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So free summon on my main- looking for Ninian...got a 5 star Catria!?! But...she's +Res/-Atk.

Opened 1 more blue orb and 2 green orbs- Hawkeye, Barter and a neutral Oboro so now I have a +4 Oboro at 4 star. (Kind of thinking to give the Catria to Oboro but I need to get her lv40 speech first and see how we will get Nephenee for a Slaying Lance)

My second account's free summon was a Cherche at 3 star. Okay, but there's also another green Orb that I was hoping for a Hector......AND I GOT HIM!!!! Now I won't have to slave away in the armour quests!

.....But he's -Atk/+Spd. @Rezzy please :( 

But so glad I finally have him in my second account so at least I have a bonus unit to train up, especially after getting nothing from the Voting Gauntlet banner. 

At the least the Cherche (who was also -Atk) can give him Pivot for the TTs

Edited by mcsilas
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1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:

No greens showed up, but there was a red. Got Lyn as my free summon. +Atk/-Res to replace my +Spd/-Atk that I've had since launch day. Wow that's lucky. 

Screw you, seriously, screw you a LOT.

Free pull was this.



Yeah, I've never pulled her before, so I considered it a win. She's +ATK/-HP so we can definitely do quite a bit with that, but I still had orbs so I kept going.

After that, no more red orbs so I went out and re-entered, no red orbs at all so I pulled colorless. Got Matthew, yet another bad nature in +RES/-SPD so my search continues. Pulled out and went in again, only one red orb, I'm all in. Covered my eyes, heard the five stars... uncovered them and-



I can't even begin to describe how outdone I am right now. Yes, FE7 was my first game. Yes, I like Eliwood and I've been with him on his journey countless times. Yes, I would \

ike to have a *5 of him and I have a +ATK/-HP one I was going to promote someday (This one's +DEF/-HP) and yes, Hector will be glad to see him. But right now... all he is is '] ;nj mk. I have been pulling for Lyn since I first started playing this game in anticipation for a banner so the amount of disappoint I have of pulling a FOCUS *5 from a LYN banner and it not being Lyn is catastrophic. I KNEW I was going to get Eliwood before her, just was a feeling in my gut.

One more pool, wouldn't you know it? There are 2 red orbs now that I only have 5 left. I pull one, it's a *4 Fir. Could the other one have been her? I don't know. But every single pull I made on this banner was an Elibe unit. In fact, I have every Elibe unit at this point except for Jaffar and Lyn. And now I have Eliwood, Hector and Nino at *5 with Matthew waiting in the wings to be promoted. It's almost as if the game is prepping me for her. I'm going to get her this time...

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Finally pulled my first of the Brave heroes, a Brave Ike. Now that I've successfully targeted and pulled two much-desired heroes, I'm starting to get a sense of what's required.

1. Save up orbs for at least a few weeks.

2. Spend all your orbs.

3. Get nothing.

4. Continue to collect orbs, sniping whenever you collect an amount that feels "safe", even though it pains you to spend 5 orbs for a single troop. Suck up all the lame 3 star pulls. 

5. Repeat step 4 until the banner ends or you get your troop. 

My Ike is +ATK & -SPD though, and I followed that up by grabbing a free neutral Brave Lyn so now I feel lucky and extremely glad to be done with that banner. 


Edited by Personette
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Holy cow, I pulled a 5* Catria as a free unit.

Still no luck on Ike though. To add insult to injury, I have pulled three Sorens and of course, in his summon line he asks if Ike is here... I feel like the game is mocking me.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

My free summon was a 3★ Henry because of course it was.

I feel your pain. 3* Male!Robin was my freebie from the Threaten Def banner while bad luck incarnate (3* Arthur) was what my free pull from the Tempest banner got me. My luck just had to regress to the mean after the Lucina pull on the VG Block B banner.

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Pity breaker on the Brave banner. Duplicate Merric, same +HP boon (though the new one is -Atk, not -Res). I'd merge them, but not like the old Merric accomplished much. Should probably build him, maybe.

