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I'll take the freebie now, and decide later on in the month to pull, mainly because I'd like to build up orbs for if someone like Finn is coming.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Boey (MYBOEY! And he's talking exactly as he would about this. +Def/-Spd, he's not going to be hitting too often sadly. With so many chances now, might as well), 4* Abel (Swordbreaker fodder? +Spd/-Def, I think so when I have +Att already!), 3* Clarine (typical. Of course it's a 3* colourless), 3* Gaius (Again, typical. But he's +Spd, so better than I had), 4* Seth (Stahl 2.0's here! +Spd/-Def, it'll be fine. I hope.)

Couple of new units and swordbreaker fodder's fine for me.

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30 minutes ago, Prince Endriu said:

Havent seen that one! I must admit that only watch dubbed shows, thats how its always been.

Currently watching Golgo 13! Surprisingly entertaining!

The anime is coming in 2018, but the visual novel has been out for a while now. It's on PS4 and maybe on steam aswell (I know I saw the first one on sale there last week). Definitly recommend it ^^.

I'll go check Golgo 13 out aswell then, thanks! :3

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Wow...so long, story short, I have an Android and an iPhone. My iPhone is my real phone, and my Android is old, but I play Heroes on both phones depending on where I am. And I got the orbs on my Android. I guess orbs don't transfer between devices for some reason, and I was left with 5 orbs on my Android. I decided, why not? I'll pull one more time. 

5 Star Rebecca. Colorless hell must be trying to prove me wrong. She's +DEF -HP. I already have a +ATK one at 4 stars I may promote eventually, but that was certainly a huge surprise. 

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After completing every quest related to the new paralogues, I had 15 orbs plus the free summon, unfortunately there was three reds in the first batch so I only summoned the blues. 4* Oscar (Okay why are you here I pulled a 5* you last banner instead of Nephenee ARE YOU REMINDING ME OF THIS OSCAR?!) 3* Corrin (well crap, Draconic Aura fodder at least). Next summoning session, I go for the two greens with my last two summons 3* Arthur (Okay seriously fudge this I hate Arthur) and then 3* Frederick (WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME, WHY DOES THIS GAME HATE ME, THE SPAWN RATE FOR 3* IS ONLY 36 PERCENT, COMPARED TO OVER 50% FOR 4* UNITS, I hate bad rng)

How is everyone managing to get such good summons?

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First Summoning session



Wow, thanks game for giving me a chance to get a focus unit... (at least this was a free pull)

Sniping every colour but red and 70 ish orbs later, I got my rate broken by a dupe Minerva (but now I have Life and Death Fodder) Finished the session and managed to get one of the focuses



Unfortunately, she is +hp/-spd which means that currently all 3 of my dancers are -spd cries 
I'm hoping I'll get Azura and Shigure eventually


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Well Best Girl is in this focus, time to fulfill the ancient covenant by trying to get her.

Initial orb count is 488. End count is 184. Characters I got but didn't have before are Caeda, Maria, Sheena, Clair, Hawkeye, Titania, Soren, Gaius, Tharja, and Hinata.

The five stars I got were:

  • Raven (+RES -HP)
  • Inigo (gotten in the same pull as Raven, +DEF -SPD)
  • Nowi (+HP -SPD)
  • Shigure (+DEF -ATK)
  • The lady of the hour, Azura (+HP -SPD)

I ended up with two focus units in addition to the one I wanted so I consider this a success.

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So here I am going after greens for Azura and . . . I get Brave Ike instead. +HP -Atk.  And then my next pull of greens I get . . . Amelia! +Spd -Def. Of course the game gave me a bunch of Barte's as well as my buddy Soren. And finally about 80 orbs in I got Azura. Yipee! I just love her Dark artwork. Though I really don't need another axe. Seriously, my strongest units are basically Hector and Amelia. At this rate I am going to end up mono green. Though a team of Hector, Black Knight, Amelia and Dark Azura actually doesn't sound too bad.

Anyways she is +Atk -Def, so that is not bad IV wise. And since Inigo is the other one I would really like I have the chance of getting a merge instead. Though 26 orbs probably won't get me much else. Then again I have averaged 1 5* per 25 orbs so far. So maybe?


