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Kind of want another Takumi so I can make a Close Counter mage for funsies. But my free pull was 4* Serra (+HP -ATK). Not bad. She has Recover. And it's slowly becoming a staff I like. I don't mind sacrificing her to another healer since I've already got a +SPD Serra that I'm building. 

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49 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

My free pull was a 4★ Res/Atk Virion. Anna why. I repeat, Res/Atk Virion.

I had to bring you down to my level this time. 4* Niles for me, making for my 3rd free pull that's been 4* and not 3*. I didn't check my IVs, he'll just be Iceberg for somebody.

I wasn't really banking for Takumi so much as a humble 4* Kagero.

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Went colorless for Jaffar (got lucky a while ago and pulled an off-banner Takumi), and got a 4-star Klein! My second one ever, with the first one being sacrificed to Reinhardt a few months ago. +Atk/-Res, which seems pretty solid. I might actually keep him instead of using him as fodder. I don't really care enough about this banner to go for anything else, so I'll be saving my orbs for today, then spending them on either the dancer banner or the new banner coming up soon.

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Death Blow banner was ending, so I thought it would be nice to get a Klein before it ended (we were getting a free summon for the next banner anyway, so 1 sniper should be fine)

Main account- 2 colorless orbs but chose the left one. 3 star Setsuna. Not bad actually for Bowbreaker.

Second account- 1 colorless orb. 5 star Klein!!!! I already have a +Atk Klein from the Battling Lloyd banner, so it's great to have a spare! -Atk/+HP so I have no qualms sacrificing him for either Brave Bow+ or Quick Riposte 3...now the hard part is what to inherit and to whom!!!


So Threaten Speed banner, I don't have either Colourless units, so 1 snipe to colourless hell it is.

Main account: Serra at 3 stars. Meh, quickly merged tomy 3 star +Spd one.

Second account: Saizo at 3 star. Done with this banner.


So since the new banner wasn't that great, I decided to do more pulls on the Dancer banner (the more dancers the better!) More specifically, my second account didn't have any yet, so let's try again!

Second account: I got -Def/+Spd Performing!Olivia in the first colourless orb!!! PERFECT!!!! I then decided to snipe greens for Azura/Inigo but got a few Ravens, and strangely enough, a -Res/+Atk Amelia!?!?!?! Did NOT expect that! Now i have Hector, Black Knight AND Amelia, suddenly my armour team is now super buff! Sadly no more special dancers came, and I didn't want to go down to less than 20 orbs (was 59 at the start of the day), so with Olivia, Amelia and Klein, I think this was a productive and lucky day. +Spd Olivia was icing on the cake though, since between her and my +Spd Ninian last month, all my dancers have been blessed with great natures!

Main account: I already had my Performing!Azura, but I wanted Inigo/Olivia, so I had to split my focus between colourless and green. First colourless immediately after Threaten Speed banner.... -Res/+HP Takumi!?! Okay, wrong focus there buddy but I'm not complaining since now I have a 5 star infantry archer! Sadly none of the other dancers came to me and my I fell into the colourless hell trap in my final summon (4 colourless + 1 blue, I should have exited and looked for more greens). At least there was a Gordin who could give his weapon to Takumi in the future. Others were a Wrys, a Gaius, a Def/+Res Niles which sounds okay actually and a Catria as Luna fodder since I was hoping the 3 orbs would low key be a Shigure for at least another dancer.

Now at 11 orbs on my main and 20 on my second. Some hit and miss pulls but the 5 stars have been very refreshing surprises. Hope the next banner isn't too good so I can try for more dancers.

Edited by mcsilas
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New banner, new summon!

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* Wendy (I don't know what I expected.png)

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Roughly 100 orbs down: 4% pity rate to show for it... (Green snipe, with the odd colourless, if no green's present).

I swear the PA banner gives out hardly any green stones when summoning. I've gotten maybe 7-8 green stones from roughly 19 summons or so. Seems ridiculous.

It's not just me that seems to be getting that luck either. I've seen a lot of people on summon vids rarely get any either.

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My first free pull 5* - Takumi (+Def/-Res). I already have a good archer, but I might just him anyway. His fate depends on if Arvis is an armoured mage or not.

Edited by Zelgius
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19 hours ago, Usana said:

Well I got an Olivia. Atk Bane. Guess she is distant defense fodder. I would like one to actually use(I do like her art), but colorless orbs are by far the rarest to appear for me. Not sure if I want to try for blue. Blue mages are by far one of my most common units.

I have a neutral attack Olivia, and she’s not doing much of anything with her base 28 attack.  Whenever she does attack, it’s to debuff or heal her teammates.  If she has a good boon like speed or res, I’d say you’re better off keeping her. 

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Okay. I caved. I had 41 orbs, and instead of saving until 100 again, I decided to just go ahead and do some pulls because there's a part of me that still wants Olivia, but also a better Azura or Inigo. So I went back in summoning from green and colorless orbs. My spoils:

  • 4* Soren (+DEF -HP) ...still want one that's +SPD. However my +ATK -DEF one has maxed out HM.
  • 3* Clarine (+SPD -RES) YAS. A +SPD Clarine has been on my list of units to get. Perfect.
  • 5* Inigo (+ATK -DEF) *FLAILING* You're not Olivia, but he can replace my +DEF -ATK one. Inigo #2 GET!
  • 3* Clarine (+HP -SPD) DOESN'T MATTER! Because I already got a great one! 
  • 4* Arthur (+RES -ATK) 
  • 4* Nowi (+DEF -HP)
  • 3* Fir (+DEF -ATK) SPD+3 Fodder is always nice.

I have 7 orbs left. But I'm one Inigo happier. :3 Gah. Part of me still really wants Olivia, but I may just say that a second Inigo is a good blessing in disguise. 

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Okay, what is up with my luck?

I decided to pull for Jaffar... Got a load of cruddy 3*'s that I would struggle to use for fodder (Wrys - of whom I have countless 3* and would have been much happier with a 4*, Lissa... I just send her home now. So bored of Lissa, Niles and Virion - one of each, both 3*. Niles would've been welcome at 4). I did get two Felicias and one Matthew at 4*. I was really hoping for Setsuna if I had to have fodder - 3 or 4*...

So, after thirteen pulls, I'm down fifty or so orbs and thinking my luck is gone. Decide to do one last hurrah before coming on here to gripe about it.

...Why, hello Jaffar xD

Not sure on boons/banes, but my luck is odd enough that they'll probably be cruddy. -Atk or -Spd is almost guaranteed. I'm not sure any other banes exist at 5* xD I'm just happy to have him :) Now I only need Eldigan, Gray and Karel, and I will have all the males in the game so far - inc seasonals :D

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My free pull was Frederick...which blows. But I did get Performing Azura in my last chain of summoning from the Performing Arts banner after like...four or five attempts?

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

Close counter vantage moonbow Merric?!?!?!




Dancer banner

I'm pretty sure you can guess the bane AND the boon.

Am I -Atk?  Boon is more variable, +Res?

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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Am I -Atk?  Boon is more variable, +Res?


You win yourself a cookie!

I'm giving her hone cavs anyway because screw the rules.

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