When's the BHB banner for Magvel out? I want to see the Ephraim-ness of that one before I decide to go for Threaten Def Ephraim. I don't know if I want to try for Brave Ike again...

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Huh, I really like FE7, so let's do a pull.

3 grey orbs...Damnit.

  1. 3* Robin: Again?!
  2. 4* Cecilia: Meh.

Well, that was useless. Let's try again.

  1. 4* Hinata: More Fury fodder.
  2. 4* Effie: Eh, already have 2 of you.
  3. 4* Est: Haven't seen you in a while. Pass.
  4. 3* Cherche: Bleh.
  5. 3* Frederick: Luna fodder if I care to use the feathers.

That was a waste except for the skill fodder. Maybe I'll pull more later.

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46 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo Do you have a CYL Lyn at least?

But yeah I feel for you, especially with her (and Hector) being in 2 summon pools at the same time and you still don't have her :(

One day!

I got the free one. But I don't have any other CYL units and I was comitted to saving orbs to either blow on the banner to shoot for Ike or save for the PoR units (In case of Mia/Ilyana) but a Lyn banner changes everything. This is a terrible situation because I knew a TT would come with her on it, I just didn't think it would be now. I can live without a lot of units, I'll be massively disappointed without more Brave units, but I got the one I truly wanted the most so it'll be alright.

I've been pulling for Lyn since the beginning so if she's in TWO banners and I still don't get her before this is over... words don't express.

Into the rabbit hole we go.

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

My second account's free summon was a Cherche at 3 star. Okay, but there's also another green Orb that I was hoping for a Hector......AND I GOT HIM!!!! Now I won't have to slave away in the armour quests!

.....But he's -Atk/+Spd. @Rezzy please :(

MY KINSMAN!  I thought that combo was awful on Hector, until I saw just how many things failed to double him.  He, in turn, smacked them twice, ensuring victory.


My free pull was a 4* Raven (+Def/-Atk).  I guess it fits the theme?  Luckily, I have three of the units on the banner, so I'll be fine.

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Another banner! Another free summon! (I already have each of these units (well, Brave Lyn instead of Lyn aside), so no need to keep pulling here)

2 Red, 1 each Green, Blue, Colouress

3* Est (Worst flier again! Least her IV doesn't suck so much that I couldn't use her for quests. (+Spd/-Res)) (Seriously, -Spd Est is horrible to use)

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20 minutes ago, eclipse said:

MY KINSMAN!  I thought that combo was awful on Hector, until I saw just how many things failed to double him.  He, in turn, smacked them twice, ensuring victory.


My free pull was a 4* Raven (+Def/-Atk).  I guess it fits the theme?  Luckily, I have three of the units on the banner, so I'll be fine.

Good to know! I'm really banking on those extra bonus unit stat points for the mini-Tempest Trails though haha. I've already started giving him skills like that same pull's Cherche's Pivot. Can give him an extra Robin for Bonfire now, too.

I do have that new 4 star Reinhardt for Vantage but...I was planning to have a double Reinhardt defense team. Besides that, I don't have any good B skill fodder right now except a Palla for Wings of Mercy 2. Or a 3 star Lissa for Renewal?

I'll still use him though since I like that guy anyway, and yeah I finally have a 5 star armour for the monthly quests (Zephiel keeps being pushed back in the promotion line). Will merge him later if I get another one, though I wish I had more for Distant Counter fodder for Brave Ike.

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3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

My second account's free summon was a Cherche at 3 star. Okay, but there's also another green Orb that I was hoping for a Hector......AND I GOT HIM!!!! Now I won't have to slave away in the armour quests!

.....But he's -Atk/+Spd. @Rezzy please :(

Congratz on your Hector, I aswell own one with that nature. Don't be too discouraged by the nature; he still is very effective and I never noticed the drop in Attackpower to be much of an issue especially should you choose to go classical Bonfire on him. As eclipse already said, his extra Speed can help him to avoid doubles that otherwise might happen, allowing him in return to demolish his enemies.


Anyway, time for my own pulls!