Edit- Fixed Dark Knight since I meant Black Knight. Though really I would settle for Batman. Also nope, didn't get another 5, darn.

Edited by Usana
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Got Azura on my fourth try. I'm definitely happy, but I didn't realize how much I genuinely wanted a ranged dancer until now.

So, I kept going and got Brave Ike. Much like my second Hector, I have no idea what to do with him. My original Brave Ike has optimal IVs, and unlike Reinhardt, there aren't any really broken shenanigans I can pull with two B!ikes. I could use him for skill fodder, but what unit is worth sacrificing a B!Ike for? Gahhh....

Edit: Lol, wtf? Both @Usana and I got Brave Ike? What are the odds?

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Prince Endriu you poor poor fella!

Dragonlordsd - Yeah I went ahead and merged. And then banged my head because Black Knight may have appreciated Steady Breath more than Brave Ike would 1 more HP and Defense. I could have also thrown Aether at him at the same time for TTs. So yeah, I messed up.

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Nearly used 100 orbs and nothing, not even opening everything that is not red... Just a bunch characters that I can't even use for fooder... Ugh

Oh but you know? My free summon was... A FREAKING 5* LEON!!

Game... Why? If you wanted to give me an archer gimme Innes!!! I already have a 5* Leon!!

Well, since the new one has better stats than my -Def one, I merged them, so now I have a 5*Leon + 1 that is not -Def!! But is +Atk!!!!

I have 176 orbs left, I will keep trying until I end with 100 orbs (I want to keep them for future banners), my rate is 4 right now, I take any of the new ones, actually I take any dancer that is not Red Olivia!! I just want more variety for the Assault maps T-T .

I'm going to take my time summoning, I just... Hope one of them, anyone, arrive plz (or I just get another 5* but plz, be a dancer!!)

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Well I had 82 obs saved for Dancer banner and I used all but 4.  Managed to snag both guys haven't checked their natures but I don't really care since I needed more dancers even if they have bad natures.  I also managed to pull 4* Leon who is a new unit for me and will come in handy for AA, as well as several SI fodder units.  Now to start hording orbs again for when I see more units I want/need.  I may try at the end of this banner for Azura.  Now for "Dance, Dance" training :)

Edited by EricaofRenais
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Such an unlucky day!

Spent over 500 orbs. And all I got is olivia, at least that puts me out of hell. Shigure 2x, dammit kept pulling blues until I realized its not the green one when I got him for the second time. Besides that 5* fae, 5* Lilina and 5*Effi. 

I was sort of expecting something like that but couldnt really stop pulling.

Now I am drowning in 12 ninos ☺. Wanted a +10 nino anyway. So now I can inherit drawback from him and still be good.

Dammit if I had paid for thise orbs I could kick my ass. That would have been 6 games for switch instead of 6 5* units and mostly useless fodder.

But hey, we all know what we are getting into.

Anyway, still got a few story missions and challenges ahead of me and bonus orbs coming my way. Not gonna give up, 30 days to go.

Yep, thats it for today. Dammit.

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Thanks to some orb hoarding, I'm up to 407 units pulled.




I forgot to screenshot one of my pulls.  Oops.

And for boons/banes:


Sheena (+Def/-Atk): Talk about an unfortunate nature.  I'm not sure if an Emerald Axe could fix this. . .
Effie (+Atk/-Spd): PERFECT.  Will merge my other one into her.
Sakura (+Spd/-Atk): PERFECT.  Like Effie, I'll merge my old one into her.
Wrys (+Res/-Atk): Not bad.  May end up merging the old one into him.
Gordin (+Spd/-Atk): It was bound to break at some point.  At least I have Vantage fodder now~!

Laslow (+Res/-Spd): Eh.  At least he makes for good Axebreaker fodder.
Cherche (+Def/-Spd): Not bad, but not quite what I'm looking for.
Wendy (+HP/-Spd): I THINK Hone Armor is a good skill?
Wrys (+Atk/-HP): Luckily, he's great for inheriting skills.
Gaius (+Spd/-Res): He'll ping something twice, but it won't be for much.  I guess this is workable.

