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Ahh, finally!  I think I've sunk 80 orbs into this banner, but I finally did it!  Welcome to the team, Hector!  You're HP bane and Speed boon which is only slightly sucky, but you're a happy addition to the team regardless.


Managed to grab him after grinding 11 orbs and trying my luck one last time on the banner.  Got a 4* Soren first, then my lovely THOT!Slayer





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I decided to do a few impulse pulls on the Tempest Trials banner because I wanted a Ninian. Those few impulse pulls swiftly turned into "Just give me a five star so my pity percentage doesn't go to waste!"

Well... I got one.




I think I'm just gonna not let myself summon for a while. Thankfully Tellius is likely to be the next banner, and I have no intention of pulling from it, so I should have some time to build up my orbs again before any more of my favourites start showing up.

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Spent another 34 orbs for Brave Roy and got some nice SI fodder but still not Roy... sitting at 3.75% now but debating if I should just start saving again. With my luck it would hit 4% by the end of the banner and I would be out of orbs...

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I'm.. conflicted. I was going to promote my 4* Nowi tomorrow but I just pulled a 5* version (+atk -hp, which is awesome). So I can actually merge her tomorrow instead. But this is the third time my pity rate has been broken by a non-focus unit for the brave banner :/

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17 minutes ago, Kiran said:

I'm.. conflicted. I was going to promote my 4* Nowi tomorrow but I just pulled a 5* version (+atk -hp, which is awesome). So I can actually merge her tomorrow instead. But this is the third time my pity rate has been broken by a non-focus unit for the brave banner :/

Frankly, the merge sounds like a good idea.  Not only do you get a boost in a couple of stats towards an already favorably crafted IV nature, but you get a free 120 SP to put towards any skills you want to add on.  Not really seeing the downside there, unless you're hoping for a focus pull to focus your time into training.


(If the training thing is an issue, I've found that putting your unit in a team with two dancers and a healer can get him/her from 1-40 in about 30 minutes to an hour, easy.  Even less if you are willing to skip out on those extra early 20 level Unit Kill SP earnings.)

Edited by Selena4Lyfe
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4 minutes ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

Frankly, the merge sounds like a good idea.  Not only do you get a boost in a couple of stats towards an already favorably crafted IV nature, but you get a free 120 SP to put towards any skills you want to add on.  Not really seeing the downside there, unless you're hoping for a focus pull to focus your time into training.

The problem is I really want another CYL unit rather then Nowi. If this was any other banner, I would actually be extremely happy. And to have my pity rate broken 3 times by non-focus units kinda sucks

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1 minute ago, Kiran said:

The problem is I really want another CYL unit rather then Nowi. If this was any other banner, I would actually be extremely happy. And to have my pity rate broken 3 times by non-focus units kinda sucks

Ahh, I gotcha.  Still, I'm of the belief that it's best to work with what you have until you can get better.  No doubt you're gonna feel some sorrow regarding this, but the salt will stop stinging soon.  Besides, they'll be permanent additions to the summoning roster, so you'll always have a chance to snatch up whoever you haven't gotten by banner's end. ^_^

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18 minutes ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

Unless you're doing this for skill fodder, I strongly suggest seeking out professional help, buddy.

No, they're both what I'm actually looking for.

They're also adorable.

this is what I got


What do I do with Leo. He looks cool.

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7 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

No, they're both what I'm actually looking for.

They're also adorable.

this is what I got


What do I do with Leo. He looks cool.

You're looking at a pretty strong red mage there, bud.  Do you know his IVs, his bane and boon?  That'll help you in devising a Skill Inheritance strategy.

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1 minute ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

You're looking at a pretty strong red mage there, bud.  Do you know his IVs, his bane and boon?  That'll help you in devising a Skill Inheritance strategy.

yah, I checked.



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22 minutes ago, Clogon said:

My pity rate went up to 6%. I got rewarded with a -ATK+Res B!Lucina. :( This one is even wose than my previous -SPD+RES one...

I'd definitely take significantly better Spd.

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So I got pretty lucky on the Brave Heroes Banner at first, picking up Ike fairly quickly after picking Lyn for my freebie. However, after that... not so much. I've been pulling for days, saving up and scrounging for as many orbs as I possibly could, pulling whenever I had a good amount. The only summons I've been going for are Lucina and Roy, so red and blue.

So today I found myself with 4 orbs after getting them from the arena. I was up to 5% on the CYL Banner. Five percent! I haven't been that high on percentages since the first Hero Fest.

So I was also grinding for a Destiny Knot in Pokémon Sun (yes this is related). For fun, I told myself that if I randomly found a shiny Pokémon while grinding, I would purchase the 20+3 orb bundle, since obviously that would mean my current luck is pretty high. Since I have the Shiny Charm, my odds of finding a shiny Pokémon is 1 in 4,096.

Haha, funny joke, right?

