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So I got Elincia. +HP,-Res. I suppose I won't be pulling on this banner anymore. I mean I could use a better nature(but this one is hardly terrible) and I still want a young Tiki for my dragon team, so pulling on reds wouldn't be totally futile. But I don't love and adore Elincia so just having another red flier option that is viable is all I really wanted. The Blues. I got LOTS of blues so while Neph is looks nice, I think I'll save orbs for later.

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6 minutes ago, Usana said:

So I got Elincia. +HP,-Res. I suppose I won't be pulling on this banner anymore. I mean I could use a better nature(but this one is hardly terrible) and I still want a young Tiki for my dragon team, so pulling on reds wouldn't be totally futile. But I don't love and adore Elincia so just having another red flier option that is viable is all I really wanted. The Blues. I got LOTS of blues so while Neph is looks nice, I think I'll save orbs for later.

Imo she is the best unit of this banner. You might get a better nature one day. Better save up orbs!

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5 hours ago, Absolute Zero said:

First pull from banner jeez. Both Nephs are plus res lol but hey 2x of my favorite PoR unit and one's not minus attack! And Elincia is +Spd, -Def lmfao this is by far my best session ever.

Luck was so good I went Yolo with the last five orbs to see if I could nab Oscar and finish out the banner and got a second Tana. 4 golds for 20 orbs kinda want to know the odds on that one. Well I certainly get to hoard orbs for a while now.


Congrats man! I call this orbs well spent! Hope this happens to me one day☺

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After Elincia & Nephenee....Get Oscar -Att +Spd (Inevitable, with my luck with this game).

Summon again...Pull a second 5* Sanaki with bad IV's.

Frustrating as. Will keep attempting this banner but.

Overall, I seem to have no issues in pulling 5* units...I just never pull a decent one (Or a decent one with optimal IV's anyway. Very rare).

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Well I pulled a 5* today. Though it wasn't the Nephenee I wanted, I guess I'll take Oscar. -Atk,+hp is such a terrible nature though, to be honest he's mainly going in the collection so yeah.


12 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Rezzy Pull Rules

1: Your 5*s will be -Atk

2: If there is more than one Banner unit of the same color, you will pull at least two or three of the unit you want less before you get the one you want, if ever


Yep seems to be true for me right now, besides the dupe Oscar part, I hope that doesn't happen.

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I got 13 free orbs, couldn't contain myself and decided to snipe reds, since there's no way more than 3 of those show up

ended up getting a +spd -hp Elincia, which is super great


also got fury fodder, which is really cool

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Holy shit i am so mad i reached %3.50 pity rate (Honestly not a big deal since i didn't spend my Lunatic orbs) and my all 10 characters summoned are 3 Peri 3 Robin 1 Hinata 2 Subaki and 1 Clair  they are good fodders but my friend messaged me today and he send me a screenshot of his summoning and he got +Speed Nephenee and +Attack Celica in the same summon ! like i am super salty right now why this cant happen to me :(

Edited by FiyaaEmburem
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Wow, what is with everyone and their mothers getting lucky and getting Elincia (and most of them having great IVs to boot!)? Meanwhile I spent 100+ orbs and only have a 4% pity rate to show for it :( 

Edited by Levin's Scarf
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I didn't get the greatest iv for Elincia but I'll take it. I pulled 3 Nephenee with 1 being +atk and 2 Oscar. It cost a lot of orbs but I'll take it. I also got -atk Rein, -atk Delthea and Cordelia. I might try for another Elincia but Red has too many potential traps lol

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So, CYL is gone. Didn't get Bravecina sadly, but moving on.

I tried to get Elinica, and after 5 different rounds of summoning with only one red orb each, I got the following (don't want to put those down too)

3* Eliwood (So my free unit is someone I just promoted? What a waste)


3* Lon'qu (This is more like it as fodder!)

4* M!Corrin (He's +Def/-Att, so fodder he is!)

4* Athena (New unit! And she's +Att/-Res, likely perfect IVs too! Yay!)

3.25% it is. For another time.

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Did another full pull on Dauntless Crimeans, looking for fodder more than anything else.