Roy (+Spd/-Def): My jaw hit the floor when I saw this. I have a Roy that's +Atk, so I think I'll keep two separate copies of him.  This one really wants Fury.
Hana (+Def/-HP): I guess someone will get Life and Death.
Cherche (+Spd/-HP): Why do you do this to me.
Azura (+Atk/-HP): Screw support, she's gonna go out and gib things.  Not sure if I want to keep TA (which helps her against blues) or use Spd +3 instead.

Got a lot of good boon/bane combos this time around.  Time to get to work~!


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I can't remember how many orbs I spent, but from this banner all I've got is 1 Shigure and 3 Inigos. The struggle for Azura is real. 

Green orbs is the bane of my roll I tell you, I'm drowning in Bartres, Berukas and Freddys. I'm prolly going to pull again at the end of the month until I get the moms T_T

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My free pull was a 5* Catria, which I'm happy about.  Had a 4* version of her leveled up so I merged the two.  I know I said I hate pegasus knights, but if I had to pick one, Catria would be my girl.

Instead of sniping greens, I tried to pull both green and blue, which meant that I didn't get anyone so far, though to be fair I've only spent about 30 orbs? That's all I had, at any rate.

3* Wendy (merged)

4* Pieri (NOOO!!!! sent her straight back)

3* Barst (merged)

3* Donnel (sent away for feathers)

4* Gunter (I only had a 3* of him before, so I merged and upgraded)

I can't be too mad since I still got a 5* out of the whole deal, got a new unit for the catalogue, and upgraded a 3* unit.  Still, I am missing Inigo and Shigure.  Now, I must wait till tomorrow night when the free October month orbs are released so I can go on another summoning series.

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I couldn't resist!!!

I wanted Shigure, but all I got where 3*Donnel, 3*Subakis a 3*Lissa... too much feathers 3 stars!!!

Then I opened a green one...



Thank you game ;u; !! I really wanted another dancer, whoever it was, I wanted Shigure yes, but Azura is freaking good too!!!

Mission succes inded.

She is +Spd -Res

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Alright, I've saved a modest amount of orbs for the next seasonal banner.



First pull

4* Stahl +Atk/-Res. 

3* Donnel +Spd/-HP

4* Camilla +Hp/-Res

3* Arthur +Res/-Spd

5* Rebecca +Hp/-Res

Decent skill fodder. Draw Back, Drag Back, Camilla could become a Brave Axe+ someday. I already have a 5 star Rebecca with a better nature. +Res/-Def, which was bootleg Innes before Innes released. Silver Bow+ is the best she can offer in terms of skills. Seems the best use is merging, but that's super boring. 

Second pull. No reds, score!

5* Inigo +Def/-Spd

3* Sully +Spd/-Res

3* Oboro +Atk/-Spd

4* Lucius +Res/-Def

3* Saizo +Hp/-Res

Nice diamond in the rough. That nature seems rough. Sounds like everybody wants him to be a gronnraven user that counters both Reinhardt and Bow Lyn. Can't make any predictions with regard to the former, but he only avoids the double from Lyn if his Speed is untouched at 33. Still, getting any dancer is honestly a cause to celebrate, even if it's the one I wanted the least.

Third Pull.

3* Gordin +Def/-Spd

3 *Florina +Hp/-Spd

5* Inigo +Res/-Def

4* Tharja +HP/-Res

4* Subaki +Atk/-Spd

And another one. Not sure if this Inigo is superior. Glad to have a 4 star Subaki for once. Tired of promoting him for QR2.

Fourth Pull.

3* A!Tiki +Def/-Atk

3* Laslow Neutral

4* Maria +Def/-HP

4* Azama +Spd/-Res

4* Titania +HP/-Spd

Striking out again on good natures. Wouldn't mind a decent laslow to raise along with Inigo, that'd be fun. Those healers will get merged.

Fifth Pull

3* Laslow +Def/-Atk

3* Palla +Spd/-Res

3* Shanna +Spd-HP

4* Camilla +Atk/-Def

5* Kagero +Spd/-Res

Besides Laslow, these are great natures! Kagero I've been waiting for a good nature, and the game gives me her ready at 5 star which is super lucky.


Wish I could donate my spare Inigo to somebody that needs it. Four 5 stars in 95 orbs is pretty great. I think I'll try to hold off attempting on this banner again until the last few days of it. It's more fun when I can drop a ton of orbs at once, and I will want the other three dancers.

