP) which was better than my +Spd/-HP Jeorge and Neutral Oboro- so I merged them and trained them again. I just went ahead and got my free Brave Lyn since I badly needed a 5 star archer.

On my other account though my free summon was:



CYL!Ike!!! This account really takes all of my luck.

I then did another summon to try and get either Lucina or Lyn. There were some green orbs again which I was debating on pulling but I did need another 5 star green mage so...



A second Ike!?! What luck is this!? Turns out the first one was -Atk/+Def and this one was -HP/+Res so it's nice to get a non-attack bane one! This is the fastest duplicate 5 star character I've gotten...and a focus, too!

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OK, time to catch up:

Final pulls in the Magvel Banner:





Yup, didn't get a single focus unit. Hopefully I can get a Tana or an Amelia in the future. At least Klein finally showed up, and a +Atk to boot!

Free pull in the Male Gauntlet Banner: 5* Lucina. Talk about luck!

Free pull in the Female Gauntlet Banner: 4* Hinata. Nice Fury fodder.

Free pick in the Brave Hero Banner: Brave Lyn.

Pulls in the CYL Banner:






Lots of fodder, as well as my first Lucius, and finally I got another Brave Hero and since I got Lancina, I can now make a Lucina Emblem team!

Oh, and the free pull in the last banner was a 3* Robin. Eh.

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