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Did the free pull for Dauntless Crimeans, pulled Nephenee. Boons and banes aren't that great, from what I can tell...



Also just did the free pull for the Tempest Trials, got myself a Linde for the first time. I know absolutely nothing about her, so I wouldn't know if she's good, or bad, or what.



Not sure I'd use Linde over my Delthea though.

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5 minutes ago, 「Nil」 said:

Also just did the free pull for the Tempest Trials, got myself a Linde for the first time. I know absolutely nothing about her, so I wouldn't know if she's good, or bad, or what.

Linde is blue Nino. I gave her Blarblade+ and she is just as much an engine of destruction, just in a different colour. Aura is... all right, but the effect isn't going to be that helpful.

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I'm pretty envious of the free pulls here, they look neat. Also, @Nil Aura tome stacks with BoL as a skill and seal, so Linde can heal any adjacent ally by 15 each turn. Great for being a Cleric in TT.

1 Blue, 1 Green, 1 Colourless (This sucks, no chance for Ike!)

3* Nino (Well, no 5* free pull club for me. Her nature's not worth it either)

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4 hours ago, DarkLordIvy said:

I managed to save up a grand total of 17 orbs, and they they drop a banner with Soren (and Titania) on it. 

I got a 3* Cecilia, 3* Cherche, 4* Beruka, 3* Nino, and finally 5* Titania!! Yes! Finally I can complete my cav team! Unfortunately she is +def/-spd, but that is an improvement over my current +spd/-atk 4*. I'm just going to slap darting blow on her and let hone cavalry take care of the rest. 

@Rezzy Titania enthusiasm!!


I got a 3* Nino from my free pull.  I think that's the third or fourth freebie in a row that's been a 3* for me.

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Mass summoned, and it really wasn't that exciting, though I did get some notable units. I'll just list the most exciting units here...



Elincia (+Def -Spd)
Brave Roy (+Def -Att)
Nephenee (+Att -HP)
Priscilla (+Res -Spd)
Celica (+Def -HP) x2
Nephenee (+Spd -HP)
Genny (+Def -HP)

Elincia (+HP -Spd

Effie (+Res -Def)

Elincia (+Res -Spd)

Nephenee (+Att -Def)

Leon (+Res -Def)

Elincia (+HP -Def)

Celica (+Att -HP)




Marth (+Spd -HP)

Athena x2 (New Unit) (+Att -Res) (+Def -Res)

Chrom (+Att -HP)

Seth x3 (lots of Fortress Defense)

Tharja (+Spd -Def) (+Att -HP)

Klein (Death Blow fodder)





Hinata x3

Bartre (+Att -Res)

Virion (+Att -HP)

Felicia (+Res -HP)

Cecilia (+Att -Def)


4 Elincias, 3 of them crap and one of them workable, 3 Nephenee past the first one I got, 2 of them are awesome and one of them will be used for SIing Wrath, no Oscars, and even though she wasn't even part of the banner, 3 Celica.

I have to stop for now to make some purchases beyond the world of Askr, but I'm thinking I'll resume when I don't have much else to do.

Edited by Xenomata
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2 reds 3 blues

Free summon on TT was 4* Draug - not much use. Second red 


Was a +spd-atk Ike!

Wow! My first unit merge is about to happen. My other Ike is +def-res. So way better than this one. 4 orbs well spent. Should have picked the other red orb first  in retrospect.

Edited by Prince Endriu
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...I have never felt so undeserving of a free 5 star summon.

Belinda needs then more.

I feel like I'm being a little ungrateful and yet... It feels like I shouldn't be getting things like this when I'm already content with my units while significant other gets the short end of the stick with 3 star free summons.

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Free pull on Tempest Trials banner:


Finally some more TA3 fodder!  Hinoka's been wanting an upgrade, but I think I'll wait and see what the Sacred Coins do before I make any decisions.  If there's even a chance they can be used to upgrade existing skills, I'd rather hold off.

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Well I had saved up 25 orbs and since the TT is coming with the new banner I decided to use them all in the hopes of getting Ike and Soren but no luck.  My free pull was a 4* Erika which is my first one so I was happy about that and my pity rate was lost to a 5* Hawkeye which made my sad but it did save me some feathers which was nice.  I also ended up with some good fodder so not a horrid pull session.  

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Got two colorless orbs when going for my free summon. What the heck, I'll pull both since this is my best chance for Mist. +Spd/-HP Lucius and +Atk/-HP Priscilla. Both new to my collection. Interesting natures too. I think it will be a long long time before I can begin passing out Wrathful Staff, and when I do, Elise is getting it before Priscilla. Still, Priscilla's stats aren't terrible, and troubadours can take advantage of Cav buffs.

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My free summon got me a 3-star Fir. Not necessarily bad, I've been hoping for one with a better boon/bane, so maybe this one'll be... she's +Spd/-Def. That's the exact same as my current Fir. She was Sent Home quickly. Spent another 4 orbs to try for greens, and I got a 3-star Nino. Didn't bother checking her stats, I already have a 4-star +Spd/-Res lined up for promotion, so she'll just be Draw Back fodder.

Alright, scratch that, I just checked, and she's +HP/-Atk. Almost as bad as the +Def/-Atk 3-star I got just a bit ago. Time to return to saving for Ninian again and again as my orbs slowly drain into oblivion Ninian please just return to me and maybe bring Linde too thanks

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11 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Had 8 orbs, did a pull: 3 red stones, one grey, one blue. 4★ Draug, 4★ Tharja, and


Hi there. Spd/Def.

@Arcanite, @SatsumaFSoysoy, @GuiltyLove, who else?

So you were the guy who stole my chance for Ike....  jk

i got another Seliph. Him and Nino are all I seem to get for free summons.... 

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2 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

So you were the guy who stole my chance for Ike....  jk

i got another Seliph. Him and Nino are all I seem to get for free summons.... 

Well, you can certainly do worse than those two for free summons.  Even at bronze tier, Nino can be pretty good.

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