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Did the freebie, and orb summons for the new banner.

Freebie? 4 ? Donnel

Orb summons? 3 ? Beruka and Severa, 4 ? Niles and Hawkeye

Why do you hate me game?

On the topic of the new banner... Does this mean hope for Brady in Heroes in the future?

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Round 86 [Dauntless Crimeans]: Gaius, Matthew, 4* Serra, 4* Frederick, 4* A!Tiki
Round 87 [Dauntless Crimeans]: Shanna, Lon'Qu, Henry, Virion, Beruka
Round 88 [Dauntless Crimeans]: Eliwood, Frederick, F!Corrin, 4* Saizo, 4* Cordelia
Round 89 [Performing Arts]: Draug, Lon'qu, Wrys, Cecilia, 4* Raven

Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)
Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement)

* * * * * * * * * *
75 Orbs, nothing of value. My attempts at getting anyone from Dauntless Crimeans ended in failure and I didn't even get a pity hero for my troubles. A fair amount of these heroes I already have "good natures" for, and the rest are not optimized to my liking.

I also swore there was that "rarity rate" swap for 3* and 4* heroes, and yet it still seems I get plenty of 3* characters instead. RNG is RNG I suppose. (Stop giving me Frederick for greens! I like the guy, but I really, really need Fae for Renewal fodder!)

My Orbs will likely continue being thrown at the Performing Arts banner, until it expires or I get PA!Azura and PA!Olivia. Only time will tell if my luck will change or not.