...So I encountered a shiny Fearow while grinding, which happens to have a green tint to it compared to normal Fearow. After laughing hysterically, I tossed an Ultra Ball and caught it instantly with no trouble. Well, I told myself, I guess this is a sign! So I went ahead and bought the orb pack and summoned on the CYL banner, hoping and praying that this would be the one. Finally, I would get Lucina and/or Roy!

The summon orbs appeared:
3 Red
1 Blue
1 Green

Alright, awesome! No colorless horror for me, and only one green. A bit high on the reds and Roy is second priority, but I would welcome him with open arms.

First red orb... 3* Henry. I immediately cursed my luck. After the 3*/4* switch I always cringe every time I get a 3* since 4*s are now more common. But alright, alright. It's just the first one, plenty of orbs left.

Second red orb... 3* Draug. UUUUGHHH! I have had enough of this guy. This summon costing money and being possibly one of my last good chances to get Lucina and Roy just made it worse.

I decided to get the blue orb over with since I really wanted to know if I got a B!Lucina. Finally, the smoke of potential and hope poofed from the summoning platform and... 5* Abel. NOOOOO! Now don't get me wrong, I like Abel. The problem is that I already have two other 5* Abels sitting on the sidelines most of the time and I already have a good number of lance units. If this were a normal summon maybe I wouldn't have minded so much, but this Abel single-handedly may have just ruined my chances of getting Lucina or Roy for a loooong time.

So I didn't have much hope for the rest of this summoning, but since I had such a high percent I decided to see if my luck catching the shiny Fearow was worth anything at all.

Third red orb... and I get Alm! He's +Atk/-Res, which is one of his best natures. Better than that though, he's a new unit for me and the first Falchion user I've pulled so far! (other than "Marth" from the Tempest Trials). So I'm actually rather happy about this and can't wait to have him get to work and for him to show me what he's made of.

And finally... the green orb. After a banner of admitted mostly disappointment (Alm excluded), I wasn't expecting much. Maybe yet another 3* Bartre to rub salt in the wound. But, I sucked it up and summoned... and it was... Brave Ike! Huzzah! Now while I do already have a Brave Ike, I don't mind getting him in the slightest as Steady Breath seems fantastic and I can't wait to think about the potential on other units. The B!Ike I already have is +HP/-Spd, which works out just fine. This one is +Hp/-Def, which isn't great and I'll be keeping my original Ike for general battle purposes.

So in the end, while I got neither Lucina nor Roy, I got three 5-stars in one summon, which is pretty amazing. But the one thing I noticed about all of my 5-stars... is that Abel wears green armor and has green hair. Alm has green hair as well. And Brave Ike comes from the green orbs on summoning.

Shiny Fearow is GREEN. Of COURSE my luck would be green-related! I really cannot believe that actually happened that way and it actually makes the summoning worth it for the useful units and the hilarity factor.

I'm still holding onto hope that I can get a Lucina and/or Roy on this banner even though my pity rate has been thoroughly sundered. I'm glad to hear that they're sticking around after the banner ends, but probably won't be focus units for quite a while.

Long post is long! TL;DR - I caught a shiny Fearow and then decided to summon based on my luck and got three 5-stars, which are all related to the color green.

Happy summoning everyone!

Green Day.PNG

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The BHB banner has officially sucked for me. After pulling 5-star Reinhardt on my free pull, everything else sucked. Didn't get Ephraim, got a bunch of 3-stars from that banner, and the one new character I got (Jeorge) is +HP -spd. I have a 4% on that banner and I have to give up on it.

Fuck Ephraim.

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16 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

The BHB banner has officially sucked for me. After pulling 5-star Reinhardt on my free pull, everything else sucked. Didn't get Ephraim, got a bunch of 3-stars from that banner, and the one new character I got (Jeorge) is +HP -spd. I have a 4% on that banner and I have to give up on it.

Fuck Ephraim.

I couldn't even hear you after that.

I suppose I can relate though, free Hector and 2 Eliwoods but no Lyn. Best of luck to you.

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I decided that I would much rather get rid of my pity rate than save my orbs. (Although, now I'm going to do my best and only pull when one of my favorite characters becomes available. Watch the next banner have 6 of my favorite characters. lol)

I managed to get rid of my 4.75% pity rate with a Nowi (+ATK -HP). This will make my third 5 star Nowi, and you know what? I'm okay with that. XD I got rid of that accursed percentage. And I think I'll keep my +SPD -HP Nowi instead. So it looks like one of my dragons can get Lightning Breath+. It's just a question of Ninian, Young Tiki, or Fae...

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/does a last YOLO pull to get Ephraim from BHB Banner

5 reds... :/

just got a 3 star Hana and noped out of there

Did get a -Def/+HP Seth from the Brave banner though.

Also still no actual chance summoned Brave Hero on my main account. Did get a +Spd/-Res 4 star Sully and 3 star Arthur though which sounds good

Also received a 4 star -Def/+HP Nowi...I guess the -Atk/+HP is better cause of more bulk?

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