Free pull on Threaten Defense Banner was a 3* Arthur. Oh well, I do like Swap so I'll gladly take him.

Free pull on the new TT Banner:




5* Hone Fliers Hinoka (+Def -Res): WTF, I did not expect this to happen. I'm very very happy about her, finally I can start to seriously build up a Flier Team. I already own all Units I need for that, Hone Fliers was the only missing component here. Time to finally outfit that BunnyCam with some skills~



And just because I feel like it, another pull from the CYL Banner.

Pity Rate 3.75%, 3 Green 1 Colorless 1 Blue Damn it, no Reds.. I want that Roy...

3* Robin: I will never complain about more Bonfire.

4* Camilla: Already have a 5* one, so she will end up giving Savage Blow to someone.

4* Gunther: Hone Cavalry is always appreciated, my Reinhardt will love to have this on him.

5* Brave Ike (+Def -Res): Nice one. While I don't particularly care about him, I will never say no to a Unit that can withstand Reinhardt. His Def Boon makes him extremely tanky on the physical Side so thats always appreciated. Thank God for the double SP event, otherwise training this dude up would be a nightmare. Why are u no Roy

Since the Rate is broken anyway, let's open that colorless one too!

4* Klein (Nature Whatever): Deathblow 3 Fodder! I love it, this will go straight to my Reinhardt, the dude needs every bit of help he can get with his forsaken +Spd -Atk Nature.


Today was a very good day for me~


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Figured I'd spend the free summon plus 10 orbs in hopes of getting Ninian.

Free summon was... 3-star Jagen (+Def/-Res). Well, I guess I've been wanting some Fortify Cavalry fodder anyway.

Next one was a 4-star Clair (+Spd/-Res). Already have a better Clair trained up, and I'm not sure who would want Hit and Run that I haven't already given it to, so I may just send her home for a few extra feathers.

No more blue orbs, so I started another session and... still no blue orbs. One green, so maybe Hector instead?

...3-star Cherche. I thought she had a bad nature, but I just rechecked, and she's actually +Atk/-HP, which I think is better than my +Def/-Res one? I have a 5-star Camilla that could donate a Brave Axe+, so maybe this wasn't as much of a loss as I thought. Other than having 10 less orbs for the BHB banner, anyway.

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6 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

+Spd/-Def.  Well then.  This sort of makes up for my 5% pity rate on the CYL banner.  I might just use him for the upcoming trials. 

That will be good for him indeed. He can take Desperation and Iceberg together, which can work well for him.

Well, might as well pull again.

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue

4* Donnel (Probably could be a better pull, though +HP/-Spd could be good), 3* Hana (Decidedly meh. Though +Att/-Res is actually good), 3* Wrys (Old Man! He's +Res, I might just train him to use)

Pulled out there.

2 each Colourless, Green, 1 Blue

3* Jagen (Fortify fodder it is!), 4* Merric (A new unit! Neat, a magic anti-flier. He's even +Spd/-Def), 3* Cecilia (I checked, she's +Spd. Any good, or is +Att what I want?), 3* Azama (Asshat is here again. Why does he keep happening?), 4* Jakob (+Res/-HP, might as well figure out who wants Renewal)

4%. Come on then.

2 Blue, 1 each Colourless, Red, Green

5* Brave Ike (YAY! He came! I was hoping to get an infantry green, and here he is! Also, Urvan's his partner. Must make mortgage negotiations easy. And the phone crashed afterwards. Must not want me to get more. He's +Def/-Att, somewhat sadly), 4* Raigh (Well, I'll find some unit to take his stuff, especially because +Res/-Att), 4* Reinhardt (FREINDSHIP IS EVERYTHING! Finally, I might see what the buzz is about! Sadly, he's +Def/-Att, so no good to me), 4* Oboro (+Res/-HP, she's dropped), 4* Felicia (More than once I hoped for a brave unit this time. I think I shouldn't bother. +Res/-Spd, no point)

Out of orbs. Least I got Brave Ike. Hopefully I can get at least Bravecina before it's over. Might never come again

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