* * * * *
Past Pulls


Round 1 [Legendary Heroes]: Hana 3* || Hinata 3* || Gunter 3* || Felicia 4* || Sheena 4*
Round 2 [Legendary Heroes]: Jegan 3* || Shanna 3* || Sakura 4* || Cain 5* || Marth 5* 
Round 3 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Lissa || 3* Barte || 4* Roy || 4* Arthur || 5* Camilla 
Round 4 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Jegan || 3* Gwyndolyn || 3* Henry || 4* Sheena || 5* Ryoma
Round 5 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Gunter || 3* Hinata || 3* Sully || 3* Tiki (Adult) || 4* Serra
Round 6 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Shanna || 3* Frederick || 3* Barst || 4* Hinata || 4* Nino
Round 7 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Henry || 3* Jegan || 3* Oboro || 3* Lissa || 4* Arthur
Round 8 [Legendary Heroes]: 3* Henry || 3* Barte || 3* Florina || 3* Niles || 3* Saizo
Round 9 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Serra || 4* Caeda || 4* Caeda || 4* Subaki || 4* Gwendolyn
Round 10 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Selena || 3* Selena || 3* Robin || 3* Henry || 4* Chrom
Round 11 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Gordin || 4* Nowi || 4* Odin || 4* Beruka || 4* Clarine
Round 12 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Subaki || 3* Cherche || 4* Jegan || 4* Chrom || 5* Chrom
Round 13 [Family Bonds]: 3* Cherche || 3* Viron || 4* Jegan || 4* Gwendolyn || 5* Seliph
Round 14 [Family Bonds]: 3* Subaki || 3* Barst || 3* Serra || 3* Arthur || 5* Ephraim
Round 15A [Family Bonds]: 3* Fir || 3* Lon'Qu || 3* Azama || 4* Niles || 4* Serra 
Round 16 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Hana || 4* Marth || 4* Palla || 4* Cherche || 4* Kagero
Round 17 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Azama || 3* Beruka || 3* Frederick || 3* Olivia || 3* Odin
Round 18 [Princesses]: 3* Gordin || 3* Gunter || 4* Palla || 4* Camilla || 5* Erika
Round 19 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Lissa || 3* Oboro ||  3* Viron || 4* Clarine || 4* Hawkeye
Round 20 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* F!Corrin || 3* M!Robin || 4* Marth || 4* Azama || 5* Kagero
Round 21 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Donnel || 3* Beruka || 3* Nino || 4* Draug || 4* Jakob
Round 22 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Gaius || 3* Sophia || 4* Draug || 4* Gunter || 4* Abel
Round 23 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Wrys || 3* Saizo || 4* Jeorge || 4* Viron || 4* Stahl
Round 24 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Sophia || 3* Serra || 4* Erika || 4* Subaki || 4* Jeorge
Round 25 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Setsuna || 3* Selena || 4* Cain || 4* Chrom || 4* Jeorge
Round 26 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* A!Tiki || 3* Azama || 3* Serra|| 4* Maria || 4* Matthew
Round 27 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Florina || 3* Shanna || 3* Palla || 3* Celicia || 4* Beruka
Round 28 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Serra || 3* Lissa || 4* Clarine || 4* Lon'Qu || 4* Selena
Round 29 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Robin || 4* Barst || 4* Eliwood || 4* Nino || 4* Hana
Round 30 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Hinata || 3* Olivia || 3* Selena || 3* Nino || 4* Arthur
Round 30A [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Shanna || 3* Eliwood || 4* Subaki
Round 31 [Spring Festival]: ??? || ??? || 3* Beruka || 4* Tharja || 5* Spring Lucina
Round 32 [Pegasus Knights]: 3* Cecilia || 3* Lissa || 3* Shanna || 5* Peri || 5* Olwen
Round 33 [Spring Festival]: 3* Sophia || 3* Serra || 3* Serra || 4* Saizo || 5* Spring Camilla
Round 34 [World of Shadows]: 3* Oboro || 3* Gunter || 3* Raigh || 4* Barst || 5* Clair
Round 35 [World of Shadows]: 3* Eliwood || 3* Sophia || ???4* Henry??? || 4* Sophia || 4 * Barst
Round 36 [World of Shadows]: Oboro || Selena || Hana || Gaius || 4* Barte
Round 37 [World of Radiance]: 3* Hana || 3* Felicia || 3* Sazio || 3* Sully || 3* Donnel
Round 38 [Hero Fest]: 3* Matthew || 3*Cecilia || 4* Barte || 4* Gwendolyn || 5* Y!Tiki