Elincia: +Def/-Res, Boey: Neutral, Lukas: +Hp/-Res, Maria: +Res/-Atk, Nino: +Spd/-Atk

Oh...oh my.  No fodder really, but two new five star units with non-debilitating natures is an amazing pull, and a focus character no less. I'm always very happy to expand my air force.  The others just went to merges/SI. 


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Also, Shin pulled a better Nino than the one I have. Now I have to replace her!

Edited by Sunwoo
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Finished a bunch of missions, so I think I'll try again for a sword flier.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green

4* Tharja (Hey look, never pulled her before now! She's +Spd/-Res, great nature too. Shame she's already hit the creepy button on her introduction)

1 Blue, 2 each Colourless and Red

3* Olivia (might check for a nature better than -Spd. It's messed me up before), 3* Sophia (She has Dragon Fang to pass I guess?)

5 Blue (What a crapshoot!)

3* Odin (At least it was worthwhile fodder)

3 Red, 2 Blue

3* Laslow (Axebreaker too!), 3* Raigh (Surprisingly, he might have had use for HP, if he got HP +4 at 3*. No such luck), 5* Elincia (JACKPOT! She's sadly +Def/-Spd, so I might try again), 4* Oboro (So, I often question who she's good for as fodder), 3* M!Robin (That was half a waste though, because he has Bonfire)

If the rumours about the TT are correct, I'll try to get a better nature then. Until then, I have a question. Is it more worthwhile to merge to a better rarity Elincia or fodder and does anyone else think that Death Blow's worth passing over Flier Formation?

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Orbs galore!  Now up to 385 total pulled units~!






And for boons/banes:


Fir (+HP/-Spd): My only complaint is that you're a 3*.  There's several characters that want Speed +3.
Bartre (+Spd/-HP): Looks bad at first glance.  However, Fury 3 bumps him to 32 Speed, which is really respectable for a green tank whose goal is to make Effie cry.
Beruka (+Spd/-HP): You, on the other hand, will still be at 29 Speed, even with Fury 3.  Life and Death is out of the question.  I needed Glimmer fodder, so yay.
Cherche (+Res/-Def): Attack +3 is the cheap version of Fury.  But there's a couple of units that can make use of it!
Merric (+HP/-Atk): A pity that Excalibur can't be inherited!  Spur Res 3 isn't the best skill to inherit, but it's better than nothing.

Sophia (+Res/-Def): Fortify Res 3 is something I sometimes give to people!
Eirika (+Atk/-Res): Well. . .dammit.  I have a 5* one that's +Atk/-HP.  Not sure if I should have two Nino buffers, or sac this one for Hone Spd 3.
Cain (+Atk/-Def): My first Cain, with an amazing boon/bane~!  Will fit nicely on the cavalry team, somewhere!
Beruka (+Spd/-Atk): There's some people that can work with this.  You're not one of them.
Gordin (+Atk/-HP): And yet another godly Gordin!  At this rate, I can make an army of him!

Corrin (+Spd/-Res): A GOOD CORRIN!  I wonder how he'd do with Swift Sparrow?
Eirika (+Spd/-HP): This is the third amazing Eirika I pulled.  38 Speed ensures that mostly everything won't double her, though 26 base MT is rather disappointing.  Maybe she'd work with Fury?
Sophia (+HP/-Spd): Better than what I've been pulling recently!  But not quite good enough to raise seriously (that would be +Atk/-Spd).
Wrys (neutral): Good, I could always use more Live to Serve and Rehabilitate!
Lissa (+Atk/-Res): Can you switch your combo with the second Beruka?  No?  Ah, well, Rehabilitate + Renewal is my go-to on staffbots in Tempest Trials.

Jagen (+Def/-Spd): And in other news, Fortify Cavalry is a good skill.
Soren (+Spd/-HP): . . .I think I have a similar Soren?  Not sure what to do here. . .
Fae (+Res/-Spd): I'm sorry bubbles, but that's. . .not going to work. . .
Serra (+Def/-Res): I think I have a merged Serra, somewhere. . .
Saizo (+Res/-Spd): Poison Strike fodder, definitely.

So the one Tellius character I pulled was a good one.  Lots of fodder, which means it's time for me to go to work!  Hoping to pull a banner character for future stuffs.