Round 39 [Hero Fest]: ??? || ??? || ??? || 4* Marth || 4* Stahl
Round 40 [Hero Fest]: 3* Lissa || 3* Florina || 4* A!Tiki || 4* Barte || 4* Palla
Round 41 [World of Radiance]: 3* Lon'Qu || 3* Draug || 3* Jagen || 3* Arthur || 4*Cecilia
Round 42 [World of Radiance]: 3* F!Corrin || 4* Seliph || 4* Hana || 4* Effie || 5* Ike
Round 43 [Rite of Shadows]: 3* Fir || 4* Catria || 4* Barst || 4* Cain || *4* Lilina
Round 44 [Rite of Shadows]: 3* Selena || 3* Fir || 3* Wyrs || 3* Virion || 3* Est
Round 45 [Bridal Blessings]: 3*Sophia || 4* Jagen || 4* Maria || 4* Palla || 5* Sheena
Round 46 [Bridal Blessings]: Hana, Donnel, Beruka, Sophia, Jakob
Round 47 [Bridal Blessings]: ???, Fir, Saizo, 4* Ogma, 4* Tharja
Round 48 [Bridal Blessings]: ???, Palla, Olivia, Barst, Jagen
Fishing 1 [Bridal Blessings]: 5* Jeorge || 5* Bride!Lyn ||  5* Genny
Round 49 [Ylissean Summer]: Raigh, Beruka, 4* Lilina, 4* Selena, 4* Klein
Round 50 [Ylissean Summer]: Azama, Laslow, Barte, 4* Laslow, 4* Ogma
Round 51 [Ylissean Summer]: Clarine, Gaius, Laslow, 4* Jagen, 4* M!Robin
Round 52 [Ylissean Summer]: Est, Barte, M!Robin, 4* Nowi, 4* Lucius
Round 53 [Ylissean Summer]: Setsuna, 4* Seliph, 4* M!Corrin, 4* Cordelia, 4* Lilina
Round 54 [Ylissean Summer]: Florina, Draug, Setsuna, 4* Barte, 4* Raigh
Round 55 [Ylissean Summer]: Subaki, Stahl, Hinata, 4* Adult!Tiki, 5* Summer!Robin
Round 56 [Tempest Trials]: Palla, Gwendolyn, 4* Raigh, 5* Celica, 5* Takumi
Round 57 [Nohrian Summer]: Draug, Wrys, Matthew, Barte, 4* Kagero
Round 58 [Nohrian Summer]: F!Corrin, Gwendolyn, Matthew, 4* Eliwood, 4* Niles
Round 59 [Nohrian Summer]: ???, Cherche, Beruka, Frederick, 4* Nowi
Round 60 [Nohrian Summer]: Niles, Odin, Sazio, 4* Cherche, 4* Matthew
Round 61 [Nohrian Summer]: Hana, Olivia, M!Robin, 4* Klein, 4* Mathilda (Neutral)
Round 62 [Nohrian Summer]: Olivia, Serra, Gunter, 4* Boey, 5* Summer!Leo
Round 63 [Nohrian Summer]: Wrys, Azama, Nino, 4* Chrom, 5* Summer!Xander
Free Unit: Shanna
Round 64 [Nohrian Summer]: Barst, Frederick, Frederick, 4* Clair, 4* Mathilda
Round 65 [Nohrian Summer]: Fir, 4* Cecilia, 4* A!Tiki, 4* Gaius, 4* Camilla
Round 66 [Hero Fest]: Fir, Laslow, 4* Gaius, 4* Athena, 4* Athena
Round 67 [Tempest Trials]: Wyrs, Selena, 4* Virion, 4* Azama, 5* Sonya
Round 68 [Nohrian Summer]: Barst, Olivia, Selena, 4* Lon’Qu, 4* Virion
Round 69 [Sacred World]: Barst, 4* Chrom, 4* Olivia, 4* Jeorge, 4* Cordelia
Round 70 [Nohrian Summer]: Olivia, Arthur, Azama, Felicia, 4* Lukas
Round 71 [Nohrian Summer]: Lissa, Frederick, 4* Clair, 4* Est, 4* Azama
Round 72 [Nohrian Summer]: 4* Sakura, 4* Cecilia, 5* Summer!Xander, 5* Genny, 5* Priscilla
Fishing 2 [Nohrian Summer]: Sully, Odin, Oboro, Oboro, Oboro, 4* Nowi, 4* Abel, 4* Oboro, 4* Mathlida, 4* Effie, 4* Lukas, 4* Reinhardt
Voting Gauntlet Free Units: ???, ???
Choose Your Legend: Lady Lyndis
Round 73 [Brave Heroes]: Oboro, Est, Gwendolyn, 4* Raven, 4* Henry
Round 74 [Brave Heroes]: Matthew, Subaki, 4* Wrys, 4* Wrys, 5* Brave!Ike
Round 75 [Heroes with Threaten Def]: Virion, Hana, Jagen, 4* Draug, 4* Henry
Round 76 [To Die on the Battlefield...]: Felicia, Gunter, 4* Arthur, 4* Nowi, 4* Merric
Round 77 [Ephraim and Erika's Battle]: Olivia, 4* Sophia, 4* Boey, 4* Setsuna, 4* Effie
Round 78 [To Die on the Battlefield...]: Virion, Fir, Niles, Serra, 4* Boey
Round 79 [???]: Palla, Cherche, Cecilia, 4* Athena, 4* Arthur
Round 80 [???]: M!Robin, A!Tiki, Shanna, 4* Nino, 4* Camilla
Round 81 [???]: Gordin, 4* Beruka, 4* Nowi, 4* Lon'qu, 4* Klein
Round 82 [???]: Frederick, Lon'qu, Selena, 4* Abel, 4* Catria
Round 83 [???]: Barte, Frederick, Gordin, 4* Nino, 4* Shanna
Round 84 [???]: Clarine, Fir, Hana, 4* Jagen, 4* Soren
Round 85 [???]: Matthew, Olivia, 4* Lon'Qu, 4* Peri, 4* Raven
Round 86 [Dauntless Crimeans]: Gaius, Matthew, 4* Serra, 4* Frederick, 4* A!Tiki
Round 87 [Dauntless Crimeans]: Shanna, Lon'Qu, Henry, Virion, Beruka
Round 88 [Dauntless Crimeans]: Eliwood, Frederick, F!Corrin, 4* Saizo, 4* Cordelia
Round 89 [Performing Arts]: Draug, Lon'qu, Wrys, Cecilia, 4* Raven

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