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Got impatient saving orbs for next month, so I checked to see if the game would give me some reds. Just one, and it's Elincia! +HP/-Res, no complaints here. Definitely no longer tempted by the banner now that I have her.

Also got a +Spd/-res 4 star Frederick. Res is the no-brainer bane for him, but I dunno about +spd. 4 points of spd as a 5 star is always enticing, but even with hone cav, 35 speed doubles only a third of the blue units in the game. Even less when you factor in their speed boons, fury, etc. I'll have to really consider a role for Freddy, since all I can think to do is get him a Brave Axe, and that would warrant an +Atk boon above all else.

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Elincia likes me, apparently. Got a second one on my main, I can finally replace my -Spd/+Def Elincia with... -Atk/+Def. Oh well, at least +1 helps make the -Spd hurt less. Still, I'll keep taking more Elincia if she wants to throw herself at me... more merges, and eventually one will be better, right? R-right...?

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Me: Oooooh! Deathblow banner! I can try to get more Kleins! 


Oh well. My free summon was a Draug (+SPD -RES)...which is actually a pretty good nature for me. I may keep him around. My saved orb total is now 69 which is the most I've had for a while. XD I'm proud of myself.

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Ooh, Death Blow heroes. Let's see what luck has in store for me.

  1. 4* Wendy: Wrong armor.
  2. 3* Niles: Meh.
  3. 5* Klein: Very nice. +Res/-HP, so his Glacies will be a bit better than normal.
  4. 5* Y!Tiki: Well, this is a pleasant surprise (especially dat British accent :3). +Spd/-Res, which means she'll do much better as a general-purpose frontliner.
  5. 4* Caeda: Another new unit, even though I still haven't gotten Marth yet. She's +Atk/-Res, which would be good if I didn't have a +Atk Elincia. Shame about that.

So two 5* units with decent IVs plus another new 4*. All in all, definitely worth 15 orbs.

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This was not the -owl banner I had hoped for, but the Death Blow banner has already been good to me. Went in with 5 orbs and a free pull, because why not, might as well try, preferably for Klein. Got one colorless, one blue, and three green. I'm debating going for the colorless and blue, but I have a weird feeling about the bottom right green; the same feeling I had just before pulling two Julias in one session, and the same that I had before pulling Amelia. I decide to go for it, and... it's a 4-star Sheena! Not very exciting to some, but she's one of my favorite characters from (New) Mystery, and I've been hoping to get her since Heroes launched. +HP/-Res too, which isn't perfect, but certainly looks usable. Now the only 4-star hero I have yet to pull is Raven. And I think I've now pulled every hero that Mayo has drawn, including Bride Cordelia and Summer Robin, so that's neat.

Oh yeah, the last five orbs. I probably should've either backed out or gone for colorless next, but I went for the bottom left green instead, and got a 3-star Nino. +Def/-Atk, which is honestly hilariously bad. I can very happily leave this banner now, at least until I hopefully get Elincia or a good off-banner 5-star. I may then come back to this, because I have too many units that want Death Blow (and a few that would like a Brave Bow+ as well). Either way, no matter how difficult it may be to use her, I am 100% going to make this Sheena work.

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As per tradition, my free pull was a 3* though it was a +Atk/-Res Sully which at least is an improvement over my incumbent +HP/-Def one. Too bad for her that I kinda already have Oscar, so... I also opened the lone colorless of the set in vain hopes that it'd be Elise only to find myself getting triggered at the sight of actual garbage 3* Gaius. Needless to say, he is feathers now. Colorless hell indeed...

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I had two choices for colourless orbs (didn't want to open the other while Elincia's around). Got me a +Atk -HP Lucius, a new unit for the Catalogue. Nifty, will probably help the Seal Quests.

Got an Olivia and a male Corrin from the Crimean attempt. Less nifty.

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Huzzah! A Deathblow banner! I've really wanted Effie ever since the game came out and, while I have yet to get her, I have hope for this banner so I'll be saving up. But now I'm torn, since I don't have any of the units from the Crimean banner...

Oh well, I'll save up orbs and decide later.

Incidentally, my free summon for the DB banner was a 4-star Sully! Not too bad, considering I rather like Draw Back and it's a nice alternative when I run out of Reposition fodder.

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